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(CYOA) War in the North #4
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>What's this: a CYOA style adventure where a young colt takes part in the conflict tearing apart his northern home. Reading previous works in the setting is NOT required to enjoy this story.
>Previous thread: >>27614266

>These are dire times for the free ponies of the North. After two years of unstable peace, the war effort has resumed.
>A former tribe, the Sons of the Aurora, established as a country, seeking to occupy the entire North under the rule of their king fiercely, no quarrel given.
>However, the tides may be changing, as rumors spread of the citizens of Auroria not trusting their king anymore.
>Young unicorn Tight Knit seeks to do his best to stop this war and bring peace to the fractured North, with the help of his friends and an indomitable spirit...

>Last time, you and your friends made for an unnamed Aurorian town, as part of your new mission to bring peace and unity to the lands of the North. In the way, you battled monsters, and learned that many ponies and objects have disappeared...

>Theme song: https://soundcloud.com/finstheaudio/witn-intro
>Want to know more? Lore guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qk_lW3QbQdodsvSstPhtlN1ksuiQ5OpR5C-Lz5RfQ98/edit?usp=sharing
>Charsheet: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1azY8JyLxVpAgg0pysOei5Y_ys10wodzFduod2v-z2n8/edit?usp=sharing
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>Later in the morning, your group assembles at the mayor's house, to discuss last night's events and a plan of action. You and Live Fire ended up taking a couple more toasts for the trip, they're well damn delicious. You and Marion went for an extra shower and cleaning, under the code words 'I need to clean my balls'. You believe the mares were giggling as you both left.
>"And that's all we could gather, mayor" Marion finishes the report in your stead. "It was a tiring night, but Knit proposed an interesting idea to carry out."
>"I see... do you think you could lure those... monsters, and find out where they have put our items?" Terran looks at you in the middle of a bite.
"Mm... mffhm" you nod effusively.
>"Poor little ponies, you must have had a rough night" the mayor's wife, a young unicorn, brings you a plate of cookies with her magic. "Have some of these, I'm still learning but I hope they're good."
>Both you and Live Fire help yourselves to a serving of cookies. Your hooves touch for a brief second in the exchange.
>"I believe our first priority today is to recover the body of the monster you defeated yesterday" Terran nods, sipping on a cup of something warm. "As I promised, I convinced some of our ponies to help, they're hardy workers and will do their job, but if you want to help, you're welcome."
>"I don't think we have anything else to do, I mean, we were going to see the sights, but the recent attacks have left your town in a state of sleep" Clearsoul speaks with a certain diplomatic charm.
>"There are still citizens willing to welcome a traveler or two" the unicorn replies. "If you don't want to help bring the body back, and you have nothing else to do, you could visit Hammerwill, our resident smith. There are some families, and Getta owns a small store with supplies for cooking, alchemy and other things."
think the blacksmith might be a good idea, he could sharpen our blades or perhaps even give us better material. Though we can do this AFTER helping bring the body back to town. The smith isn't going anywhere.
>Your hooves touch for a brief second in the exchange.
Oh my.

Let's get the body first. hopefully it wasn't stripped when we weren't looking.
"I'd be glad to help" you raise a hoof. "How about you guys?"
>"Sure, but I'm interested in visiting the smith" Marion replies. "We have quite the bounty of monster parts, with more to come."
"But the smith isn't going anywhere. It's not like we have anything else to do, right?"
>"Right, right..."
>"Then you ponies can go and meet the volunteers at the town exit" Terran points out.
>"I hope it doesn't take long... geez, that monster was so big!" Merry pouts, eyeing the cookies. You toss her one, and she catches it with her muzzle. Atta pony.
>After the chat with the mayor, you go check on Aphid. Between him and the bartender, they've managed to clean quite a chunk of the gore infesting the walls of the room.
>"We'll have it clean and pure by nightfall!" The mare replies. "You really don't have to stay if you want to..."
"If you manage to get rid of it, we couldn't say no to a free room" you shrug, as your friends nod. "Aphid, we'll go recover the body, how about you?"
>"I'll pass. First, I'm going to clean this room, and then..." the changeling, in his usual grey colt disguise, looks at the ceiling. "Look around town. For wares. Ya" he winks at you while the bartender doesn't notice.

>At the edge of town, your team of five meets with nine ponies and a griffon, all volunteers to help you bring the body. While most of the reward will be yours, they're attracted by the promise of rare monster materials, including the fabled monster meat. For that purpose, they carry not only rope, but shovels, knives and other tools.
>"It will be hard, but let's do our best, everypony" a large white cragpony stallion leads the march, chatting with you. "Ol' town hasn't been the same since the attacks. This is a breath of fresh air, we owe you travelers a good lot."
"We're glad to help. I've seen what monsters can do for myself, and it's not pretty."
>After traveling across empty land, you reach the forest north of town, and head directly to where you left the monster corpse. However, Clearsoul goes ahead and returns with dire news.
>"It seems that the small moles have swarmed the corpse, making some sort of shanty town around it" she raises a brow as she hardly believes her own narration. "There must be some fifty of them. We know they're weak, but fast, and we are fifteen strong. Should we move on?" She asks your group and the volunteers.
Let's ask the volunteers. If they join in, we might have a chance. But if they don't, then let's back off.
ask marion how many arrows he can rain down at once. we'll ambush them. tell the others what to expect. maybe we can have some hidden in trees. wish we had a net so that two pegasus can catch most of them.
Since we know how they attack , we might be able to handle it.
>ask marion how many arrows he can rain down at once
Uhh, one? He just has a crossbow, he's not a wizard.
"Wait, we haven't asked the volunteers yet..." you turn around, along with your friends. "You heard her, it seems there's a bunch of smaller monsters around the corpse. What will you do?"
>There's a murmur, certainly some of the ponies don't seem to want the fight. For shame, these were once called nords...
>"I can't believe you ponies!" The white cragpony suddenly turns around. "This is the first time we've been able to deal these things a hit, right where it hurts. Why won't you just pony up and charge in there?"
>"Easy to say for you, you're big!" A mare shouts from the crowd.
"Oh, for the love of..." you take a few steps forward. "Listen, we've fought those monsters before. They're small, and can only lunge at you. It's simple, just stay away from them, and they will jump at you. Then!" You swing your bolas with a speed that surprises even you, startling the ponies on the front row. "You smash them, cut them or deal them as garnish, I don't care, but if you can't deal with such small monsters, what would you do if a dragon suddenly shows up in your town!?"

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>The ponies murmur between themselves once again, as the white cragpony gives you a nod of respect. Finally, more favorable shouts start filling up the air.
>"Does anypony here have a net? I think I saw one... yes, you!" Marion points out at the griffon. "Using that net, we can capture some of them. In the air, they're worthless."
"And then we can easily dispatch the rest" you continue. "How about you, Marion? Can shoot fast enough?"
>"I'm afraid not, but if our group leads the charge, we'll divert the monsters and the rest can wait and join us" the grey colt looks at them. "As long as you do, we'll charge."
>"Yeah, let's do it!"
>Finally, it seems these ponies are waking up. The griffon and a pegasus from the party fly up with the net, and you group prepares to charge in. Advancing slowly, you finally get a sight of the provisional nest. Those things are everywhere.
>"Ready, everypony?" Marion asks in a whisper. "On my signal, we charge. The rest of you, wait until we take down some. Okay, one, two... go!"
>Your group of five storms out, weapons already out and ready to go. The closest cluster of moles, a group of six, meets you halfway in the clearing, before the trees and the body. The rest of the monsters stand and watch.
These are enemies we use our bolas on while our ring will be used for defense. Smush em.
Use your bolas to shake the ground to hopefully affect any of them underground.

If they're just standing and watching, then make sure one doesn't sneak away to flank you.
>The fight begins. Using the metal ring for defense and the bolas for offense is a good combo, but no matter what, fights can only be won through hardship.
>The monster's moves are predictable, but your initial swings miss, and it's only when one of the tentacles hits your cheek that you realize you're losing a bit of control. Around you, your friends deal with their own monsters, Live Fire taking care of two at the same time.
"Come here!" Feeling the warm blood dribble, you swing your bolas faster than before. From a good distance, you enact a throw, hitting the creature right in midair.
>The success of your attack is unparalleled. The creature practically explodes, a mishmash of guts erupting across the battlefield. Turning around, you see your friends have met similar degrees of success. Marion has some blood coming from his forehead, and Clearsoul on her side.
"Are we all okay?" You ask while not losing sight of the forty odd monsters watching you. Some of them are already getting up, hissing and flailing their little weird tentacles.
>Just then, something huge explodes behind you. Live Fire, kicking the last remaining monster with such force, it booms past you all and hits at least another five monsters nesting on the larger corpse.
>"G-Good job" Clearsoul opens wide. "Here they come..."
>That sure finished enraging the monsters. Dozens of them dash towards you. In that moment, Marion whistles.
>"Now, now! Attack!"
>The volunteers appear from in between the trees, charging with their odd weapons, while the flying ones sweep the field with the net. That alone catches at least ten, while the rest start fighting.
>"Knit, you're hurt...!" Live Fire runs to aid you in the middle of battle.
>"Things are under control!" Merry scouts ahead. "I'm going in, I didn't have enough!" She flies towards the commotion while the rest of you stand aside. You could help too, although it seems it will be over soon either way.
Our wound is nothing to worry about. Let's go in with merry and help in finishing them off. Try to find one that isn't being focused on. When the battle is over we can celebrate.
I'll be ok. Note how surprised and impressed you are by the effectiveness in which some wielded shovels. Maybe the tale of the Shovelmare has some credence. I mean, a mare using a shovel to kill a demon?
>Even Live Fire has a unique natural ability.
Why must life be so hard for poor Knit and Marion here?
She's fussing about a scratch in the middle of a battle? Join the fight!
"I'll be fine. Look, it's just a scratch" you show the cragpony your cheek. "What was that all about? You broke records with that kick."
>"I-I got very frustrated..." the mare puffs her cheeks, a crimson blush hardening the rocks in her cheeks.
"Well, I'm going to help along with Merry. Don't worry guys, we have this, don't feel pressured."
>"I'm going as well" Clearsoul frowns.
>"I'll try to shoot one or two from the back" Marion readies another bolt.
>"T-Then...! I'll wait here, if you don't mind" Live Fire hangs her head. You lift her muzzle up with your hoof and nod at her, smiling. That seems to calm her down.
>In the ruckus of the fight, with pegasi flying above your head and ponies hitting moles with shovels, you manage to find one, heading towards you. This time, you calculate the distance and spin your bolas at the right speed, and without hesitation, bring them down, splotching the monster's head. Somehow, it feels rewarding, since you've learned from your mistakes immediately during the same battle.
>All around you, the volunteers finish off every last monster, even those who try to run away. You can't help but to wonder at the way they handle shovels as if they were weapons, slicing and flattening. Are shovels really such a good weapon? Perhaps there's no lie in the tale of the Shovel Mare, slowly becoming a legend in your time.
>"We did it! Cheers, ponies!" Finally, the leader of the volunteers stands proud, shouting along with his companions. Your group joins the shouts with enthusiasm. "Ahoo, ahoo!"

