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>Go Pinkie! Scenes or moments in the series that actually
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>Go Pinkie!

Scenes or moments in the series that actually made you cringe, go.
Hard mode: Nothing from Slice of Life
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Who thought this was a good idea?
I'm not even gonna open that shit
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The Applelicious moment from Pinkie Apple Pie; the horse mask from Scare Master; several scenes from Newbie Dash.
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We are all controlled by something greater!
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>The Applelicious moment
In-character and not thinking in meta, it's just a silly tune she made up on the spot. That's how you should see it, instead of thinking about the fandom while watching the show. It was cute.
The scariest part is, we kinda are controlled by memes.

Once we see it we respond in reference to it.
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I'm not sure if you're being ironic or delusional.
Do you not understand what I said? Even if the writers intended it as a brony nod, the character Apple Bloom didn't. She didn't get access to the internet and find their memes; she just made up a dumb little song, in childish excitement. That's how you should see it, if you don't like the thought of brony shit being in the show.
Does that count, though? The entire purpose of that scene was to evoke an uncomfortable feeling in the audience. I think OP was talking more about scenes that were just bad.

I could be wrong, however. I don't use the word "cringe" enough to kno0w what anyone means by it at any given time.
>just turn your brain off and don't think critically
And now I understand why people unironically enjoy Season 6.

That's fine and dandy. It's still blatant pandering, though, and still cringeworthy enough for me to skip.
>Hard mode: Nothing from Slice of Life
>Not from Games Ponies Play or Equestria Games
You're missing the point so badly, but I don't know how I could word it better. I'm saying to actually think about the show and its characters while you're watching it, and not about the fandom or writers. Fluttershy saying "hey guys! I still want to be a tree, haha!" would be a meme nod worth groaning over. Apple Bloom singing that little song wasn't anything but her singing a song, though. It couldn't be anything else. I'd say having the ability to separate the show from the fandom and think about the characters rather than memes shows more critical thinking than what you and the namefag are showing here.
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I get writer-cringe, I can see what's going on in their head as the episode unfolds and frequently find myself disappointed with them. Larson used to be my favorite and Williams my least favorite. I hated Merriweather Williams so fucking bad.

For fuck's sake -- just accept that your precious show has faults and stop spouting nonsense. You're coming across as one of those bronies who can't accept differing opinions and has to fight it out.
>Twilight vs Triek
>Most of the S5 finale
>The opening theme song
>Every nod to the fanbase
That's all I can think of.
I'm not upset and was just trying to share my thoughts on the scene, but I'll keep in mind that you can't handle show discussion.

There's a difference between discussion and unyielding defense.
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I nearly bit right through my knuckle during this shit.
You didn't like Wonderbolts Academy?
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Someone did?
It was one of the shittiest of the shittiest season
It was difficult to watch and made many people watching feel pain, it's cringe.
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none of them.
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>during this shit.
>s4-s6 for her in general

I guess she'll always have painfully bad judgement, yet everything will be hunky dory at the end of the day.
also every of her scenes in rainbow falls, and daring don't

The whole premise of Daring Don't was already bad as it was. The Dashgasms was just the icing on top.

This callback doesn't work at all. It's forced, not funny, and makes no sense. I'm glad Levinger is gone.
>accept the show has faults

You first namefag.
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The show has always been cringe for me ever since the first episode. I mean it is a show for little girls. I take everything with a grain of salt because of this.
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The quesadilla joke in Pinkie Pooped.
That shit was so out of place and "rayan dumb" that it felt so forced in.
>LOL quesadilla is so weird am gonna make Twilight scared of it cause LOL random XD
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I despise pretty much all of S3 and 4, for the exception of a couple episodes here and there. I think I've accepted enough.
Indeed, as the other Anon has actually been providing major points to support his arguement, while you haven't even attempted to refute anything he's saying.
I don't necessarily agree with tht Anon either, but that doesn't mean it's okay to just stone wall any arguemets thrown against you

All the DBZ fight in the S4, i drop the whole show after that shit
barring your lack of a sense of humor, i think youll find most people have at least one irrational fear, or something that bothers them. i knew a guy who would freak out if a cotton ball touched him because he couldnt stand the texture
It's symbolic for Mexicans. Notice how she likes VANILLA ice cream and RED balloons? But, she hates spics.

