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You are currently reading a thread in /mu/ - Music

Thread replies: 20
Thread images: 8
File: cover.png (262 KB, 1000x1000) Image search: [Google]
262 KB, 1000x1000
In Celebration of the leak of Panda Bear Meets the Grim Reaper, let's have a sharethread

Panda Bear - Panda Bear Meets the Grim Reaper
File: Descensus.jpg (125 KB, 700x700) Image search: [Google]
125 KB, 700x700
Circa Survive - Descensus
File: Content Nausea.jpg (198 KB, 658x658) Image search: [Google]
Content Nausea.jpg
198 KB, 658x658
Parquet Courts - Content Naseau
File: $INGLE$ 2.jpg (268 KB, 800x800) Image search: [Google]
$INGLE$ 2.jpg
268 KB, 800x800
Ty Segall - $INGLES$ 2
File: The Hum.jpg (555 KB, 2048x2048) Image search: [Google]
The Hum.jpg
555 KB, 2048x2048
Hookworms - The Hum
File: Earth Suck.jpg (1 MB, 1453x1440) Image search: [Google]
Earth Suck.jpg
1 MB, 1453x1440
Oozing Wound - Earth Suck

is this a transcode
any samples?
Haven't checked the spectrals, but the I downloaded directly from the stream and it's 192. I assume that Mega link is the stream rip.
Viet Cong leaked too

my very first song of 2015
What even are these threads
Do I just put shit from slsk up on mega
i'm really diggin both of these
its a transcode of a 192 kbps copy lOL
File: R-1967108-1330906915.jpg (279 KB, 527x550) Image search: [Google]
279 KB, 527x550
this please
File: 1403231490471.gif (3 MB, 400x225) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 400x225
Wait have I been under a rock? Did Panda Bear's album truly leak?
just today maybe yesterday
Thread replies: 20
Thread images: 8

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