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What do you think of Charli XCX?
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Thread replies: 97
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What do you think of Charli XCX?
would bang
I want to have sex with her.

But then, I want to have sex with most people.
Even meeee?
shes good live, just too girly for me
your mom not excluded
She reminds me too much of my ex, she's talented but I'm not a fan of her music. I like her on this though www.youtube.com/watch?v=arIzSq5re5g
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She's hella hot.
She was in that song about crashing cars into bridges I think. It was a fun party song.
She's a pengting and man would do the tings with her
definition of a semen demon. I get blue balls just looking at her. Why won't she let me sex her sweaty body bros?
She looks like a sluttier Marina

Nice dubs.
her face is really greasy
>prettier Marina
I feel like Marina's body of work is superior.
Especially her chest.
>not doing big cums for charli
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she's a nosy bitch
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I want her to shit on my face.
What the fuck is wrong with you? Seek help.
i'd suck'er ;]
ew thats gross poo is dirty
Id gladly drink her piss tho
Id "fuck" her
i wanna marry her
she is one good lady
poo is ok you can eat it in moderation
I would love to go on a nice romantic date with her and then a relaxing walk on the beach.
is this a new meme?
post webm's p-please?
I'd lick my own cum off that beautiful stomach.
I want her to fart whipped cream on my cookies

Body of work has been around for at least a year ya cuck.
lol get a sense of humor haha
She knows just what I liiii~ke
She's one good lady
pls be in

music sucks

hot as fuck

Really all there is to it
She's a fucking disgusting degenerate whore. The things I would do for Hitler to be alive today, I don't even care if he killed me too, as long as he killed Charli XCX at the same time.

>That fucking break the rules song
You people don't actually listen to that, right? Your tastes in music aren't that bad?
suck cocks in hell charli
small penises
literally a whore
>not thinking sluts are cute
If I ever meet her I'm going to say "ay u tryna smash?"
then hopefully we'll bang
guys can we stop with Charli pictures. I end up jacking off everytime her pictures appears on this board
horrible waifu faggotry of the worst variety.
Even worse than annie fags. Marina fags are next up in bottom tier waifu fags

plz no bully Marina ;_;
her tits are great, but I think we all know not a single person on this board legitimately likes her music.
I really like that Primadonna song if that counts

I genuinely do.
She's definitely a unique kind of pop.
She looks like the average 7/10 women in my country. Danm I meet at least three women like her at my job per day. Generic as fuck.
where u from son
Costa Rica
stop lying to yourself
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does /mu/ want me to post qt charles or slutty charles
why not both?
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alright then

i feel like this one is a good compromise between the two
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pure qt charles
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slutty pls :3
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ok man this is by far the worst pic of her ive ever seen

she looks like a man
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gonna try and post pix that aren't always posted
When I saw the music video of "Fancy" I cum on my cat and he hiss.
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she looks like a qt

It's her without a ton of makeup. Not a sex goddess, but still qt.
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>you will never suck on charli's lip
those shoes are fucking stupid
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but imagine them kicking you in the balls anon
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slutty charlies pls

Nah I will
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gud quad
I hate this bitches music but damn I wanna fug her so bad
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who is this shit t-shirted cunt
Haven't even heard any of her songs.

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b u m p
>red lipstick

confirmed for slut
i like her body of work
You can watch her have sex with Marina, then have sex with both of them.

At the end you will lose your testicles or legs (your choice).

Do you do it?
no way

legs are far too important and testicles are obviously going too stay no matter what
But you'll be the cool guy in the wheelchair that had a threesome with two huge musicians.

no. what would i have to give up to j-just c-cuddle with Marina?
Your sense of taste.
Thread replies: 97
Thread images: 23

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