What major points? He's telling me to shut off my mind and accept the bullshit as not being a shout-out, even though it clearly is.

Again, some folks will go to any length to justify an episode's flaws, because it flummoxes them so much that someone could hate even a single episode.
I'd never cringed watching mlp or anything else for that matter.
not either of those anons, but his major point is it was in character. even if it was a nod to the fandom, it fit. kids make up their own little stupid songs for no reason sometimes. your reason for disliking it isnt because it didnt fit, but because it was a nod at the fandom, which is as autistic as barneyfag instantly flipping his shit over anything tied to mlp, even if it doesnt have ponies in it.
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>Again, some folks will go to any length to justify an episode's flaws, because it flummoxes them so much that someone could hate even a single episode.

Literally no one is saying this. You are just constructing someone to argue with.

And yet another non-response.
How typical of a name fag
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Sometimes you have to realize that arguing with fat kids on the internet is a hopeless endeavor, as most of them are solid gold bricks of programming. His opinion won't be swayed, and neither will yours or mine.

But I'm still right.
Disregard that, I suck cocks.
dubs confirm

After Dash made a huge fucking deal out of nothing in Tanks for the Memories I was cringing hard.

After the words, "I'll just stop winter!" I just stopped and quit the episode. This was the second episode I have not watched fully, but the only one I have genuinely quit mid-episode.


There is no defending this shit
But the whole episode was an analogy for death and mourning.
>autistic sperg ex-unicorn
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Anon you're a faggot for not watching the whole thing
If I had to suffer through the cringiest scene in pony history you have to as well
Now you load it up and watch Dash and the rest of the M6 cry like little girls over a fucking turtle right now!
>scenes or moments from the show
>post oc
>who thought this was a good idea?
ikillyou121 apparently
I might sound like a faggot saying this but I'm not very hard to please. 22mins of pone and I'm more or less satsified
>I'd say having the ability to separate the show from the fandom
That would be possible if the writers weren't directly taking fandom memes and shoving them into the show.
"DJ Pone Three."

I normally enjoy fandom references, that name just sounds really awkward spoken aloud.
Do these special snowflake autists need a COLOR-CODED symbols at these fucking conventions? Ugh how retarded.
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That scene made me wish I was that turtle
You do realize DJ pon3 has been her canon name since 2011 right?
>implying that haha im a 13 year old girl andI'm so randumb!!!!!! :D:D:D is funny.
Party Pooped in general was kinda a cringe fest, Confalone tweets afterwards didn't help his credibility either. Luckily it seemed he learned quick since Hearthswarmers was much better and Saddle Row Review in season 6 was a 10/10. I think Party Pooped was just his awkward transition from working on Johnny Test to a show that's actually not 100% garbage.
True, but it's commonly said among the fans who named her that (and supported by the MLP card game) that her actual name is Vinyl Scratch, which would have fit better, I think.
100% this, every time something like this happens to pander to the fandom it seems so out of place.
I actually don't mind Slice of Life, since that's kind of the point of that episode, but I don't like it when it's so forced into other episodes.
I think you misread my post, anon.
I cringed at this post baka desu senpai
Winter is coming
>Pinkie Pooped
Nobody fucking calls Skrillex, Deadmau5, or Daft Punk by their real names either.
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>the fandom likes a character
>Applebloom dance scene in On Your Marks made me cringe hard
>Rainbow dash mimicing the mane 6 in Newbie Dash had the same effect.
I get that these are supposed to be "funny" scenes, but god damn it made me look away till it was over.
Cloudsdale anthem. Still can't watch that episode
What's funny is the only way to make it feel so uncomfortable is that it had to be ad libbed
Yeah, but do they pronounce Deadmau5's name "Deadmau-five"?
Some people do. That might be the joke. At least that's how I like to think about it. Everyone's saying it wrong and it pisses Vinyl off constantly.
Enterplay doesn't have that much oversight from hasbro, so they tend to name their things whatever the fandom wants
What is she gonna do, tell someone about it
That is an explanation I would not object to.
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Lost Treasure of Griffonstone. All of it.
>atrocious plot

