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It really pisses me off when people ask me what kind of music
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It really pisses me off when people ask me what kind of music I listen to. How the fuck do I answer that? How the fuck do I explain the vastness of my taste? These people can't even contemplate the kind of music I listen to, so there's not even a way for me to say that. Maybe if I'm not on a dating website or something I could literally just say that, "you literally can't contemplate the stuff I listen to, because my taste is extremely vast". I had some moron talking to me last night on voice chat say "so you're one of those people who just listen to whatever sounds good?" Well no, you moron, I'm actually one of the people who only listens to stuff that sounds bad. Then some guy on grindr is just like "what kind of music do you listen to? Gosh idk, I just said "freak, rare, obscure stuff man" because there's no way to describe it.
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nice blog, faggot.png
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not be a fucking sperg
If autism could kill.
just talk about the stuff you're listening to at the moment and maybe some of yr other favorites
You have literally never been asked what you listen to you pretentious, autistic faggot. Quit pretending.
You are a pretentious faggot and I hope you die
I am pretty sure you listen to only popular music. Upwards of 80% of your library has been reviewed by Pitchfork. Am I wrong?
Isn't grindr one of those queer apps
look at all these hateful little dip shits in this comment section. are you having a happy little outburst? what's the autistic one you little hypocrites. look at your own pathetic, uncivilized behavior, before you go trying to call someone else retarded.
>no capitalization
Also, you're a faggot.
>the vastness of my taste
>literally can't contemplate
>extremely vast

jesus christ
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just say you listen to good music
if you're likable enough, no one cares what you listen to
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