>[You have leveled up! Assign 3 points freely to your stats:
>HP: 14
>ATK: 15 (purely physical and bodily use of weapons)
>DEF: 14
>SPD: 8
>MAG: 11 (includes handling weapons with magic)
>LCK: 15 (critical attacks)]
Back tomorrow. I'd like to point out that I'll be gone for three weeks, starting the 9th. I'm not certain that I'll have internet, if I did, then you'd hear about me, but I'll specify when I leave. Since I'll have to prepare on the night of the 8th, last session we'll have will be on the 7th. I'll do my best to run as much as possible until then.
I'd go either 3 MAG or 3 LCK. We seem more of a dps character this time rather than a tank back in shovelmare.
Dump it all in magic, that stat is far to low for how we fight.
Put all that shit into MAG, motherfucker.
the next thing we might want to upgrade is speed. magic is the way to go right now though.
have a good night page 10.
I forget, how did Knit's mom die again?
A particularly fierce monster hunt while roaming with the tribe.
Really? Where did it say that?
Nowhere, but if you take a moment during a vote to suggest thinking about it, you'll get details.
Well if we could make it ourselves wouldn't it be interesting if she died in the war? Might could give Knit a reason to hate the Aurorians but that chance has passed. Would still be interesting.
I'm sorry, gender, race, initial situation and family situation were the only things I decided to keep locked in this partial chargen.
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>[Assigned 3 points to MAG: 11 -> 14]

>You feel like these past battles have taught you a lot, certainly the increasing speed with which these encounters keep appearing is making you and your friends grow at a faster rate.
>Once the ecstasy of celebration is over, the group prepares to move the large corpse. The flying ones pull the net over it, after smashing the trapped moles, and the rest of you work the ropes around its legs and tentacles.
>Afterwards, with your spirits high in victory, the fifteen of you begin pulling the mastodon towards the town, a little at a time. With superb strength and many cries of 'forward', you make progress during the morning and a good part of the high noon.
>You leave the body near the entrance of town. The volunteers propose to move it further inside, where the provisional tents are, to begin taking it apart, piece by piece.
>"It's a huge thing, so it might take us a few days to get everything" the white cragpony scratches his neck with a hoof. "Tell you what, we'll focus on getting your reward from it first, and then the rest. How about enough scales to make a set of armor or two, the tentacles, some meat and some bones? I bet Hammerwill could tell you what you use all of them for."
Sounds good. Can we also have some of the teeth and spikes? We could probably use those teeth and for a second serrated ring.
To the blacksmith!
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"Sound good to you guys?"
>"I think it's a good deal, although I'd like to get some more spines" Marion steps forward. "I reckon they could be made into bolts for my crossbow."
"I'd like as many teeth as possible, to make me a bladed weapon" you lift the one hanging from your body with your magic. "How about it, could you spare some teeth and spines for us?"
>"Sure, y'all did well in asking. Let's have lunch together, shall we? Seal the deal, the works."
>Since it's pretty late and your tummies rumble in protest, you all agree to have lunch with the volunteers. The soft, fresh air of the southern North, the warm sun heating the backs of your necks and your plushy butts makes you feel like those halcyon days when you roamed the land with your parents, playing with other colts, not a worry in the world.
>"Gosh, I think I stuffed myself a bit much" Merry complains about her bulging tummy. "Guys, count me out on this one, I'm taking a nap."
"You sure? We're going to visit the blacksmith."
>"Yea yea, I'm happy with what I've got. Huff..." floating a few inches above the air, the pegasus flies towards the tavern lazily. The rest of you make way towards the end of town, where newer buildings have been stopped mid construction.
>Hidden past the few finished houses lies a small workshop, with an open fire, benches and tools laying around. A muscular brown stallion with an insanely thick neck works a hammer into what seems to be a metal rod with several small legs coming out of one end.
>"Hur, who goes... ah?" The stallion notices your group and frowns. "An' who's you lil' ponies, I ain't seen yar faces no 'round these parts!" He spits the hammer and trots towards you. "New to town? Need a hitch to git fixed, a loose bolt 'ere, I'll do yer anything."
Think you could make me a second ring with these teeth and possibly bones here? Also some bolts with these spines and a few sets of scale armor.
show him your ring and ask if you can add some sharp teeth to it.
I'd prefer a second ring overall. It'll be more useful to have 2 rings.
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>After introducing yourselves, and explaining your situation, the smith opens up considerably.
>"Well color me all blush 'n stuff! I cannae believe lil' pips like yer went and killed that bad beast!"
"We're... flattered."
>"So, what's the loot" he beckons you to go under the ceiling supporting his workshop. "Guess that what y'all here for?"
>"Indeed. We got quite a supply of monster parts, and we were hoping you'd know what to do with them" Marion explains.
>"The deadlier the better" Clearsoul clarifies.
>You tell Hammerwill everything you own, showing him a sample of what you have on you.
>"That makes me sweat inna good ways" the stallion nods. "I cannae do nothin' with the tenticles, sorry."
"I'd like to get a new blade ring, or improve this one" you go first, showing him your weapon. "Any chance to do either with the monster teeth and bones?"
>"Nothin' ye can do with the bones kid, they ain't that flexible. But..." the brown pony starts moving his jaw back and forth. "Tell ya what, I can make a ring with some steel I got me, and the teeth, or I can improve yours. It oughta make it stronger, more spiky."
"I see..."
>"And th'spines" he turns towards Marion. "I can make 'em with metal fletchs so they don't turn odd when you shoot 'em. Ye don't need to change a thing, they're all deadly on their own."
>"Can also get a full suit of scale armor. Got any heavy hitters? Because th'stuff is heavy as buck."
>"Live Fire here, she's tougher than she looks" Clearsoul grasps the filly's neck, who nods and scrunches. "Merry might like it too."
>"Aight" the smith spits on the floor. Such a large amount, too. Then, he looks at you. "So what will it be, new ring or better that one? New one might not be as big, but it sure will be light as a feather, and cut like a demon, too! Gyahahaha!!"
New ring please. Having two of them will be useful in a fight to attack from multiple angles.
I want a better ring. it would go well with the magic upgrade we just got.
i'll change my mind and get the new one because we can always improve our ring later i guess.
"Hmm, I'm not sure, both options sound good for me right now... But I'll take the new one. I've been wanting more weapons for a while."
>"Don't be in a hurry, Knit" Clearsoul pokes your side. "We'll be around for some time, and there's much to fight yet."
>"Ya, and I won' be goin' anywhere!" Hammerwill cackles. "Just come back with the good stuff when y'all got it!"
>"Think we'll be able to give them by tomorrow?" Live Fire asks.
>"If our friends do fast work... still, we may need our weapons tonight" Marion replies.
>After thanking the blacksmith, you make your way towards the tavern, first taking a detour around the area where families still live in tents.
>It reminds you a bit of younger days, the foals playing in the streets, ponies chatting and tending to their temporary homes. Despite the grim events happening in this town, there's still quite a bit of population.
>"This would seem like a nice place to live, if it weren't for the war and monsters everywhere" Clearsoul comments. "Oh, there's Aphid!"
>The rest of you turn your heads, finding the changeling in his pony disguise, clothes around his body, chatting with a bunch of ponies and a griffon couple, being loud and generally emitting good vibrations.
"No doubt he's absorbing some good emotions from there" you feel a smug grin across your face.
>"I think I'm going to join him" Clearsoul replies. "We still need to carry our duty, we can't leave this town until everypony's convinced that an united North is the best North" she says, storming off.
>"Then I'll speak with the mayor" Marion replies. "Helping with these monster attacks will win the hearts of the ponyfolk, help us bring them together."
>"And I... I'll go take a nap with Merry" Live Fire finally decides, with a silly grin on her face. "I won't lie, my tummy's been heavy for a while... what will you do, Knit?"

Back tomorrow. Sorry for leaving, I got a dizzy spell and realized that I'm blacking out.
let's go help unite the north!
we should find out where we can get some goggles and a scarf.
This. Goggles and scarves for everyone! Never again shall we lose any eyes.
be careful
have a good night bump
We have coin, right? Why not check out the shops?
"I think I'll go with Clearsoul. I'm also interested in buying new glasses for Aphid, so we might go shopping afterwards" you pat Live Fire's head. "Have a good nap."
>"O-Okay, see you later!" The filly hesitates for a moment, and then breaks on a gallop towards the tavern. Weird, maybe she had a change of heart...
>Approaching the changeling along with Clearsoul, you see he's making a good effort in blending in, speaking with a slightly off accent and trying to pass for someone who knows about commerce.
>"...and the final blow was struck onto the monster. Of course, I was merely holding myself, so that my dear friends could... oh, speaking of!" He just now realizes your arrival. "I was telling these ponies about the monsters you've helped me defeat!"
"You don't say..." you frown, however a smile comes out of your muzzle. This bug...
>Bravado aside, Aphid has made a good effort in opening up to the citizens, and given their miserable state, they welcome the rumors of an united North with a different perspective.
>"Do you think it's possible? Just, forgetting about the border, opening it all..." a young mare asks your group. "I don't know what the nords might think of our cities, my parents were against it first, but there's some good in living like this..."

"Perhaps the nords won't mind, as long as a compromise is reached" you drive the conversation towards your interests. "If the rumors are true, they might be here soon, but not to conquer, but to learn and protect. I hope there will be understanding if it happens."
>"T-Totally! If they come in peace, we'll welcome them with open hooves! The stars know how badly we need more visitors..."
>After a length conversation, with the sun slowly descending in the horizon, you take a walk along with Aphid and Clearsoul around the rows of tents. Some of them are temporary markets, ponies using coins to buy wares of many kinds.
>"Live Fire taught me a bit about the money" Clearsoul ponders. "But the truth is, I don't think we have any..."
"I got some loot from our victory against the Aurorians" you jingle the small pouch of bits. "Hopefully it will be enough to buy Aphid some new glasses."
>Indeed, you find a tent selling crude glasses with wooden frames, and for a small sum, you buy Aphid a set. The bug almost forgets his disguise, spewing a series of chitinous noises, before passing them as a violent cough. Since they're cheap enough, you buy four more, for every member of your team. It all costs you a bit of the fifteen you had.
>In another tent, there's a wide array of capes and scarves, in many colors and patterns. There's way too much to look for, so you'd be better going for anything specific. Any color/pattern combination you'd like?
>Live Fire hesitated and ran away.
I can't help but feel like we made a mistake with her there.

Anyways, we should get ones that match each pony's color schemes.
Our character is oblivious. Until one of them comes out and beats it through our thick skull, we're just going to keep juggling them.
Well ya. Though I like how it's going so far. Soon that obliviousness is gonna build up and he'll have the sudden realization someday.
Look and see if they have any magibeads. Get a red scarf.

I don't know what Live wanted. She asked what we're doing and we said that we're going to shop. If she assumes we're going to be her constant cuddle buddy or boyfriend she's wrong.
>Not wanting a constant cuddle buddy or rockpone waifu.
What are you, a human?
Not before he's hurt the mares a bi more.
Even worse, an Anon.
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>You have something in mind. You find a scarf with similar colors to your own, and try it on. It's bright and doesn't clash.
>Between the three of you, with Aphid joining the hunt, you end up finding scarves for all six of you. You end up buying all of them, and one that reminds you of Brunhilde, and a red one that looks good on you as well. All eight scarves cost you another bit, leaving you with thirteen.
>"It's cozy, thanks a lot" you get the changeling hugging you along the way back to the tavern, with his new glasses. At first, you return them happily, but soon you feel somehow tired, and notify the bug. "O-Oh, I might have gone a bit crazy, sorry."
>Going along the store row, you try to find any magibeads, but there's no sign of them. The vendors point at the larger cities and military fortresses of the North if you want a chance to obtain some.
>At the tavern, you find the rest of your friends, as well as the mayor, talking with the bartender and a couple of the volunteers.
>"There's the other half of your family" a pegasus mare you saw during the morning points out, talking with Marion and the others. "We finished getting your loot, ponies!"
>"And we arranged to send them all to Hammerwill, to get them made into weapons and armor" the grey pony nods. Before anyone else continues, you start hoofing the glasses and scarves. "Uh, what's this?"
"A little something I bought you all. Just take it" you reply, smiling with confidence. "So, what about tonight?"
>"We have a plan indeed. We'll take plenty of shiny items and hang them from the buildings, overlooking the forest" Terran explains. "That should draw the buggers, but we'll be ready for them" the volunteers nod along.
>"Does that sound good?" Merry walks up to you, snuggled in her new scarf. "Also, wouldn't you mind giving up your bolas for the gig? It probably shines like crazy, pleeease..."
This is a very conflicting decision. Reluctantly give up our balls.
Hesitate, yet ultimately hand them over.
trust merry.
>Your first reaction is to hang on to your balls, the metallic ones, and look at your male partners with worry. Marion couldn't care less, and Aphid seems confused by your reaction.
>"Knit, please..." Merry whispers in your ear, her wings rustling your side softly.
>"Yes, Knit, please..." Clearsoul joins her for some reason, brushing your neck with her disappearing hoof.
>"Y-Yeah..." Live Fire doesn't want to miss it, the little rocks in her cheeks caressing yours...
"Okay, okay! But treat them well" you give up, finally letting the pegasus have your balls.
>"Fantastic, more bait for our trap" Terran claps nonchalantly, ignoring your biting of the lower lip. "Have a good meal and rest, young ones, I wish you the best of luck."
>The mayor leaves, and as he advised, you all have dinner together in the tavern. Other volunteers, both from the group you met this morning and new ones, arrive with their crude weapons and shiny things to hang in clear view of the forest, and soon there's quite the group hanging around the bar, a couple dozen.

