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Equestrian Dungeon: Sandbar Edition
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You are currently reading a thread in /mlp/ - My Little Pony

Thread replies: 255
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Welcome to Equestrian Dungeon, the sequel to /mlp/ Tower. As in the last rendition of the game, the goal will be to get to the end of the segment or floor. Along the way, you will be able to keep items you find (and mischeviously bring along) in the Inventory, as well as work with a set number of players, dubbed "AnonPones," in the thread. AnonPones are created when a player joins the game. There are multiple interactive objects, such as switches, levers, giant metal springs, and the occasional undead or mechanical monstrosity that's out to kill your party. There are also many traps scattered throughout the floor, such as flamethrowers and bottomless pits, that also harm or kill your AnonPones. You have no floor diagram, alas "Flying Blind", and you will rely on
>Greentext parts of the story
to move along.

Version: 2.0
Recent updates: Tons of new content, modified the effects of update 1.5.

For new players: Post the nearest three items to your RIGHT excluding computer accessories, then post what race you'd like to be (Earth Pony, Pegasus, Unicorn).
Hide behind Jack upon entry.
Look around.
Pet Suitcase, before looking around.
Umm yes, I would like to join them in the Supah floor please.
You're already shipped with two girls in the dungeon. Don't make it three.
Go through the boss door.
SuitcaseXDaily is almost as a true ship as JackXKars, JackXSuitcase is a shit ship.
>Implying it isn't JackxEmber
look for the boss
>The party enters the boss door, and looks around. Here, they find a passage with a metal door straight ahead, empty shelves lining the walls.
Scream at the top of my lungs "DOCTOR, TURN OFF MY PAIN INHIBITORS" to no one in particular in an attempt to buff myself for the fight.
Crawl along the emtpy shelves.
Open up the metal door.
Open the door as well.
Carefully follow closely behind Jack.
Open the door.
examine the empty shelves
are they metal?
can I some how attach them together to make some plate armor
>Daily crawls along the empy shelves.

They are made of wood.
You cannot detatch them.
In fact, it appears as if they're moving closer towards each other...

>The remainder of the party moves into the next room. They can hear the sound of computers from somewhere, but all they see is darkness.
Scream "I'M FUCKING INVINCIBLE" in an attempt to buff myself
Use the lantern to light up the place.
>the shelves are moving closer together

Get out of them and run into the next room.
Unsheathe the Royal Spontoon and keep it at the ready while sticking close the Jack.
Look around the hall
Use the Fuel Sword to light up the room.
Cast winds of healing lv1 on myself.
follow daily
Oh fuck, run down the hall towards the computers.
Aid Akinzer in his attempt to scream buff himself
>Suddenly, lights on the ceiling illuminate. Some sort of vertical metal-plastic thing lowers from the ceiling, flashes a few lights at the party, and starts spinning around controllably. It says something along the lines of
>The hovering block returns to the ceiling, where it is protected by many, many layers of impenetrable metal.

>Fruitanon cast Winds of Healing, lv.1 on himself! He recovered some energy he will need soon.

>Just as the doors locked, Daily and Useless fell into the room to witness the following scene.

>Suddenly, some lime colored matter started dripping from the ceiling. It eventually became a small stream, rolling to the center of the room and forming into a large square fort made of lime-colored books, with a lime-colored person inside it. Immediately afterwards, eight Paratrooper Skeletons fell from the ceiling, in a perfect octagonal fashion.

Get ready.
>9 AnonPones v. Console Memory: Charlie (CM:C)
Ignore all the enemies and continue screaming "I'M FUCKING INVINCIBLE" in an attempt to buff myself in some way
Feel the feely feel of being locked out of a boss fight.

The only thing that can save us is the Septs that are coming up.
Cast winds of terror lv2 on the thing!
Use the Blender on Skele A.
Also try to console the screaming Daily.
Scream along with Akinzer, trying to aid him in his scream buffing
look around for a accessible computer terminal
Scream with Daily.
I am talking about the boss.
Console Memory: Charlie deployed a fire shield!
Console Memory: Charlie is protected by a fire shield.

