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what percentage of Kanye haters are racist?
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File: kanye weast.jpg (21 KB, 300x400) Image search: [Google]
kanye weast.jpg
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I think it's somewhere around 30%
that seems about right

>inb4 they show up

I'm ambivalent to him though.
reply to this post or your favorite musician dies in a day
More like 50 at least
probably Zero Be Chillin
i'd say >60%. a lot of the hate are for his "attitude" which are generally attributed to his blackness

I hate you
The same amount as every black rapper?
I don't know, compared to a lot of "thug" rappers Kanye seems pretty innocuous.
That VMA fuck up would have gotten anyone hate, but stuff like getting mad at Beck winning a grammy and not realizing someone was in wheelchair wouldn't receive half the hate he received if it were anyone else.
Eminem has said 10x worse shit than "Beck needs to respect artistry" and fucking Joe Biden made the same wheelchair mistake.
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tbqh desu
80% percent.
So was Common and Fox News painted him like C-Murder.
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What percentage of Kanye fans are white?
I'd say it's about 90%
10% too low
lmao are you implying there's anything wrong with that?
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he cant die but im not risking it
Tru Tru
what better way to celebrate a memerapper by making a meme thread? gj op
Pretty much anyone who hates hip-hop without even listening to it, so by extention hates Kanye without knowing the impact he's had.

Anyone who hates him for his behaviour or attitude, but don't hold white artists who have done significantly worse things to the same standard.

For a dude who is Christian, has a wife and a baby boy and girl, he sure gets a lot of hate from white Americans. Pretty much the embodiment of the fact that the American dream is reserved for white people. He literally lived the American dream, raising himself from a broken home into wealth and prosperity through nothing but hard work and forcing himself to be heard.
I was under the impression both of his parents were lecturers.
What percentage of his fans are white c u c k s or fags?

Surely it's close to 75%.
probably this

a lot of haters are racist le wrong generation reddit kids or middle aged men but a good portion just think hes a dick or whatever and listen to other rappers
He's married to a literal whore and possibly the single most over-exposed person on earth. The epitome of Christianity.

Only a bigot wouldn't love him for that.
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