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what does /mu/ think of this album? pretty goat imho
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what does /mu/ think of this album?

pretty goat imho
Yeah, it's good.

My favourite track is the bonus track though, I want more like Fools Gold.
Probably the best indie rock release of that decade
Wasn't NMH 90s?
literally DUDE NANDOS LMAO: the album
Thought this was super boring.
Waterfall is one of the best songs ever written.
Great album, inspired Oasis and a ton of other amazing bands.
Yeah its pretty great if you get it without the bonus track you are missing out tho for sure
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love it so much dont really get the hate it receives on here
Fucking fantastic. Almost as good as Second Coming.
Meme album

Fools Gold is excellent tho
listen to Something's Burning & One Love
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