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Overrated artists/ songs thread

I'll go first. My main beef with pic related is that almost anyone who identifies as a Queen fan above all else generally has no strong opinion on music and likewise no personal taste. Pretty much the same with the Beatles, too. Kiddos generally suck their cocks because
A. Mommy and Daddy like them
B. Bomemeian Rhapsody
C. Freddie was bi "muh social justice"
D. Le wrong generation

Speaking of Bohemian, I personally believe it's tied with Journey's "Don't Stop Believing" for most overplayed middle-school tier song.

That's just my opinion though.
Bohemian Rhapsody is bloody ace to sing with your friends when you're drunk at 2am, though.
ITT people trying to fit in
i think they're overrated, but not for the stupid generic reason you give, i hate them because i felt they had so much potential, but waste it.
Why does /mu/ spend so long insulting a perfectly good rock band.
>almost anyone who identifies as a Queen fan above all else generally has no strong opinion on music and likewise no personal taste
Maybe, though I've noticed the vast majority of today's younger Queen "fans" just have BR or Greatest Hits on their phones and have never actually explored the rest of their catalog, which tended to be a lot better than the hits.
>Mommy and Daddy like them
I like them but my parents not so much.
>Bohemian Rhapsody
Was that supposed to be a negative?
>Freddie was bi "muh social justice"
Now you can just kill yourself
>Le wrong generation
>bloody ace

british, upper class?
Because someone's got to play Hipster.
>omg look
>british people use 4chan
Queen is mostly just overrated generic dad rock
If your dad insists on playing the radio while driving you to school, just ask him if you can pick the music every once in a while, OP. No need to throw a temper tantrum.
queen's okay. freddie seemed like a reasonably cool guy with a lot of energy on stage and i think charismatic frontmen appeal to the children. that song queen did for the highlander movie is sick.

"Overrated" is the most useless drivel of a word that could possibly exist. It literally means "I don't like people liking this". Big deal.
I was just asking your social class so we could possibly share common experiences

>the most useless drivel of a word that could possibly exist
That would be "pretentious"
Not him, but come on dude.

Pretentiousness when it's not a meme is very useful for music that acts like it means something deep and artistic but in reality it's very shallow and hollow.
denied good sir
I meant when it IS a meme, when critics and others use it as a pseudo-intellectual cop-out term that makes their taste seem objective.
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It's not like they can't play for shit m8 you need to wake up
Most overrated and pretentious band of all time.

Became famous thanks to the overuse of pop anthems during sports events, all of them sung by a ridiculous faggot that prioritized yelling over transmiting actual emotions.
Bohemian Rhapsody is presumptuous as fuck.

I can't stand those losers that go around saying they love rock and then they tell you Queen is their favourite band. Like if rock n' roll started with them, right? They just were the first ones that sold shirts, that's where their fame came from.
You need to die, their early work is absolutely marvelous. Actually strike that, most of their music is phenomenal, you obviously haven't taken the time to listen to more than their hits. So I'm sorry you're not educated on the topic.
I don't like most of their songs because of their constant, annoying, vocal harmonies, especially in the choruses
>a ridiculous faggot that prioritized yelling over transmiting actual emotions.
Jeez dude. I'm not a huge Queen fan but if there is one thing that you can say about Freddie Mercury, was that the man could fucking sing.
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Eh, Queen isn't bad. 8/10 overrated but I can still enjoy them if the mood hits.

If I had to pick one artist that strikes me as overrated it would be Nirvana.
>Kurt didn't have any patience when it came to actually working on production with Butch Vig.
>Based Billy Corgan was obsessive when it came to production and was a much better guitarist.
>Listen to his band Fecal Matter, really. Kurt was in a band called Fecal Matter. Musical genius everybody! Bravo!
>Yo Kurt, I'm really happy for you, Imma let you finish but Ian Curtis had one of the best tragic deaths of all time! Of all time!
>You need to die, their early work is absolutely marvelous
This. I hate queen more than any sane person should, but I have to admit that their early albums are great, and their 74 live at rainbow is one of the best of decade.

desu your post barely makes any sense at all senpai no offense
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