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>Oh my god. What the fuck is this disco shit? What happened
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>Oh my god. What the fuck is this disco shit? What happened to the dubstep?

EDM Trend Machine for the win.
Let's hope this means new Pendulum. Oh God please fuck.
Also holy fuck EDM Trend Machine is brilliant. Just look at all the butthurt comments: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZF1vxfBt0-k
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This probably summed it up best in yesterday's thread (that honestly the fags probably made themselves)

>Pitch bend synths
>White noise in the 18k-20k range cranked to the max
>Typical loud reberb-vocals with shitty lyrics (if you don't think so, what lyrics stood out to you? It's typical emo teen shit recited by a 40 year old)
>BONFIRE WOBBLES ARE BACK (ironically the song title is "Give it up")
>Typical tech-house lyrics-guy followed by Anjuna-house synths
>Shitty 8-bit sampling and that fucking oppoing synth WHOOP-WHOOP WHOOPWHOOP-WHOOPWHOOP
>Super star is a shitty French-house ripoff at the beginning, shitty Afro jackoff synths all over the place at the end
>Re Dawn is just a shitty ripoff of "Todd Terje" and his song "Delorean Dynamite" (which is REAL, ACTUAL MUSIC) in the beginning followed by their bullshit white noise and risers at the end with the typical Egypt chords at the end
>Intro also similar to Terje, with INSPIRING EPIC INTRO NARRATION (just kidding, it's shit)
>Kaleidoscope is an obvious filler, repetitive, and goes nowhere

Abso-fucking-lutely refuse to believe this thread wasn't made by Queef Party themselves. This album is shit at best, and an absolute ripoff in so many ways.

Uninspired, non-creative mainstream simulations of everything that's already been done over and over and fucking over since 2011.

Start thinking for yourselves and explore what's out there instead of being spoon-fed this garbage just because sociaI media said it's good. So many of you listen to this shit when you could actually be listening to real music that's passed up by the hour because this is being shoved down your throats.


>Tripfaggot with unnecessary trip
>Please give attention you NEED to know who is making these incredible comments!!!!!!!!

>Someone actually using "butthurt" on /mu/

Please go re-evaluate your life.
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>Reading through EDM kiddie comments
edm trend machine is knife party's best song perioid.

I went crazy hearing it the first time, the use of big room in the switch drop made it sound so full.
this album is made to make fun off mainstream music.
they know what they are doing, they are simply catering to the people, they dont care about /mu/'s and KEKTRICIANS criticism about their songs because they know how shitty they are.

they took the ride to easy money, and on the way they made some nasty ass drops and got ton of babes.

now I only want them to make shallow house cause EDM TREND MACHINE is ripping me apart.
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>I went crazy hearing it the first time, the use of big room in the switch drop made it sound so full.


Because that's never been done before.

>Temple 1 did it
>SunnyIax did it
>Deadmus5 did it like 6 times and almost got sued for it once
>(Insert any artist within a month after it's release) did it

Beating a dead horse here but they're admitted meme-addict browsers, Rob SwinefIu at least.

This release is just another attempt at trying to cover up the fact they disbanded to come up with this group just to jump on the durb step bandwagon.

>They will never undo selling out
I burst out laughing at that drop. I'm enjoying this track way more than I think I should be

>Shitty 8-bit sampling and that fucking oppoing synth WHOOP-WHOOP WHOOPWHOOP-WHOOPWHOOP


kek'd hard, but did he mean popping? They really do rely on that sound too much. It's not even signature (because people like to use that word too much) it's been used for decades.
as I said which you completely ignored, they dont care.

they jumped the ship
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>Bad sense of humor
>Easily amused

Pick 3.
>but this album is IRONICALLY shit!
it's still shit.
>implying LRAD wasn't Animals before Animals was Animals
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>they dont care

Yeah, because people who disband and the regroup under a different name, just so they can make whatever music is popuIar amongst kiddies and x-dropping pIebfaggots "don't care".
let me rephrase, they care about money.
Also they were already making dubstep as Pendulum toward the end of the arc.

