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Any /mu/tants checking out Marcel's gig at the MAH?
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Any /mu/tants checking out Marcel's gig at the MAH?
even if I lived in california not in a million years. that kid needs help
I might go to this, I live in the bay. It's like an hour away. Date night. Go to the boardwalk and stuff. Sounds fun.
I'm at least curious enough to turn up, post yfw gig of the year
A home schooled 14 year old with an autism spectrum disorder and music "composed" on paulstretch software performing in front of a live audience sounds like the weirdest social experiment of all time.

The only review will be written by Marcel himself.

Honestly this kid just needs to stop.
I think I'll wear my DIIV shirt
someone should go there and assassinate him
explain what the fuck this is please
I'm so confused. What the fuck is he going to perform? A clip of his "song" that he stole from Sigur Ros? With him sitting in a chair and trying to suck his own dick?
Marcel doing armpit farts over Sigur Ros songs as his mother sits in a folding chair facing him while holding a camera and chanting "bravo".
you better :^)

>posting with a fake Dev trip
Get a load of this faggot
do his mother and the rest of the free world a favor
>he hasn't yet realized that long after Devin's body left the physical realm his spirit remains among each and every one of us
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Crystal Castles, Deaf Grapes and now this ;_;
It's not 2014 anymore, let the meme die

A long break from paulstretching he means.......
its basically just this
Would rather just go see Foliage live, he puts on a hell of a show apparently.
he is such a mimic

>creative peak
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He posted this photo on Twitter. Apparently the gear he's using for the show.

Damn I used to have a maxi, hope he records it now I'm interested
>there's actually people out there in this planet (let alone /mu/ of all places) that would pay money to see some 14 year old homeschooled autist "attempt" to make music

Just let that sink in for a moment.
actually no.
It's a free show.
I think its free dude

top fucking kek
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>mfw Foliage has actually gained real fame while Marcel still viral markets himself.
ew maxi. Hope he does better.
fuck off Foliage
I saw footage from the show and it was like 50 hipster fucks playing jingle jangles on their Jaguars.
Still though.
will you still be bringing your qt to the show?
Yeah if the precious moments of your life are worth nothing
>260 likes on Facejew
>Plays a single local gig in some dungeon
>Loathed by everyone on this site for his mediocre music and incessant self-promotion
Yep, he's living it up now.

Wasn't he underage b& a while back? How old is he?
I have work at 5am, but yeah she lives in SJ so it's on the way.
>mfw Marcel sings the "I play with chopsticks" song
>Footage goes viral, Marcel is accused of cultural appropriation
>The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down plays in the background as Marcel holds a press conference in a local Marriott ballroom, booked by his mother, to announce he is retiring from music forever

Please submit your own Marcel fan fiction below. But be gentle; he is only 12 years old!
>Buy tickets to Sunn O)))
>Fog comes out
>Chanting is played over the PA
>A deep drone slowly builds
>Can't see or breathe because the volume is so intense
>A figure emerges from the shadows
>Steps up to the microphone and stands motionless
>He slowly takes off his hood
>It's Marcel
>He delivers the monologue from Aghartha perfectly
>At the end of the show, Greg and Stephen remove their hoods
>Their faces are identical to Marcel's
>Read on /mu/ the next day that Sunn O))) all had extensive facial reconstruction surgery to become Marcel
>implying that it matters
Masturbating to scat porn for 17 hours while blasting Merzbow's entire discography at max volume would be a more better, reasonable way of killing precious time than seeing Marcel actually attempt to play a show.
>Marcel rocks the stage, the audience full of his devoted RYM followers
>Milf mother on her knees in the frontrow with a camcorder
>One of her glorious Mexican tata's slips out of her summer dress in the Santa Cruz heat
>Marcel spots the brown nipple, throwing the Maxi-korg to the floor
>Utters a single word 'bitty'
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