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Anon's pie adventure.
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You are currently reading a thread in /mlp/ - My Little Pony

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After my trip got this one colored.
All safe and work-friendly.
NSFW at: http://nsfwcartoonhorses.tumblr.com/post/146713839451/the-european-version-here

Comic Archive at: http://marble-pie.tumblr.com/tagged/apa
Grate work
Man, so he can only make them 50% less attractive if he lays with them?
73% maybe
oh ok
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Is she going to be that way forever?
i'm gonna need the 7th panel where anon and twilight are shocked
because that's how i feel now

>fake anthro

Welp, maybe we don't need to reach the bump limit for the next page, some newfag mod(that mod that ban LPS ) will delete this thread.
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I Love Anon's pie adventure
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You can't make her do anything. She's a big horse.
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AHHH it's ugly!.
This is only because the sample was not aquired from the "tap"
>5star post
>trip 5s
So they stay full horse?
I'd lay you in my lap and rub your belly and boop your snootle
So he's gonna make then 100% less attractive if they suck his dick or fuck him?

B...but anon, the elders might find out
Wait, so BJ's make them human, and coming inside make them alicorns?
hm. what'll happen if she tastes some more in the same way? does her upper half become super-human?

I think she'd happilyhave a taste of it, sloshing it around in her mouth to taste every bit of it before taking a big gulp, swallowing it all and presenting her mouth to Anon for more.
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why pencils
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I guess it's all temporary though. If they only had hay to eat all day and they turned human would they not be so hungry?
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worst than that senpai >>27764483

jk i don't care. I just want more ponies

Would it be possible to upload the NSFW version directly to derpibooru? I've never liked how tumblr has such a stupid size limit.
Why is that retarded general even a thing?
a lot of people with dreams of family and a hardcore incest fetish
Are you black from your trip anyway, Pencil?
Papyra is the best waifu of this comic, don't ruin her with this satyr meme.
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[Laughter stops].png
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no thanks.

Is her cutie mark supposed to be drained of color in that second to last panel?
A satyr is fine too.
>that tiny line and nip
I know better safe than sorry, but if Scruff's banned for that it'd be retarded af
Praise the sun!
I'm ok with this. Satyrs are cute.
afraid of besides of praising dat ass you'll have to praise those tiddies?
you forgot to colour her cutie mark in the last panel

Maybe the magic in her body fade faster is the magic isn't sex time
>dem rib bones
>implying ponies are in any way not plump
also eat a goddamn sandwich
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to bad that the preview already consume all the butthurt fuel.

Nice page anyway.
She already has a set exactly where they're meant to be.
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Nah, I just like crotchboobs more.


Mascara's chronic injuries and medication don't do good things for her appetite, you just don't see it as much as a pony vs. a human.
When will you do Nyx?

When will he do christian sunset?
When Starlight Glimmer becomes a good character.
You can have both this way
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This. First cum drinking, then anthro/satyr. I bet pencils is a furry
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Do people really get this upset about opposable digits?
getting some strong The Mask vibes from Anon there.
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>I bet pencils is a furry

fucking dropped
She doesn't look very healthy in that second to last panel, but overall very cute.

I don't even care as long as the important part is still pone.
>satyrs are anthro
If it's not bannable it doesn't count

It treats anthro/satyrs as it should- horrible freaks of un-nature. Look at the faces in the last panel. That's not "Ooh, half-pony/half-humans are SO COOL", it's "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOUR CUM DO TO THAT POOR PONY."
Fuck you, I almost chocked on my food.
I like it
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Big Mare.png
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Never said it was bannable. Just fucking disgusting on top of disgusting
Then my work here is done. Alas, even so I am only getting started.
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was thinkin the same
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Pencils, will you turn more ponies into strange halfbreeds as the story progresses?

