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why does kanye make it so hard to like him? I mean I'm
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why does kanye make it so hard to like him?
I mean I'm not denying he's a great producer but's he's an ass.

single child
that was funny when he did that but the shit he was saying after the show wasnt right. beck is a real artist, beyonce is just a thick woman of colour who can sing good. beck is a multi instrumentalist who's been recording music since the 80's, he was homeless for years. beck is much more interesting and artistic.
that's just how beck looks all the time

poor dude has been completely brainwashed by scientology
considering all the ghost writing that bey's been known for even in the general public's eye yeah she's a hack
i was okay with him doing the stage gimmick like okay yeah we get it nice reference joke to that thing like 5 years ago

but then he went full kanye in that interview calling beyonce's pop drivel art and saying beck should bow down and suck her clit over it and i remembered kanye actually believes this shit
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"No one ever questions the disorder behind... because it’s... good entertainment! I have a low tolerance for manipulative, egomaniacal behaviour, and usually have to remind myself that the person might be mentally ill." -Kim Gordon
why does kanye care so much about the grammys

i bet if he started his own ideal awards show people would laugh at the garbage it would be, kanye is just too deluded and uninformed while caring way too much.
Friendly reminder that Kanye is legitimately racist.
Dude hates white people, its just some just prejudice though
Can you imagine actually sitting around and thinking that anybody who thinks Beck is better than Beyoncé must be racist. That's literally how fucking retarded this guy is. It's not even, like, a joke at this point. If his friends wife or Kanye West doesn't win every award they are nominated for he genuinely thinks it's racism. It's not even a joke!
His wife is white
racism against white people doesn't exist shitloard. check your privilege

"I have black friends"
>defending beck

Shut the fuck up /mu/, shitting on bad artists is perfectly okay.
you should probably stop taking him so seriously. so he has some strong opinions, so what. its just kanye being kanye. he has a big ego and that's just a part of his thing. get over it.

Even if you don't like Beck (I don't like his new album at all) the SUGGESTION that Beyoncé is a more talented artist is flat out fucking retarded.
Ah yes, two ways of saying the same thing

No, people should mock him for his stupid bullshjt. Maybe then the idiot teenagers who pretend he's a genius because Pitchfork told them so will realise he's actually a fucking moron with no sense of irony or self awareness.
Shes not jewish shes white and armenian
Kanye is an autist.
I don't have an appropriate reaction image for a claim this retarded.

I bet you think spaniards, wops and micks are white too.
>he's a genius because Pitchfork told them so
that's so inaccurate though. he's an incredible producer but he should stay out of the limelight because he's an idiot. your about the other things.

>people should mock him for his stupid bullshit
>he's a fucking moron with no sense of irony or self awareness.
i'd say he's done cool shit in the past, but Morning Phase was bad.

Plus it's funny as fuck when Kanye does stuff like this, I love it.
The bitch is Armenian and white

If he's an incredible producer who come he doesn't make the fucking beats for his albums in a decade
/mu/ defends kanye and death grips all the time what's the problem
This kids new, go easy on him
>he's an incredible producer
Lmao what has he produced that's incredible? it's all other people doing shit for him
I don't know.
I don't know why he does a lot of things.

I know his discography though, I know the songs he has produced, and their incredible.
How'd you come to that conclusion dipshit?

>actually wanting to fit in here
my sides
I.e. not white.
Name one example of hin being racist
lol wut

As far as I understand, the other producers working on his albums act more as consultants than anything else.

Do you love it because you think he's "le troll" or because you just genuinely like idiotic behaviour?

If white people win awards over black people he always bitches and complains and implies it's because the voters are racist. Always.
>Implying that Beyonce is better than Beck
Actually kill yourself
When did he mention racist?

You're incorrect. They bring beats to him, especially for Yeezus

>and their incredible.

Kanyefags everybody
>makes one album where doesn't produce one track
>man everybody does everything for him

They are, you fucking idiot.
plus why does he think beyonce should have won? I wouldnt doubt shes the same as every other pop star, just gets handed a lyric sheet as is told to sing,
>americans actually believe this
and yet they are all no where near being incredibe
>having shit taste
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>and their incredible
so kanyes fans really are underage retards huh
Its not about the artistic merit of the individual. Was her album good as a whole? Thats all that matters
Asian pussy, sweet & sour sauce, ect
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lel stop, please
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