Nothing about it struck home for me.
>completely lifts Dash and Gilda's relationship out of the garbage can
Seems less like an issue of the episode being bad and more like it being about a combination of things you already disliked.
Doesn't make it any less cringe worthy for me.
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All the fucking "Oh you!" endings and moments.
Those fucking scenes make me cringe to death.
How the fuck did you survive through season 1 then? Most of the episodes ended like that
i wonder that same thing
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I came very close to stopping the episode several times at this point.
for what?
It took them 5 seasons to get back to Gilda, and she's never going to show up again

griffons are shit anyway
When Rainbow Dash fail raps after Pinkies Wonderbolt rap

It's kind of cute, but when you know people who do that IRL it just makes it uncomfortable, I always feel embarrassed at that part
>for what?
To bring closure to the story they started with her and to build more on her character
>It took them 5 seasons to get back to Gilda, and she's never going to show up again
Even if that's true, what's yer point?
Most of season 1.
Unpopular opinion, but I do agree
season 1 did have a ton of unnecessary giggling and shit.
well i mean griffins are pretty terrible
thier entire poor slavbird society is worse offf than the dragons
And here come the nu bronies who want the show to be DBZ with horses
Are you implying DBZ with horses is bad?
I'm implying DBZ is bad, yes.
I was rewatching some season 1 episodes recently and I sort of agree with you, but sort of don't. On one hand, the show was easily at its girliest, with songs about cupcakes and entire episodes about slumber parties and fashion shows. It also had some rather standard stories, frequently presenting messages that other shows had done a million times before without putting a twist on them like most episodes from season 2 onward have. On the other hand, it was subtler in a lot of ways. The comedy was more low-key, the voice acting was often calmer and less exaggerated, and the character's personalities were kept very consistent.

Season 1 isn't my favorite- in fact, it made me cringe about ten times per episode when I first saw it- but if you haven't watched it in a while, I'd suggest giving it another look. Comparing it to current episodes yields interesting results.
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Not another one!
I've also rewatched it two weeks ago or so.

And it's still one of my least favorite, even if I fell in love with the show in the middle of it the first time I watched it.

But I understand, and I pretty much agree with what you said here.

Even if I way prefer the more dynamic pacing and writing of most of the episodes from s02 and up.
S1fag here, you've pretty much encapsulated why it's my favourite. I prefer the slower, low-key storytelling with more naturalistic animation and less cartooniness, it makes the characters easier to relate to imo
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>I'm implying DBZ is bad, yes.

You don't like DBZ?
We'll see

This is singles
>This is singles
Oh god dammit not this again
DBZ is one of the most hollow heartless "shows" I've ever watched...and man, was I all in with it when it was first airing in the US, I had every one of those shitty toys and waited eagerly for each new episode

But much like I learned Street Sharks was a pretty crap show around that teen age re watching tapes of it despite my infatuation as a kid, I learned DBZ was an awful show once I re watched it as an adult
that scene felt decades long good lord
For the most part, I do too. S1 was actually among my least favorite seasons until recently. I prefer the more varied stories we got afterward, particularly in seasons 2 and 5. I just found that I appreciated it more once I gave it another chance.
This scene disturbs me...Always...
How tho?
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Pretty much all of Pinkie in this episode.
How did AKR write Pinkie so perfectly in Pinkie Pride and then fucked her up two episodes later?
Oh boy, you're bringing up some old anger here friend. There was nothing wrong with Pinkie in that episode, and if you think there was then surely you think there was something wrong with when Fluttershy made both Pinkie and Rarity cry, right?
Get off the computer and go to bed, Amy. Working for Disney has clearly made you tired.
Perhaps because it was a good scene that fulfilled its purpose?
>The entire purpose of that scene was to evoke an uncomfortable feeling in the audience
Except it was an attempt to be funny, liar.
>I get writer-cringe
>Except it was an attempt to be funny, liar.
Cringe humor is a sub genre of comedy, sorry if you feel triggered by it because you self insert as Spikey wikey

