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who's the GOAT female rapper
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who's the GOAT female rapper
Greatest of all time? My vote would go to Lauryn Hill. That being said, she loses some points for being a horrible racist.
pic better be fucking unrealted
All of them suck.

Missy elliot
Dessa is the only female rapper worth listening to.
Not her that's for sure

Gangsta Boo probably
i can't believe that's a real person
Lauryn HIll

thats it.
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if she can be counted as hip hop or a rapper
Missy Elliot

overrated garbage
god shes fat
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she always has seemed to base her look on being an overdone caricature

rap fans seem to like that, the more overdone and simplistic the better
Azealia Banks
>That being said, she loses some points for being a horrible racist.

Shut up, Eminem
Jean Grae by FAR

No other female rapper even holds a candle to her, Dessa comes close-ish though.
yeah, put that white boy in his place
Shawnna followed by Gangsta Boo
Roxanne Shanté
Azealia Banks, that fact that she's a total cunt makes me love her even more.
her rapping is mediocre though
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Forgot to add Angel Davanport to the list
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Lady Saw

pick one
Naw, she has some good flow and she knows how to spit bars.

Too bad she can't be a battle rapper.
Jean Grae
her flow is monotonous as fuck
Kate Tempest
Checking my own get to say I just found out the woman who wrote stuff like this has just got baptised and become a minister.

From Spragga turn rass mi nuh get nih back shot
Meck mi drape up yo cockey and bruise up the top
Mi have a new fuck fi drop it name tight pussy watch
You a go watch out mi hole like a toilet squash
Mi pussy smell good, you a go tell mi
Mi pussy feel good, you a go tell mi
Mi pusy real good, you a go tell mi
Spend pon mi pussy bwoy tell mi
'212' and 'Gimme a Chance' and 'Yung Rapunxel' are the only ones I can think off the top of my head that really aren't


>believing every piece of verbal diarrhea that comes out of /pol/'s mouth
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