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Why is Scaruffi called a Patrician when he likes Korn? I mean
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Why is Scaruffi called a Patrician when he likes Korn?

I mean he likes some good stuff, but Slipknot and Korn?

Also, the fact that he considers Trout Mask Replica the greatest album ever is a fucking joke
>he dosent like tmr and korn

Lol what a pleb
but the albums on the bottom all are /mu/core shit
OP here

I don't even like half those albums but trying to say Korn is better than any of them is stupid
All that nu-metal is bad but nothing you have below it is much better
Every single one of those ratings is objectively correct
I didn't create this image. Some stuff on it is pretty shit though, like Demon Days
Scarbuffi is a music listener
he ignores lyrics, the band members history, everything they have ever done when listening to their music, and mostly pays attention to skill and innovation
>slipknot 7/10

>it's edgy so it's bad

Nice job letting your personal biases cloud your view of the compositions.
he's just not a fucking tool who gives any album he kinda likes an 8/10 or above.

He gives sensible ratings desu
>He gave Fear Factory and Dream Theater albums 8/10

True patrician

>Meat is Murder-5

What the fuck
No bias here, Slipknot's just fucking terrible
Nu-metal broke much ground when it came out, and it's stilled played by millions today. People will always be inspired by it, Forever.
millions of people do not listen to nu-metal in 2016

And what exactly has it inspired except hot topic and cutting yourself
Slipknot at least had some pretty pulverizing Sepultura-esque swampthrash going on. When I think of the most abominable aspects of nu-metal I think of like linkin park, bizkit and above all fucking Disturbed
>Inb4 "le gimicky maskies"
Yes they do bitchnigga, i know tons of people in Indiana who still rock that shit loud. Stop disagreeing with me or i'll put a price on your head.
Dude Slipknot's first two albums fucking smack, you're all kidding yourselves acting like they don't. Their energy is raw as hell, guitar tone is fantastic, and they don't overdo the samples/scratching. Their live shows back in the day were indescribable.
he cares more for emotion than skill
I don't take scaruffi seriously because of this:
"Safe As Milk (1967) presented their dadaistic take on the blues,"
That was all he had to say about the debut album from Captain Beefheart and His Magic Band. Rate: 9/10.
People are forgetting how good korn used to be when they had the original lineup. Yeah their lyrics were imature and they weren't musical geniuses but their groove was on point and they sounded unique. Their synergy was off the charts. GOAT
Scaruffi doesn't know shit about metal, look up his list on the genre, it's ludicrous. Apart from that, til today, he's objectively right about literally everything, without the slightest exception.
But you have to keep in mind that, contrary to 90% of /mu/, he doesn't like the music he likes in order to be edgy or to define himself as a person, he just tries to be objective with his main emphasis on the impact - artistically, of course, and not commercially - an album had and has.
Korns first album is a masterpiece and slipknots first two albums are amazing. Disregard everything they made after while you listen to these albums a lot of people have a tainted perception of these bands due to growing up when they were releasing poor music.
most people don't listen to slipknot or korn at all because they have no interest in or use for anything remotely like that kind of sound/genre
>all the fucking pleb nu metal apologists in thread
>no really listen to the first ablum their early work wuz gud guisee

Pretty cringey
>Type O Negative
>Royal Trux
>Vampire Rodents
This is bullshit. What impact or innovation have Korn and Slipknot made with their shitty low-brow straight out of the trailer park "compositions"?
>shitty low-brow straight out of the trailer park
You're blinded by irrelevant circumstances and irrelevant connotations. There's no point in arguing with you, sorry.
fucking this

only the most appallingly entry level tourists would consider anything these bands released to be essential entries into their respective genres.

if you maintained an interest in heavy music you would have eventually discovered soilent green and acid bath, and you would bury your face in your hands to know there was a bizarro version of yourself out there still naive enough to preach about how amazing it was that korn had like, an acapella section and a bagpipe.
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I bet you wore tripp jeans in high school
I hate how people say it's beta when you hover hand but then when you touch them people say think you're a pervert. There's no winning.
Agreed, that's why The Doors are a 9/10
>putting your hands on someones back for a photo
literally no one thinks this
acid bath is fucking shit, babbies first sludge
That's what people thought when I grabbed my sister on her wedding. I didn't wanna look like a beta but then I felt like a degenerate.
americans do
>Felt like a degenerate holding your sister

Dude where the fuck are you from?
I never hover hand and I never got called a pervert, where the fuck do you live?
Doesn't make it good
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