This was actually hilarious though.
Equestria Games is probably the most underrated episode of the entire series.
You just proved my point, Dumbfuck Mcfuckfag. They weren't trying to make the audience uncomfortable, they were trying to make them laugh.
This theory is even cringier than the actual scene
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This. Mainly because it doesn't even tie into anything, it's just a reference for references sake. It's just "Hey look guise! It's a Legend of Zelda reference! Isn't that just so random!"
Now this is getting into sperg territory. The show has a ton of background references, it's definitely not worth cringing at unless it sticks out somehow.
Did Amy ever say anything on this? With all the hate this episode got, I expect that she didn't stay quiet.
I'm beginning to get the impression that if you can find this show cringey, you're taking it way too seriously.
Dat entire spike getting greedy episode
>tfw would wear a green badge just to talk to someone for once at a con that went beyond "good cosplay can i take pics pls" despite not being autistic

Then again I almost joined an orgy because I tried to overcome my spaghetti.
Well we are all here, it's easy to assume that most of us are taking it way too seriously.

I myself found Newbie Dash cringy because of the amount of psychological pain Rainbow Dash was under.

That day I was thinking to myself: "Anon you are taking this show way too seriously, they are not your family, they are only characters in a TV show"

It's one part my own autism, and one part the talent of the writers that makes me so invested in fictional characters.
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>cringe humor
Writers who employ this strategy should be shot and thrown out of a plane. I already have something that evokes an uncomfortable feeling in my midriff every day called life and I really don't need it in my fucking pony show.
I disagree, most of the background references to some degree make sense (ie a lot of references to TV shows based in NYC are made during Manehattan episodes) and are almost always MUCH less obvious. It kind of felt like they were just bashing our heads in with le clever bg reference more than anything.
Well, I was sorta grinning at the time, but it was the primal grin of fear.
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>Nothing wrong with Fluttershy making Pinkie and Rarity cry
Actually yeah, there was something wrong. In fact the entire point of that scene was to show that Fluttershy had gone too far with her assertiveness and lost her defining trait: her kindness. Fluttershy was undoubtedly in the wrong then, and also had reason for her to act that way in the first place. The writers wanted you to think that Flutters was wrong as part of the episode.

Compare that to Pinkie, who acts literally Autistic and raves about Fluttershy's insecurities and fears to the point where she bursts into tears not once, but twice in a single episode. This is the same Pinkie Pie who was so worried about Fluttershy's feelings that she didn't even want to pull a friendly prank on her back in S1, and who just had just had Pinkie Pride which explained and reinforced her character and motivation: to make others happy and smile. I see no possible half baked explanation you can come up with to justify this.

There is no reason for Pinkie to be acting contrary to everything she stands for unlike Fluttershy. Not only that, immediately after Fluttershy's rant she realizes her error and looks ashamed, while Pinkie literally is unable to understand why what she did was wrong like a fucking spastic Aspie piece of shit. Even if she was somehow unable to see if what she was doing was wrong, she would certainly notice Fluttershy's distress and try ask her what's wrong. No such thing happens however, utterly contradicting every single foundation Pinkie's character is built upon.

Rarity hitting Pinkie Pie on the head with a newspaper like a rabid dog show exactly how the episode makes her look: Subhuman, unworthy of respect, and a danger to others that needs to be reeled in and kept on a leash. If you seriously think such an autistic piece of shit is the same character as the real Pinkie Pie then you should seriously consider suicide.
What do you mean "fucked up"?
AKR has always written Pinkie as a screaming, obnoxious retard. Just because she sings one song about finding yourself doesn't change that. The rest of Pinkie Pride was the same screaming lolrandumb shit she's always been.
>I see no possible half baked explanation you can come up with to justify this.
How about the fact that Fluttershy should have learned to not be a fucking baby by this point.