Because Centaurs need to be a thing
Don't worry, soon the human will be a little pony to compensate ^:).
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I can forgive it, as long as the plot gets moving.
Aw yeah, fuckin tiddies son.
Don't tell me you wouldn't react like that if you saw someone changing right in front of you.
They're just shocked at the sudden transformation, that's all.
>Pony hips and ass
>human boobs
I bet Anon is gonna have a mighty hard time hiding his boner once he gets over the shock.
Love your stuff bud, but honestly I hope this satyr stuff doesn't become too big a part. Just go spend time in the satyr thread and you'll see the cancer it causes.
Centaurs were alwyas my biggest fetish and Celestia is my waifu, it was meant to be.
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>Pic deleted

top lel
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is there a larger transparent version of this by chance?


check derpibooru, pencil already upload that page after >>27777688 make that suggestion.
What's so cancerous about it?


But why?
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Scruffy popped in to say hello. Pencils got a warn.
Guess not enough was covered to make it SFW.
I suppose I need to use larger heads next time.
or just draw a funny image and link the full-res
color her damn cutie mark in last panel u dip
contain your autism
it's already colored.
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I think Anon's neck is toooo long in the last panel.
Same goes for Mascara in the panel above it.
Just do duck heads

Maybe you should just upload future NSFW pages to Derpi, then link them here.
Mods don't actually have to follow any rules since they usually give out penalties that can't be appealed.
Muh pencils bump
Stand your ground. Everything explicit was covered.
Shit, you could ask how is this entire retarded board even a thing.
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>All this buttblast from a temporary Satyr transformation

Top lel Pencil-kun. I cant wait to see where this goes from here.
tl;dr It started off pretty innocent, but then the hardcore fetishes started coming and people started complaining and it turned into a giant shitfest.

It's pretty peaceful now, but sometimes it gets pretty bad. Someone got the idea to make a general on /trash/ for absolutely everything nsfw, but that still didn't stop the complaining from following.

I understand if it was on the regular /sat/ thread, /mlp/ is a blue board after all. But it takes a special type of dumbass to complain about porn on /trash/.
Just a new janitor being a retard.
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This guy >>27781392 put it together better than I ever could. To each their own and I'm not saying that pencils shouldn't draw it, what he draws is his decision but I just hope the rest of his stuff doesn't involve satyrs. Maybe I'm the only one who thinks so, but oh well.
Oh god it looks so awful
and these comics were going so well, what happened?
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Stay turned for the next page, featuring plane ponies with shitting dick nipples!
Give Pencils a chance, perhaps he hasn't gone full satyr-fag.

I dropped the comic once it started introducing dogshit OCs and anime tropes. This latest page only exemplifies how piss-poor the writing is, and always was.
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Fucking this.

Pencil is wasting his talent with his poor writing when he would draw a comic about the best fic of this fandom Past Sins.
>the comic managed to trigger /mlp/'s cancer so much they can't stop bitching about it
loving every single tear of yours
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Cheers, family ^:)

Let's laugh at them all missing out on the best content we've seen on the board in years.
Then why are you still here?
Just to suffer?
The first guy is a braindamaged shitposter which his name should give away to you. The second one is either a nyxposter or he's making fun of them, hard to say really, since nyxposters mock themselves very easily as well.
Fuck. I've been on the ponytrain for six fucking years. This fucking show has been going on for six years.

Thanks for making me feel old.
Keep it up, Pencils. We love your shit. And if you get pissed off enough, you can always join us on /trash/, you know, that board where original content threads don't get spammed by CYOA faggots.
/trash/ would be so comfy if they just moved HG to /qst/.
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>mfw I've been a fan of ponies for longer than I've been on the pony train.

