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ITT: Original art from albums
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Thread replies: 33
Thread images: 27
File: nightscape.jpg (215 KB, 987x1600) Image search: [Google]
215 KB, 987x1600
ITT: Original art from albums
I wish this were the actual cover of GoD
File: American Handegg.jpg (107 KB, 612x612) Image search: [Google]
American Handegg.jpg
107 KB, 612x612
Totally rad sampling of a book cover for an album cover by that whacky group with their weed whackers and pot bangingz, bro beck yeah man :b
File: ZSNh9Ft.jpg (322 KB, 1512x938) Image search: [Google]
322 KB, 1512x938
File: Autechre - Amber.jpg (82 KB, 600x418) Image search: [Google]
Autechre - Amber.jpg
82 KB, 600x418
Every time I see this image I think of Editors
File: Beach Fossils - Clash The Truth.png (292 KB, 624x467) Image search: [Google]
Beach Fossils - Clash The Truth.png
292 KB, 624x467
yeah that white line thing is lame as fuck, all his other covers are way better
Teens of Style
File: tumblr_nfzqvfgICS1sfjwhdo1_400.png (191 KB, 281x262) Image search: [Google]
191 KB, 281x262
File: OTC-blackfoliage.jpg (2 MB, 2100x2081) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 2100x2081
File: 1443030849063.jpg (107 KB, 841x842) Image search: [Google]
107 KB, 841x842
File: cLOUDDEAD - cLOUDDEAD.jpg (38 KB, 354x360) Image search: [Google]
38 KB, 354x360
File: Autre Ne Veut - Anxiety.jpg (58 KB, 620x387) Image search: [Google]
Autre Ne Veut - Anxiety.jpg
58 KB, 620x387
File: Bathory - Bathory.jpg (124 KB, 546x800) Image search: [Google]
Bathory - Bathory.jpg
124 KB, 546x800
At 10 am they come, be ready
File: Crystal Castles - II.jpg (126 KB, 600x856) Image search: [Google]
Crystal Castles - II.jpg
126 KB, 600x856
File: Dean Blunt - The Redeemer.jpg (2 MB, 2681x3901) Image search: [Google]
Dean Blunt - The Redeemer.jpg
2 MB, 2681x3901
File: Enduser - The End (Back Cover).jpg (155 KB, 1000x817) Image search: [Google]
Enduser - The End (Back Cover).jpg
155 KB, 1000x817
File: Earl Sweatshirt - Earl.jpg (264 KB, 369x554) Image search: [Google]
Earl Sweatshirt - Earl.jpg
264 KB, 369x554
File: Kairon; IRSE! - Ujubasajuba.jpg (110 KB, 958x1600) Image search: [Google]
Kairon; IRSE! - Ujubasajuba.jpg
110 KB, 958x1600
File: Klaxons - Surfing the Void.jpg (91 KB, 400x572) Image search: [Google]
Klaxons - Surfing the Void.jpg
91 KB, 400x572
File: tumblr_ni0fpt7Zge1r8mmcoo1_540.jpg (202 KB, 540x809) Image search: [Google]
202 KB, 540x809
Thread replies: 33
Thread images: 27

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