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/shugazi/ - Shoegaze (Dream Pop, Noise Pop, and Blackgaze) General
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Who else has listened to this album? One of the best first listens for me. It was seriously incredible the first time, but I didn't really feel the need to replay it much.

The Cherry Wave - Avalancher
>Shoegaze, Noise Rock,


get hyped senpai
What is essential noisecore
What, like tokyo anal dynamite type noisecore?
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Looking for an album that combines surface shoegaze and postrock (gybe) elements together.
Yume Bitsu - s/t
Ghost Bath.
What are you guys listening to right now?

I'm playing Ceremony's album Disappear. It's quite moody.
love the album, still listen to i quite often. i turn it off before the end of fuzzthrower though
Has anyone listened to Alison's Halo?
Prob my favorite band of all

Good stuff. Eye Dazzler is a good album.
But that's like the best part?
nah, suncrushed is. i understand the aesthetic point of the end of fuzzthrower as the last track, but it crosses the threshold of listening to just noise for me.
Has anyone?

It's been a staple album since these threads appeared. Eyedazzler has no bad songs.
Too bad all the songs blend into each other so much.
It's not that uncommon in the genre tho.

Glad you enjoyed it.
Is it bad if it's all the same song even if it has no bad songs?
Most unique voice in shoegaze
anyone have a chart for some beginner shoegaze? or can anyone rec me essential stuff
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got you famm
thx bb
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thank you!!! really getting into shoegaze after jamming to spiritualized and mbv and was sadden after the fact i realized i couldnt find any other music that sounded like this
havent seen this one before, ty

So I wanna make some shoegaze type stuff and I'm trying to figure out how to make a recording sound good and I'm pretty pleased with how the guitars sound, but I'm not into the drum recording. I'm just looking for a second opinion, this isn't a song or anything just kind of a recording test.
I like how both the dreamy and noisy aspects come out in the guitar. But I kind of have to agree with oyu about the drums. It sounds like someone is just banging on a door.
Thanks man I appreciate it, I posted it last thread and got no responses.
Hey guys what's that shoegaze band that sounds just like a try hard copy band of MBV?
There was a new band that practically ripped 2 MBV songs off almost. Stolen bass lines with one note changed for example. Forgot the name though.
They good though.
No it has a girl as the lead singer I THINK the name is star something idk I COULD BE WRONG!!!!
Found it guys!!! It's Ringo deathstarr
hey, but ringo > MBV
its a fact
What shoegaze has the best drums? I know Ride, Les Discrets, and Chapterhouse has that, what else?
Lift To Experience- The Texas-Jerusalem Crossroads
post-punk and/or jangly recs pls

also my fav local band just released an EP if anyone would be interested in that. gothy kinda surfy post-punk
Lloyd Cole and the Commotions https://youtu.be/DEJaf8Bvc9U
woah there
interesting fact

guitarist from this band runs guitargeek.com and pretty much invented this whole thing
Pale Saints
Thanks man, they're cool.
Is there any more??
If you like the uptempo frantic sorta drumming like Isn't Anything than check out Luminous Orange

Love the Calendar ep and have for a long time
shoegaze tune i'm working on

Thanks, Japanese shoegaze is usually reliable upbeat and high-energy.
Luminous Orange and Ecstasy of Saint Theresa
No problem dude.
Not gonna lie it sounds pretty good.
Here's a song for you guys
i like it anon
is Plastic Tree shoegaze?
If so, which subgenre does it fall into?
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These are two shoegaze releases from 2015 I totally missed. What does everyone else think of them?

>Helen - The Original Faces (2015)
Sample: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=apaARRr00Uw
Link: http://www77.zippyshare.com/v/u3a3QNfw/file.html

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>Woody Grant - Schizo Spectrum Superstar (2015)
Sample: https://woodygrant.bandcamp.com/track/fluorescences-stereolab-2 (stereolab cover)
Link: http://www71.zippyshare.com/v/pfY72jGy/file.html
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their noise pop cover of, "The Supreme's - You Can't Hurry Love" is fun

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Does someone have this album? I remember it was pretty cool dream pop from a peruvian bandcamp. I had it on my HDD but my notebook died and he erased his bandcamp.
It was something like Dreams Never End. Please post it if you have it, i loved that release.
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narcotic rock / dream pop / experimental

experimental / shoegaze / ambient / dsbm
Great album, only discovered it from TMT's year-end list though. Liz Harris can do no wrong.