Pendulum disbanded because Swire got too ambitious with the live show and lost 5 figures of his own money on a tour. He produced some Rihanna songs to recoup the losses and then they formed Knife Party so that they wouldn't take any more risks on expensive as Pendulum tours.
that fucking cover though
I like this quite a bit, specifically that "fake" big room drop.

They reformed under a new name because they could no longer sustain touring as Pendulum. The necessary equipment and staff got too expensive and Swire wound up losing a fuck ton of money because he is EarStorm.

Swire's talked about this at length on twitter. They were already making EDM mollyfaggot music as Pendulum. Reforming as a different name just frees them to tour without a live band and server racks full of live production
Are the album and track titles signifying his plans on ditching EDM or did he choose those simply cause they sound cool and edgy?
I interpreted it as them abandoning Pendulum. Even though they've been KP for a few years, this is their first album, and it was probably the concept they had in mind for the first album ever since their first EP dropped
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You won't like this example, but Deadmau5 took plenty of losses in his career initially risking a potential recoup on his shows. Pendulum didn't have the live show support anywhere near the level Deadmau5 or many other acts did, they couldn't even manage their 15 minutes. They ruined their image when they let Swire steer the ship, but EVERY band image is make or break depending on who you let represent you.

Thing is, he has MASSIVE support, never sold out and never had to change his name. Once you do any of that, people will never let you forget it, and you already know, THE INTERNET NEVER FORGETS. It will always bite you in the ass, and Swire was always an ass on sociaI media and there's plenty of video supporting it (another outlet he fucked up).

I'm personally not a big fan of Deadmau5 (a song here or there, but definitely not a "fan", great production value though can't deny that) and he seems like a dick on a handful of web comments, but he reaches out to his fans a LOT while Rob Swire screenshots show him getting letrold into oblivion and the people he picks on have their age in their profile where you see he's cursing at 13-14 year olds. Not a morality fight here, but still everyone can see that.

Even his band mates and production team hate him and it produced a ton of issues with the group before they disbanded, only money kept them from ripping off each other's limbs.

Chvrches lead singer is notorious for being a bitch but they often make up for it and clean up their image RIGHT BEFORE new releases, they time it perfectly where she can be a huge bitch and still pull off being many people's AOTY.

If they couldn't afford to perform like Deadmau5 (not really big into electronic shows, please excuse me for not referencing other live shows which I'm sure are on the same level of extravagance) they could have done less with their shows. They licensed out their sets to other people to perform their music who do just that.
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>Deadmau5 references

Want to talk bad images in EDM/bullshit house?

Swedish Scam Mafia probably spent more than Deadmau5, plus they paid ghost producers (including Alesso until he threatened to bIow their cover about ghost producers and they gave him a contract) and a production/mastering team for SlZE MATTERS.

Steve AngeIIo got busted a bunch of times popping in CD-R's and just letting them play, NO MIXING (premixing) and charging $150 a ticket. lngrosso had people sending him percussion "demos" that had no copyright and used them for their tracks, which apparently ONLY AXWELL WAS PRODUCING.

Eric Prydz got kicked out years ago when he refused to work with only Axwell while Ingrosso and Angello got a free ride.

All of this on top of all those losses and expensive shows, but they took their losses and kept going, know why?

Fan support, adult fans. They reached out to the HOUSE crowd, while Swire reached out and argued with the kiddies on the internet. All these people are downIoading the music but they had to have cheap shows to survive while trying to get on the level of House Mafia who had adults paying big money for their shows.

Swire fucks with the kiddies, and in turn it killed them off initially and pissed off his other members and production teams. When not even your ex-fans will bother with you, it's over.

This is just another attempt to win fans back by tossing memes around everywhere and trying to "poke fun" at EDM by mocking it WHILE STILL BEING A PART OF IT.

It doesn't work that way and again kids will enjoy it but their Iive shows wiII never match that of current and upcoming acts.

>They somehow still have no idea they are troIIing themseIves with every reIease in an endless cycle

You can ignore the truth, but in this day and age once it's out in the open, there's no turning back.
>a try-hard
>an autist
Pick it all and leave.