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>"We're going to smash those monsters, yay!" Live Fire and your friends are in high spirits, and the ambient is generally warm, nevermind that you're all going to start fighting large owl creatures soon. You give the clean part of your metal ring a kiss and hope for the best.
>Finally, night falls, and everyone makes an effort to display as many metallic objects as possible in the walls of the tavern and other buildings next to the forest. Afterwards, you all take cover inside the homes, weapons ready, while the moon rises and casts a powerful shine on them.
>"Look, look, there go your balls!" Merry whispers. The metallic orbs glow like crazy.
>After a while, a hollow cacophony of 'hoo's begins to vibrate in the air.
>"They're coming!" Clearsoul spots in the distance. However, even without her word you would know, as a large number of black forms with hollow white eyes walk from between the trees and towards the town, hooting in many different voices. "Everypony ready? Take a pick and stick close to an ally!" She hushes as the figures keep drawing closer.
I'll take the fat one to the right.

Make sure we have a way to light our ring. Man, I don't htink anybody knows about our secret weapon. The RING OF FIRE.
This. Light the ring and go after that fat owl who looks very not amused.
We should light it right before we reach them, to be more dramatic or as we lead the townfolk into battle.
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"I'm ready. Take position, Clearsoul, they're gonna get close very fast."
>The mare nods, and positions herself away, next to Merry.
>Out of your inventory, you retrieve an item that you believe could help you. The monster charcoal, which you feel warm in your hoof, might be the way to light the bloody ropes in your ring and cause it to combust. That's what charcoal is for, right? This should do the trick.
>"They're coming! Everypony ready to attack!" One of the volunteers yells. You get the charcoal ready and...
"Ponies!! They will take our shiny things!" You break on a run, lighting up the piece of charcoal against the stone floor, and exit the tavern. "But they will never take...!" You approach the flaming remains to your metal ring, carefully maneuvering your magic. "OUR FREEDOM!!"
>The charcoal touches the rope, and the entire ring goes up in flames, suddenly turning you into a flaming bastion, charging alone towards the enemy line. Alone no more, as you hear yells of fury coming out of every home, and a trope of ponies following you into battle.
>The owl monsters are momentarily surprised, and some even scared, flapping their weird long arms and backing away from you. However, one keeps advancing, a particularly large, fat owl with narrow slits for eyes.
"You're my target, aren't you?" You can feel the searing flame around your neck, spinning but not extinguishing, a ring of fire protecting your body and lighting your way.
>"Hoo" with a powerful, bass rumble, the fat owl advances with whimsical steps towards you. He's not afraid, but neither are you.
"Yaagh!" Once in melee range, you jump towards the monster with your ring of fire, but it deflects you with an arm, its hand immediately going up in smoke. The monster, nonchalant, begins to walk towards you once again, as all around you ponies and monsters clash in a fight, hoots and neighs bathing the night in carnage.
Might wanna get the limbs first. Preferably a wing and a leg for maximum effect.
Fuck we look so metal.
>The fight begins, and to your surprise, the fat owl is faster than you, reaching for your head. However, your flame ring gives you somewhat of an advantage at fending it off.
>After a couple of blows you begin to realize fighting this particular monster alone could be a serious task. While the other, smaller owls are being decimated slowly by your friends and the volunteers, the fat owl is unrelenting, doesn't lose track of where you are, and doesn't fear the flame as much.
>Eventually, you get hit, and a single slap of those long arms sends you off, as well as the flaming ring. Falling on your side, you feel agony coming from your ribs.
"Aaah! No way... no..." getting up, you recover the flaming ring from the grass, and leaving a trail across the field, you send it magically like a wheel of fire. "Gyaaah!!"
>Your attack meets success, slicing the fat owl's arm clean, even cauterizing the wound as it goes. The low rumble sounds across many leagues, and it enrages it further.
>Despite being so large, it's faster than you, and stronger. A second hit causes you to fall on the ground. As soon as you try to get up, you cough blood.
"Agh... this son of a..." you watch as the owl without an arm walks towards you with arrogance, its narrow eyes targeting your ring of fire. It's aware, it knows how much it can hurt, and you realize you have little control over this fight.
>All around you, it seems the battle is going favorably in your favor. Shovels and woodcutting axes might not be standard weapons that you know of, but they slice and dice the monsters clean nonetheless. But that's for the others, right now your fight is going badly, and you need to think of something before you take another hit.

Back tomorrow.
Additionaly, reminder that the charsheets update after every session.
Redspearian firework to its torso as a distraction.
Grab our metal ring and try to get at least one leg so it can't move.
Use our damn spell.
>moderate wounds

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't coughing up blood kinda serious? Anyways, if we can succeed in chopping a leg off try embedding the blade in it's torso. If things go south we make use of our shield and call for help.
>Ward II
Even if we ever cross the point where that's the only thing we could use, it probably wouldn't do anything anyways.
It wouldn't expect running into a magic barrier, could buy us a second or two.
We'd be better off using our light spell as a blinding flare or flashbang than that ward if you really want to use magic.
How do you know it's anything more than a generic light spell? Why did we even learn the shield spell if we're never going to use it? How will it get any stronger? Will it ever be useful even against the weakest monsters?
I'm not saying to not use it. I'm just saying that we should bring it up to at least level III-IV before we should use it at all. Since it was utterly useless against a tackle hug from our companions.
Our companions are pretty tough.
Page 10 is here, we must run away.
have a good night bump
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>With effort, you get up, thankful that you don't seem to have anything broken, just battered. The owl lumbers towards you, tiny eyes fixated in the fire of your blade ring.
"Here we go again..." with caution, you prepare your ring, and when the monster is at a closer distance, toss it again. You don't manage to tear off its other arm, but the creature stumbles.
>Then, it begins leering towards you, using the impulse of his silly stumble to attack you. The sudden move leaves you with no other alternative that to cast your warding spell in a pinch, and to your surprise, it deflects the owl's slap, allowing you to retreat.
>Wait, he's wide open now! Rummaging through your bags, you find something that could give you enough of a distraction: the large red cylinder. Shaking it up and down, you wait until sparks begin to shoot out of the butt of the cylinder, and with careful control, you aim towards the owl.
"Slow... slow..." it takes a lot of your magic to veer it correctly, but finally, the flaming firework traces a beautiful arc in the night sky, exploding in the monster's fat body. "Yes!"
>Now it's your chance! Running with the fire ring held in your magic, you shoot towards the creature's leg, and sure enough, tear it off. The owl, on the verge of defeat, falls to the ground, rumbling. Taking your glasses off to better see as you get near, you jump in the air.
"That'll be the last hoot you've done!" Putting all of your remaining force into pushing the flaming ring into the monster's body, you retch at the smell of burning guts and cut, cut, cut until it's practically separated in two fat blobs. Finally, there's peace around you, and your eyes close, unable to stay up.
>The next thing you know, you wake up in your room at the tavern, a gentle sun covering your face. Your torso is bandaged, and your brain hurts. None of your friends seem to be in the room.
attempt to get out of bed and find your friends. or depending on how long you've been out find a bathroom.
Carefully get up and go downstairs. We could use a drink.
Look to see if our balls are all right.
>Your first thought is that you need to go to the bathroom. Crap.
>Your second thought is ohmygosh where are the bolas. Are your balls alright!? Looking frantically around the room, you're surprised to find them right by your side, resting along with the ring. Your possessions are all there, obviously missing a piece of charcoal and your last firework.
>With some effort, you manage to get out of bed. As you hoped, nothing seems broken, only your muscles complain when you move, but it's nothing that shouldn't be fixed by a good day's rest.
>Leaving the room, you hear some chatting coming from the lower floor. However, first you run towards a small bathroom in the current floor and relieve yourself.
>Afterwards, you dress up and go downstairs. Slowly, very slowly. Your body complains when you move too fast, but not in the way it screamed at you last night. That fight... something tells you that you avoided defeat just narrowly. However, you did some nice things. Your ward spell worked, and you found out monster charcoal lets you light the ring up in flames.
>"Knit!" First thing you see when you get to the bar is Merry's wheat colored coat entrapping you in a soft hug.
"G-Good morningaaah don't push don't push don't push...!"
>"Sorry! I forgot you got the short end of the stick last night" the pegasus helps you to a seat. Marion is resting in a chair nearby, bandages in his neck and upper body. Live Fire and Merry only have some small patches of gauze on. Aphid sits by his lonesome, smiling softly at you.
"I need a drink" you ask the bartender, who gets to it immediately. "Where's Clearsoul?"
>"Gone recon. She shouldn't, with the blow she took to the shoulder, but she kept insisting" Merry replies, sighing. Silence falls on the tavern, your friends oddly looking away and keeping to their drinks.
So... any news on the blacksmith yet? We should also check any jailhouses we run across for Brun's brother.
so how many owls did we take out?
So what happened? Tell me what I missed! Looks like you ran into trouble Marion.
How did the volunteers fare?
"So... anypony mind telling me what happened? Did we get many owls?"
>"Wait, you didn't stick until the end?" Marion turns around.
>"Marion, you nobhead!" Merry flaps her wings. "I told you we found Knit passed out next to that huge owl corpse."
>"Oh yeaaah..."
>"Don't mind him, Knit, he probably got hit in the head" Merry shakes her head. "To answer your question, we took out their entire nest. Some brave ponies went to the forest and found everything the owls had stolen."
"And none of them disappeared?" You ask, surprised.
>"None. But the nest was very close to the edge" the bartender returns with a nice ale for you. "I can't thank you enough for rallying everypony to get our stuff back. My dear silverware...!"
"Well, that's a relief, but..." you look at Marion and Live Fire. "Why are you so gloom?"
>"Don't mind me, I barely got any sleep last night because of the injuries" Marion smiles, the bags under his eyes suddenly becoming more apparent. "I want another crossbow. A bigger one. This doesn't help me at all."
>"And I'm just setting the mood!" Live Fire suddenly sparks, bright as ever. "Merry told me so!"
>"Oh, that's, ahahaha...!" The pegasus looks elsewhere. Jokester.

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"What about the volunteers? Any casualties, serious wounds?"
>"To be honest, you were the most seriously wounded pony in there, Knit" Marion gives you a stern look. "Did you seriously fight that huge owl on your own?"
"I did, yes... I'm ashamed to say it was a close call."
>"You fool! That was easily the biggest of them!" Merry throws herself on your hooves. "I think I'm falling for you..."
>"Just kidding, silly" the pegasus boops you, then whispers. "Maybe."
"Sheesh... Have you heard anything about Hammerwill and our requests?"
>"He'll be done later today. Don't worry."
>After having your drink, the mares take you to their room, lined up with a couple of nice sofas.
"Why did you have to get the good furniture!?" You complain, sitting in one of the plush couches.
>"Jealous?" Merry immediately throws herself on you. Live Fire does a similar thing with Marion.
"W-What are you doing?"
>"Shh, you two idiots were the most injured. We'll be good friends and take care of you" the pegasus breathes hot air in your neck. "Don't complain."
remind us to repay the favor then. we appreciate having such good friends.
I bet they're gonna watch over us and keep us trapped here until we get healed. We must escape! Attempt a daring escape only to fall flat on our face.
>You scrunch at her. She scrunches at you. The scrunching goes on for whole seconds.
"Sheesh. Alright, then" you give up. Her body warmth is lulling your senses. "I guess I'll have to repay it at some point."
>"Oh, with bonus" the pegasus licks her lips. W-What's that supposed to mean!?
>The morning trudges along as you and your friends dooze in and out of sleep, the warm morning sun of this southern area causing you to snore, neigh, whinny and generally lose every ounce of sapience by the second.
>Your awakenings are usually caused by Aphid, the bug going from here to here, from Marion and Fire to you and Merry, getting nourishment from the feeling of bliss you experience during this calm day.
>But wait. This isn't right. You're not a big huggy cuddly horse, you're a fierce nord warrior! This wench -sorry, Merry- wants you to stay put until you're healed. Nonsense! You need to escape, lest you fall to her vile, scented charms...
"Hah!" All of the sudden, you rise and break on a run, lasting exactly three steps. As soon as your legs touch ground, they go numb, causing you to fall flat on your face. "Awww..."
>"I-Idiot! What in Tartarus was that all for!?" Merry rushes to your aid. "You made a booboo in your snootie, you silly drama queen...!"
"B-But... I'm a fierce nord warrior..."
>"Yes, yes" without any regard for her own cred, the pegasus nuzzles her snootie against yours. "We're resting for a good reason, you lump of hay. We can't be fighting every single day now, can we?"
"I suppose not."
>"Then back to the sofa."
>Around noon, when the sun is high and the tummies rumble, Clearsoul makes her appearance.
>"Hey guys" the mare greets you with a smile, however as soon as the lays next to Marion and Fire, she rests her eyes and doesn't speak another word. Uh...
Honestly I don't know what's going on. First the mares were competing for affection, but now they're working together?

