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/mcr/ general killjoys bring some noise favorite album? were
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/mcr/ general

killjoys bring some noise

favorite album?
were you listening to them in middle school or just got into them recently and realized they're actually good?
your hopes for future projects? more albums by gerard or frank?
have you ever had a crush who were into them?
>tfw no one apreciates your wilco/mcr meme
I liked the album with Grant Morrison in the music videos.
wow ur so cool you know comic book stuff

Shit band, shit fanbase, shit
Go away.
How would you guys rank their albums? My ranking: Black Parade > Three Cheers > Bullets > Danger Days.
>were you listening to them in middle school or just got into them recently and realized they're actually good?
I didn't listen to any music in middle school, but I started listening to them in high school almost 4 years ago.
>your hopes for future projects? more albums by gerard or frank?
I haven't even listened to any of the side projects or solo work by any of them except a few songs by Leathermouth. Is Gerard Way's solo album any good? I'll have to listen to that at some point.
>have you ever had a crush who were into them?
No, I have never had a crush on any of them, as I am male and not attracted to men.
Thanks for your great contributions to /mu/, Anons, typing those posts was certainly a worthwhile use of your time.
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Mustaine Facepalm.gif
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>be 13
>favorite band is Smashing Pumpkins
>friend's favorite band is MCR
>they show me an interview with the lead singer where he says his main inspiration is Smashing Pumpkins
>OMG see! You'll totally like them
>get excited, think I found a new favorite band
>friend lets me borrow the album Three Cheers
>mfw listening to it for the first time
This picture really confuses me
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The only band better than mcr is Ladytron https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6jaYJx7yeI
the only people I've ever known who were into them were in high school, and the only people I knew in high school who were into them were either super into hot topic or the super homophobic rich kids.
god this band is fucking shit
> favorite album?
Three Cheers

> were you listening to them in middle school or just got into them recently and realized they're actually good?
High school actually, 4 or 5 years ago. In middle school I was a brainless metalhead.

> your hopes for future projects? more albums by gerard or frank?
Gerard solo stuff is really bad. But I really hope Leathermouth could get back together and make a new album.

> have you ever had a crush who were into them?
Nop, my ex-girlfriend hated them.

Three Cheers > Black Parade > Bullets > Danger Days
I'm a lot into pop punk so, Three Cheers and Black Parade are my favorites, Bullets is very... different, heavier and that really gets my metalhead part (no, I'm not saying that it's metal, for fuck's sake), but I really dislike Danger Days.
>have you ever had a crush who were into them?
I realize now I misread the question. Well no, I have not had a crush who was into them either.
>but I really dislike Danger Days
Personally, I actually like Danger Days. I just like it the least of all their albums. Bullets is awesome, it's too bad they didn't do more albums like that.
>favorite album?
danger days > three cheers > black parade > bullets
its really hard to rank them. they're all different and equally as good. i put danger days as the best because i loved the whole concept behind it, along with the comics done for it.
>were you listening to them in middle school or just got into them recently and realized they're actually good?
middleschool. about 7th grade i think. got into them through mindless self indulgence.
>your hopes for future projects? more albums by gerard or frank?
i don't really like where gerard is going with his solo stuff. its okay, but not what i wanted. i haven't gotten around to listening to frank's.
>have you ever had a crush who were into them?
never had a crush that was super into them, but i did have a best friend who was. my favorite was always mikey but look where that ended.

great posts
It's kinda strange... There are some singles on that album that I like and as >>60668571 said, the concept is really great, but for me it was too popish... It's not bad, I get that but I don't like the sounding of it, if it was more like Three Cheers (more punk, less pop), I would love it for sure.

Also, about concepts, is Three Cheers really a concept album or it's just a fan thing?
just a fan thing, though it is a concept album about all of the fifteen year olds the lead singer has had sex with
>is Three Cheers really a concept album or it's just a fan thing?
It's really borderline. There's a lot of overlap in lyrical themes, but it's hard to say if there's really enough to call it a concept album. I don't think they intended a story to be behind it, though, I think the story fans have pieced together from it and Bullets is just a fan thing. Personally I'd say it's not a concept album as I don't think the songs are unified enough by a particular theme/concept, but it's close.
I have the exact same feeling. But it's kinda funny to imagine the story, I can really make a storyline in my head, not exactly the one that other fans did, but close enough.
i see where you're coming from. the texture of the songs aren't really that great, but everything else is just amazing in my opinion. do you remember when sing was playing on top 10 radiostations? that really caught me off guard.
Sing was on Glee. That was strange enough.
considering mcr could best be described as "corporate emo", it actually isn't strange at all.
Nah, for me it's strange. Besides being a huge popular band, MCR always standed their ground with their own sound, changing it as will. It's not the most popular band to be on the show by the time they were featured there.

On other hand, no surprise a All American Rejects song was (murdered) used on the show.
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