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ITT your last 5 rated on RYM
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ITT your last 5 rated on RYM
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last 5.jpg
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>going on sheep: the website

Fuck off
I don't rate music. I only use the website to organize my backlog
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nice blog I enjoyed reading
I'm pretty sure the premise of this thread is talking about yourself.
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I don't even like music.jpg
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Nice to see you liked Rock Bottom,
no it's about discussing music you painful faggot
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Easter Everywhere is good actually, but the jug makes it almost unlistenable to me.
not enjoying music recently hmmm
Curve correcting?

Can't really argue with any of those ratings

Nice taste overall
>Curve correcting?
No, I'm on a bad streak, but just some ratings before those I found a new favorite, Saxophone Solos by Evan Parker.
Nice, that's a good album
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is that not where we are right now?

Is that Ride album better or worse than Souvlaki?

it's worse
way worse
that does not bode too well at all huh
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first soft machine better yes or no
string quartets a shit yes or no
String quartets in general?
Hell nah, man. Piano concertos and string quartets master race

Sup, man?
Daikanjyo is great
Beethoven strong quartets are easily my favourite clasical music
I'd say so. String Quartets are good btw

yeah for real, some of the most expressive piano playing I've heard in years.

the strongest
>strong quartets
No really but I'll try them
You have a recommended recording?
idk I never liked strings a lot
In any kind of music
Only the strongest of violin players

Definitely. I found a new favorite as well, recently, and it's called Mouthus- Saw A Halo. It's like Troum, Jandek, Death In June, and Kazumoto Endo put all together, and I adore it
Takacs, I'm sharing them on slsk if you want
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>third 2.5/5
I realy hate this Ride is bad meme
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imma have to check that out then

I don't suck dicks, sorry senpai, I'm sure you'll find someone though! never give up
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good rates
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>I don't suck dicks

What's the point of lying online???
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Going through NPR's top 50. That Shakes album is surprisingly good.
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