>Boxpone stumbles in from somewhere!

>Daily screams.

>Fruitanon cast Winds of Terror, lv.2 on Console Memory: Charlie!
Console Memory: Charlie's DEF fell by 16 for the next turn!

>Krono attacked Paratrooper Skeleton A with the Blender! He knocked the enemy into the ceiling, and back down again.

>Rarifag screams alongside Akinzer.

>Useless is unsuccessful in his endeavor.

>Suitcase screams with Daily.

>Jack Frost cast Paralysis Ω!
It didn't work on Console Memory: Charlie!
Paratrooper Skeleton A couldn't move!
Paratrooper Skeleton B couldn't move!
Paratrooper Skeleton C couldn't move!
Paratrooper Skeleton D couldn't move!
Paratrooper Skeleton E couldn't move!
Paratrooper Skeleton F was unaffected by the attack!
Paratrooper Skeleton G couldn't move!
Paratrooper Skeleton H couldn't move!

Paratrooper Skeleton F attacked Krono with a bony kick! He was knocked to the cold, hard ground.
Cast breaker alpha on the shield?
I'm not with them in the boss fight, I said no
Shit Ember isn't here so we don't have the Medigun I take back what I said we're fucked.
Attack Skele F with The SOD
Yes, but is the screaming making me more powerful?

Also, attack the boss while still screaming
Cast winds of tradegy lv3 on Paratrooper Skeleton F.
Kick skeleton A in his crotch.
Well then you're not playing at all bucko.

You have to either fight the boss or wait until we kill it, or all of us die.
Slash through spook A using the Royal Spontoon.
Last I checked, Laws gave me the option to join or not and I said no.

I'm not in the Super Dungeon
Give Paratrooper Skeleton A a hoof sandwich
do what Akinzer is doing
You're not in the Super Dungeon, but you still can't do shit til the boss is dead or everyone dies excluding the ones who didn't enter the Super Dungeon.
Okay, then just don't play and wait for us to be done, all progress is halted until we finish, in both dungeons.
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>mfw still cooking
Stumble back to the somewhere, Box of pones wants no part in this
Console Memory: Charlie launched a white orb at Krono! Watch out!

>Jack Frost cast Breaker α on Console Memory: Charlie!
The Fire Shield was dispelled!

I never said you were in there.

>Krono used the SOD on Paratrooper Skeleton F! He worked his way around the enemy's arms, but didn't do much else.

>Akinzer tried to attack Console Memory: Charlie with the High Frequency Blade, but the structure the enemy is currently in is impenetrable!

>Fruitanon cast Winds of Tragedy, lv.3 on Paratrooper Skeleton F!
Paratrooper Skeleton F is stunned this turn!

>Daily attacked Paratrooper Skeleton A with brute force! It worked out for her.

>Suitcase attacked Paratrooper Skeleton A with the Royal Spontoon! She slashed right through the enemy!

>Useless attacked Paratrooper Skeleton A with brute force! Its head spun round and round.

>Rarifag, as unoriginal as she may seem, is copying Akinzer to the best of her ability. She gets the same result, even.

>Boxpone retreats to the back of the room.

Paratrooper Skeleton F is stunned!
Now hit skeleton A.
Use swap gamma to swap Krono with Paratrooper Skeleton B.
Cast winds of terror lv1 on Paratrooper B.
Attack paratrooper skeleton F
Banic internally since OP decided to drag me into this
After being swapped, attack Skele C
close line Paratrooper Skeleton A
I don't have time to think of original actions, just copy Akinzer
Also, /spells.

>inb4 wrong command
Cut straight through spook F. "Y'know. Maybe I'll join the super after I beat my current floor of the normal."
Break out the man, the myth, the legend Tesla Rifle and open fire, primary target D since he's in the middle.
inb4 a Faraday Cage is lower over Manhorse
Console Memory: Charlie deployed a Sticky Shield!
The Sticky Shield protected Console Memory: Charlie from all attacks.
The white orb hit Krono, and dropped glue all over him!
Krono can't use his special abilities right now!

