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Apple Music vs Spotify
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Which one is better, and which one do you use?

I currently use Spotify, and Tidal for TLOP. I used Google Play Music previously, but it was a bit buggy and I like Spotify's app a bit more.

I'm thinking about trying that three month free membership for Apple Music tho.
streaming is cancer, kill yourself fag
Tbh senpai if I had lots of physical media and didn't have to stream, I would prefer to do that. But I literally have four Muse albums, Hot Fuss, Disintegration, Alice in Chains....and that's about it for physical stuff. I have to stream broseph.

Don't worry ima buy TLOP though

Who said anything about physical media
I know it doesn't have to be physical media, but that's the only stuff I have that I wouldn't have to stream. That's why I listed it. But I don't have shit bro. I have to stream.

I mean, if I were to buy all the songs I have on my Spotify account it would be like fucking $1000
Almost no one on /mu/ streams music. This isn't a good place to ask.
What if I told you there was a way to listen to music without streaming AND without paying?
reminder 320 streaming is the same as 320 downloads

reminder flac is a meme

streaming wins
having the files in local storage to do with what you please wins 2bh

What happens when there is no internet connection?
And what is it you want to do with them?
This is b8 right?
/mu/'s archive
plus a media player

boom, there's all your music
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>when there is no internet connection
>no internet connection
>no internet connection
I have a connection literally everywhere on my phone even in the middle of hickville in the woods
He's probably American. Or Indian.
No why would that be b8. Origin of Symmetry, Absolution, and Black Holes and Revelations are hella good albums. Especially OoS and Absolution.

Muse is my favorite band. Come at me. I'm not going to argue that their music is objectively the best or even great, but it sounds good to me and I like it.

Ok so you have perfect internet connection ANYWHERE you go, and it NEVER EVER drops out even in elevators or subways. So what about data? Do you pay for an unlimited data plan on top of the streaming charges?
>listening to artists whose music is available through streaming services
>still doesn't have a what.cd account

The hardest part about the interview is the waiting part.
I don't pay anything "on top" for the data plan. Unlimited calls, texts & data is only 15 euro.
>Interviewing to join a website
Never ever
you can download albums or playlists or what not from spotify to listen to offline, and then undownload them again
it actually saves a lot of space on your phone
>listening to music on your phone
>Unlimited calls, texts & data is only 15 euro
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I pay 30 dollars for unlimited text and data
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>Origin of Symmetry, Absolution, and Black Holes and Revelations are hella good albums
>Muse is my favorite band.
But that's illegal
yeah I mean that's what they call it

you can still listen to it online, it's only to make room on the phone
>128GB sd card + 32GB internal storage
I listen in glorious flac all the time. And I have so much music on my phone. It's amazing.
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>that's what they call it
Wow, someone likes different music than me and is trying to set out some bait.

Like I said, sure, Muse may not be objectively good, though I believe at least OoS and Absolution are very good albums. But I like them.

I guess I'll only talk about music /mu/ likes on here though. I'm listening to Cherry-coloured Funk right now by the Cocteau Twins. Vapour Trail by Ride is on next. Am I cool now?
120GB of flacs is not a lot
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>Wow, someone likes different music than me and is trying to set out some bait.
Dude, you can't be older than 15.
Muse are a wannabe Radiohead, it's so blatantly clear in their music. Their debut is ripped straight from The Bends/OKC, then they see what Radiohead did with Kid A and try to go "experimental" and "prog", but they just end up going one step forward and two steps backward. They keep trying at this for 2 more albums and the same results occur. No matter how hard they try they will always be a shitty version of Radiohead.

