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see you in jail, /mu/
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it's happening
thanks, but I don't live in a dictatorship, I'll be fine
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the only people who relied on pirating are losers without incomes desu
What is this even?
>no results

I'm fine tbqh
We're fucked



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>tfw my country is part of TPP

Bye guys
Not a conspiracy theorist by any stretch of the imagination but isn't this article a LITTLE suspicious?

>it is good. it will save us. no one disagrees with it
Can someone point out where it specifically talks about piracy?
>tfw more than half the world's population will now live in gigantic super prisons

isso para ser honesto familia
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we're fucking done we're fucking done we're fucking done we're fucking done we're fucking done we're fucking done we're fucking done we're fucking done we're fucking done we're fucking done fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
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>no results
>tfw remember serbia is a landlocked country nobody gives a shit about
>open a bottle of vinjak and put bora drljaca on repeat
feels good man
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Doesn't this affect no one who downloaded before the TTP because of the whole no ex post-facto law the US has in place?
What difference does this actually make?
>12 Countries
>one of them is FUCKING MEXICO


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serbia strong
If the USA votes yes and you live in the US, you better not download anything copyrighted or your ass will be sent to jail son
>spending your hard earned money on simulacra
Fucking pleb.
>buy 2 TB hard drive
>torrent non-stop until this goes into effect
This doesn't make sense. Everyone has downloaded music at some point they can't really jail that many people. This will probably just shut down pirating sites, right?
Yes and they probably cherry pick and arrest a few to create fear
If you download past it, you're fucked, main gist.

Also people were theorizing that ISP's would start unplugging offenders from pre-TPP to start damage control, but we'll have to wait and see.
Nah, don't think it's retroactive
That will teach people to use proxys.
Maybe I'll start a proxy business
Okay so if you continue to pirate movies, software and lots of albums when this passes then you might be in hot water? But the millions of people who downloaded songs or albums in the US before it passes aren't going to get thrown in prison ? And all these people on /mu/ saying WERE ALL FUCKED SEE YOU IN JAIL are either bat Shit crazy, fear mongering and completely irrational?
UKfag will this impact me or can I just get back to real life??
Yeah, but they're talking to the idiots who will continue to keep walking in hot water as well. Also the US has in its constitution a "no ex post-facto law" clause which basically means nothing in the US can be passed that incriminates people who committed a crime before it was illegal.

Start a protestin'
Europeans have until TTIP before we're fucked
Translation for those not wanting to read it all.

These conditions you listed already exist in most 1st world countries.
ISPs are required by law to datamine everything you do over their service, and release that information publicly if presented a warrant (which is another way of saying a legally sufficient claim.)

The part about ISPs disabling data on their network found to be infringing copyright is new, and that combined with the 3rd clause that makes them legally immune for doing so is a direct attack against net neutrality.

For people uninitiatied in legalese, this basically means that your ISP can block youtube in its entirety under the premise that the service may contain copyrighted material, and under 'good faith' they're exempt from any penalty for doing so and free to offer their paid, premium alternative service as the only web streaming service available through their network.

Because this is a treaty, it goes over and above existing constitutional laws and rights protecting net neutrality.

This also means they can censor free speech and proactively block 'icky' content where problematic opinions are expressed (eg. here) under the pretense that copyright may be infringed. Because the imperative is on the ISP (eg. they MUST remove or block violating content) they are encouraged to be as proactive as physically possible in order to protect their business, and are utterly exempt from penalty in any case where they block something that isn't actually infringing copyright because as long as they say they were being proactive about preventing infringing material being available through their network, they're simply taken on 'good faith.'

