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Musicians hanging out with other musicians.
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Musicians hanging out with other musicians.
>Musicians hanging out with other musicians
>they don't even jam together
>they don't even have their instruments with them

Is Facebook and Youtube really more important to them?
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To much talent for one pic and a killer synth to boot.
I only know skrillex and grimes. Is that bad?
oi im laffin. you know thats merzbow right?
i miss you james
beyonce/death grips/his name was robert pattinson photo where
tiny penis dilpo
literally who?
blood daimond? he looks weird
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Michael Gira and Alice Bag, 1979
no thats all you need to know
The lady between Diplo and Blood Diamonds is Tokimonsta, she's a DJ.
literally who?
so nobody worth knowing i guess
Oh diplo. I knew him too. I guess his angle is weird.
cho chang
fat boy skrillex
>implying a macbook isn't an instrument
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collab when

who are these faggots? why don't any of them have instruments?
Death Grips ft. Beck and Bjork
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I like you
Oh Shit.
Check out Alice Bag's Wikipedia article.
It's so obvious that she wrote it herself.
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gira and buesemi.jpg
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citation needed for that entire article
That is one of the worst written articles I've ever read, lol
Those are always pretty pathetic.

Adam Ant and Pete Best are also a sight.
that's diplo in the middle.
google Bjeck
Those are their instruments.
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Holy shit

>In our century, a strong way to demonstrate resistance is through social media. Alice Bag is a Twitter enthusiast keeping all her followers up to date with current resistance events. Her daily tweets include information about her most current interviews, new work, and personal thoughts. Alice keeps her audience updated on current rallies, protests, and conferences that defend and promote the Chicansimo movement. Through her tweets you will be able to find references to other great, status quo defiant artists. As of June 5, 2014 Alice Bag only has 2,781 followers. This demonstrates the struggle for punk feminist artists such as Alice herself, to find the space, opportunity, and support through networks such as Twitter. These revolutionary artists need more recognition for their work and a broader audience that will listen and follow. Simple things such as tweets can be a nice, friendly reminder of the internal and external war that Chican@s combat in hopes of finding the spiritual utopia, Aztlan. For Alice Bag’s followers, her tweets work as a reminder that the community is in constant resistance. She also has links to her daily blogs about the her Chicana, feminist, punk rock life.
what a boring green room.

i met a promoter for big festivals in europe while touring with kind of a big band. the promoter said bands used to come around with crazy stories about what they did in each town they passed through.
she then told me that for the past 5 years and onward, bands that come through only say one thing-- "hey, uhh, whats the wifi password?"
This would be anazing if MCRide only did the chorus.
Isn't analog more expensive to record with nowadays? Seems more "punk" to record with whatever shit you got.
>In addition to her Twitter account, Alice Bag also has her own Tumblr account in which the punk rock artist talks about her early life stories and experiences as a punk rock artist during her career initiation. In her account she talks about the different encounters she faced with other artists whom she met along the way. She uses this space to touch on her experiences in the past, how they shaped her life and career and how they made her the person she is today. She references many artists who made an impact in her musical career and recalls the moments when she first met them, outlining their first encounter detail by detail. " Tomata was the first Screamer I met. I met him at a party but like so many of the parties that I attended during that time, I have little idea who my host or hostess was. The same night I met Tomata, I also met the flashy, tough looking Cherie The Penguin and her tan, buffed-out faithful companion Tony The Tiger." Alice Bag -Tumblr. She mentions the Tupperwares and Screamers, Cherie The Penguin and Tony The Tiger as well as other shows such the East Side Kids who inspired her career while during her early stages as a punk rock artist. In one of her entries she talks about her first encounter with the group, as she recalls meeting the band's co-conspirators; Tomata du Plenty and Tommy Gear. She utilizes this space to blog about important dates when she will be making an appearance in public or performing as means to share memories relating to her earlier years as a punk rock artist and other important moments today. In addition to sharing stories about her early life, Alice Bag also blogs about her feelings, music, interviews, book excerpts and about other artists who have made an impact in her life.
It's not punk to pro-tool the shit out of it and then not be able to play live.
despite being huge musicians they still hang out in some room and get sweaty balls from the laptop heat

it's depressing
mac demarco & sky ferreira
sadboys took him from us

>wanting to be punk

Grohl's records are still compressed and limited and maximized to death like any other pop record. Grohl really isn't getting much difference at all swapping out digital for extremely expensive analogue equipment, other than the ridiculous idea that he is more "real".
Maybe if he used a DAW once in a while he could find a new sound rather than rehashing riffs from the 70's and acting like he's better than everyone.
sky is soo hot
imagine that threesome
I already did.
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David Byrne interviewing David Byrne

perhaps not, but the ability for anyone with a laptop and pirated software to make great music is very punk
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>dem sky eyes
what a motherfuckin' QT
>mfw i use audacity to record everything
>mfw i've spent hours with my nose to the grindstone learning about production with nothing but info graphics as my guide
>mfw i pump out "professional" sounding tracks using the most bare minimum gear
>mfw i can also play it all live
it takes just as much time and effort to be an electronic musician. the only difference is you're playing with different toys.
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Poor MC Ride, he gives me feels
What is the ogre Grimes doing there?
Man stefan looks so out of place there. Why would he ever be in the same room as beyonce and that edward fag? Just why
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Jack White.jpg
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Has Deakin commited suicide yet?
>that edward fag
Robert Pattinson is apparently a pretty cool dude. He hates Twilight, but you'd do it too if you knew it'd net you millions of dollars.
replace pro-tools with studio musicians and this was the state of punk in the UK
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