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are alt-j worth ch-checking out?
my cousin's friend liked them

he sounds like popeye having a stroke on his song "left hands free"
is this some old meme?

If not, they're worth keeping in mind for when that blue haired tumblr qt is around
Hunger of the Pine is dope. Choice Kingdom is kind of cool. Literally everything else they've done is shit.
yaa i like them a lot tbhh
My girlfriend's little sister is really into them so I tried to get into them in order to have something to talk about with her but couldn't manage it.
but srsly tho OP Alt-J has many redeeming values
File: image.jpg (21 KB, 400x266) Image search: [Google]
21 KB, 400x266
In my butt can you put it in my butt
I Like them but literally the only thing worthwhile they have is Bloodflood 1&2.
You're about four years too late for this question to be even worth discussing.

Short answer: No.
>implying that doesn't sound good
how simple something is to make means shit when it sounds good. look at vaporwave
That album is a decent 6 or 7/10, so make of that what you will
Every Other Freckle is a great song.
Fight me
if you have to ask, no
Yas mane do it
didn't mean to imply anything or offend anyone, just thought this video was funny. I can dig alt-j
Fuck no.
Do you like Adam Sandler?
Thread replies: 21
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