Anyways, observe Live Fire. She's getting a little too close to Marion for our tastes.
poke her in the tum tum.
We should ask Clear what happened while she was out.

Why would we be jealous? We're the oblivious type after all.
Huh... Well, let's go inspect our ring. Probably needs a good cleaning after what we put it through.

I do get the feeling something's up.
>Huh. She seems to be tired, but on the other hoof, you haven't asked anyone why she left, and the suspense is killing you.
>"Let's give her a moment" Merry finally lets go of your body.
>You get off the couch and go over to your room, to inspect your blade ring. As expected, it's all dirty and stuff, covered with ashes and still warm to the touch. The blood and gory smell have disappeared. Grabbing a nearby bucket of water you scrub the filth until the ring sparkles clean. Same with your balls.
>And what's with those two? Merry and Live Fire. They're getting all close with you and Marion now. For what purpose? It is truly said that the mind of a mare is a deep maze, but you didn't expect such troubles at this point in your life... you'll have to investigate them.
>Coming back to the other room, all of your friends are surrounding Clearsoul.
>"Come on, guys... I'm tired. Let me sleep inside."
>"Clearsoul, please...!" Live Fire insists.
>"Just a nap."
"I'll fix this" you approach the sleepy pale mare and, with no disregard for the consequences, poke her in the tum tums.
>"Knit, you crazy beast!" Merry and the others step back.
>"Neeeigh!" Clearsoul gets up all of the sudden, flailing all of her legs. "Knit, I'm ticklish, don't you ever touch me there again!"

>"Sorry we didn't let you sleep, Clearsoul" Live Fire approaches, nuzzling the mare. "We just wanted to know what you found."
>"Ah, well..." Clearsoul sits straight on the couch. "As we expected, the owls aren't behind the pony abductions. After covering part of the forest I found traps. Lots of them."
"Traps? Of what kind?"
>"Certainly the kind ponies would make" the white mare looks at you with baggy eyes. "I didn't dare go further, but I'm sure of it now. The owls weren't the only thing lurking in those forests. Somepony set camp further in."
>"Gosh..." Fire takes a step back. "Think we should talk to the townsfolk about it?"
>"Just the mayor, I think" Marion replies. "This doesn't sound like the kind of thing you want the town involved in. They've already lost too many, and these new foes seem smarter than monsters."
>"In fact, they might be ponies alright" Clearsoul nods. "Bandits, smugglers. Those secret tunnels to Heroica we talked about" she looks at Merry.
>"W-W-What!? I-I was joking, you know!" The pegasus' wings go stiff.
>"Anyway, for now I'd like to rest" Clearsoul lies on the sofa once again. "I ate earlier, so don't worry about me. You ponies take it easy, we shouldn't do anything dangerous today."
>After a minute, all that remains of her is the soft breathing and rising of her tummy.
>"Darn... I want to keep snuggling, but we should be doing things now" Live Fire rocks herself in place. "R-Right? I mean, if you guys want to cuddle some more..."

Back tomorrow.
Take up on Live Fire's offer. For a few more minutes atleast. B-because we're tired, of course.
We are close to the border. Maybe it's a problem from down south.
We should head straight to the mayor about this new information asap.
We need to inform the mayor about Live
>Secret tunnels to Heroica
What? What's up with these mares all of the sudden. They're acting so weird and cuddly out of the blue. Not that I have anything against it of course, but what?
So out of all mares in our party, whose butt would you touch if you were only allowed a single touch?
Clearsoul. I like petite butts.
"We can snuggle a bit more. Besides, I'm interested in what Clearsoul told us" you sit on your initial couch position, beckoning Live Fire to come with you. The mare doesn't wait.
>"Then I guess I'll go with Marion" Merry practically forces the grey colt to the other couch, next to the sleeping Clearsoul.
"What's with you two? All this cuddling and talking about secret tunnels is confusing me" you grasp Fire's hooves. "Tell me your secrets."
>"I-I, buh..."
>"Knit" Merry grabs something from her bag and throws it at you. It turns out to be a bundle of bandages, harmless. "You idiot! We've been adventuring nonstop for a few days, mares need a bit of cuddling every now and then, don't you know?"
>"And the bug too" Aphid suddenly appears by your side.
"Hmm... I still think you two are too suspicious."
>"I'd like to second Knit's motion" Marion struggles under the power of Merry's hugs.

>"You colts are adorable" the pegasus replies with a hint of feminine malice in her voice. "We'll use you as our pillows whenever we want, end of the story" somehow, your brain tells you to not push this issue further, that you're winning as it is.
"What about the supposed bandits in the forest? Do you think there might be secret tunnels leading to the other lands?"
>"Well, I mean, look at how south we are" Merry shrugs. "There's only a mountain range between us and Heroica. It isn't crazy to think a group of ponies found an uncharted way into the North, is it?"
>"We definitely need to tell the mayor" Marion pushes the pegasus aside, blushing. "A-And go recover our new weapons and armor from the smith. Who wants to do what?"
>"I'll go with Hammerwill, couldn't care less about politics" Merry replies, dusting off her coat with her wings. "Remember, when you least expect it, we'll hug again."
>"The whole set of armor and everything might be a bit much for you to carry" Marion replies, backing away from the thirsty mare. "Anypony else wants to go?"
>"I'm kind of weak" Aphid excuses himself.
>"Then I guess I'll do what Knit doesn't" Live Fire looks up from her comfy position, into your eyes. "Is that okay with you, or would you like me to go t-together?"
I don't mind what you choose to do "Blushes." Punctuate that with a light poke to a rock on her cheek. We'll go see the mayor. Be sure to give Hammerwill my thanks.

She trying to play hard to get or something?
Boop Live's cheek rocks.
Lets go with Merry.

The first part is a bit ooc.
go with marry
How about we run off with Marion and leave Aphid to the fate of being a pillow?
I think cuddle time has ended.
How so?
Mares always find a way to cuddle anon. We can't trust them anywhere at any time.
>I don't mind what you choose to do "Blushes." Punctuate that with a light poke to a rock on her cheek.
That's the kind of shit a lovey-dovey couple do, not an oblivious guy and a girl with a crush on. The cutesy stuff has to come from the non-oblivious one and most likely confuse the oblivious one.
I was saying it as to poke at her her rock cheeks. I just wanna give her that nickname. Live doesn't sound cute.
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>You can't help but to smile at her mannerisms. This filly has a way to warm everyone's hearts.
"I don't mind what you do" you poke the mare's cheek rocks with the frogs of your hoof. "I guess I'll go help Merry, and get my new ring."
>"Alright, then I won't leave Marion alone" stretching her legs a bit, the cragmare leaves your side and goes with the grey colt.
>"As you pick up the weapons, could you ask Hammerwill something?" Marion approaches you. "He probably has some monster bones left, so please ask him if he could craft me a bigger, better crossbow" suddenly, he places his small black crossbow in your hooves. "Let's go. You too, Aphid."
>"Okay!" The changeling disguises in a flash of blue fire and follows Marion and Fire out. Merry nods at you and nudges you to leave afterwards.
>"So, Knit" the pegasus teases you along the way. "Are you happy or scared that your mare friends want to get cuddly every once in a while?"
"I find it a bit odd, but you're welcome" you smile at her.
>"Aren't you a cutie."
>"Ah, it's tha lads aight" Hammerwill greets you in a significantly better mood than before. "Haven't had somethin' to do since I got to this here town!"
"Glad you enjoyed it too. Where are our weapons?"
>"Here ye go!" The stallion pulls from a cloth, revealing your new items.
>The new ring is smaller, with less blades, but those are huge, and shine with a deadly white edge. Marion's bolts made out of the spines have little improvements, and the bone armor, of a dark brown tone, looks incredibly menacing.
>"This is amazing!" Merry immediately falls in love with the armor. "Uuh, I'm gonna have to convince Fire not to want it..."
"Merry, that's mean. By the way, Hammerwill..." you relay Marion's instructions to the smith.
>"Ah, that wouldn't be a problem lad, plenty bones left here!" The stallion points at a pile of monster parts. "If ye wanna try your new shinies, there's space behind the forge."
Time for some testing. You don't want to use equipment for the first time in the middle of a fight after all.
Hey, spare no expense on that crossbow ok? Even offer to throw in some bits.
"How about it, Merry? Wanna test my weapon against that armor?"
>"Oh damn yeah!"
>The pegasus almost drags you by the force behind the smith's workshop, where she puts on the armor at lightning speed. It looks rather nice on her.
"What about your wings?" You ask, noticing she's tucked them away. Suddenly, they appear from gaps in between the scales. "Oooh..."
>"Yeah, it's pegasi proof!" The mare claps. "Come on Knit, let's have a showdown!"
>Being careful not to exhaust yourselves during your resting day, you both pretend fight for a while, Merry testing the weight and flexibility of the armor against its resistance, and you testing the new ring.
>It takes a bit to get used to, what with being a smaller, more bladed weapon, but soon you have a good feeling for its weight and composition. The hard part will be juggling it with your other ring and your bolas, but you couldn't be angry at the result, it is a powerful weapon.
>"Wew! Exercise after a day of cuddling, what's this, paradise?" Merry happily giggles as you return.

"Hey, Hammerwill" you approach the smith before leaving his establishment. "Don't spare any expenses on the crossbow, okay? If need be, I'll pay you a couple of bits for it."
>"Don't stress it lad. A weapon like this would cost ye more than a couple bits, an' I ain't about to make a bad weapon. You'll get tha best."
>Satisfied, you return to the street where the mayor's house and the tavern are. Along the way, you meet with the rest of your party minus Clearsoul.
>"So these are the new weapons? They look fantastic" Marion examines his new bolts. "Surely deadly. We've reached some conclusions with the mayor, would you like to hear them?"
>"Sure, we'll fill Clearsoul in later" Merry nods, showing Live Fire her armor. It's clear that the cragpony wants to try it on, but she shuns away shyly.
>"No matter what lurks in the forest, the villagers won't go in anymore. That leaves us only two options, either we raid the enemy ourselves, or we make the trip back to camp and call in reinforcements. That would take us a total of four days, but I'm sure we could at least get another platoon, if we convince the commanders that it will ensure peace in this village."
>"Attacking sounds fine, count me in" Merry says, huffing with cockiness.
>"We don't think the bandits would attack town openly, but if they somehow learn there are no defenses... I want to call in for help, but it's too risky" Marion shakes his head, looking at you.
When you consider why ponies would be abducting other ponies, time might be of the essence.
We should get help from camp. It will also help strengthen relations and that's what we're here for, right?
Go back to camp so we can get Brun too. Then the real competition will kick in.
>It's clear that the cragpony wants to try it on, but she shuns away shyly.
Ok, what's wrong with her?
"When ponies are getting abducted, time is of the essence" you nod. "However... there's something bugging me."
>"Hi" Aphid suddenly shows up by your side.
"N-Not you!" You push the changeling, half laughing. "What I mean is, we can't forget about our mission. We need to unite with these ponies against their king, who hasn't even sent soldiers to aid them. We need to go back to camp."
>"Ooh, and along the way you can talk to your unicorn marefriend, huh?" Merry pokes your side with a grin.
"Are you doing this on purpose?" You glare at her.
>"I just... I was joking, okay?"
>The conversation carries on all the way to your rooms, and once Clearsoul is informed, it's clear that nobody really knows what to do. Your mission is important, but so are the lives of nord ponies, who at this very moment might be enslaved, suffering, tortured.
>During dinner, everyone in your party broods about what to do. Aphid sits away, apparently upset by the negative feeling. Eventually, you decide it's enough, and slam your hooves on the dining table, to the surprise of your friends and the bartender.
"We can't fight amongst ourselves now. Aren't we a family?" You say, noticing the bartender's stare. "We can help these ponies, but only with help from veteran soldiers. Come on guys."
>"I'm ready to go to that camp and ask for help" Marion puts his hoof on the table, slowly. "What about you guys?"
>"Fiine" Merry mouths a hoovesful of dinner. "It's only four days, right?"
>"Four days... I hope we still get back in time" Clearsoul gives in.
>"We can do it!" Live Fire tries to cheer her up.
>"Uh, guys" Aphid suddenly barges in. "If you're going, could I... could I stay here?"
>"What? No, Aphid, you need to come with us" Clearsoul narrows her eyes, as does Marion.
>"But please, I feel good in this town...!" The disguised bug pleads. "I won't go anywhere, I promise, pretty please...!"