The point of the episode was that Fluttershy is being a baby....again, Pinkie wasn't in the wrong even if she wasn't particularly sensitive, Fluttershy needed to grow up
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oh boy I remember feeling physically sick after watching this ep
That still does not justify or explains Pinkie's actions. Sorry you got beat as a kid but not everyone is supposed to be an asshole for no reason.
How did we go from "Don't prank FS rainbow, she's too delicate" to "LET ME MAKE YOU AS SCARED AND UNCOMFORTABLE AS POSSIBLE WITHOUT ANY CONSIDERATION OF YOU"?

And more importantly, why did autistic cumrags stoop as low as defending this when it aired?
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it seems you certainly don't understand what bothers people about this ep

>screaming lolrandumb
making jokes and being vocal is in pinkie's character, nothing wrong with that, if you want something different you might as well want a different character, the fact that bothers people is that in filly vanilli she had zero semblance of empathy, kept pushing fluttershy's buttons multiple times beyond the point of funny, and never demonstrated even a pang of guilt after making her miserable two times, merely some confusion afterwards, she acted almost like she was mean to her on purpose
All of the Mysterious Mare-Do-Well
All of Lesson Zero (way too over-the-top, bite me faggots)
All of Secret of My Excess
All of Magical Mystery Cure
>animators don't get to have fun
Tfw Tanks for the Memories is one of my favorites
Eggspellent post.
Ponkfag here who hated her insensitive performance that ep.

For me, the entirety of Newbie Dash, and a fuckton of other Dash moments are the ultimate cringe.
God, she spergs out the most to defend her "muh awesome pride"

I fucking hate her
>"awesome" "totally~ cool" "the wondor bolts!"
buzzwords that gett abused to shit now.
Every fucking minute of dialogue must contain one of these. They are too tied to her character, and make her shallow.

She was great in early seasons, but much like the rest of the cast, Dash is completely exhaggerated now in her antics, and tires quickly.

>"When life gives you lemons... "
>"you can make lemonade~!"
When I was first getting into the show, I couldn't make it, I skipped around because I hated musicals back then.
I wasn't ready.
Look at it without thinking about Link for a second. It looks like a brown-ish pony walking along pulling a cart, which we see dozens of in the background of random episodes. It only stands out if you get the reference, which if you ask me is how references should be done.
I laughed BECAUSE it made me feel uncomfortable for Spike. You dump truck.
It didn't even work the first time. The cap that keeps getting passed around just so happens to have edited out all the failures.
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>without thinking

This again, eh?
Not the same person you were arguing with about that earlier. I agree with him, though- if you want to analyze whether a reference works, you don't ask "is it a reference". You ask whether it makes sense in the context of the show. If you're getting mad just because it reminds you of something else, you're overreacting.

I don't analyze cartoons. That's fucking stupid.

If I see a blatant reference, I know the only reason it's there is to make the peripheral audience clap their chubby little hands in delight. I don't care if it "contextually" makes sense; it's still a distraction and doesn't need to be there.
You just don't like references, then. Your opinion on how well it was done is irrelevant. I'm not going to ask a person how well a musical number was pulled off if they hate musicals.

And I'm not going to shut off my mind to justify needless bullshit.
Then get over it. It's not going away and you're not a fair judge of its quality anyway.
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The entire part of Newbie Dash where Dash pretended to be her friends was fucking stupid. It was filler, too. I honestly cringed less even at things like Spike's anthem. Even that was more tolerable.
You should preface your opinions with a statement that your opinions are completely biased because you dislike the subject in question whether or not it is well-executed.

But you won't, of course. Because you're a namefag who thrives on attention.
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