I'm kind if envious of you, family. I would have loved to be a part of the fandom in its heyday. That being said it's nice to enjoy the show now without being cynical about it.
>anime tropes
So you never read past the first page?
I fondly remember the early days, but 2012 was the golden year for me.
I never went to a convention or anything, but I love enjoying this shit with you faggots. I hope we can continue to do so even after the ride ends, and I believe people like Pencils are part of that.
BAHAHAHA! #REKT. Someone actually reported him!
>pic deleted


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Pencils, nice quality art.
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>The best thing we've seen on this board, or in general for MLP comics in years.
>People lighting their asses on fire over one panel among several others portraying a satyr transformation

I'm convinced at least 25% of the people on this board have a form of autism so hindering it's flabbergasting they can even use a computer.
And yet, despite our apparent autism, it's almost like we can enjoy original content despite it not being our sexual preference. Is new /mlp/ the tumblr of 4chan? Because you sound like the tumblr of 4chan.
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4chan and tumblr are two sides of the same coin
I think you completely misinterpreted what I was saying. Good job Mr.1/4.


I'm in /mlp/ the board with possibly the lowest IQ average and now i'm starting to see why every other board considers this place like ground zero for down syndrome.
Yeah and /pol/ was like second in that IQ chart. I'd rather keep the down syndrome, thanks.

Satyr Mascera is a babe.
Satyr is shit
This comic is great, just discovered it on exhentai yesterday and figured /mlp/ had something to do with it.

When did this thing start?
Uh, January? I'm not sure though. Could have been earlier. I joined in here after a while.
Indeed she is.

It was probably around early December or so last year, give or take. The Exhentai gallery only started being updated at the end of chapter 1, and back then Pencils was putting one or two pages a day.
This comic is all over the place. What's the point of it? I thought anon was gonna do marble
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Pencils has updated his tumblr, and has a swanky new banner to boot.


Sorry, she is best friend material. The only one that actually show love interest in the comic is Limestone
Wow, that is awful.
How many people here discovered the comic from the Exhentai gallery?
New banner is cool, but I liked more the old theme.
>that pinkie pie with human boobs. Terrifying.
Viewing the redesigned tumblr page defaults to the mobile version. I know how to request the desktop version of the page, but how do I keep it that way?
Why is Maud's head so tiny compared to those of her sisters'?

Probably filly maud, after all we need more than only one filly that want the hot monkey dick
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You mean "debased mods".


Pic related.
Jan 4th
Forgot link
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Pencils you cunt, what have you done
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I love Mascara
something about her face hits my heart
literally ruined the comic with the satyr shit, keep it full horse in future
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Moar mask expressions
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anon jawdrop.png
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>shocked yet aroused
>Satyrs are abominations
>implying the point isn't that you're supposed to be disgusted

I'm glad Pencils hit a home run with this page. He wanted to trigger people and get a disgusted reaction "to reflect the reaction in the story" and he did it superbly.
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No idea why those quotations are in there. Disregard
Well, fuck.
Into the /trash/ it goes.
Sure, sure that's exactly what it was.
[insert dismissive jerkoff hand motion here]
>Twilight and Anon reaction
Well where do you think the story is going genius? Do you think Twi and Anon are going to think that looks hot? Do you see the ribs on her? She's obviously drawn to be very appealing.
More like Pinky in a diaper and Discord doing vore on Fluttershy.
I would rather have all of characters getting shipped with Flash Sentry than read this abomination of a comic. Pencilc if a shit tier writer.
Please show us your literary work to judge you by
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I don't really get the massive anal annihilation over this.
/mlp/ loves drama more than a good episode
Ah the old "only person who has done x can criticize x" argument.

Not the him, but really anon?
Ah the old
> ive done nuttin wit me life
>I can judge all ya cause I can do better
>though I never have
> bugger off then im important (me mum says so)
Holy fuck not him but you're retarded.
Good boy, you may swallow already.
Not him but Bencils sucks
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>these retards

The argue to suck Pencils pen is:

At least show us better work to serve as example for Pencils.
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We know drama.gif
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what the christ
Mascara is now an abomination in the eyes of everyone, albeit temporarily.

Pencils has already stated this and that there was more to come, yet many of you cunts can't seem to fucking read, and you fuckers just don't seem to want to listen.

