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This Is My Favorite Album
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If you don't like it, then fuck you.
File: oliviatremorcontrolblackfoliage.jpg (250 KB, 900x900) Image search: [Google]
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alright, nice album

here's mine
animal collective lite
One of their worst albums. Not even their most psychedelic, either. Revolver is better.
I agree that it's one of their worst, but mainly because it feels by far the most like a singles record. It doesn't flow as a unit like their other albums do.
Not him, but Revolver is essentially nothing but singles. Why is that considered better?
It's probably because overall the singles are even better and maybe because Revolver isn't so back loaded like MMT is.
You feel that the singles on Side 2 are more loaded than Side 1? How?
Because side 2 is literally the 1967 singles side. That is the very definition of a singles loaded side of an album.
But not all the singles on Side 2 are A-sides, like Baby, You're a Rich Man. It doesn't feel very loaded.
you got it twisted around son
no, anco is more forward thinking and modern than olivia tremor control, more advanced
Nice one, this is my favorite Beatles album as well as one of my favorites overall. It does what Sgt. Pepper attempted, but much more succesfully
why is 'Your mother should know' on this album?

it feels completely out of place with the other songs
Because Paul McCartney
Definitely not one of my favorites, but Flying is one of my favorite tracks. Baby You're a Rich Man is pretty deck as well
Oh wow, a band that was inspired by Olivia Tremor Control built upon the sound? Could have fooled me

but seriously why are you comparing bands that are literally completely different
they're both psych pop bands that focus on the vocal harmonies similar to the beach boys, and have a weird indie collage type sound
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