So yeah. Goodbye 4chan. Goodbye sadpanda. Goodbye freedom of expression. Goodbye free internet services like streaming, downloading, discussing, posting. Welcome to the age of premium proprietary services.
What do you mean they're talking to the idiots who will continue to walk in hot water ?
>Okay so if you continue to pirate movies, software and lots of albums when this passes then you might be in hot water?
So if you don't do that you won't get thrown in jail in America
So basically it will mean a lot more internet censorship rather than millions in jail ?
We cut off the hydra's head with SOPA and this is what has grown back
And that's just the privacy/digital freedom part. Corporations now have the power to undo any laws they consider to be blocking their business. So any privacy, safety, environmental and health regulations can not only be overturned but the state would have to pay a fine to that corporation for being "unfair" to them.

The world is fucked. Capitalism is ruining this planet and our freedom. Class war when?
Some1 pls confirm.
yes, duh. unless you are in middle school, you have realized for over a decade that no one goes to jail for doing bad stuff on the Internet. ISPs just have their discretionary powers expanded. the RIAA hasn't done a personal lawsuit since the very early 2000s, and the FBI doesn't bother itself with investigating copyright infringement on the individual level.
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Even simpler.>>60182110
literally no chance of anything happening in Belfast. suppose I'm just gonna have to spread my cheeks and buy spotify
what the fuck does the TPP have do with digital music piracy?
So the people saying SEE YOU IN JAIL are fear mongering, irrational, bat shit crazy etc?
They're memeing you dip
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>you have realized for over a decade that no one goes to jail for doing bad stuff on the Internet
Are you actually fucking retarded...?
could you people point directly to the text that in the actual document that says this? Also wikileaks hasn't been a reliable source of anything for years.
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Ah ok.
This isn't OC is it
OC from someone on /a/ just copypasted it to help you guys out
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now alarmists plz shut up.
U sure? I'm noided
It was always illegal to pirate, but now they're able to force ISPs to hand over your info for it, so they can definitely get you for past offences if they hae your IP
See you guys in jail
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I was under the impression that they were civil offences, but it seems that they cover both civil and criminal.

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>no results
>tfw remember Portugal is insignificant as a country can be and nobody gives a shit about us
>download more shit
This is the Trans-Pacific Partnership
You have the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership coming soon, which will probably be the same thing.
To everyone who thinks they'll be fine because they live in a country where TPP won't pass, you will be affected to. As long as it passes in a country where the servers are hosted for a website that host "illegal" copyrighted content, it'll be shut down. You will not get special access because you live live in a safezone, everyone is hurt by this. That is, assuming they crack down like we're expecting them to, if they do the backlash will be enormous.
I'd still like you guys to actually point me to were exactly in the documents it says these things. Chances are that you can't though and are just trusting what you read on alarmist websites.
so what happens if i torrent an album now?
You're A-okay right now, it's not until the bill actually passes. Even then you'll probably be good for at least a few weeks.
>"Article 30 . 6 : Withdrawal 1. Any Party may withdraw from this Agreement by providing written notice of withdrawal to the Depositary . A withdrawing Party shall simultaneously notify the other Parties of its withdrawal through the contact points . 2. A withdrawal shall take effect six months after a Party provides written notice to the D epositary under par agraph 1, unless the Parties agree on a different period. If a Party withdraws, this Agreement shall remain in force for the remaining Parties."

