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what does "good taste" entail?
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Is it to the amount of relatively obscure and/or inaccessible music you listen to?

Is it how much music you know, covering divergent genres?

Is it knowing what to play for the average person? Knowing what different people would be into?

Is it being an eclectic listener?

Help me, familia
not listening to shit music
How much you can justify why you like what you like.
The only way you can justify it is that you like listening to it or find it interesting. Anything else is BS.
Good taste entails that you like good music, and you like it for the music (songwriting/composition) not some shallow bullshit like how obscure it is or how inaccessible it is. The popularity/obscurity of the music has nothing to do with the actual qualities of the music itself, and depending on what part of the world you come from something totally inaccessible to one person can easily be accessible to another making it also be something that doesn't matter.
Good taste is subjective to a extent.
If you are going out and buying blood on the dance floor albums and thinking you have good taste than you might be wrong.

But really listening to music because someone tells you that your taste is shit is stupid. Listen to what you like or try to expand your tastes by listening to more shit.
It means you like what I like, otherwise you have a shit taste
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>what does "good taste" entail?

Being a jackal and a scavenger. Tirelessly.
Au Rebours nice

to me, good taste means ANY of the above

1. Listening to tough shit and legitmately enjoying it
2. either knowing and appreciating a huge variety of music or
3. having intense specialization in a certain field
(i prefer jack of all-trades people personally)
4. Knowing how to adapt your taste to a situation and apply deeper level music recommendations to fans of a certain band or sound (telling someone into Modest Mouse about Built to Spill or Slint or something)

oh also you CAN'T be a dick to others about taste
"Good taste" is completely subjective, the criteria we have for evaluating art is made up

This is the final answer
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>oh also you CAN'T be a dick to others about taste

This. In real life I would never go out of my way to make someone feel stupid or lacking in taste and I would never go out of my way to talk about my own with too much hubris either.

It's vain and petty and frankly a mark of a lesser character.
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