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2 more fucking alicorns
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Thread replies: 34
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How mad would this fandom be?
aint even mad.
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Itll be fun to watch this board implode.
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Ok that's not the reaction I was fishing for.
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Disappointing trips.
Not even mad. The show’s continued decline in quality is hardly surprising at this point.
Honestly, I’d be more infuriated with people claiming that this planned all along than with Glim Glam and Shim Sham chugging down some Red Bull.
Hard to get mad when you've already given up
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>ascension (or anything really) in EQG
Who the fuck cares

>alicorn glimmer
Oh boy, brace yourselves for the shitstorm
This thread did not invoke the rage I hoped it would.
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oh well
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The show
I welcome change in the show that brings with it new, meaningful avenues to explore.

Asshurt is a given - unless things generally improve. Tossing in more Alicorns at this point is like a sugar high that will leave me feeling empty after the novelty wears off and originality dies with it.

Nice bait, OP.
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Thank you, it was my first serious bait please post.

Id actually welcome this for the 5th generation. Celestia and Luna step down into retirement (just fucking roll with it), and these 3 take up full power and they have each represent a different branch of our government.
Twily - Executive
Sunny - Judicial
Starlight - Legislative
But not have them be main characters, just teachers like they did in that one "Warriors" book series about the cats as he changed generations.

That was an effective CAPTCHA
Your waifu is high school trash, shimmerfag, she belongs in EQG
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Well Sunshit doesn't matter anyways. She's never going to be on the show.
Glimmer OTOH well it depends how it's handled
Sunset Shimmer doesn't exist.
You will just have to accept this, and move on.
it's just a pair of wings
Ain't gonna happen, Twilight Sparkle will be turn back into her unicorn form after her resign as princess in the future.
At this point, would it even matter anymore?
Sunset Shimmer already is an Alicorn.
Implying hasbro wants to get rid of one of their biggest toy selling characters in favor of good storytelling
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It wouldn't surprise me.
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If Sunshit and Glim Glam can become princesses, then anypony can.
Even you, Anon.
I'm going to be an alicorn princess.
i'd be okay with this. honestly, i kind of hope it happens.
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We're gonna need our own chapter

Or just give up entirely.
[shit eating intensifies]
[shit defending intensifies]
[here is your you (/mlp/)]
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I stopped caring.
It would just be another thing on a show in decline.
The only good storytelling would be to never have it happen
>biggest toy selling characters
>biggest toy selling character
You got a be kidding, right? WRONG!
It's part of Hasbro's scandal.
I don't hate the idea of more alicorns as long as it is executed properly.
Thread replies: 34
Thread images: 15

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