i live in a third world country, i dont really think the police will knock on my door for a fucking album?
where is the part where it says that you service provider has to keep logs of everything you do and report them or various companies though, like some people in this thread are claiming. All this says is that they have to remove copyright infringing materiel if it' is on their OWN server.
trump won't save you, he loves shit like this. He's a business man himself. People are blind if they think he will save us from evil corporations, if anything if he is put in office he will make it easier for companies to get stuff like this through.
Neither do I. It's your access to the websites where you can download albums that's getting cut off. It's going down.
Except Trump has publicly voiced his opposition to it
>where is the part where it says that you service provider has to keep logs of everything you do and report them or various companies though
That's alarmist stuff, no one is getting arrested for pirating. It's the websites that host copywritten content that are going to get hit by this.
>find no EU country
>realise it's TTP
>TTiP is still happening
fuck :)
that's exactly what I thought, and what I was responding to when I was linked to those. So... yeah...
>Corporations now have the power to undo any laws they consider to be blocking their business. So any privacy, safety, environmental and health regulations can not only be overturned but the state would have to pay a fine to that corporation for being "unfair" to them.
Please show me exactly where it says this in the bill, I have a difficult time accepting that even our shitty governments would give up their power/freedom like that.
also, in other words, that means that nothing really changes at all.
except all the websites that you can download shit from are going offline
the thing is, even if it does say something like this, it's unlikely it would get through, this is still an early stages document, it still needs to go through the various countries governments and legal teams, it won't even go through until next spring. This is just the version that various shithead lawers from various companies came up with.
I realize this, I just want to make sure I'm getting my facts straight. This bill still has to be reviewed more before it passes.
Anti-TPP when?
It was like 60 days two weeks ago, not sure the exact number anymore. Little over a month, I'd say.
>tfw you've never pirated music knowing this day would come

They called me crazy. They all called me crazy :^)
Theres been protests for months now, but the media has always spun it as if the protestors are the bad guys.
who are you quoting?
so has literally almost 2016 candidate
there may still be hope
>This is just the version that various shithead lawers from various companies came up with.
This is part way too, but several world leaders have already had their hands in it. I know for a fact I heard on the news tonight that the Conservative government of Canada was involved in the development, and Obama preaches TPP like it's the bible. It still needs to be reviewed before it comes into play, but like I said the governments have already had their hands in it.
I haven't seen coverage of protesters at all
It hasn't made big news, heres a couple examples though


>This is part way too
*part way true
>and Obama preaches TPP like it's the bible.
not really, he just wants something like this passed, he hasn't really been preaching TPP it's self, and by something like this, I mean a trade agreement, the internet sections are not the only part of the documents, Obama isn't some sort of evil comic book like villain that wants to take all our rights away like some people want to believe.
When has online protesting against government ever done anything ever. Literally futile
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this is it.............your ISP will now be sued if they don't hand you over to the feds

it's ogre for the pirates
>the guardian
hahaha, I'm not even going to bother to read, kind of shocking that they are both trying to sweep the same things under the rug this time though.
alarmist plz go
They're both reported on other websites too. The CBC article is very short and is mostly pictures as well.
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>millions in jail ?

millions in fines

How would you like to be fined $10,000 PER SONG by the record company......

that section isn't even saying anything close that you dumb fuck.
this is a bill which allows companies to literally sue countries

enjoy being in debt for the rest of your life tbqh

>Minnesota woman to pay $220,000 fine for 24 illegally downloaded songs

companies can, and have, sued countries already, you don't even know wtf you are talking about, you all need to stfu.
this shit again
are u people so retarded that you can't see in the article it says they are mostly no longer suing individuals
christ u people are very fucking stupid
Honestly dude just google Obama TPP, watch a video or read an article. He goes all out when he praises it, he talks about it as if it's something that will save everyone's lives. I understand in some ways it's his job to do this, but just see for yourself, you'll see what I mean.
I mean real countries, dickhead
actual countries that exist with real white people in them

because the ISPs used loopholes to prevent handing people over, which is why shit like TPP is being brought in you idiot

the loopholes are about to close
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>Your parents were cavemen who couldn't copy music if they wanted to, and if they could, they would actually have to physically do it
>Your children will live in a dystopia where corporations can throw citizens in jail for hurting profits

>you lived in the golden age where you were free to hoard as much music as you liked on command
>'t really been preaching TPP it's self, and by something like this, I mean a trade agreement, the internet sections are not the only part of the documents, Obama isn't some sort of evil comic book like villain that wants to take all our rights away like some people want to believe.


Trump, Sanders AND EVEN FUCKING HILLARY are against the TPP.

