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Can we talk about pic related /mu/? Definitely my AOTYSF, how are you finding the shift toward a more mainstream, pop sound?

Favourite song: Eventually
Least favourite: The Less I Know
>Least favourite: The Less I Know
wat, that's literally the best song aside from all f the singles

My AOTY as well. The melodies and production on this album are so pleasant. A song that makes me wonder why it has such popularity is "New Person, Same Old Mistakes".
Completely average. The good songs are weighed down by the shit ones. I hyped this one at first, even when /mu/ shit talked it, I still believed that it was amazing. Took a bit for the dust to settle to realize that it's an ok album.
The Less I Know just feels a little TOO generic to me. It's perfect in terms of composition and production and whatnot, it's just boring imo
Am I the only one that actually enjoys Past Life? There's something about the way the synth follows "from a past life" that makes it sound good to me, most notably near the song's end.
I instantly liked it when I first listened to it and kept playing it over and over. Eventually some things started to annoy me and these sort of ruin the album for me. Slowly taking their toll until I like it less overall. The samey vocals and interludes would be the most obvious of these.
Nope, I like it a lot too
Most insane and textured production for a pop album I've heard this decade
no i really enjoy it too
Care to elaborate?

Do you just mean similar themes in the lyrics? Or literally that his voice does not vary in timbre much?
I like it but it's really not very memorable.
Plebs Choice: The Less I Know

Underrated: Nangs

Track To Die To: The Moment

Best: Yes I'm Changing

Jam Of A Lifetime: Eventually

Song To Trip To: Past Life

Summer Jam: Disciples

Worst: Cause Im A Man

Maybe Another Worst: Reality In Motion

Track Fantano Said Was Good To Be Edgy But Is Really Kinda Boring and Potentailly Worst: Love/Paranoia

Ok/maybe worst song on the album: New Person/Same Old Mistakes

That being said I rate it pretty strongly for the good songs. Some are just forgettable though.
I change my mind on New Person/Same Old Mistakes.

I'm listening to it now, forgot it was good.
thats literally my choice tho i would slump reality in with summer jam
probably because blokes like myself can relate to new person pretty well.
IMO every song on here is memorable. It's really fucking good. It dropped at a vital point in my life.

Every song is relatable to me and what I went through with my previous relationship. Shit went south, and this album is pretty much the soundtrack to the way I've been feeling for the past while.
Yeah its top 5 for me and definitely rock aoty, hard for me to find my least favorite track. Solid 9/10 for me
Tame Impala's worst album, still a good album. 6.5/10.

New Person/Same Old Mistakes and Love/Paranoia are the best on the album.

>dat shamisen on New Person/Same Old Mistakes
That his voice sounds the same on every song.
That said each song individually I like but when listening in full it gets a little tiring.
I don't understand how anyone with a moderately informed taste could consider Currents to be anything other than mediocre. There's nothing new on this album, no bold thinking; and worst of all, most of the melodies aren't even particularly good.
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