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our boy?
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our boy?
another one that completely relies on a e s t h e t i c to cloud the fact that the music is just half assed sloppy lazy trash with decent production
that's Jamie XX isn't it
i disagree, if you like other rap like that you just didn't give him enough of a chance. even songs like chainsaw i find myself liking now, which i thought were super wierd before

he's one of the few 'internet rappers' that's acutally worth something, at least for me.
bladee - the patrician's yung lean

fuck off gramps
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God damn this is spot on
lol goddamn white people have bad taste in music, this dude is fucking terrible
oh look another "le patrician" who thinks any music with the slightest hint of irony is shit get kek'd shitboy

what I don't understand is how tf isn't Bladee at the center of SG/SB? Seems like he's always in the background even tho he's the best of them.
TMZ rare as hell
:(((((((((((((((((((( :^^^^(
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