Your butthurt is delicious though.

Equestria Girls was 'just a movie', but it still tainted /mlp/ and now there are fags all over the board that unironically prefer >no hooves.
EG was a mistake
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>Twilight and Anon reaction
>ribs jutting out
>stick arms
Yeah, Pencils clearly is trying to get across that she looks attractive.
Not everyone is attracted to obese women like you are.
given the quantity of ass shots, the depictions of humans pre insanity, and Anon himself being a greek god, I'd say it's pretty clear that Pencils goes above and beyond when he wants to make something aesthetically pleasing. The abomination clearly does not follow that pattern and therefore, the opposite (that is, she's supposed to illicit a disgusted reaction) is most likely.

That and pencils blatantly said several times that both Anon and Twi are not going to be happy with the development, and the he wanted a disgusted reaction from the people reading.

But you know, obviously he was backpedaling. It's not clear from looking at it that it stands out from Pencil's usual depiction of characters.
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Everyone know that spike is the best choice for anon
fuck that shit right off
night bump
I wasn't here for it, just checking.
What was it?

looks like pencils is taking a break. it's a good thing though, he was drawing way too much every day, its not healthy.
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>patreon is $400 monthly
>instead of getting paid per piece of work
>content starts slowing down
Maybe it could be legit, but I'm a bit skeptical about his 3D classes, computer problems and now stress slowing down his pace.

It's healthy to be cautious on the internet.
So I missed >>27777777
He's talking about an anxiety disorder, a diagnosed mental illness. It's debilitating, and is often associated with depression.

Also, $400 is about 55 hrs work at minimum wage, that's 1-2 weeks pay. so he's either getting half a months pay for a minimum wage job, or a quarter.

Drawing is also very time consuming. His pace has been impressive if you compare it to a webcomic with art of similar quality, most update only once a week, twice if you're lucky. He slowed down recently, but most of the comic pages were done in less than a day.

Now consider that he has to fit time for school and study, probably a part time job, sleep, and random interruptions from family and friends.

Then think about all the pressure we put on him. He's done very well, especially given how bad some of these threads get.

Personally, if i were in his shoes the comic would have died a long time ago. I wouldn't cope with everyone's expectations, my anxiety would overcome me, and I'd panic and disappear. It's happened to successful web series before.

Pencils is a very talented and dedicated person. He's given us a lot of fantastic content, free of charge.

If he quits, it's justafied.
fuck, *justified.
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And I've seen people go lazy from the income from Patreon. Spoony for instance.

I don't personally know Pencils. He is a quality artist and If this is really an issue with him, he has my sympathies. But that doesn't necessarily mean anything when it comes to personal integrity.

How many people lie on the internet? On 4chan? How many shitposters smugly nyxpost here?

I think Pencils earned some goodwill for giving us something to shitpost about and/or unironically enjoy. I'm just not a fan of the per month method and it automatically makes me a bit suspicious when anyone uses it rather than on a per work basis. I feel the latter is more honest.

Pencils is a grown man. He can defend himself. I'm just one anon voicing my concern on the internet because I've seen people burned by crowdfunding before.
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You backed mighty number 9 didn't you anon?
Get well soon, Bensls!
does he have anxiety because of the nerve disease, or did he have it before?

He had it before, and for a time this comic helped keep that anxiety away.
maybe it would help if he started to draw serious anon on poner action
bump for Pencils
Godspeed pencils
May you get well soon

And now the comic isn't enough. The ride was fun but pencil will drop this comic.

At least anon isn't in a boat
at least he should do a last comic strip that ends it all
>and so Anon fucked Satyr Mascara. nobody exploded. th choosing stone never played a role. FIN
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Gon in Hiatus x Hiatus.png
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>At least anon isn't in a boat

Fuck you anon
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I don't think it's time to gloom and doom just yet
Looks like the summer shit storm kills another glorious thread.
Thread replies: 214
Thread images: 57

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