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Lo-fi is one of the worst things to happen to music. Intentionally
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Lo-fi is one of the worst things to happen to music.

Intentionally making music quality worse is the most retarded thing I've heard of, I also find it funny when people download flac and 320 kbps mp3s for lo-fi music. Do you want good quality or bad? Choose retards
drop your fucking TRIP if you're going to SHITPOST
> have a disagree with something
>call it a shit post

Great logic.
most of lo-fi happens cause artist dont have money, you would know that if u would bother to do a 2 minute wikipedia search instead of trying to be edgy by shitposting random shit
>artists spend 100s to 1000s in guitars, synths, drum kits, and more
>can't afford $100 mic
I agree with this.

right. because Michael Cera couldn't afford anything better. I don't buy that, that the suburban middle class can't afford any better quality. you're deluding yourself if you believe that.
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The lo-fi holy grail

Prove me wrong
It is fucking stupid.
lo-fi often gives the music that comfy crunchy feel
it works in some cases, and better with certain instruments, but it's really played out.
That's fucking gay
Bee Thousand does it well imo. Short songs, long tracklist, pop hooks and lo-fi production go perfectly well together. It's like if a friend of yours gave you his band's basement-recorded demo CD and it was one of the best things you had ever heard.
except it (lofi) sounds like every friend I have has given me one and compared to all of them, it's not the best. they're all more of the same.
Or you could be grow up and use good audio equipment so you aren't a hipster faggot the rest of your life who values unrefined skills and methods because it's "unique, original and retro". "Ben Thousand" More like there's Ben a Thousand dicks in his ass
why do you care? if you don't like it, save yourself the irritation and don't fuck with it. i can only imagine what other dumb shit you get mad about for no reason
this post reeks of "failed musician" btw
>have a shit post
>imply it's an opinion
Actually made me laugh
Neo /mu/ is shit
Lol why because I think being shitty on purpose is a stupid hipster philosophy in place to make being bad at things more acceptable so hipsters don't have to push to refine their skills and methods to a professional level?

the bitterness only supports my point
Lo-fi just means "low tech" it doesn't mean it intentionally sounds lower quality, and many will maintain that analog sounds even better than digital despite the recording flaws.
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>a post with the phrase "hipster faggot" ever getting positive points on reddit

Lol I play live weekly, I just went to too many college basement shows where a hipster or a hipster band would get on stage and suck, thinking it was cool and innovative or even anything above mediocre.
He's clearly talking about before it became simply an aesthetic, like in the 90's when cassette tapes were everywhere and so were tape recorders. In the current years, there really is no reason to be lofi unless you are actually poor. A person like John Darnielle from The Mountain Goats never recorded on cassette tapes for aesthetic reason, but because he didn't always have to money to rent a studio to record tracks on. Plus, recording on cassette tapes had the benefit of being spontaneous.
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i can only guess that they WERE cool and innovative and the crowd fucking loved them, hence your anger
don't worry man your time will probably come eventually
stop saying hipster
Lol no not really, they got less response than the bands that were actually decent musicians. The hipster bands had this entitlement where it was okay playing live shows when you weren't good at singing or playing instruments.

These guys ended up being the most popular band at the school and even though they have a indie hipster feel, they deserved the popularity.


cry harder, fag
Means low fidelity retard.
Drop the trip
I use the trip so others can identify me and have music discussion.
>He's clearly talking about
he said "most" and the fact that you're replying to two people that interpreted it as "current lofi" means it's probably wasn't that clear.
>Music discussion

I don't see you contributing much to this thread tbqh
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