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ITT: post a musician and how you think they'll eventually
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ITT: post a musician and how you think they'll eventually die
>Auto-Erotic Asphyxiation
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>Natural causes
>David Bowie
>the big crunch
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self immolation
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double murder suicide.

Do it kanye, your entire life will be redeemed if you free humanity from the kardashians
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>heat death of the universe
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Aerosol can explosion
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Peacefully in his sleep at some fucking ridiculous age like 120.
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Choked on each others dicks.
From his beats being too fire?
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Car Crash
>he blew his mind out in a car
>he hadn't noticed that the light had changed

He's looking at us
I honestly hope so
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>spontaneous combustion...or getting the shit kicked out of him by Kid Rock.
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already dead
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He will probably actually die at age 120 because apparently that can happen for him
OD on sleeping pills probably
drown in his own tears
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you knew that wasn't funny when you were typing it
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hank the crank.jpg
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Getting mugged
Thread replies: 25
Thread images: 14

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