Obama hid the contents of it and signed it through without blinking an eye.
>what was SOPA
Admittedly the backlash was supported by big corporations like Google, so...
hope they divide us by genre hehe
I feel like we should be doing more to prepare /mu/

I feel like we should create an all encompassing list of the most important music spanning all genres and periods of history

so that we have it stored for the rainy days which are to come

no, that is not the reason that the TPP is being brought in, it's a trade agreement, it will allow contires that haven't been able to trade with each other before to do so more easily, this is just a small part of the documents, and even then everyone is ignoring the parts that say over and over that it needs to comply with laws of the countries they are dealing within and the privacy policies of ISPs, so the same loopholes apply. Nothing is really changing.
That's because Obama has no more potential as a presidential candidate. If Clinton and Trump didn't have to worry about an election they'd sign it too.
Can't wait for all of /mu/ to go to prison and form a hierarchy based on genre.

Who would be at the top of the food chain
don't shitpost in this thread.
You got it, my man!
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>The year is 2019
>Time. 2AM
>The /mu/tants leave their houses, it's time
>Softly, they guide along the streets and allies
>They each bring two 2TB thumb drives
>One full of music
>One for receiving music
>Get to abandoned warehouse
>Organizers have a top of the line PC set up
>Fuckers charge $5 at the door
>Fuck those guys, but whatever
>Plug your share drive into the machine & let it copy
>Everyone follows suit
>Then they all line up again, this time plugging in their free drives
>Your turn
>Take a few albums
>[2019] Aphex Twin- New World Bloc
>Download it
>Organizer thanks everyone for coming
>Everyone tips their fedoras and files out
>Drone strike comes down from overhead
>No mercy for pirates
>You, being one of the first to leave, make it out of the killzone
>Many do not
>Hop in your car
>Blast down the freeway
>Make it back to your pathetic NEET shithole
>Pass out from exhaustion
>next day
>Plug in thumb drive
>Load Aphex Twin
>sit down
>put headphones on
yeah but you have to live in serbia

so who's the loser now?
oh my, some people that are running for presidency are saying they are against something that isn't popular, how surprising, and presidential candidates NEVER say things that conflict with what they actually do in office just to get voter support.
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>i live in brazil
>i'm fine

Kek. Enjoy your crumbling economy, Joãozinho.
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not bad, senpai
Is anyone else not going to stop pirating music? I hope they put a bullet through my brain tbqhmf
>Nothing is really changing.


The TIPP is being brought in for Europe to link into the TPP over the other side of the world.

It means that internet borders will no longer exist.......... a pirate in fucking France can be handed over to a US music label by his ISP in seconds when this shit comes in.

That used to be lengthy and near impossible task for music labels.
You're going to be forced to stop pirating. The websites you use are going to go offline. No one is going to jail or getting fined for pirating albums, but the websites are going down.
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mfw mu-tards finally have to leave the house......
it's like the "Nothing is really changing" part of my post is all you read.
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>mfw living in Chile
>mfw nothing is going to change anyways
So what does TPP mean for websites like Wikipedia? Fair use will still be in play, yes?
>The year is 2019
>It is dark outside
>The grim back-alley streets of the pirate shanty towns are full of punters selling their 128kbps garbage product
>It hasn't come to that yet, it wont come to that
>You tell yourself again it wont come to that
>You can't be sure
>You check your fake apple chip, planted snugly in your forearm to make it look like the real thing
>It's still beeping, pretending to work
>Through the muck on your window you see the apple drones passing by
>Their pale lights blind you for a second and you turn away into the viscous dark of your ruined, shelled pad
>You are determined
>This will be the day you do it
>This is the day you score
>An entire suitcase full of FLAC terabyte drives
>Nothing will go wrong
>At that moment you hear a knock on your door
>It's too late
>They know
Posted this earlier in the thread, but everyone keeps saying the same shit over so I'm posting it again

To everyone who thinks they'll be fine because they live in a country where TPP won't pass, you will be affected to. As long as it passes in a country where the servers are hosted for a website that host "illegal" copyrighted content, it'll be shut down. You will not get special access because you live live in a safezone, everyone is hurt by this. That is, assuming they crack down like we're expecting them to, if they do the backlash will be enormous.
Reminder that "Youtube Red" rolls out soon and will eventually make music available to the fee paying subscribers.

