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Give me your best lyrics, /mu/.
And I saw her standing there
With those bright, green eyes

And I said
Don't lose your grip
If you fall in, there's no coming back.
Why expect us to do that, OP
You didn't even give us some of yours

I'm singing my plainsong Em
I'm coughing out nothings G
So I won't sing my plainsong Em
out of this beak, long G
I've got no plumage Em
but this black overcoat G
and it's getting cold D
I'll be gone Am / E

I had god once in the deeps of my brain
And he told me to tell you that we're not the same
Looked to the stars once, as they glittered and spun
but they help me no more, their magic is done
they rolled me over
and I;ve bitten the dust
it was a must
for me

So I sing some plainsong I laugh at my wisdom
I cackle at fools who can't seem to fly
I fire the sum of my life
with bituminous coal and copious lies
I'd ask you to kill me
But my saviour dies
in the end
of the story
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How in the fuck is that all we got
These lyrics are pretentious and reaching
Is there anyone else that can wash this away?
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I'm tired of whining
And tired of being a fucking loser
Midnight drives to the gas station
In a shitty old PT Cruiser

I ran out of cigarettes today
And cried myself to sleep
I "accidentally" cut my hand
I made sure to cut deep

Self-sabotage and the smell of urine
Dust collecting on the brainpan
Lazy and selfish and no-good creep
I just need a fucking break, man
Kind of melodramatic, but there are some good ideas there
Keep it up!

Chilling, but too short
Can I ask about the line "Self Sabotage and the smell of urine" ?
Thanks bro!
Any feedback I can get from people that aren't halfwits really helps.
But actually I'm not that sure you aren't a halfwit
>But actually I'm not that sure you aren't a halfwit
Well, I wouldn't bet on it

Honestly, it just sounded interesting in my head
But the overall idea is based around fear and the anxiety of social situations (connecting in some way to piss, somehow)
Ever think you'll really put it to a melody and get to a place where social situations don't matter anymore?
I love it. Love the chord progression with it too, very dreary and sad. I feel like the lyrics fit perfectly that 20 something existential crisis we all fit at some point.

Keep doing what you're doing, friend.
>put it to a melody
Yeah, I have a few songs lined up for this emo project I'm doing

It's all ironic and purposely absurdly tragic, so the lyrics are honestly more of a mockery of that defeatist mindset than anything (but still a loving mockery)
reminds me of a time
when I took a little birdy
from its little tree
I was fascinated by these things that I had never seen.
Only four years old,
unaware of what the world would truly hold.

The very next day I
I found the little birdy (dead)
in its little cage. This thought
has been something haunting me
to this very day.
Father held me tight,
told me someday everything will die.
Those are excellent, my brother.
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