>Daily attacked Paratrooper Skeleton A with the Brutal Mace! She clobbered the poor fellow, and he fell to the ground shortly thereafter.

>Jack Frost cast Swap γ on Paratrooper Skeleton B and Krono! They switch places.

>Fruitanon cast Winds of Terror, lv.1 on Paratrooper Skeleton B! The enemy was not affected.

>Akinzer attacked Paratrooper Skeleton F with the High Frequency Blade, forcing it to disassemble and stop moving!

>Boxpone warped his way out of here the same way he came in.

>Krono attacked Paratrooper Skeleton C with the Bat-tle Axe! He nails the bony baddie square in the ribcage.

Paratrooper Skeleton A is down!

Paratrooper Skeleton F is down!

/spells... /skills
[Spark: Emanates a brilliant light from the user, causing enemies to cry or suffer other ailments. Recharge time: 3 turns]
[Breaker α: Breaks the weakest or least effective shield on one target. Recharge time: 3 turns]
[Heal α: Restores 10 HP to one person. Recharge time: 3 turns]
[Breaker Ω: Breaks the weakest or least effective shield on all targets. Recharge time: 6 turns]
[Offense Up α: Increases one ally's offense by 6-10. Wears off after three turns. Recharge time: 3 turns]

>The 2.5th Manhorse fired the Tesla Rifle at Paratrooper Skeleton D and friends! It worked exactly as planned.
Slice through spook G.
Attack Skele C
stand over Paratrooper Skeleton A and smash through its face
Slash at Paratrooper Skeleton B.
Start slapping skele spook B
Cast defense omega on me, Fruit, and Krono.
Slice D away.
Attack skeleton G
Console Memory: Charlie launched a white orb at Fruitanon! Watch out!

>Suitcase attacked Paratrooper Skeleton G with the Royal Spontoon! She continued slicing through another enemy, as if it were stale butter.

>Krono attacked Paratrooper Skeleton C with the Bat-tle Axe! He nearly chopped its head off.

>Useless deals addtional, unnessecary damage to Paratrooper Skeleton A.

>Fruitanon attacked Paratrooper Skeleton B with the Bayonet! He made quick work of its lower ribcage.

>Rarifag started slapping Paratrooper Skeleton B. Unsirprisingly, it started slapping back!

>Jack Frost cast Defense Up Ω on Fruitanon, Krono, and himself!
Fruitanon's DEF rose by 7!
Krono's DEF rose by 9!
Jack Frost's DEF rose by 9!

[Shield α: Casts a 3-hit physical shield on one person. Recharge time: 3 turns]
[Offense Down α: Decreases one enemy's offense by 6-10 for 3 turns. Recharge time: 3 turns]
[Hypnosis α: Forces one enemy to sleep. Recharge time: 3 turns]
>The 2.5th Manhorse attacked Paratrooper Skeleton D with the Fuel Sword! It rolled backwards in response to his attack.

>Akinzer attacked Paratrooper Skeleton G with the High Frequency Blade! He slashed and diced the enemy, but left the tomato soup at home.