Free music on the internet will end in 2016.
>trying to derail this thread with shitty cyberpunk fantasy stories
Are you getting paid to do this? If so, where do I sign up?
loving these. thanks, man.

I think I saw something about new laws regarding Fair Use in the TPP. Anyone seen anything about that?
Noise fans, because indie and metal and punk have only faggots and hip hop is mostly loved by white boys on here.

The sad thing is that this is where things are headed eventually
>Won't be able to download anything in the near future
>Can't think of anything I want do download at this moment
>As soon as the deadline passes I'll want to download something
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stop reminding me
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>tfw recently went on a downloading spree
hope my 7 proxies hold up or i dun fuckin goofed for the last time
I know this is what it will come down to.

I guess I'll just have to become a normie and use Spotify. ;_;
it hasn't passed yet, you're fine
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I don't have nearly fucking enough man. I started actively hoarding music in what, February of this year? I was born too late. If I was born in 1992 instead of 1995 I'd have 3 whole years to develop my taste and hoard music.
We may talk about how we lived in the golden age but really I only took advantage of the final months of it
I know this feel, except I've already went on a binge downloading stuff in anticipation of TPP. I just know that once it passes and I can't do it anymore I'll remember everything I forgot to download.

You'll be fine. No one is going to get arrested or sued for downloading music in the past, only the websites are getting hurt.
only sites that host stuff on their servers, torrent sites will not be effected because they don't actually keep any actual copyright infringing documents on their servers and even if they were, there are alternative ways to trade torrents, and programs that can be used to trade files from person to person that people haven't even heard of yet. Even if the allarmists are correct there will always be alternative ways to trade files, honestly I would like it if more people here just traded torrent files anyhow, I hate using mega
92 here, I was late in this development, didn't start downloading albums big-time until last year.
Guess it's kind of good, though, I haven't gotten completely used to taking downloading for granted.
So what you're saying is i should buy another hard drive and download everything i can off anywhere and fuck up my precious what.cd ratio now before the gubmint has the means to gets me? Australia used to be a bastion of tolerating online crime like our founding convicts would have wanted, now we're just cuhcks in the system
I use both torrents and direct downloads. Also blogs host a ton of shit that's only available there, mainly obscure oddball shit, but still it would be an absolute shame to lose that.
>only thing i can think of is porn
Will streaming be affected by the TTP? I've never downloaded porn but if i won't be able to watch it online i may as well start a stash now for when the apocalypse begins
Doesn't this allow them to take down sites that host torrent links?

I'm hoping so fucking hard nothing will happen, if people start getting busted /mu/ will fucking explode, but if nothing happens I'll probably lay low for a while and then check whatever new option people start using if the old services are gone.

Pirates are cockroaches, they'll always find a way to get shit for free.
>yfw we have to go back to Limewire
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Streaming services like Spotify and Netflix are not going anywhere, that's what they'll want you to use.
Also, get ready for adds in Spotify Premium soon when there'll be no other options.
Maybe Santa will get you an iTunes gift card for christmas? ;)
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>torrent sites will not be effected

I meant illegal streaming sites like 1channel or porn sites that owned by the big porn guys.
>Will streaming be affected by the TTP? I've never downloaded porn

everything will be affected, including porn
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>cyber punk cassette trading is going to become a thing
Spotify was born out of the fact that anyone could get free music if they wanted to, so the industry had to adapt to make music at least seem free.