Back tomorrow, sorry to call it early.
There;s risk of bandits attacking this place, maybe some of us should stay behind just to make sure nothing happens.
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I'd like to apologize tonight, I believe this session has been weak and a bit of a disservice to the players, and I didn't have the guts to step it up. Nevertheless, I hope you're having fun playing day after day, I still have much to learn on how to handle characters. I'm also a bit tired, but that won't be an excuse.

Here's the official butt size chart: Clearsoul < Brunhilde < Merry < Live Fire < bartender
It's good to have a bit of down-time once in a while. Some quests throw so much at the player so quickly that it becomes impossible to do much.
>I didn't have the guts to step it up
Hmmm... wonder what that means.
Now I'm interested in adding her along too. After all, the previous quest had a pretty op bartender.
I wouldn't call her OP but her hueg bow was kickass.
It means I saw it coming but I was too tired to try and improve the updates as the session went. I acted a bit passive.
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I got sick from seeking the cold too much in this summer, and I feel pretty fucked up. I'm sorry, there won't be a session tonight, I'll rest to make sure the last few ones before I leave are top notch. I'll help keep the thread up as well.
I'll still post one update tonight, so there's something to discuss.
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"Hmm... I've got a better idea."
>Everyone, specially the bug pony, looks at you with interest.
"We don't actually have to go back to camp together, right? Some of us should stay here, in case the town suffers more monster attacks, or worse."
>"Splitting the party? Then I should go. If I can do something well, it's hiding and running" Clearsoul raises a hoof.
>"Me or Fire should definitely stay" Merry proposes. "We're more used to fighting than running, isn't that right?"
>"Sure. But are we going to split evenly?" The cragpony asks.
>"A small party with running endurance should go" Marion rests his hooves in the table. "I don't mind either, although I want a better weapon if I need to do guard work."
"Hammerwill said he'd do his best. It will probably take him less than a day" you inform your partner.
>"Does that sound alright, then?" Clearsoul asks everyone. "I'll go, and if anypony wants to come with me, be welcome. But I'll try to make it as fast as possible, might even reduce it to three days if I can hold. Does anypony have any additional composition?" She looks at you in particular. It's true that you haven't decided anything yet.

Sorry I can only put this one up today, but I'll be back tomorrow with a session proper.
We should head back to camp as well. It's a long trip to make all alone and nobody knows what the camp group might run into.
We're not exactly known for being fast but we'll go. Have other business at camp anyways...
I think we kept up with Clearsoul pretty good in the beginning of the quest.
Stick with Clearsoul. I don't think we should leave her alone with bandits and monsters.
>inb4 bump
Great times lie ahead.
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"I'll go with you, then."
>"Huh?" Your comment catches the pale mare by surprise.
"I'll go with you, I have things left unfinished in camp, and together we'll keep each other's backs."
>"That's... you're not a very fast pony, are you, Knit?" Clearsoul looks at you with concern.
"I know I'm not fast, but I want to do this. Clear, please, trust me on this one" you go as far as to pout a little bit to convince your friend.
>"Fine" she sighs. "But we'll go at full speed, is that clear?" She gives you a confident smile, that you return with a nod.
>"Then it's decided, we'll stay here and set camp!" Merry raises her hooves, and Aphid follows her, happy that he doesn't have to move up north for the time being. "And you get to wear this" she grabs the helmet of her monster armor and puts it on Live Fire's head.
>"R-Really!!?" The filly almost screams.
>"Yeeeah, I've seen you eyeing it ever since I got back. I just can't hog it for myself when I see that face, so tell you what, we'll take turns wearing it" the mare explains while removing her armor. "You keep it for as long as we stay in town, then pass it over to me."
>"Eeee! Thanks Merry!" Fire hugs the pegasus with all her might, burying her snootie in the older mare's fluff. Merry falls to the floor, laughing, as the rest of you have a healthy laugh yourselves.
>After a full dinner and a calm, monsterless night, you wake up refreshed and ready to go. Your friends all give you hugs and best wishes, and prepare all your things for you.
>"Remember, if things get ugly, just run and get backup" Marion dusts your coat before you go. "Don't worry about us, okay?"
"We're counting on you guys, we'll do our part" you salute and leave the tavern.
>Outside of town, Clearsoul scouts the horizon. Finally, she sees you approach.
>"Ready to go? I won't blame you if you decide to stay, after all. I didn't expect you to... well, to want to come with me" there's an undescribable feeling in the mare's eyes.
Why? What makes you say that Clearsoul?
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"What? Why? What makes you say that?" You trot up to her slowly.
>"Oh, nothing much..." she begins walking, and so do you, into the plains leading to the forest north of the unnamed town. "It's just... you seem to get along well with Merry and Live Fire, but we haven't spent that much time together, have we?"
"I suppose not... does that upset you?"
>"Maybe I'm just a bit selfish. I think we didn't really understand each other back then, when we first met" the mare shakes her head, looking at the ground. The soft clops of both your muffled hoofsies fill the air for a few seconds.
"Well... what would you like to do, then?"
>"Uh? N-Nothing, I mean...! I think I'm glad you're coming with me" Clearsoul smiles at you. "We'll have lots of time to know each other better."
>As you begin to cross the forest, you realize trees here and there have been moved or brought down, and everything looks like an unnatural mess. Some paths are completely blocked, and eventually, you get caught in a particularly dense grove, in between piles of laying trunks and pines standing upright.
>"I don't get it, what could have caused this?" Clearsoul asks herself as you come to a halt. "I don't know, should we try to force our way through? I know I can, but you might run into trouble... Maybe it will be faster if we leave the forest and find a roundabout way."
Do the trees look like they were uprooted or cut? Was this the forest with the mole problem?
Since speed is the priority I think it might be a good idea to go around. Hey Clearsoul... what's your birthsign?
That depend on how long the detour is.
>You approach the base of the trees and examine them. They've been uprooted, all the way from ground, and there are suspicious mounds near the holes.
"Hmm... this is the work of monsters, no doubt" you point at the holes so that Clearsoul can see them. "Speed is more important than fighting now, so if the detour is quick enough..."
>In that moment, the mare's face shows up against yours, muzzles touching and everything.
>"Do you have a fragile pride, Knit?"
>"I'm asking because I wouldn't like you to complain after a mare beats you at a race" Clearsoul waggles her eyebrows.
"You're so on."
>"Three two one GO!"
>Immediately, the mare breaks on a run across the clear path you've been following, and starts taking turns and looking for the closest exit of the grove.
>You follow as fast as you can, determined not to lose, and surprisingly, your legs hold up and carry you all the way outside the forest and into the plain. The race continues as you slowly circle around the treeline.
>You manage to overtake Clearsoul, and hold until you both start losing some speed.
>"Huff, haa..." she huffs. "Alright, I admit it, I didn't expect you to win."
"Neither did I... shouldn't have provoked me" you grin smugly at the mare.
>You have lunch shortly after, and during that time, you manage to ask Clearsoul a question that interests you.
"So what's your birthsign, Clearsoul? I don't think I've ever asked. Everypony around knows I'm a Tower."
>"Well, mine's the Spring" the mare replies, munching on her lunchies. "It's not huge since there are other constellations that advocate the protection of life and love, like the Tower and the Heart, but it's mine and I like it."
>"Any other questions? This is your chance, as a reward for beating me."
I dunno, tell me more about yourself. How'd your family end up with the best ability ever?
when did you start hunting?
What's your proudest kill?
How strong are you?
Can we hoof wrestle?
Fork over what goes on in that... mare talk I've seen you all do. Huddled up whispering and giggling to eachother.
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"Tell me more about yourself. I really want to know how you ended up with that ability of yours" you sit next to Clearsoul and get to your munchies.
>"You mean Vanishing? It's from... my mother. I've never heard of another pony who had it, but the circumstances were... odd."
"How so?"
>"Do you know the faequines?" You shake your head. The what now? "They live far from here, in a magical forest that spans many more leagues than the North. They're a race of mystery, attuned to nature, and protectors of the forest. Very rarely, one comes out of their hidden cities and explores the world."
"Wow, and that somehow ended up in your family?"
>"Yes, my father... he's just an earth pony, but he met one of these faequines and, well..."
"So what you're saying is..."
>"My dad fucked a fairy" Clearsoul blushes. You can imagine the mental image she's had.
"So is your mother around? Is she at camp?"
>"No. She... she left, back to her own world, shortly after I was born" Clearsoul stops munching for a moment, eyes lost in a haze. "The only thing I have from her is this incomplete power. Faequines are supposed to be the end all of the strongest magic, but I'm just a bastard..."
"D-Don't say that" crap, you'll have to steer the conversation away from this. "So when did you start hunting? Any interesting kills you'd be proud to tell?"
>"Father took me some three years ago into his group's raids, but as I told you before, I'm just there to hide and deliver the killing blow. I haven't killed anything bigger than a really fat slime."
"That's still pretty cool."
>"Why thanks" the mare gives you a quick look, and you notice a tear in the corner of her eye. Still thinking of mother, perhaps.

"So you're not strong? Care to do a hoof wrestle?"
>"Gosh no, I just know how to use a bigger foe's motion to avoid getting hurt" she waves a hoof dismissively. "Go find Marion if you want to wrestle. Or Merry. I'm sure Merry loves it."
"Yeah, I've seen you on the distance, doing your mare talk" you narrow your eyes jokingly. "I bet you talk about all sorts of interesting things."
>"Hohoho, I'm not telling" she backs away. "Couldn't betray a sister like that."
"Tell me!"
>The rest of the journey takes no more than a day, and fairly calm. Clearsoul and you end up having more fun than disagreement, and she chooses to not mention her family more than necessary.
>Finally, your camp comes into view, a magnificent wall of wooden stakes surrounding it, with ponies patrolling the perimeter.
"They sure did the work!" You comment, amazed by the imposing wall.
>"We should go talk with the commander as soon as possible" Clearsoul comments. "But if there's anything you need to do urgently, I guess we can spare a few minutes. It's been quite the ride."
give her A PAT ON THE BACK! for a job well done. or even a hoof around her back.
Let inform the commander about our finding in the town
Yes. Inform commander of the situation. Our fellow nords are suffering and being taken from their homes without any signs of Aurorian aid and need our help.

Hrm... must have been truely spectacular circumstances to occur for Clearsoul's conception and birth. Now I'm curious about her father.
"It can wait. Let us see the commander" you agree with your partner, and even giver her a good old nord style pat in the back. "We did a good job, Clearsoul."
>"T-That we did!" The mare's back fur stands up to her neck with the force of your neck slap. "Let's go..."
>The situation in camp seems to have normalized. Aurorians and nords live together, learn and share stories, and there don't seem to be any signs of hostilities. Here and there, they drink, they play games, and some even nuzzle together.
>"How lovely..." Clearsoul seems to want some of that.
>The war tent has been cleared of the injured in battle, and filled with resources. Inside, you find both commanders, Iron Oath and the Aurorian old stallion.
>"Why, if it isn't a part of our peace mission team!" The younger stallion is surprised by your visit. "How come you're back so soon, already something to report?"
"Afraid so, commander. We might need some help with an issue..."

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>Between you and Clearsoul, you manage to tell both commanders about your situation, pointing out that the population of the unnamed town is already favorable to having an united North, and how the Aurorian king has denied help so far.
>"Absurd, this keeps becoming more outrageous..." the old Aurorian commander spurts. "We had faith in that cur, and he keeps forgetting about his own ponyfolk..."
>"Settle down, commander, we can still amend this" Iron Oath poses. "So, a small force to defend the town from monsters, and find a bunch of missing ponyfolk? It sounds correct. We do have well over a thousand ponies and griffons living here..."
>"Maybe I add, commander" Clearsoul steps up, "that we have theoretized these ponies might have been abducted by bandits. From Heroica, somewhat found a way across the northern range."
>Silence falls on the tent. Every single pony and griffon inside is looking in your direction now.
>"That... is it truly possible?" Iron Oath begins sweating profusely. "Heroicans... defiling northern soil... inexcusable. We shall send an invasion force!"
>"Don't be too hasty, young commander" the older stallion replies. "Still, we must send a fully armed platoon and crush the infidels."
>"Yes, this transcends any infighting. Ponies" Oath suddenly looks at you two. "You should know this. If nords are being threatened by other nations, our only options are to capture or kill. Do you think you have what it takes to kill a foreign invasor, one that will not show you mercy if given the chance?"
I'm pretty sure we'll be able to handle it with our friends watching our back.