Enemy movements coming in a follow-up post.
Paratrooper Skeleton B can move again!
Paratrooper Skeleton B attacked Useless with a bony kick! He didn't like that very much.
Warning! Useless is low on HP!
Paratrooper Skeleton C could move again!
Paratrooper Skeleton C attacked Fruitanon with a bony fist! He reeled backwards, holding his nose.
Paratrooper Skeleton D could move again!
Paratrooper Skeleton D attacked Useless with a bony kick, knocking him to the ground!
Paratrooper Skeleton E could move again!
Paratrooper Skeleton E attacked The 2.5th Manhorse with a bony fist! He could feel the blood running to his cheeks.
Paratrooper Skeleton G could move again!
Paratrooper Skeleton G attacked Rarifag with a bony kick! She was face-to-face with the cold, hard floor.
Paratrooper Skeleton H could move again!
Paratrooper Skeleton H attacked Suitcase with a bony kick, but her shield negated the damage!
Suitcase's shield was broken.
Slap skeleton B. And if he dies by the time I try to, slap C.
hit skeleton G
Cast levitation beta on Paratrooper Skeleton C and B, and throw them at the boss.
Cast winds of healing lv3 on Useless.
>addtional, unnessecary damage
no such thing
grind Paratrooper Skeleton A into bonemeal
then eat the bonemeal to gain a calcium boost bonus and maybe some hp also
Slap the shit out of skeleton G with my bat, if he dies, attack Skeleton H
Fire the Tesla Rifle again at E as the target.
Cut through spook H.
Go to the farthest away point from Skele E, then begin running towards it as fast as possible with my axe up and rest it on my neck, halfway to Skele E, use my wings to bring me up just enough for friction to stop taking affect, so about a millimeter. Then turn a sideways while humming some Eurobeat as I drift torwards the skele. Veer a bit to the side so I don't slam directly into Skele E, I'll miss it but not by much. Then when I'm right next to the Skele and about to pass it, swing my axe at the Skele like it's head was a base ball.
Tl:dr; Drift at Skele E really fast and smash it's skull like it's a baseball.
Call the maneuver Drifter's Smash.
Console Memory: Charlie is guarding.
The white orb hit Fruitanon, and dropped glue all over him!
Fruitanon can't use his special abilities right now!

>Daily takes a page from Rarifag, and slaps Paratrooper Skeleton B... But fails miserably. She gets a slap back.

>Akinzer attacked Paratrooper Skeleton G with the High Frequency Blade! He broke off the enemy's leftmost finger.

>Jack Frost cast Levitation β on Paratrooper Skeletons B and C, and threw them at Console Memory: Charlie! Both enemies stuck to the enemy's sticky shield, not being able to move.

>Fruitanon's wings are glued down!

>Useless attacked Paratrooper Skeleton A's remains.

>Rarifag attacked Paratrooper Skeleton G with the Baseball Bat! She barely hit the enemy.

>The 2.5th Manhorse fired the Tesla Rifle at Paratrooper Skeleton E! He could see the lowered effect of the gun now.

>Suitcase attacked Paratrooper Skeleton H with the Royal Spontoon! She spun directly int the skeleton, almost taking out its legs.

Your wings are glued down!

Paratrooper Skeleton B attacked Useless with a bony kick, putting him in his place!
Useless couldn't withstand the attacks, and fell unconscious...
Paratrooper Skeleton C attacked The 2.5th Manhorse with a bony fist! He didn't even flinch.
Paratrooper Skeleton D attacked Jack Frost with a bony fist! He flinched.
Paratrooper Skeleton E attacked Krono with a bony kick! He weaved for a second, then resumed normal operations.
Paratrooper Skeleton H attacked Krono with a bony kick! This time, he was knocked to the ground.
Attack Skele H and try to shake the glue off of my wings.
Cut through spook B and put Useless on my back. "That's what you get for hitting my friend."
Gasp at his slap and smack him with my mace.
last time took 16 rolls
how long will it be this time around?
Roll #1
Slash at skeleton D.
keep hitting skeleton G
Slash at skeleton E.
Smash skeleton G in the skull with my bat, no one punches me and gets away with it
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I give you the power of hopes and memes to help you through this nightmare of yours.
"Well this sure is a fine cast of people."
Lunge into Skeleton C and thrust.
Console Memory: Charlie launched a white orb at Rarifag! Watch out!

>Krono attacked Paratrooper Skeleton H with the Bat-tle Axe, trying to flex his wings! It actually might have helped in his attack...

>Suitcase attacked Paratrooper Skeleton B with the Royal Spontoon! She delivered a swift and strenuous blow to the enemy's neck area.

>Daily attacked Paratrooper Skeleton B with the Brutal Mace! She tore through the enemy, with no ragrets.

>Fruitanon attacked Paratrooper Skeleton D with the Bayonet, completely destroying the enemy's ribcage.