>mom iused the internet guys joke aganst him!!!!! u wana lern how 2 rekt ppl?

Whom are you quoting?
>Anonymous board
Can someone pls post a mega

Not sure what you're asking here.
mega mega white thing?

Rob Swire pls go.
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Hi welcome to /mu/
A megaupload u fucks
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>If they couldn't afford to perform like Deadmau5 (not really big into electronic shows, please excuse me for not referencing other live shows which I'm sure are on the same level of extravagance) they could have done less with their shows

Are you even aware of what the Pendulum live act was? It wasn't anything like deadmau5 or SHM or any other electronic shit.

They literally had a full band playing a mixture of electric and straight up digital instruments. Pic related, Rob Swire would play this weird MIDI guitar thing all show and it multiple instruments would be wired into a server rack with a full live production environment. They basically took a full studio on tour with them live and had to pay roadies to set up and take down this expensive, largely-experimental equipment night after night. And this is all on top of their lights, pyrotechnics, and PA.

It was more or less unprecedented (I guess Linkin Park or Kanye West have similar set-ups nowadays, but they're the crown jewels of major labels) and it was something that Rob was clearly very passionate about. But ultimately he was his own record label, and so he had to pay out of pocket to cover the massive losses touring with that ridiculous setup.

At that point, he doesn't have many options. He could theoretically have scaled Pendulum shows to being a light show with couple of faggots staring at a laptop with CD decks -- but there was already an established precedent for a Pendulum show being something completely different. So instead he formed Knife Party as a "faggots staring at a laptop" side project, and they fell ass backwards into a fanbase.

I don't see what Rob arguing with teenagers has anything to do with anything, for the record.
I don't listen to EDM at all but I saw this album posted here multiple times the last few days.

Is it worth a listen? Is it fun?
shouting lager lager lager lager
>Is it fun?

To be honest yeah. I think a lot people don't realize this is suppose to be fun dance shit and take it too seriously.
It's definitely fun
viral marketers pls
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>They basically took a full studio on tour with them live and had to pay roadies to set up and take down this expensive, largely-experimental equipment night after night. And this is all on top of their lights, pyrotechnics, and PA.

Unnecessary effects shows to detract from the quality of music and the actual performance? Understandable, no wonder they didn't rack up tour support like aforementioned groups, not to mention amateur artists/groups pull this off successfully, sans fireworks but they get by without selling out.

If you're running your own record label because you're paranoid about THE lNDUSTRY and how they steaI your money, then at least know how to fucking manage your own accounts. You're just pointing out his ignorance and stupidity.

You missed the whole point of that post, only picked ONE line (well, HALF a line really) to argue, and try to defend a lack of success in the inability to progress with their group.

You can fanboy all you want, but facts are facts. They couldn't keep up, pissed off their fanbase (except examples such as you, the diehards/tryhards) and they became one-hit radio guys.

Their biggest opportunity was with "The lsIand" but even then you know why they couldn't keep afIoat?

>PopuIar acts that peopIe actuaIIy wanted to see were pIaying their tracks/remixes

PeopIe were actuaIIy going to see acts such as A-V-CHEE and CASCAlD because they would rather hear them mix their tracks Iive than see Swire.

Check out the prices for those tickets in the past. Even if you were getting first wave tickets they were $80 and by third wave of ticket releases you were looking at $120-$150 and they always soId out everywhere.

It's all about supply and demand. They suppIied "The lsIand", but the demand was for other electronic artists who actually had fans and weren't jerkoffs (objective and not personal opinion, but peopIe fucking feII in Iove with Aveecee, no denying that).

You can take your Guitar Hero gimmick toy and be gone now.
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>They basically took a full studio on tour with them live and had to pay roadies to set up and take down this expensive, largely-experimental equipment night after night.

Röyksopp did the same thing without selling out or bitching at their fans 16 hours a day.

Of Montreal was also really good, Sigur Rós, Alt-J, fuck there are tons of people that did this better than Swire. I'm starting to think you don't listen to any other groups.
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Decided to take a look through the thread and if this is the marketing team they must not like their artist much.
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