And both of those bands are babby's first dream pop/shoegaze, I'm not even big on either genre but those two are seriously entry level.
>Am I cool now?
i only download albums that aren't availabale on spotify

>babby's first dream pop/shoegaze


>I'm not even big on either genre

Yeah it really seems that way
Both artists are on the list of albums I'd recommend if someone said "hey what are some albums I should listen to if I want to get into dream pop and shoegaze". They're the most entry level in the genre, along with MBV, Fishmans' later work and Slowdive.
Yeah bro I just found out about shoegaze like a week ago. I'm not trying to pretend I'm some dude that knows a lot about music. I don't play any instruments, I just wanted to see what you guys thought of Apple Music vs Spotify.

And yeah I get the comparisons to Radiohead. I haven't really listened to Radiohead too much, just like Creep and Paranoid Android and Karma Police. I mean they're good, but I like Muse more since they're music, I don't know, rocks harder. I mean all the radiohead songs I've heard are all sad sounding with some sad weak backgrounds. Nothing like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BlKW77GS8Jg or this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bNnekk2_Yk.

I don't know maybe my musical taste sucks dick, but that's how I feel. And I'm in college btw so not 15.
I mean sure, after like OoS and Absolution, the lyrics kinda went to shit and I can't relate to any of the songs, but the instruments still sound sick.
As far as music that I would listen to in the car or walking around, it's plenty. My home listening, on the other hand, is much more diverse 160GB could never be enough.
>tfw 1TB hard drive I bought before what.cd now has 70MB left on it and I need to buy a new one.
>tfw it's all music.
I don't care what anyone says, The Resistance was badass. Undisclosed desires, United States of eurasia, I belong to you, the exogenesis suite. So fucking good.

I could kinda understand if you meant The Bends but apart from that album what is dream pop/shoegaze about Radiohead and, especially, Muse?
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Thanks man...feels good to see someone else feels to same way.

Please show me a tune by Muse that even sounds slightly like dream pop or shoegaze
People are just haters.
He's talking about when I said Cocteau Twins - Cherry-coloured Funk and Ride - Vapour Trail.

Well that makes more sense

Disregard me I'm an idiot
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>Yeah bro I just found out about shoegaze like a week ago. I'm not trying to pretend I'm some dude that knows a lot about music. I don't play any instruments, I just wanted to see what you guys thought of Apple Music vs Spotify.
And you decided to brag about your fucking Muse CD collection. Congratulations, you're the definition of cringe.
>I haven't really listened to Radiohead too much, just like Creep and Paranoid Android and Karma Police. I mean they're good, but I like Muse more since they're music, I don't know, rocks harder.
Holy fuck is this like your first day here or some shit? Neo-/mu/ everybody.
>I mean all the radiohead songs I've heard are all sad sounding with some sad weak backgrounds.
>listens to creep once
Stop posting and go back to /r/eddit
And what's with the stupid fucking giant image of the Statue of Liberty. Are all Amerifats this stupid?

>so fucking good
Are you the Muse version of pic related?

Muse fans everybody
Apparently you lot are so underage you can't even comprehend basic english.
>am I the muse version of pic related
Not really, I just like the music because I like it. Sorry if me liking things offends you.
>Sorry if me liking things offends you.
Holy mother of fedoras, how many first-dayers are there in this thread?
How stupid are you bro? Brag about my Muse CD collection? I said I had three Muse CDs, among the other CDs I listed. That's not bragging.

>Holy fuck is this like your first day here or some shit?

I mean no, I just normally don't post. What's wrong with liking a band because they rock harder?

>listens to creep once
I mean I've heard it more than once, I'm just saying all the Radiohead songs sound pussy af. Creep, No Surprises or whatever it's called. Literally pussy music right there about being a loser and killing yourself. Do yourself a favor and fuck off.
use spotify
torrent anything not on spotify
put the torrents into your spotify library and now you can listen to it anywhere
stick with google play music desu senpai
>How stupid are you bro?
>are you bro?
Holy shit leave and never come back.

>I mean no, I just normally don't post. What's wrong with liking a band because they rock harder?
See: Dream Theater, every deathcore band ever, every slam death metal band ever, Guns 'n Roses, current day Metallica, Aerosmith, every glam metal band ever, every Sleep knockoff ever, every Kyuss/QOTSA knockoff ever, etc.
"Rocking harder" is the worst excuse I've ever seen for anyone liking anything on this board.