People will use Taylor Swift's logic and make it so that the only way to listen to music is to shell out $20 for every album, something that would bring the cost of my library to $14080. Youtube Red is already clearing out formerly free youtube videos for the purposes of making the music in them paid-for.
[spoiler] This won't change anything. [/spoiler]
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Well it looks like i'm gonna have to start downloading porn then. Thanks senpai
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I fucking hate megacorps. They already own half of the fucking world, everyone in the higher-ups are literally bathing in money for life.
Why the fuck do they give a single shit about some neets pirating records? They already lured the normies away from pirating. Surely the slight financial loss can't be noticeable when they snort cocaine off hooker asses in their penthouse apartments?
This is literally stepping on ants because you can.
Everyone's freaking out, but couldn't it still not pass in Congress?
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>implying it'll get passed
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>tfw learned since first ever fap to use my imagination
>tfw never ever needed porn
>tfw they'll find a way to charge me for my sexual fantasies before long
>Why the fuck do they give a single shit about some neets pirating records?
Because a lot of us do it and if we bought albums instead they'd have a shit load more money. And the only thing better than having a lot of money is having a lot more money
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You guys are stipulating on legislation you can't even begin understand, mind you, myself included. From a technology standpoint, I can tell you that it's impossible that it's what people are making it out to be and that the consequences laid out represent the ideal and aren't realistically feasible with the resources copyright holders have with respect to the ISP's. You're all blowing this out of proportion. This shit hasn't even passed.
This is what everyone is hoping for, but media controlling coverage makes it harder to spread awareness of this shit.
i agree with you
well they won't, they have been being hit hard by other things recently anyhow though. I'm not saying that torrent sites are safe and will never ever go down, just that the information property part of this document will not affect them.
The pirating part is honestly just a footnote in all the other fucked up shit the treaty entails.
Everyone will be spooked out of using them, though.
True (still assuming it's what people think it is) but it's also the least feasible aspect of it. It's literally impossible to enforce to the extent copyright holders want, not to mention the music industry is fucking broke as shit. Even the majors can't afford to be pressing charges on everyone who pirates their music.
what other "fucked up stuff" does the treaty entail exactly, people that rail against it always use extremely vague things like this and then don't provide a real answer when asked what they are talking about. Face it, it's simply that you don't understand it and people become afraid of things that they don't understand.
not once everything blows over, everyone was spooked out of using file sharing sites for a while when the original megaupload was taken down as well.
Let's say every American between 18-30 has pirated something.

What percentage are going to see heat for it?
So do I still have time to download a bunch of shit rn or.....

We'll know early next year when it rolls out. Don't cry and say you weren't warned though........../mu/ threads have been up since like 4 months ago about this shit (when it could've been stopped if people contacted senators etc).

Too late now imo
>Living is easy with eyes closed
>Misunderstanding all you see
probably like 0.05 precent or something, they will just go after like 3 or 4 people every so years to scare people like they always have.
Start hoarding, little squirrel. Winter is coming.
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post yfw when president trump nullifies the tpp
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You dropped your hat, anon.
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>implying we could've done anything ever
This is honestly the logical conclusion of the concept of "ownership".
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I just realized something.
I can only wonder how much money do ISPs make, if they already make shitloads of money, they sure can withstand pressure from the music industry and lobbying, since the normies are already streaming all their stuff in spotify and the music downloads are for way less popular stuff that doesn't really affect the money revenue of the big discog companies that already had that shit sorted out (like Vevo, tours, radio shit, streaming sites, TV presentations, etc)
Maybe, just maybe ISPs can stand up for their interests as well, since even popular torrent sites with shitloads of traffic are able to make of money out of ads.
I mean, imagine an scenario where ISP start bashing their users for downloading a fucking MBV EP, i can imagine ISPs in the future advertising as "We give freedom to our users!"

tl;dr Internet Censorship in the end affects the ISPs as well, i mean, just look at the amount of traffic that 4chan gets ffs.

