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Why do you listen to a form of music that is so constrained?
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Thread replies: 39
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Why do you listen to a form of music that is so constrained? Art Music offers composers much more free options in terms of tonality, style, flow, and other similar factors that popular music simply cannot provide for.

Why haven't you started listening to art music yet?
I listen to art music, popular music and jazz and I must say that jazz is the true free genre.
Jazz is a form of art music, in at least some part.
>much more free options
>and other similar factors
>simply cannot provide for
if "art music" is so stimulating why does your grammar and usage remind me of the 500 word essay (due tomorrow) that I still haven't started writing
I'll get around to it, leave me alone.
I don't need the academy to tell me what's good
Believe it or not the way I type on /mu/ is not how I type in a research paper.
...the academy?
I haven't reached the end game for popular music yet.

so fug off pls
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i listen to artpop all day
thx dean blunt
If it is not written, it is not art music. Jazz is terrible.
What exactly are you saying with this post?
I'm not talking about typos, friendo
Doesn't count and you're a terrible trip.
Thats good, because I choked a little at "other similar factors"

Ball busting aside, freedom does not necessarily lend itself to quality. I'd argue that being as creative as possible inside the box is equally valuable to working outside of it.
it does count faggot
>...the academy?
To achieve success doing art music you must be approved by the smartasses in the music academy
Jesus people on this board know nothing
is there anything specifically you'd like me to clarify
>Ball busting aside, freedom does not necessarily lend itself to quality.
It does lead to a greater diversity of music.
Kindly show the scores for Blunt's "Black Metal?"
>To achieve success doing art music you must be approved by the smartasses in the music academy
Actually, you just have to have a creative, intelligent artist's voice and a good sense of quality.
Radical artists get "approved" all the time you idiot.
Well, are you trying to say that OP's grammar shouldn't be so formal?
>It does lead to a greater diversity of music.
But is the end goal of music to be enjoyable or to be interesting?

The weight enjoyment or interest carry varies from person to person, but the answer is always both.
>But is the end goal of music to be enjoyable or to be interesting?
With greater diversity you can make yourself appeal to more people.
Not a score.
well, I have a partial objection to the formality but it's more that in straining for an effect he's bloated his post with high-school-level pseudo scholarly cliches and leaden phrases like the ones I greentexted
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>if it's not written it's not art music
I just wrote something. Is it art music now that it's written?
It's sloppy, bad art music but it is art music.
Just like how there is terrible popular music too.
>it is art music
What? Also, could someone play what I made for me. I can't actually read sheet music so I have no idea what this sounds like.
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I mean there's no real boundaries to simply *being* art music same as popular music.
>Also, could someone play what I made for me.
If they can play this then yes.

>Why haven't you started listening to art music yet?

Freedom of choice.
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Why don't you listen to the emerging new music artform of the 21st century that's actually relevant to the world we live in today? ASMR is it. It's the most moving iteration of music that has yet existed. It's powerful enough to affect other people physically with tingles across the impersonal barrier of a monitor screen.
dafiq dianaddew thats pics like that??????
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She used to be a camslut apparently who did fetish videos. Makes it more enjoyable.

is this part of the art?
Sex ASMR is shit ASMR.
But it gives you 2x the tingles.
links to what you think is good ASMR?
not him but
Thread replies: 39
Thread images: 7

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