>I mean I've heard it more than once, I'm just saying all the Radiohead songs sound pussy af. Creep, No Surprises or whatever it's called. Literally pussy music right there about being a loser and killing yourself. Do yourself a favor and fuck off.
Jesus go back to Twitter
Ayy lmao shit comebacks bro. You don't like hearing the word bro huh? Probably cause you got bullied in school cause you were a little bitch, and that's why you listen to Creep and No Surprises and pussy shit like that.

>See: Dream Theater...etc
All those bands literally blow fucking dick. I don't even know why you brought them up. I like Muse's guitar riffs and bass lines and shit. Nbd. I like a shit ton of other bands too, some who have songs that I like more than any Muse song. I just like Muse, the band, as a whole, the most.

>Go back to twitter.
Aight man, whatever you say.
>Ayy lmao shit comebacks bro. You don't like hearing the word bro huh? Probably cause you got bullied in school cause you were a little bitch, and that's why you listen to Creep and No Surprises and pussy shit like that.
You say the word "pussy" more than Young Thug does. Stop, you're embarrassing yourself and everyone around you, including me for actually bothering to respond to your shitty underage b8.

>All those bands literally blow fucking dick
I'm glad you realized.
But oh no, they rock even harder than Muse. For fuck's sake they're beyond rock, they're metal. Where's your shitty justification now?
>I like Muse's guitar riffs and bass lines and shit
You mean the ones they stole straight from every 60s-70s prog/hard rock band?
>I like a shit ton of other bands too, some who have songs that I like more than any Muse song
>he thinks individual songs actually matter
>he doesn't look at the album as a whole
Whatever go back to listening to Drones, if that makes you popular on 9GAG then do as you please.
I say what comes to my mind. underage maybe if I was posting four years ago.

>Rock harder than Muse.
Not really a fan of metal, just because something "rocks harder" doesn't mean it's better. I just happen to like the way Muse rock's harder than Radiohead, and how they sound while doing it. You can show me death metal I dont' give a fuck if they rock harder if it sounds like shit. Muse rocks harder but doesn't sound like shit.
>Stole from bands
I don't fucking know if they stole it how the fuck would I know that.
>Doesn't look at the album as a whole.
What the fuck i listen to tons of albums all the way through. If we're going on that then I'd probably like The Cure or New Order the most. I'm just saying, Muse has the most songs I like. I'd probably say The Cure has my favorite album, Disintegration. However, The Cure isn't my favorite band.
I'm not a normal fag that pays for streaming.
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stop fighting guys and vote
>underage maybe if I was posting four years ago.
Yeah but you're still underage now you fucking 15 year old.

>Not really a fan of metal, just because something "rocks harder" doesn't mean it's better.
But that's exactly what you were saying just now you retard.
>"but I like Muse more since they're music, I don't know, rocks harder."
I knew Muse fans were all ADHD autists but damn, you're doing more than just confirming that.

>don't fucking know if they stole it how the fuck would I know that.
By not being an entry level faggot, that's how

>new order
>"oh yeah radiohead are pussy shit but new order are ok lmao"
Tumblr everybody.

I've heard Amazon music is pretty good as well OP.

Spotify will always reign supreme though, unless you're like 15 and can't afford a subscription, so you horde shitty music like a fucking squirrel, only to have it all destroyed in the house fire caused by your overworked, overactive and pointless external hard drive. Then your family blames you for the fire, the fire dept investigate the fire and find out it was your hard drive, the police analyse it and find out you've been illegally downloading music and then you go to prison to be shanked.
All because you couldn't pay for a subscription.
the results are in: Muse sucks indeed
Listen man. What I mean isn't that Muse is automatically better because they "rock harder," that alone doesn't make it better. I like the way they SOUND WHILE rocking harder. I mean sure, you could show me a death metal band that rocks harder than Muse, but if it sounds shit then I don't care.