This to be desu honest

Murricans and Yuropoors laugh at us right now, soon they'll be begging for invites for brazilian private trackers.
It's a simple observation m8
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>yfw megacorps buy the isps
Capitalism is a mistake

Why aren't you based socialist yet?
We'll still laugh at you for living in oppressive orphan land.
Because i want to live in this century, its pretty neat yknow?
if anything, the fedora wearers are the ones freaking out about all this.
I am.

>tfw sweden is part of eu
Will this affect Norway? Might move over if not.


kek, our govt is incompetent, not tyrannic like the US.
>The text will continue to undergo legal review and will be translated into French and Spanish language versions prior to signature.

it's not official yet guys get all the music you can
>just maybe ISPs can stand up for their interests as well

lol are you dumb

the ISP will have like 5mins to hand over the details of users to the corp or be sued out of existence, there will no longer be borders and loopholes to hide behind for the ISPs

All the labels have to do now is send a simple request and the user has to be handed over BY LAW, no legal bullshit to go through anymore.
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>IT'S 2015, COME ON

TIPP will apply to all of europe apparently
pure socialism and pure capitalism are both mistakes, what we really need is to go more towards the center, but everything is so polarized right now that it's ridiculous, it's like our governments have become parodies of themselves.
Just admit that moving to another country seems hard and exhausting. Eagle Land is a borderline third world country in comparison to other civilized nations.
Even countries outside of the European Union?
how long do I have to hoard
>tfw politics in your country are so fucking normalized there's zero fucking difference between political parties, so absolutely nothing happens because no one gets vast majority votes
this post is pure bullshit
Definitely a month until voting, probably more. After that, if it passes, there'll be some more time before it comes into action, it doesn't just happen overnight.
Yep, go child run and get your albums.
>Definitely a month until voting, probably more. After that, if it passes,
no, it still has to be reviewed, there isn't even going to be any voting at all until next spring.
Idk if anyone is going to see this, but does this really mean youre fucked if youve downloaded? The only time ive ever torrented was jojos bizarre adventure and i didnt even seed..im sorry if this post seems frantic but i have pretty bad anxiety and im not very smart so if someone law knowlegable can decipher all this and tell me im just being stupid id really appreciate it.
Nothing will happen to you retroactively.
no, people are just freaking out over a draft of something they don't understand.
you are stupid

there u go senpai
Read the thread jesus christ, if you already had you would know your answer. Everyone in this thread keeps asking the exact same questions.
Look at it this way. Millions upon millions of people all over the world commit to Internet piracy. If that were suddenly cut off cold turkey, you'd have millions of pissed of BT junkies trying to grt their fix. When you piss off a huge group of people you get backlash. Even if anything enormously horrible occurs as a result of this don't bet that everyone will just bend over and take it
You don't need to be a conspiracy nut to know that corporations go to great lengths to control information. Calling other people out as some kind of fringe lunatics for believing that the wealthy/powerful are doing the same things they have done for thousands of years just ads to the problem. Its literally what they want: for the majority to label those with dissenting opinions as freaks and outcasts. Its a powerful tool used by propangandists because people have a powerful instinctual drive to go with the pack. Otherwise you are seen as an unfit mate. Its pretty much propaganda 101 and I would discourage people from calling others conspiracy theorists simply for believing that information is manipulated when it comes to things like like TPP.

It doesn't make sense to equate people who believe in things like ancient aliens with those who just believe that others don't give a fuck about people and just want control/wealth by any means. By putting the same label on them, you really give power to that herd mentality and I really don't think everybody realizes that. Its kinda besides the point of the thread, but its just something that bothers me and I felt the need to say something.
I think it's just the people that want to picture things in a certain way posting the same things over so they can respond to them the same way over
> 2015
> not using a streaming service
> not supporting good music
for christ sake..
Dr. Dre plz go
literally nothing is going to happen
>0 results
Snoreway wins again
Posting this for the third time, because everyone is too stupid to actually read the thread and keeps asking the same questions