Everyone seems to be very against Heroica out of the blue. Why is that?
if they do not surrender when given the chance then we will not hesitate to defend ourselves in whatever way will be necessary.
Yessir! The North will send the southerners away once more!

I am more than certain southerners have tried many times to conquer the north and it's resources for themselves, always to be defeated by united tribes and the harsh conditions. Heroica seems to be a specific offender to the lands of the North.
>You hesitate at first. Could you really do it? Surely, with your friends by your side there will be nothing you cannot overcome.
"Yessir! If the time comes that they do not offer surrender, we'll step up to any outcome! The North will prevail against southerners once more!"
>"Good ponies we have indeed. Then let us prepare the assembly of a protection force, and after lunch, you ride again!" Iron Oath proclaims.
>"Uuh, I hope our legs give way, we've been galloping nonstop" Clearsoul stretches.
>"There will be carts with food and supplies, so you take a rest if need be" the older commander asserts. "You did a good job, ponies, I'm glad you're taking the protection of Aurorian citizens to heart like this. Every passing day I find myself realizing even the older horses in this land might have made a mistake..."
>The order is given and preparations begin, but there's one more question you need to assess with Iron Oath.
"How come the reaction is so adverse at the mention of possible invaders? I thought the times of war between the lands were over."
>"War is never over, child, you'll find out soon" the stallion shakes his thick neck. "Ever since the pony empire fell, centuries ago, we've remained as our own culture, the ancestral tribes fending off any attacks. Armies from Heroica, griffons from the west, minotaurs from the barren ice lands... cragponies are pretty cool, though."
>"Thank you, my liege" a passing cragpony salutes.
>"We must remember our identity, that centuries of fighting and fending off invasions have carved deep in our souls. If the other lands wish for peace, we'll be glad to extend a hoof. If they dare cross our backs, they'll pay with their heads."
>After such grim words, you leave the tent with Clearsoul. There's still time while preparations are made and you eat lunch, so you have freedom of choice for the next couple of hours.

Back tomorrow.
I bet if we go do something, Brun is just gonna appear right in our faces and Clearsoul won't be so happy about it. At least we'll be able to get Brun in the squad though.
Attempt to poke Clearsoul in the tum tums again. Then do it machine gun style with both of your hooves.
didn't she say never to do it again? we should listen to that. for now at least.
Hence the reason why we should do it again. Just imagine all the whinnies.
We can't just up and start poking her belly! We need to wait for the right moment to launch our tickle assault.

Let's go look for Brun.
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>"Want to go for lunch, Knit?" Clearsoul asks.
"Sure!" You decide to go with her. In your plans lies visiting Brunhilde, but she'll certainly learn that you're here, so in the meanwhile you could use the rest.
>As you both eat and rest your weary legs, you observe the progress in the preparations of a 'small' force, no less than fifty ponies, loading cards with food and supplies and getting ready in their suits of armor. You spot Bastion Hope, the cheerful nord sentry, among the party members.
>Lunch ends, and you rest on the cold grass with your friend. You should go look for Brun now... However, a devilish idea crosses your mind when you see her exposed, lean tummy glimmer in the sunlight.
"Hey, Clearsoul..."
"Coochie coo..."
>With merciless speed, you put your weight on top of hers and place your soft frogs on her tum tums, immediately rubbing them all over.
>"K-Knit, what are you d-doing you stupid... madhorse... aa... aahaha, ahahah...!"
"You shouldn't let your guard down! Ora ora ora ora ora!" You softly pound her tummy mercilessly with your two hooves.
>"Gyahaha, haha, noo, please, s-stophahaha, I hate you, KnitGYAAAHAHAHA!!" The mare flails her legs in vain and neighs, whinnies and snorts to her heart's content, the more you rub her soft coat around the sides.
>Finally, you let go, and rest in the grass alongside Clearsoul. The mare's core rises heavily, her tongue out of her muzzle.
>"Haa... haa... I hate you so much."
"You loved it."
>"I'm ticklish, stop touching me!"
>"Tight Knit!" A new voice joins the chorus. You get up and meet face to face with Brunhilde. "So there you are. Frolicking with your friends without even bothering to pay me a visit. So that's how it is, huh!?"
I'm sorry Brunhilde! I was going to visit you, I swear! How I treated you was rude and unacceptable. I am so very, very sorry for that! I want you to come with us on our journey, please.
I forgot to add, "I should have invited you in the first place."
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>There she is, you knew you'd find her or she'd find you eventually. Getting up, you face the cherry mare and lower your head.
"I'm sorry, Brunhilde. I was going to visit you right now, but it seems you found me first. Actually, I wanted to talk with you for a bit."
"The way I treated you last time was rude and unacceptable. I feel very sorry about it, didn't think I'd hurt you that much. I've been trying to get along with my friends" you steal a glance at Clearsoul, still laying on the grass, "so I want to say I'm very, very sorry."
>Brunhilde stays quiet, jaw halfway down. She closes it and gives you a wary look.
>"Yeah, well... I suppose I reacted slightly over the top. But I don't expect you to understand..."
"Yes, I don't understand, that's why I want you to choose by yourself. I'm asking you to come with us and roam the North, and help us find your missing brother, if you're up to the task."
>"You... you're really asking me. I thought father was just trying to comfort me..."
"I asked him to wait until I could come back. I wanted to invite you back then, but I didn't want to risk wording it wrong or something and have you more upset."
>"Buh..." Brunhilde scrunches. "I... I appreciate that. I'll think about it, Knit."
"Oh..." You look down as the mare turns around. Is she really going to turn you down?
>"Ah, I almost forget" she suddenly returns, a slight blush across her face. She brings something to you in her hoof, a small, bright red marble. "I managed to get this for you, since you were interested in magibeads. It's a fire type, you should be able to get started on beads with this."
>You grab the shiny red marble with wide open eyes as the mare turns around and trots away. Clearsoul approaches from behind.
>"Woah, pretty..." she then sticks her muzzle close to yours. "Soo, what's your story with that mare? Isn't that the one Merry was so untrusting of?"
I guess so. Is that what Merry thinks? Anyways, I met her and learned a bit of magic from her and her father since I never had the chance to. She can act really uppity and better-than-you but I think she has a good heart.
Totally going to rub this bead in Merry's face.
We should learn more magic while we're here. Elemental this time so we can control the fire magibead better. Or maybe make the flames stronger?
I really want to ask her about the slot on her bracelet and on our ring. They clearly have to do with magibeads.

Magibeads themselves are super easy to control.
"I guess so. She seems to have a negative opinion of her" you turn around and walk back to the patch of grass. "She acts a bit uppity and better-than-thou, but I think she has a good heart" you smile at Clearsoul.
>"You think so? Maybe spending some time with us will change her. I know it can happen" the pale mare smiles and lies on the grass again. Horsey hours pass as you regain strength in the sanctity of a nap.
>Finally, the time to leave arrives, the carts loaded and the soldiers ready. The commanders give a heated speech about the need to unite the North and repel potential invasions, and the response is very positive. You and Clearsoul are allowed to climb on a cart to regain some strength.
>Surprisingly, Brunhilde appears, carrying her own bags, and taking her place next to the cart where you lie without saying a word. However, there's a bright smile on her face, mixed with that cockiness of hers. Clearsoul giggles by your side, and the expedition gets on the move.

>The next couple of days happen without a hitch. What's more, during the first half, your party encounters a few small groups of moles roaming around the countryside, and without stopping or showing mercy, they trample them under a hundred pairs of armored hooves. All in all, a very relaxed trip back to the unnamed town.
>Since you had time to spare, how did you spend these two days? Training, learning, improving relationship with your friends...?
Learning and spending time with friends.
We asked brun where she's been in the north and where she would like to go. We also booped her while her guard was down.
We asked clear what her favorite food is.
And asked about >>27819249
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>Since things went so well, you spent time with Clearsoul and Brunhilde, learning more about them and about magic in general.
>To the pale mare you asked what her favorite food is, to which she replied a certain kind of oats bathed in milk, that she used to eat when she was a filly.
>With Brunhilde, you spent time learning about how to use the magibead, and asked her about the spots in your ring and her bracelet, both empty at the time.
>"Yes, those are for magibeads indeed. Since the beads require either physical contact or a unicorn's magic to activate, many weapons have them so everypony can access the bead at a fixated place quickly" she exemplifies the theory by inserting and taking the fire bead out of your ring a few times. "Simply focus on the bead, think which form you want to give the spell, and let it flow like your regular magic. Lighting the ring on fire, or shooting columns of it, any form you wish to give it as long as the bead has charge."
>Besides that, you shared some life bits with Brunhilde, and learned that she used to live far north, in a region now conquered by the Aurorians. The climate is harsh, and the monsters living in the mountains make life a challenge. If you recall correctly, your mother might have perished in a similar area...
>The best moment of the trip was when you managed to get Brunhilde unawares after lunch, and booped her with no remorse. The mare made the weirdest face, scrunching, pouting and unfocusing her eyes. You and Clearsoul had a laugh, even if brun bruns remained silent for the rest of the journey.

>Finally, you arrive at the town, and after relaying instructions to the soldiers to not blow up your cover during your peace mission, your triumphant parade makes it into town. The folk appears from behind the homes with wary faces, that soon turn gleeful when you reunite with your friends.
>"You did it, you absolute...!" Merry almost hugs you, until she notices Brunhilde standing by your side. "Oh. It's you."
"Merry, please, let's try to get along" you stop the pegasus and the unicorn before they throw any snarky remarks.
>"Likewise" Brunhilde tilts her head away.
>It is just past lunchtime, and there's nothing to report in town. Your friends have kept guard but no monsters have showed up. Terran, the unicorn mayor, is delighted to know the soldiers will help and protect the citizens, and plans begin to be arranged between the assigned captain of the small army and him, with your group as a seemingly neutral third party.
>"So, our mission is to infiltrate the deep end of the forest and find out who's behind the abductions" the captain, a young blue pegasus with a helmet of silvery colors, summarizes the plan. "We could easily take twenty ponies into that forest, but it's important to scout as far ahead as possible and detect any traps."
"I'm actually well acquainted with traps, and some of us have experience as scouts" you raise a hoof.
>"The question is, should the attack happen at sunfall or morning? We might have just arrived now, but the more we delay, the worse things could be for the missing ponies. You've been here longer than us, what's your take on it?" The captain asks your group.
I think it would be a better idea to leave in the morning. I think we'll need the light. Also tell you ponies to be wary when we enter, I'm sure you've been told ponies disappear suddenly and without notice.

Let's check out Marion's new crossbow. I'm pretty excited to see it.
Let's go in the morning. Everyone will be well rested and ready to fight.
Scout under the cover of darkness and once the path is cleared the main force can attack.
"I don't think entering in the night gives us any advantages. We will need at least some light to see the traps and disable them, and I'd rather we're all well rested. There might be a dangerous fight ahead."
>"One could say... a boss sized fight. Oooh~" Merry flails her hooves dramatically.
"In fact, we could wake up early, do some recon with the break of dawn, under the cover of shadows, disable what traps we know exist, and clear the path for the main force" you suggest. "We could do that, given that Clearsoul is the only who knows where the traps are" you point at the mare, who nods.
>"I see... we're of the same mind, then. Today we'll get acquainted with the locals and further the mission to unify these lands and blend the borders together."
"Good luck. I suggest you warn everypony that those who disappeared did so immediately, vanished without a trace. We're against expert kidnappers, so we'll need all our awareness."
>"Got it. You get your rest too, little ponies, we'll meet tomorrow morning."
>The meeting is over, and the captain turns to his soldiers, who're making camp around the tent neighborhoods of town, sharing food and necessities with the townsponies. Meanwhile, you go back to the tavern, where the bartender gives you a warm reception.