This guy posts in bandcamp threads, I don't think he's very good at what he does. It's an indulgent mess. Restraint is a good thing to have.
I haven't listened to them much at all.
The one I was thinking of literally stole a bass line or 2, I think they used the bassline from "Thorn", it was off of an EP. It was a smaller bandcamp release, maybe 5-6 songs. Not bad sounding, just way too derivative.
This is pretty good.
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Is it blasphemy if I like Elizabeth Color Wheel as much as Don't Ask Why?
I don't even remember what don't ask why sounds like but I remember what elizabeth color wheel sounds like.
Here's some cool post-punk tinged shoegaze from Lebanon that's worth a listen

I meant Israel, not Lebanon
It has such a comfy lofi indie sound
fucking jealous. that sounds awesome

God damn man, good job
Been meaning to download that. I'll probably do it when I get my computer working again.
this is some good shit
You got a bandcamp or anything?
Fucking good man, please let us know if you have bandcamp or soundcloud or whatever shit where you upload your music. I really want to hear more of your stuff


recently bought cd's by these two bands. Does anyone here know them? Im loving them already
these girls i know started a band recently

Blue Crime - TYR
>psych rock, shoegaze, dreampop, "moonpop"
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forgot cover
Doesn't matter as long as you believe Tone Bender is the best.
Oh my god this is brilliant.
Is there anything else like this where 50's pop is combined with genres like this?
Check out Ariel - The Battle of Sealand. Great drummer. He's also the drummer in Lightfoils but that's barely a shoegaze band.

Also try Medicine - The Buried Life. Noise pop thats heavy on the rhythm section
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I'm waiting until the vinyl comes in the mail to listen to it. Is it good?
pic related
dude im pumped as fuck to listen to this. need to get some mushrooms before i do though
Noise pop in general often has a bit of a 50s or 60s throwback sound, whether it's the influence of 60s psych or pop from the 50s or 60s. I'm not sure how to get you a sound just like Woody's cover but I would check out Black Tambourine which sounds like old school pop with a thick layer of guitar fuzz, or Ceremony, particularly their Distance album, which I would say also has kind of a 60s pop/punk vibe along with the obvious shoegaze. Otherwise you're gonna have to go for the new wave of surf/garage rock which definitely pulls from 50s pop (See Peach Kelli Pop, many other Burger Records artists and California girl groups)
Thanks, I'll check Black Tambourine out.
It's very very good but on on the same level as the first.
how come did I lived so much time not acknowledging how amazing and good sound shoegaze is? happy that I finally clicked with it
>how come did I lived so much time not acknowledging how amazing and good sound shoegaze is?
cause no one outside of shugazi really does
Come on, i really need to listen to this album again ;_;
holy shit yes
Nah, shugazi is practically normiecore these days. Bands like DIIV and Title Fight and Deafheaven are bringing wider audiences to the genre. Hell, 6 or 7 years ago Asobi Seksu was introduced to me by a guy whose favorite band was Sum 41. All these classic shoegaze bands are reuniting lately because there's money to be made from all the indie kids that are looking for alternative-to-alternative subcultural hooks to hang their identity on, and shoegaze is an easy place for their money to land because a lot of it's it's actually really good.
my towns college station plays slowdive and beach house sometimes.
it also sux because it's become extremely hard to make new music in the genre and not just be "bandcamp core"
no you just have to not make bandcampcore
Is Sea of Trees the only good Spectres track?
Fuck no but it is the best,
Yo dudes what's the best Ceremony album?
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This is fucking great. Anything else that combines noise and shoegaze as perfectly as this?
The Goslings
Grandeur of Hair is their best but Occasion and the other one that I can't remember the name of are also good
I'm assuming >>61854458 was meant for >>61853785
Shit. Meant to reply
My favorite so far is the Birds EP

As for best full album...I'm still partial to Rocket Fire.

Distance was good and a nice change of pace but some of the guitar tones on Rocket Fire were siiiiick. That feedback on 'Don't Leave Me Behind'....
For me it's the Birds EP and Distance. I'm into that more lo fi sound.
The Goslings are the best shoegaze band ever.
Between the Dead
Care to post a dl link?
Pretty listenable.
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