Paratrooper Skeleton G is down!

>Jack Frost attacked Paratrooper Skeleton E with the Frostfang! He slashed right into the enemy's body, and pulled some bones on his way out.

>The 2.5th Manhorse attacked Paratrooper Skeleton C with the Fuel Sword, slashing it into thirds!

Paratrooper Skeleton E attacked Akinzer with a bony fist! He ducked a little too late.
Paratrooper Skeleton H attacked Daily with a bony fist! She didn't care, really. After all, she's seen worse.
Cast shield alpha on the 2.5th Manhorse!
Go to attack skeleton-
>After all, she's seen worse.
Curl up into a ball at the reminder of Krono and me a while back.
Slash at Paratrooper E!
Attack Skele H again while trying to unstick my wings from the side of my body.
Don't remind me I still feel a bit bad about it.
thank you for the kind words and warm memes
may all your rolls be natural 20's
now for roll #2
Cut through spooks C and D.
You can't forget what's unforgettable, you can only keep going.
Console Memory: Charlie is guarding.
The white orb hit Rarifag, and dropped glue all over her!
Rarifag can't use his special abilities right now!

>Jack Frost cast Shield α on The 2.5th Manhorse!
A 3-hit physical shield was placed over The 2.5th Manhorse.

>Daily assumes the fetal position.

>Fruitanon attacked Paratrooper Skeleton E with the Bayonet, slashing and crashing its body as well.

>Krono attacked Paratrooper Skeleton H with the Bat-tle Axe while flexing his wings! It is seriously making his attacks stronger.

Paratrooper Skeleton C is down!
Paratrooper Skeleton D is down!

Paratrooper Skeleton H attacked Daily with a bony kick! She was face-first on the ground, next to the unmoving Rarifag.
Pick up the fetal Daily and hold her above my head.
Throw her at Skele H.
"Largest projectile in the room. Also the fluffiest."
Roll #3
Cast winds of terror lv2 on CMC!
Slash at CMC!
"I-I'm not that fluffy f-faggot..."
Use spark alpha on skele H while Krono throws me.
Kill the last dude.
"You're the fluffiest thing. Fluffier then a new pillow filled with baby duck feathers laced with cotton and microscopic sheep. I could sleep on you and sleep for a week without disturbance. You're that fluffy."

I must go now.
Console Memory: Charlie is preparing for what happens next.

>Krono threw Daily at Paratrooper Skeleton H, destroying it upon impact.

>Fruitanon can't do that right now!

>Jack Frost attacked Console Memory: Charlie with the Frostfang, but got the weapon stuck in its Sticky Shield!

>Daily cast Spark!
Console Memory: Charlie was not affected.

A tad late.

Console Memory: Charlie came out of hiding, and is now moving around on the ground! Get ready!
Jump up and slash Console Memory: Charlie using the Royal Spontoon.
Roll #4
Pull the weapon out using levitation alpha.
Slash at CM: C
"T-Thanks... Y-You too..."
Get off the floor from the fetal position and heal the teammate with the lowest health.
Console Memory: Charlie launched two Junk Balls; one at Fruitanon, and another at Jack Frost. Watch out!

>Suitcase attacked Console Memory: Charlie using the Royal Spontoon, but the enemy blocked the attack!

>Jack Frost retrieves his weapon with the power of Levitation α.

>Fruitanon attacked Console Memory: Charlie with the Bayonet! He made the first mark!

Using what?
Cast levitation beta on the two Junk Balls, and chuck them back.
Use the Blood Moon Pendat to fuck up the CM: C
Heal alpha.
Roll #5
Cut through the CM:C.
Console Memory: Charlie quickly stabbed Jack Frost with its lime-green katana! He felt lots of pain.
Krono can use his abilities again!

>Jack Frost tossed the two Junk Balls back at Console Memory: Charlie with the power of Levitation β! They deal explosive damage to their sender.

>Fruitanon unleashed the power of the Blood Moon Amulet on Console Memory: Charlie! It took a ton of damage.

