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>30 minute albums why was this acceptable?
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45 master race.jpg
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>30 minute albums
why was this acceptable?
why is it not acceptable anymore? fuck CDs for making everyone shit out 70 minute long albums
>35 minute EP

Ikr, and thus raising the cost.
I'd rather have the 4-5 GOOD songs on the album and ignore the filler.
It was primarily because of records.
Since sides to a record are limited to like 21 minutes or something. Bands figured they could make 30 minute albums to save money in the longrun

30 minute albums are alright

I cannot stand 60+ minutes albums, i just get the feeling i'll get bored. only made some exceptions for albums like the beatles and lift yr. skinny fists
Fuck that term, seriously. Who is to say which songs on the album are just there to take up space?
>ramone was a stage name
why did i just realize this. :( thought they were bros

It's actually longer than most punk albums anyways.

The Ramons understood that rock n roll is best delivered in short, high-energy bursts.
So did I. I even thought Ween were related at first.
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>20 minute albums
Top tier
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>11:50 album
>12:08 album
Really great stuff
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>10 minute album
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>1:33 patrician length
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>4:08:34 album
das it mane
part of their statement. 14-15 songs was a normal number. shorter songs = shorter album. they were going for a stripped-down version of rock music.
40 min is the sweet spot
you can fit about 15 minutes of music on a side of 12" vinyl before the sound quality starts to degrade
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>why do people have opinions about shitty songs
>shitty songs
Way to contradict yourself.
thinking a song is shitty is an opinion, yes
This. Between 35 and 45 minutes is ok
>75 minute albums
why is this acceptable?
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