To everyone who thinks they'll be fine because they live in a country where TPP won't pass, you will be affected to. As long as it passes in a country where the servers are hosted for a website that host "illegal" copyrighted content, it'll be shut down. You will not get special access because you live live in a safezone, everyone is hurt by this. That is, assuming they crack down like we're expecting them to, if they do the backlash will be enormous.
Does Norway connect to the Pacific Ocean?
>implying this has anything to do with piracy
>implying this isn't the burgerland government getting more excuses to fuck with people and arrest then on legal grounds
>implying it's going to pass in somalia
This bill's main goal isn't piracy, it's just a small part of a large trade agreement.
Did you read my post? Websites that host "illegal" copyright content will go offline, so long as TPP passes where the servers are hosted. Or are you impkying all websites have their servers hosted in Somalia?
The point is: there's a lot of countries where you can hose your servers that are in the same state as Somalia.
I'm not so sure everyone is going to be jumping at the chance to go to somalia to set up servers
If it's necessary they will. Also it doesn't have to be somalia exactly.
That's thinking optimistically. I don't think there are many people who are going to fly to a shithole third world country to host servers. Maybe some, but the chances of being killed or having the equipment stolen is huge, especially for someone who is new to the culture. The countries not effected by TPP aren't exactly welcoming places.
> From a technology standpoint, I can tell you that it's impossible

Maybe today its impossible, but 10 years from now it might not be. It doesn't matter that they can't enforce it on a large scale right now. They can still enforce it on some scale, and that fear will go a long way. Not to mention that if it sticks around long enough, there will come a day when it can be enforced on a large scale and this line of reasoning will look ridiculous.
You sound like someone whose knowledge of other countries comes solely from the james bond movie that took place in them.

Thanks Obama.
happy I was born at the right time, enjoyed so many good music and developed my taste with no pressure.

it was fun
lol I've never even watched a full Bond film, they bore me. All I'm saying is that life in those countries is drastically different than in USA, Canada, or European countries. A complete outsider wouldn't fair well there, especially with all kinds of nice computer equipment and no real way to protect it. The chances of someone giving up their entire way of life to do something that proabably wouldn't last a significant amount of time + the possibility of being killed is slim to none. Also TPP makes it so if someone did happen to do this, the ISP on the receiving end would have to block access to the site.
Fucking nail on the head. Its also impossible for the working class to eternally beat back the bills that keep getting introduced to destroy net neutrality. The people who want them passed employ other people to spend every day working towards that goal. They will keep pushing it until they eventually get one over on us, knowing people will become complacent and 10 years after the fact it will just be a part of life. The average person can only spend so much effort to combat these bills and they just keep coming one after the other. Its obvious the public doesn't want it, but Society becomes apathetic after a while because people have their own problems that are more pressing on an individual basis. We need to pass strict anti-lobbying laws in this country.
Well I really doubt you have to go there yourself lol. Why would anyone do that? I'm sure you can arrange the whole thing working with some people there.
You little faggots should've listened to Edward Snowden
How is this going to affect slsk?
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Slsk is just a p2p program. I'm guessing you'll be in trouble for hosting or downloading copyrighted stuff assuming this goes in effect.
do accurate
Here's my question: will this ever realistically come into reality? When they tried to pull this shit in the form of SOPA/ACTA/ whatever else have you, the world's uproar made them retreat. Can't the same be done here?
the program itself won't be gone, but they might go after the people hosting shit(more likely them than people downloading)
so when this goes into effect will past downloaders be screwed or will it just be people who continue
There's no uproar like last time, there must be a way to get normies aware of this.

yeah just like obama did
Yuropoors aren't doing much better, the first European country to appear in CIA's ranking of countries by real GDP growth rate is Ireland at #88, below countries like Congo, Haiti, Bolivia and India
I want you to know that you're a retard by definition. Acknowledge that and let it hover in your psyche
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