>Daily cast Heal α on Jack Frost! He recovered some energy he needed.

>Suitcase attacked Console Memory: Charlie with the Royal Spontoon, but the enemy blocked her attack!
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Roll #6
Take control back over of my body.
Attack Charlie.
Oh, hey! Slash at CM: C!
Wait you are back?
The real you?
The actual you and not Not-Fruit?
Cast defense up alpha on the Real Fruit.
"Stop blocking my attacks dammit!"
Cast revolutionary chain on the CM:C
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Some Hot shit.png
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What did I miss?>>27887715
It is you!
Well, I feel like shit now.
I didn't mean to add that quote, accidentally clicked it
Console Memory: Charlie grabbed some spare bones, and lobbed them at Suitcase, Daily, and Jack Frost!

Welcome back. I'm saving that.

>Fruitanon attacked Console Memory: Charlie with the Bayonet! He slashed the enemy again!

>Jack Frost cast Defense Up α on Fruitanon!
Fruitanon's DEF rose by 7!

>Suitcase cast Revolutionary Chain on Console Memory: Charlie! Five of the eight attacks landed.
Roll #7
Whack CM:C with the clackers.
Cast vertical chain on CM:C.
Artists got another one coming. Stay Tuned.
Slash Enemy
What did I miss?
Oh Lawsman, almost forgot.
I'm actually going to get a team Portrait commissioned. What can I Use for you?
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Do a filp, and dodge the bones.
>Team Portrait

I'm hyped
Who's the artist tho?
>Team portrait

>inb4 a snowman
>inb4 an anonymous with a fruit bowl head
>inb4 an r34 asriel with glasses that say dank maymays on them
>inb4 a suitcase
>inb4 a box
>inb4 ember the dragon lord
>inb4 a G man like figure that watches over us
>inb4 a naked man with a horse mask
>inb4 shipping
>inb4 a scientist pony
>inb4 a useless looking pony
Most of these won't happen if this portrait is based off the placement chart.
Console Memory: Charlie threw some disposable reading material at Fruitanon, Jack Frost, and Suitcase! Injuries were worn like war paint.

>Jack Frost attacked Console Memory: Charlie with the Clackers! It hit the enemy once.

>Suitcase cast Vertical Chain on Console Memory: Charlie! Two out of five attacks landed.

>Furitanon slashed Console Memory: Charlie once more with the Bayonet, ending its terrible tirade!

It's too late for that.

My placement picture is fine.

Console Memory: Charlie fell to the floor in a giant lime green lump, and eventually melted to the point where it moved back into the machine where it came from. You couldn't even dream of hurting the machine right now, if you were wondering.

Boss defeated!
You won!
Suitcase, Akinzer, The 2.5th Manhorse, Krono, Jack Frost, Fruitanon, and Daily gained 107 EXP.
Useless gained 90 EXP.
Rarifag gained 53 EXP.
Krono has achieved Level 15!
Krono realized the power of Winds of Tragedy, lv.2!
Useless has achieved Level 11!
Useless realized the power of Horizontal Chain!
The 2.5th Manhorse has achieved Level 7!
Akinzer has achieved Level 6!
Akinzer realized the power of Spark!
Rarifag has achieved Level 5!
A portal has opened in this room.
What am I? Chopped orphan? I don't see anything representing me
Go through the portal?
>Kill skeletons
>Hit an computer
>ded, here your exp.

Just go through the portal.
Roll #8
>Boss defeated!
Oh, neat

am I alive now?
probably cause off day tomorrow and it's the first floor boss
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New Alignment Chart23.png
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Updated alignment chart again.
Hey can I finally move again?
Uhhh, Find Kars?
Am I allowed to move again?
I know that, it's just that with all this talk about it being super hard I thought, holy crap we're gonna die.
Are you going to ever use Discord anymore?
Alright, rest for a sec.