The whole thing I'm getting at is Muse still sounds good while rocking harder.

I like Radiohead. I like Muse more. Not necessarily because they "rock harder" but that is part of it, but mostly because I like how the instruments and shit SOUND BETTER.

I mean fuck I can listen to soft music, I'm listening to Beach House - Space Song as I type this.

Why do you keep bringing up Tumblr and shit, no one is even talking about it I've never even had an account there.
Yeah apparently my music taste sucks, idc. jk questioning my entire life right now
>questioning my entire life right now
as you should
>Listen man. What I mean isn't that Muse is automatically better because they "rock harder," that alone doesn't make it better. I like the way they SOUND WHILE rocking harder. I mean sure, you could show me a death metal band that rocks harder than Muse, but if it sounds shit then I don't care.
But your argument not too long ago was that Muse are better than Radiohead because they rock harder. Way to change your words faggot.

>but mostly because I like how the instruments and shit SOUND BETTER.
So your definition of "sound better" is blatantly overproduced, derivative garbage that rips off earlier bands, many of which while not very good are infinitely better that Muse? Ok.
Wanna hear where Muse got their entire career from?
It's a fantastic song but it's starting to suffer from Godspeed syndrome.

>I mean fuck I can listen to soft music, I'm listening to Beach House - Space Song as I type this.
Apparently your definition of "soft music" is babby's first dream pop and shoegaze.

>Why do you keep bringing up Tumblr and shit, no one is even talking about it I've never even had an account there.
Neo/mu/ everybody

Please be a meme
>normal fag
I miss old /mu/

Spotify just has the most technological integration out of all of them and it just works really well, you can make a nice playlist and just have it ready for going out on a journey.

I used to download music all the time but its such a fucking hassle and unlike the anon above I actually have a life and don't sit on my computer all day watching anime girls for hours while listening to some vapid shit like Coil.
No wonder my plans with that girl fell through and I ate dinner alone tonight. It's all Muse's fault.
Oh fuck Muse sounds exactly like that song.

>babby's first
What's even wrong with that? I mean, I have to find out about it some how. Stop acting like because it's slightly more popular than the rest, it's worse than the rest you hipster faggot.
Fucking weird single minded agenda against this one anon man.

Muse and Radiohead are fucking shite but I'd honestly rather listen to Muse than have Thom wailing in my ear for hours on end. And at least Muse put some energy into their music, the last Radiohead album that didn't feel like wall to wail wailfest was HTTT and that was over ten years ago.

>Neo/mu/ everybody
Cringe af
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>streaming is now acceptable on /mu/
>Oh fuck Muse sounds exactly like that song.
OKC was release in 1997. Showbiz came out in '99.
There you go.

>What's even wrong with that?
Nothing other than the fact you keep toting these bands around like they're obscure.
I mean, Cocteau Twins are a great post-punk/dream pop duo but by no means would I ever use them when bragging about my taste.

>HTTT was his favorite album
>"oh yeah man HTTT wasn't a wailfest like their other albums"
HTTT was their whiniest album mind you.

This whole thread is suitable material for a cringe thread.
Well, I mean to the general public I'm pretty sure 99% don't know who the fuck Cocteau twins are. I only say them because you make it sound like I only listen to "generic shit" but I also listen to some other stuff I see people talking about on here a lot.
guys should i purchase music on google play or itunes?
You're a fucking idiot if you don't.

You're actually wasting time and energy on a collection of music that is just data. If it's not on spotify then download all you want but unless you don't have any income or you all you do all day is sit at your computer on /mu/, you should get spotify and stop wasting your time with /mu/'s stupid idea of how to listen to music.

>HTTT was his favorite album
I don't like Radiohead.

