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Do you like Fleur Dis Lee? Do you want to do things for her?
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Thread replies: 33
Thread images: 8
File: Fleur_Dis_Lee_startled_S2E09.png (161 KB, 454x476) Image search: [Google]
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Do you like Fleur Dis Lee? Do you want to do things for her?
I would cum in her, yes.
yes she is cumminsidable
Of course, what are (potential) friends for?
>Do you want to do things for her?
I want to do things to her, huge difference
if she needs someone to make a job for her, or just a help i would do things for her for sure.
Yes, but my waifu is already in S&E so probably not things involving sexuals.
>posting an OC of Cadance
The name is Fleur de Lis, you uncultured swine.

shut up idiot
Anyone else head canon that Fleur is actually a very high class escort (think Inara in Firefly)?
Yeah, a misspelled page on a fan made wiki doesn't prove anything, especially when every other Google result gives her name as Fleur de Li's. Nice try, fuccboi.
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Let me guess, the card game doesn't count either?
>no ass

She's garbage
I want to consensually brush her mane.
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Ya they fucked up
Or maybe, just maybe, the character and the symbol are spelled differently.
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Na just fucked up
Her name is a pun, like 60 percent of everything in MLP
dis grasping at straws
23 posts in this thread, 43% of which are autism over how her name is spelled, and not about how you want to brush her pretty pretty mane and pump her pretty pretty ponut full of hot monkey sperm. Get back in the game /mlp/
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I'd have sex with that horse
Replace Twilight Sparkle and turn her into an alicorn and become a new princess of Equestria.
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Would you a >no hooves though?
It's just that they can't trademark the name of a French symbol. Simple as that.
Thanks for taking over for me after my post.
It's always fun when a shitstorm happens.
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Yes, I would use her for all the sick and twisted fetishes that I would never do to my waifu.
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she could use some meat on the bones
That artist is sameface garbage with shit proportions and I would not fuck anything he created.
Thread replies: 33
Thread images: 8

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