I Only got room for a few in the Team Portrait!
First 9 to post a picture I Can give the artist (Excluding Lawsman, Jack, and myself.) Get in!
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Actually, I'll need a Pic for Lawsman real quick.
U Lil
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Vector Ember.png
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Ayy lmao
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Jonny Boy.jpg
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This is all I got.
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Toon Link.png
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Discord is a shit and crashes my tablet, like seriously. What the fuck?
Leap through the portal.

Discord link for anyone who needs it
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With color
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>tfw camping out while on your tablet just so you can get dank Pokemon
I'm going outside more than ever now all because of Pokemon Go get your lazy ass outside.
Oh that sucks.
>Pokemon Go
My nigger
I already got 50+ km down all because of trying to hatch eggs, currently level 11 and have control of 2 gyms.
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I'm really not sure if I should post since I haven't played in a while, but I'll do it anyway. If more than 9 people post, I'll give them my slot
pardon such a mikroimage
Last call for People, before i just start picking them out myself.
still need Lawsman pic
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>These three go through the portal.





Stopping here for the night.

Tomorrow is an off day, Friday we resume full-force. Everyone will be teleported back to Floor B8 for Friday. If you have any questions, ask them now. If not, I will see you all on Friday!
g'nite laws
enjoy your day off
Coke or Pepsi?
Goodnight Lawsie
Good night Lawsman.
Sweet dreams.
Look around
Look around
I got you, I'm on mobile right now, but dibs on position 9.
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Since manwhore didn't post a picture i'm taking his spot
Wait a minute, the /mlp/ tower finally ended?
When the fuck did this happen, I haven't been here in the longest time.
/mlp/ tower ended way back in 2015 when they ran out of floors and shit.

Equestrian Dungeon is because we wanted more.
End my suffering
no. the ride doesn't end.
It's just a prank bro, look there's the camera.
I'm the cameraman.
We were pranking you all along by making you think you were pranking us.
Thinking back over it, that's pretty fucking meta.
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If there is still room
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>mfw Manhorse didn't get in.
I guess that's what you get for being a teamkiller.
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Aryan Pony shocked.png
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posting pic
It's because he forgot to post a picture with his post so he didn't get in

But that reasoning is logical as well I guess.
I missed a thing.
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Equestrian Towers.png
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Posting the old one.
F is for friends that do stuff together
U is for Uranium bombs that Manhorse will eventually make.
N is for nuclear weaponry for all, right here in the destroyed city!
LalalalalaeveryonethatcoulddefeathimisdeadpleasehelpusManhorseisatyrantlalalalala right here in the destroyed city
F is for flame that creates the nuke zone
U is for the undoing of all constructed government
N is for no survivors to say that I did it all, right here in the evaporated sea!
no please
why did you have to steal my idea for world domination, Jacob?
You will remember the fall, but you won't remember the end.
The End has already come and gone, the Beginning has just begun in this long and unstoppable loop of destruction and recreation, all caused by people thought to be Gods from their power. But even the loop, once thought unstoppable, will end as well. All will be stagnant. Eventually the conclusion will come. In a world without the supposed Gods.
Guys plz
How the fuck did a song about fun turn into fucking philosophy and an existential crisis
I Need a meme to Fruit-Ify.
Give me one.
When is this happening?
when The artist is ready you inpatient fuck
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And it feels like heaven is so far away
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I got bored and I'm fairly sure some of these have nothing to do with us but here's some (probably very wrong) post/poster related stuff
>showing that I've been on /mlp/ since 2012
You missed 'The Second Manhorse' and 'The 2.5th Manhorse'.
On top of that, The Manhorse didn't have a trip for a time, and my very first posts were from 'The Third' and 'Anonpone3'.
Shhh, Manhorse don't you know?
H is for Hell that you put us all through.
I is for in-fec-tion.
V is for virus that spreads through your pe-nis!
And that's why you can't have sex!
On a more serious note, I was wondering if you could make artificial limbs. Like limbs that could incorporate weapons. That way we could some of our limbs for "Bloody Mares/Stallions". I mean, I'd be up for that but unless I lose a limb for some reason, I'm still unsure if I'd be willing to be amputated just yet.
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 36

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