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>"You're such good ponies, helping us like this... Tonight I'll give you the best dinner I can, just you wait!" She goes into her small kitchen, past the bar, while humming a cheerful tune.
"So, Marion" you ask the grey colt while waiting. "Did you get your new crossbow? I've been excited to check it out."
>"Oh, yeah! Just wait a moment" the colt runs upstairs, and soon returns with a massive weapon. "Just take a look at this beauty, ponies."
>" "Oooh..." " You, Clearsoul and Brunhilde all look agape. The large crossbow, off white and golden brown colored, takes the shape of a section of massive bone, carved and polished, with protrusions of the same material. A couple of straps secure it to Marion's shoulder.
>"I can use it from my shoulder, or hold it in my hooves... like... this!" With some effort, the colt grabs the large weapon. "Huff... it will take me a while to get used to it, but the strength of this crossbow should be enough to penetrate even monster hide. Not to mention ponies."
>After a cheerful dinner, where Merry and Brunhilde stay on opposite ends of the table and Live Fire just doesn't know why. Nevertheless, your friends welcome the unicorn to your party, and Aphid feeds off her apparent enthusiasm.
>Some hours of sleep later, enough to be well rested without breaking your mood, you get up with the slowly falling moon and head upstairs. Only Marion sits at the bar, chugging off a cup something steamy.

Back tomorrow. Here's to hoping the next two sessions are something memorable.
Give Marion a hoofbump and compliment his totally sick crossbow. How does he manage to operate it on his back? Ask what we missed while we were gone. Also pray to the stars before we go to bed tonight BECAUSE I ALWAYS FUCKING FORGET. Let's add that to the list of things I'd like to play as in TNL, a super religious character.
Does he know what happened to the rest of the monster?
"Morning, Marion. Can I have some of that?" You sit next to the colt, while the bartender appears from below the bar, with small bags under her eyes.
>"Oh, hi Knit. You're the last one to get up, the girls are doing their exercise routine outside" the colt chugs on the steamy liquid as you receive a similar one.
"What about you, no exercise? You're gonna have to carry a heavy crossbow for a while" you reply, looking at the huge weapon laying propped against the wall on the floor.
>"I suppose I should..."
"So how do you fire it? I haven't seen the mechanism, and it seems strange that you can use it on your shoulder" you ask.
>"The firing device is next to my face" Marion takes a moment to show you. There's a small switch that can be pulled by mouth. The leashes cross next to that point too. "I can adjust the leather to give me angle as well."
"Fascinating, Hammerwill did his best after all."
>"Oh, yes, it's a great weapon" Marion puts it away with care. You decide to take a sip of your hot cup. Hmm... chocolate.
"What about the monster, do we know what's happened to it?"
>"I think they're still taking loot from it."
"We should get some meat."
>After a while of silent drinking, the mares and Aphid enter the tavern, Brunhilde and Merry unsurprisingly having a heated conversation.
>"I'm telling you, there are colts who like them small! And... Oh, good morning, you two" the cherry mare stops and scrunches before finishing her passionate argument.
"Good... morning? Did you join the routine, Brunhilde?"
>"They woke me up with noise, so I decided to see what was it all about" the mare snorts and lets her braid bounce. "Not something I need, after all, I'm a mare of intellect, not raw muscle..."
>"This idiot doesn't get that we'll be running all day" Merry summarizes. "Are you ponies ready to go? Do anything you have to and let's go see the captain."
We need something to eat. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day afterall. But after that we can go.
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"Hold on, I need to eat something before we leave" you turn towards the bartender. "I'm sorry to bother you, but..."
>Raising a hoof, the mare prompts you to stop. From below the bar, she pulls out a big white marshmellow of incredible softness. Then, she drops it on your cup of hot cocoa.
>The result is incredible: the marshmellow swells in size, as it turns a rich brown, and it becomes a shining crown on top of the cup, a massive chocolatey marshmellow with a very healthy glint.
>"O-Oh my gosh" Live Fire mutters. "I want one..."
>"Come around, ponies, don't leave with empty tummies" the mare prepares similar sweets for all of you, including Aphid, and soon you gorge in the breakfast of the divines.
>With your reserves full, you go upstairs, gear up and meet your friends at the entrance. A short trip after, you land next to the military camp, tents being set up for the soldiers. A platoon of over a dozen ponies awaits outside, fully armored and wielding many different weapons.
>"Ah, there you are, scouts" the blue pegasus coordinating the town effort salutes you. "Are you ready for today's mission?"
"Yessir, we should begin now, before the crack of dawn."
>"Then let us lose no more time. We will run behind you, and await for your signal. As soon as you ascertain the path is clear, we will close the gap and lead the charge in your place. Is that alright, do you need anything else before you leave?"
Nope, we shouldn't need anything. Let's go. Eyes and ears open ponies!
We should be fine. Oh wait! Almost forgo- wait, nevermind. I have it. Then lean up real close to Merry and say "My fire magibeeeeeead."

Also, make sure it's in our ring.
Time for some triple wielding. This is gonna be epic.
"I think we should be good. Oh, wait, wait, I almost forgot..." you turn around and look at Merry. "Oh not, it's right here!" Out of the sudden, you take the magibead Brunhilde gave you out and show it to her, whispering heavily in her ear. "It's my brand newwwww fire magibeeeeead."
>"Y-You what!? Where did you find that!?" The pegasus' wings go erect in a mere second.
"Brunhilde gifted it to me" you make sure to attach the bead to your metal ring so that it doesn't fall.
>"I see... so that's how it is" Merry glares at the cherry mare, who in turn shows her tongue.
>"Ponies, don't be distracted" the captain claps his hooves. "We're ready to go, so give the call. We're counting on you."
>" "Yessir!" All of you salute and prepare in front of the platoon. "Here we go!"
>Breaking on a gallop, your group leads the way towards the forest east of the unnamed town. From afar, Aphid waves at you in disguise, heavy clothing and glasses making him appear outlandish atop the hill. Shrugging the feeling of sadness, you load your three weapons on you and press on.

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>The company enters the forest, and the gallop diminishes to a light trot. Still, there's a fair amount of noise as the soldiers behind you spread and keep eyes and ears open for any surprise attacks.
>"At least we don't have to deal with those owl monsters anymore" Clearsoul trots with her head low. "But if we lose anypony before we even reach the traps, I'll be worried."
"Worried about what exactly?"
>"That there's something out there with an odd skill like mine."
>Eventually, the pines give way to warmer, different trees, ones that you've seldom been next to. Their tunks, slim and robust, only end in leaf canopies far above your heads, giving you a clear view of the odd forest ahead.
>At some point, you reach an actual trail. Removed dirt shows a path across the trees, leading into the unknown towards the east.
>"This is where I first spotted the traps" Clearsoul steps ahead and stops your group. "Since I'm the one who saw them, let me point the way, but Knit" she looks at you. "You're the better suited pony to disable traps here. What would you like us to do?"
>"Yeah, we'll follow your orders, we don't want to get caught in a trap" Live Fire snuggles up to your side. Far behind, you hear a snort.
Take careful steps on the beaten path, those are most likely to have a trap. Never be too far from others so that you can call out for help.
Have a knife to cut yourself out of a rope net trap.
Wow. Never thought the trap skill would actually ever be useful.

Um. Describe some traps to them and how to disable them. If they're ever unsure about anything just find us and let us handle it, I don't want any of my friends caught.
"Okay, let's be careful about this" you gather your ponies around. "Everypony have the rest of the group on sight, and a bladed weapon as close as possible."
>"Does this count?" Brunhilde makes a small effort to conjure a sharp, albeit thin and fragile blade of ice.
"That will do. Stay with Live Fire or Merry, who don't have any blades" you point at the mares. Merry pouts. "Let Clearsoul and I locate and disable the traps, and don't go outside the beaten trail. If you accidentally fall in one, don't panic, just use a blade to get out."
>"Why do you assume these traps will be made of easy to cut materials?" Marion asks.
"Being out here in the forest, it's either that or bigger, harder to conceal traps, like iron jaws. Those I can locate more easily, but rope traps might elude me."
>"Well, I hope they don't" Brunhilde huffs. "I'll warn the soldiers that we're stopping here."
>Before and after Brun does her errand, you describe some possible setups for hidden traps, and with Clearsoul's help, you begin the arduous task of locating them all. Thanks to the pale mare's ability, which allows her to sense where the ropes are by phasing through them, you make progress as the morning sun breaks the darkness and sheds light on the mysterious forest.

"This is going well" you sweat after disabling a dozen traps. Your friends have helped you locate a couple, and nobody has gotten hurt so far. "These ponies are being way too careful. Paranoid, almost."
>"Well, they abducted anypony who came close to this place" Marion comments, crossbow loaded and trained in the surroundings. "This is troublesome, we're advancing too slowly."
"I don't want to risk it, even if there are a hundred traps" you say, wiping the sweat off your forehead. You never had thought your knowledge in traps would have been so critical.
>"I didn't know you had such skills" Brunhilde comments. "You're quite the box of surprise candies, Tight Knit."
>"Y-Yeah, haha, such candy" Live Fire laughs. "Huh!?"
"What's wrong?"
>"Something darted past us!" The mare goes on full alert, decked in monster bone armor, and prompts you all to stay quiet. In the silence you hear it, the faint rustling of leaves. Something is running close to where you are.
Tell them to get behind you. Barrier!
Quick head count and make a circle.
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"Everypony in a circle!" You quickly call, casting your magic ward spell. Soon, you feel the weights of your friends covering your back. "Is everypony here?"
>"Hmm, hmm hmm... yep, we're all together" Clearsoul confirms. "Stand alert."
>However, time passes, and nothing happens.
"Huh, it must be some kind of incredible, delayed attack..."
>"Knit, I think he's gone" Live Fire pokes your flank. "I can't hear the steps anymore."
>"This is bad, they spotted us" Marion doesn't put down his crossbow as the circle separates. "We need to finish with those traps soon!"
>Clearsoul and you get to work, and a short while after the alarm, you find there are no more traps in the trail.
"Looks like their perimeter ends here... which means we must be nearing a base of sorts."
>"Everypony, weapons ready" Merry stomps the ground with her iron boots.
"Let's call the platoon, we need to make haste!"
>After warning the soldiers behind you, your group runs in a defensive formation, expecting an attack from anywhere. The forest begins to thin out, until eventually, you reach a wider area.
>"Look out!" Someone calls. With quick reflexes, you put up your shield, just in time for it to stop a stray arrow. "There it is!"
>Ahead of you, the sight of a derelict tower, moss and thin vines growing around the edges and newer wooden barricades surrounding it. Stakes and haphazard platforms, made of the same wood in the trees surrounding you, give the impression of a temporary, not very professional hiding place.
>"Our ponies are arriving!" Merry says, as you notice the increasing sound of hooves trampling the earth. Ahead of you, there are no visible enemies at the tower.
Hmm. Should we go in? It could be a trap where once we go near the tower, they'll surround us and trap us inside.
tell clearsoul to scout around for enemies.
have brun get her earth magi bead ready in case we're outnumbered
Dealing with traps is our job.
>"C-Careful, it's probably a trap...!" Brunhilde stays at the back of the group, along with Marion. You see an entrance to the tower, but it's narrow and you might be ambushed from inside. Hmm, what to do...
"Well, I've been defusing traps for the last hour" you charge your spell once more. ". Have your weapons ready. Brunhilde, don't hesitate on using a magibead."
>"O-Okay" the unicorn replies, bringing out a brown marble. "It's my last earth bead..."
>"Let's retreat first, our ponies will be here soon" Clearsoul whispers.
"Can't you go ahead and scout? They won't be able to touch you."
>"What about you? We're in the open, go back now!" The pale mare scrunches. However, she doesn't have time to explore.
>"Gyaaah!" From one of the rickety wooden platforms above, a group of no less than six creatures jumps on you, falling extremely close. Upon touching ground, you examine them: ragged ponies and griffons, with unkempt manes and coats, wielding knives and swords in their mouths, and pouches of tattered leather.

>"B-Bandits!" Live Fire adjusts her helmet. "H-Halt! Stop right there, criminal scum!"
>"Nab 'em!" One of the ponies suddenly shouts, and the six bandits dash towards your group. You launch your ward spell...
>And right before their attack is complete, the bandits are met with a larger force, that of reinforcements arriving and smashing through all of them, right on time. The captain positions himself right before you.
>"I told you to stand behind us!" He glares at you, causing your spell to break in the spot. "Spread out, seek the bandits, don't let a single one escape! Neigh, neigh!"
>As the united armies of the North spread, more bandits begin to show up from atop the different levels of the tower, shooting arrows and flying down with their weapons. Soon, the clearing turns into a battlefield. Live Fire and Brunhilde are the first to seek refuge by your sides, unsure of what to do. There are soldiers and bandits decking it out all around you!

