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I need more music like Melt-Banana, loud, fast, noisy, crazy
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I need more music like Melt-Banana, loud, fast, noisy, crazy nonsense type music.

What genre would you even call Melt-Banana?
noise rock

early boredoms, lightning bolt, PRE
PRE and early boredoms are definitely a good rec for OP
Already listened to Boredoms and Lightning Bolt.

Not PRE though. Which album to start with?
Epic fits is a good starting point
Also, while not necessarily noise rock, you may like ponytail
Holy shit this is fucking amazing, thanks anon.
try ex-girl
not the same but the same
you'll see
Glad you like it. The whole album ice cream spiritual is really good, so check it out.

Kind of a stretch, but this may be up your alley
Infants-giant leg
>similar to brainiac; synthy dance punk?
are you aware of the other band that is fronted by a gril making cute sounds over noisey stuff?

I always forget deer hoof exists. I remember hearing milk man in high school and just thinking how bizarre of an album it is.
>tfw Deerhoof played a few days ago near my city

I really missed out.
these guys opened for Melt-Banana when I saw them live, you might enjoy their material

Gonna bump, cause this is one of the more interesting threads right now.
>crazy nonsense type music

More of this. This intrugues me.
I'm posting this since we're in a half weeb thread anyway

agaskodo teliverek
BiS Kaidan
Boredoms (especially early boredoms)
Arab on radar,the locust(plague soundscapes&safety second body last), jellyroll rockheads have the same energy, naked city
Coaltar of the Deepers
The Gerogerigegege
Jyoji Sawada
Number Girl (to an extent)
Early Boredoms
>loud, fast, noisy, crazy nonsense type music

there is this thing called metal I think you will like
Listen to some essential power violence. Chart is on the wiki.
The Gerogerigegege
its a different energy
guerilla toss
Listen to Daughters. Hell Songs and s/t only unless you like math/grindcore, in which case listen to Canada Songs and their old ep under the name As The Sun Sets - 7744
>early boredoms

Before Vision Creation Newsun? Which albums? theres so many
pop tatari and soul discharge
Pop Tatari is pretty great, thanks anon.
Early Cows. Though most of their songs aren't that fast, they fill the other criteria pretty well.

glad Head Wound City are back together. looking forward to their new album
Harry Pussy
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