>This whole thread is suitable material for a cringe thread.
You're right for the wrong reasons though.
You honestly sound autistic in every one of your posts, declaring in every post
>buzzword here everybody
like anybody gives a shit what you have to say
stop posting and go outside
Ding ding ding
>Well, I mean to the general public
You realize this isn't reddit right?
/mu/ isn't the fucking "general public", if not we'd all be listening to Top 40 garbage (although as of recent poptimism has really taken off on this board).
>I'm pretty sure 99% don't know who the fuck Cocteau twins are
No shit, there's a reason why this is /mu/ and not reddit.
>I only say them because you make it sound like I only listen to "generic shit" but I also listen to some other stuff I see people talking about on here a lot.
It's not generic by any means but like I said if you genuinely think that you can tote your taste around here by namedropping Ride you're dead wrong.
>You honestly sound autistic in every one of your posts, declaring in every post
Nice buzzword friendo
>like anybody gives a shit what you have to say
>stop posting and go outside
The same could apply to you, retard.
Go back to /r/eddit, defending mentally ill people is more tolerated there.

Samefagging so painfully hard.
Well I don't mean to name drop it. I'm just pretty much saying I also listen to that so I can't be a complete fuck up like you seem to want to make me out to be.
Dude you need to get off /mu/ altogether if you think there's a point in berating people who listen to muse when you listen to Radiohead.

And I know the autist meme but you do genuinely sound like you have a social or learning disability.

I'm leaving now because I have a life but please stop posting and go outside or masturbate or whatever yo need to do to understand that you sound like a child in this thread.
i don't want to pay for music, I want to listen to music spotify doesn't have, and i don't want ads interrupting my music
theres an easy solution to this
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whats wrong with radiohead?
read more of these posts and really, I would go back to lurking for a while if I were you
BTW guy since you seem so smart. Can you tell me what Genre these few songs would be?

The Cure - Disintegration

New Order - Blue Monday/Age of Consent

Muse - Glorious (My favorite song bud, listen to it without preconceived notions. Lyrics make me happy)
>I'm just pretty much saying I also listen to that so I can't be a complete fuck up like you seem to want to make me out to be.
You realize that I'm only insulting a portion of your taste, specifically the portion that likes Muse, right?

>Dude you need to get off /mu/ altogether if you think there's a point in berating people who listen to muse when you listen to Radiohead.
>"stop liking what I don't like!"
>And I know the autist meme but you do genuinely sound like you have a social or learning disability.
If it makes you happy I have Aspergers and mild ADHD. Pretty much everyone who browses /mu/ has either though, if you're on this site and you genuinely believe you aren't by default autistic you're delusional as hell.
>I'm leaving now because I have a life but please stop posting and go outside or masturbate or whatever yo need to do to understand that you sound like a child in this thread.
Ok. Ima keep liking Muse cause Ima do me. But I see what you mean now that you posted that one Radiohead song. I think that resembles their earlier stuff, but Absolution sounds pretty different.
Or you could just not be a jew, and actually buy/stream music
i think you're pretty off with the autism bit at least on this board
definitely at a higher rate but its not most people

Gothic rock and post-punk.

Post-punk, shitty post-punk that is.

Radio "alt-rock" with some elements of prog.

Like I said, they've tried multiple times to move away from their Radiohead-ripoff sound. The Resistance was their biggest jump from that, although they just moved on from copying Radiohead to copying Queen.

Maybe saying "pretty much everyone" was hyperbole, I'd say about 40-50% of /mu/tants have some sort of autism.
Okay, I guess I'll try to find some other stuff I like from Post-punk that are similar to New Order and The Cure.

I don't really dig New Order but at least they have their own original sound.
The Cure are pretty decent though, there's lots of good shit in post-punk so I'm sure you'll have fun exploring in the genre.

Wat up latvian homie, I'm thinking of getting unlimited data plan and Probably gonna switch to this or lmt's neatkarība
99.9% of that money goes to the label and streaming service

if you want to support an artist, go see them live or figure out if you can buy merchant in a way that actually benefits them
i mean 99.9% with streaming by the way
with a normal release it probably around 75%
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