Back tomorrow, for one last session before the break. I will explain things in detail after tomorrow's session is over.
The soldiers have this battle covered. Us and our companions should sneak through the chaos into the tower to find the boss fight.
Let's get into that tower and we can take out archers along the way to help our forces!
there is some shit posting on the board bump
still going.
At least whack one bandit that's off-guard with our bolas on our way to the tower.
>All around you, shouts and pointy objects fly in all directions. Your friends form in a circle again, but in your mind the only place to go is inside that tower.
"Come on guys! Let's leave this to the soldiers and find what's in the tower!"
>"Wait, shouldn't we help here...!?" Brunhilde seems to be a bit overwhelmed.
"What's the matter? Trust your allies, Brun, and let's go ahead of them!"
>"Fine..." the mare follows you and the rest of your friends, avoiding the battles happening all over the clearing and next to the entrance. On the way, you manage to use your bolas to stop a bandit mid run, helping a soldier put him to sleep with a sound blow.
>The interior of the ruined tower is composed of crates, carts and rickety stairs upwards. Calling them stairs is generous, as they're barely more than wooden planks, but they support the weight of your party as you move upward. Archers propped in some of the levels are being taken down by flying soldiers, and those who don't get knocked down by your group.
>"There's barely anything of value here... what were these bandits doing?" Clearsoul mentions. "Wait, something moved there!"
>Behind piles of hay, a number of jails lie against the wall of the tower in one of the upper levels. Inside the jails there's a dozen ponies or so.
>"Wha..." they all look malnourished, most of them are asleep. A stallion looks in your direction and suddenly realizes. "W-Who are you, what's happening!?"
"Are you from the village? Did the bandits kidnap you?"
>"Yes, oh my stars, yes! Are you here to help us!?" As the stallion reaches the bars of the cell, others begin to wake up, although the degrees of activity vary.

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>"Don't worry, we've brought soldiers and everything, it's gonna be fine!" Live Fire rushes to help the stallion before he falls, through the cell bars. "Do you know where the keys to the cells are?"
>"Their leader has them, he's at the top..." he replies. "P-Please, be careful, we need help, some of us have died..."
>"Wait for our return!" Marion prompts the party to continue going upstairs. In each level, you spot more cells full of ponies. "This is ridiculous, just how many are they keeping in this tower!?"
>Before you reach one of the highest levels, you hear conversation running downstairs, towards you.
>"I told him they would find us eventually, but nooo, he couldn't care less!" A feminine voice yells.
>"S'gonna be fine! These poor souls don't have nopony to help them!" A male replies.
>Finally, the two ponies meet face to face with your group. The male, a cragpony, wields a massive club ended in a diamond shaped stone. The mare wears multiple bandage strips with knives on them.
>"And who are you?" The mare asks, immediately adopting a positive stance.
"That's what we should ask. Is any of you the leader?"
>"No, but you won't get to see the boss" the stallion replies, stretching his neck. "Not while we stand here" his glare penetrates you, filled with cold malice. It's clear that these ponies won't let you go anywhere.
We'll give you one chance to surrender. Take it now before you lose more then your pride. It would be unwise to remain loyal to a pony that's about to lose. They are a pony right?
Anyway get your bolas ready and use your knife whip for defense.
Unless it's to tie up one of the bandits.
We are the Tower, the Tower is us. Knit wants nothing more than to protect and defend the North. Seeing Nords like this and knowing some have died has struck a fire in him.

Do you have any idea what you've done!? You have taken the sons and daughters of the North and made them to suffer! You are intruders upon Northern soil and you will pay for what you have done IN BLOOD!!
What knife whip? You mean the blade ring?
yeah, it would seem i am wrong it remembering that it can unhook by your reaction so disregard me calling it a knife whip.
>Your hooves clench the floor so hard, you can feel it give under your weight.
"You... you don't need to go anywhere. You'll pay for what you've done right here. Unless you surrender and give us the keys to the jails. If you're smart you'll stop before you and your boss get destroyed."
>"Knit..." Live Fire seems worried about you, but you've never feel so alive in a long time.
"Do you have any idea of what you've done!? Enslaving sons of the North, letting them die, and all for what!? What do you want to accomplish!?"
>"Shut it, kid, it's not our problem if they found us" the mare replies with a dead face. "We had to hot tail it out of Heroica with the army on our steps, we just wanted to lay low. Then those ponies found us."
"You come into our land and make innocents suffer! You scum, intruders, you're going to pay for this!!"
>"Hyaaah!" Without warning, the stallion raises his huge mace and jumps towards your group, dropping it dead center. You and Brunhilde manage to split from the others, as a shower of splinters impairs your vision.
"Damn! Brunhilde...!" You prepare your bolas for offense and your rings defensively.

>"I'm alright!" The cherry mare replies, looking at the result of the attack. Everyone but Merry managed to avoid it, and the pegasus seems to be alright, her iron boots stopping most of the blow. "Over here!"
>You turn around, and the next you know, a knife almost perforates your neck. Only with your ring blade you manage to deflect a fatal hit, but you still feel the cold steel scratching your body. The mare with the knives, using one on her mouth, dashes towards you.
>There's no time to call in reinforcements, but Brunhilde is here with you. Sadly, she gets kicked by the expert bandit, and its up to you and your freaking arsenal to avoid getting cut a second time.
>The battle continues in two places, and eventually, you and Brunhilde manage to hit the mare, your bolas throwing her off balance and the cherry unicorn hitting her leg with a shard of pointy ice.
>"Aagh! Mother of...! Oi, Swansong, are ya finished!!?" The mare screams, laying on the floor with her legs trapped in your bolas.
>"I'm against four, shut it!" The stallion has suffered one blow, but Marion is laying on the floor, apparently unconscious, while the three mares pose against him. "Well, I think one kicked the bucket."

The rings are single pieces, like a hula.
Levitate the mare with Brun and throw her at her companion.
We have two rings. Use the big one against the mare head on and use the other, much sharper and lighter one to strike from a flanking position against her.

Also if we can manage without overexerting ourself, we can throw our bolas at the cragpony to distract him so the mares can get him.
Work together with Brun. Initiate "Opertaion Defenestration."
>"Eyes up here, silly horse!" The mare with the knives manages to get herself freed from your bolas, and counter attacks. You and Brunhilde manage to fend her off, using your rings as an offensive weapon now.
>Since your bolas are away, you manage to control both rings separatedly, and you're inclined to believe that's what gives you the edge, since the bandit has to technically fight three opponents. While one of your rings goes for the head, another tries to slice her flank. Brunhilde tries to go around and hit her with small ice balls, which are still enough to cause bruises, you're sure.
>Your eyes start getting wet with sweat from your forehead, your horn burning as you keep assaulting the mare, who keeps using her knives to fend off. Far away, you hear the hollow knocks and thuds of the large stallion fighting the rest of your party, but not once you can afford looking away.
>Finally, during one of your combined attacks, the bandit has her back turned to Brunhilde, who uses the chance to hit her flank with another ice spike.
>"You fuckin'...!" She turns around, only to meet the hoof of the cherry mare, knocking her down. The ice spike breaks in a million fragments, leaving a frozen wound on her cutie mark. Brunhilde breathes heavily.

"Brunhilde!" You run and grab your bolas. "I have an idea, let's throw her body on top of the other pony...!"
>"You what?" Suddenly, Merry's voice pokes you from behind. Turning around, you see her and the others, including a slightly gasping Marion, sitting near the body of the cragpony stallion.
"Oh... oh, well" you and Brunhilde approach the rest of your friends. "Are you all okay?"
>"No serious injuries" Live Fire smiles weakly. "To think these two bandits could give us such a fight..."
>"We need to be careful now" Marion replies, without looking at you.
"Uh, is there something wrong?" You ask him, at the same time looking at the others. Everyone but Merry looks away.
>"We... it's not that easy, you know" Clearsoul states, looking at the laying. "Killing a pony. Marion might have pierced his heart with a bolt. His beating is getting weaker."
>You look at Marion again, the colt wiping blood off one of his bolts. It must be his first pony kill, after all, never had any of you been in a fight against evil invaders.
>"Well... we need to hurry" Live Fire comments, sweating under her monster armor. "Should we... should we wait a moment? Or leave Marion behind" she whispers at you. "At least until he feels better. We might get seriously hurt, and we need to be concentrated."
There are ponies waiting for us to free them, unfortunately we have to hurry.
Maybe Marion could stay behind to watch the prisoners? I don't feel comfortable leaving him alone though.
We feel very little remorse for this beast. Such ponies with the disregard for life that they have shown should not be treated with much more respect than monsters. That is our thoughts.

We should wait but a few moments. I wish we had more time but we must press the battle.
"I understand..." you walk up to your grey friend. "Do you want to stay and watch over the jailed ponies, Marion? I'm not comfortable leaving you alone, though..."
>"I'll be fine" the colt puts the bolt back in his quiver. "I'm sorry, I just had to take a moment."
"Marion" you put a hoof in his shoulder. "These ponies are the worst of this world, acting like monsters, hurting other ponies only to survive and further their gains" your eyes fixate deep into his. "Maybe that's just how I feel, but I don't think we should feel any remorse if they die. They live like beasts, we'll hunt them like beasts."
>"K-Knit..." Live Fire looks at you with a worried expression, however you feel she agrees with you in a way.
"Our lives won't go back to a merrier past, so let's face it. Sometimes, it's kill or be killed" you turn back to your friends. "We need to think of those ponies down there, they might be about to die of starvation or worse. We need to press on."
>"Yeah... yeah, stars dammit!" Merry approaches and shakes Marion a bit, however with a glint of a tear in her eye. "We have to do this!"

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>"O-Okay!" Marion finally snaps out of it. "Okay... let's go, ponies. We're just a couple steps away from the top of the tower."
>Indeed, after a short run upstairs you land on top of the tower, wind caressing your manes. Sitting at the end of the wooden platform, on a comfortable looking couch, lies a young pony, a pegasus, however with a large scar where a wing should have been. Resting in his hoof is a long sword of intricate design, with a shiny green marble embedded in the blade.
>"Magibead..." Brunhilde hisses, and your brain goes on alert.
>"Who are you?" The bandit leader asks. "Could it be you made it past my liutenants?"
"You shouldn't have to ask" you levitate your rings. "We're here to put an end to the slaughter on innocent ponies. Surrender or submit in fight!"
>"Six against me... fine. It's been a while since I had a chance to fight myself" without showing a hint of fear or pressure, the stallion handles his sword, and from the green bead, a series of vines and coils of root sproud and cover the blade and handle, moving with a life of their own. "You won't get me easily, ponies, I've led these outlaws for quite a while now!" He storms towards you with deadly speed.
How do we fight a plant-based magibead? With highly fast rotating metal rings that act like chainsaws... while on fire of course. And swing your bolas at his sword so it loops all over it and tangles with the sword and vines.

Do we also have the monster charcoal? I want to set both rings aflame.
Grass type is weak to fire type.
I don't want to use our magibead right away. Let's all attack and prod him to see how he fights first.
>Before he even gets near, all sorts of vines sprout from the blade and attack all the members of your group simultaneously. You can barely count who gets hit and doesn't, because there's a particularly thick one going for you.
>Even worse, it goes for the fire bead on your metal right, with incredible accuracy. That bastard noticed right away, if you use your fire you'll have a clear advantage! However, you manage to spin the ring and cut the vine before it steals your bead.
>"Not bad!" The stallion cackles. "See what you can do about this!"
>More and more vines sprout from the blade, at the same time the bandit rushes to meet you head on. While your friends try to help you by cutting as much plant life as possible, you spin your rings and enter a passionate combat versus the bandit leader.
>It's clear after a few hits that he's much more experienced than you, and his eyes... you thought you were ready to kill, but his eyes simply pour his killing intent on you. Even with both rings, you can barely stop that huge sword, and the vines are a constant distraction. Attacks rain down on you from wide directions, forcing you to use your rings for defense only, and not having a second to spin your bolas at all.

>It's time to fire up your ring. Connecting your magic aura to the bead, you imagine an intense fire, and right before your eyes, the metal wire catches on fire, like it did the other night, except now you feel in control of the flame intensity. This helps you fend off the boss, as he must be careful not to burn his vines on your ring, giving you a few seconds of respite.
>Just then, out of nowhere, a flash of fire smacks the bandit leader, right on the cheek. The pony cries and retreats, and out of the corner of your eye, you spot Brunhilde, panting in the middle of a circle of charred vines.
>"Gaah! A fire caster..." the bandit leader covers half of his face, drops of blood drizzling from his hoof onto the ground. "I was careless. Come here, whore!!" Suddenly turning, he rushes towards Brunhilde, who doesn't have the force or reaction to prepare herself.
Throw your bolas at him!
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