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You Laugh You Lose - music edition
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You are currently reading a thread in /mu/ - Music

Thread replies: 92
Thread images: 47
File: favoritealbumfavoritememe.jpg (51 KB, 712x354) Image search: [Google]
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post yours
e b i n
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Hahaha! It appears I have lost.
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?...... pffftt KEK xDD
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fat people xD.jpg
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reminds me of this
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Hey Aaron link me what's new
this is the saddest thread on /mu/
>said by a tripfag
na this >>60610316

or any other waifu/kpop thread
woah so randum xDD
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woah so randum xDD
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yes, you're being rude to me. please stop being sexy
*lifts shirt*
sure thing babe
mild to spicy jej
File: sgt-pepper.jpg (324 KB, 1600x1549) Image search: [Google]
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ITT: Rank the Beatles' albums.

Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band > Abbey Road > Revolver > The White Album > Magical Mystery Tour > Rubber Soul > Beatles For Sale > A Hard Day's Night > With The Beatles > Let It Be > Please Please Me > Help!
Does anyone have that fake Ornette Coleman tweet parodying the Tyler the Creater tweet about Cyberbullying?
Are you me? That's how I rank them too senpai
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this is fucking awful why am I laughing so much
fuck this board fuck that banana meme
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you have problems.png
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File: check these dubs over the sea.png (230 KB, 300x300) Image search: [Google]
check these dubs over the sea.png
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check em
epic fail !!!1
lol noob i could pwn you
hahahahhah man but im in ur base killin ur doodz xDDDD!!!
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This was posted in a really big local music group, and it looks reeaally sketchy to me. Can anyone spot anything in this that might prove that it's fake? maybe some obvious photoshop techniques used or something?

It really sucks if this is a real thing that happened, but with the way he said "no excuses" and his explanation for how it happened (I'll post that too), it really looks suspicious.
Electrical electrical eletrical electrical electrical etc etc
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ITT: we turn album covers into milk cartons.
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laughed for ten minutes, goodnight moo
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inb4 blueboard
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In a perfect world
>playing wonderwall at a house party
Um this is meant to be safe for work area
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electronic music.gif
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this thread is bad
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i should show this to 9th grade me, he'll get a real kick out of it
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let's bring back some old /mu/ stuff
please do not start dumping this stupid comic
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um that's pretty much softcore you fuggin dipshit
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earth 2.png
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Man I remember seeing this before, especially that
>inside is yellow :)
shit, it makes me laugh for some reason but I don't know why, and I don't know why I would have ever seen this on /mu/, since it has nothing to do with music.
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oh man, good times
inside is yellow :)
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Why the Louis ck pic?
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dancing Drizzy.jpg
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holy shit lol first time i've laughed on 4chan in a while
took me a sec but yeah. Just watched Love and Mercy last night incidentally.
is there a reference with this one
I don't get it.
No Mike Love Deep Web
brain is feeding the air
someone post the Varg one
holy shit, I've been looking at every one of these stupid comics every time I see one hoping it would be this one again. thank you anon.
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Thread replies: 92
Thread images: 47

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