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Seasons one (1) and two (2) are canon. Everything else is hasbro's
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Seasons one (1) and two (2) are canon. Everything else is hasbro's toy selling jewery. That is all.
mmm, those are some hot opinion lad
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baitpone loves your bait.png
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mi amore costanza.png
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Lauren it's time to stop posting
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S1 and 2 were just as bad as the rest of the seasons.
It's a 22 minute toy commercial penned by the cheapest writers they could find hanging out around the bus station.

FiM is for clop. Nothing else.

G1-G4 are all toy selling jewery, first to last episode.
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All of the seasons and movies are both canon and good
I disagree, but i respect your opinion.
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I dont know, anon. The finale for S2 gives me a conflicting feeling about your statement.
OP doesn't get (You)'s
I'm okay with this headcanon. Though I think it works better if you tweak the S2 finale to turn Cadance back into a pegasus.
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ru serius, shugercube.png
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