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What's the appeal of man on mare action?
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What's the appeal of man on mare action?
The answer to this should be so fucking obvious that I wonder if you're not seriously mentally retarded.
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Please explain
You can imagine yourself in the man's position, you fucking retard.
Leave our mares alone you filthy humans!
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hot damn, why is Anonxpony the only good ship?
Or in the mare's position..
Its actually the most hated ship just not here.
Most of /mlp/ are men. They want to fuck mares. Boom.
It's degeneracy and not normal.
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>why is Anonxhand the only good ship?

Nah, they want to be mares.
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Absolutely this.
Kill yourself.
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>Nah, they want to be mares.

It's so true.
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Do you want to be transformed into a hot mare and have sex with anon?
Being cucked by a green guy

Consensual sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation.

You know. The most obscene stuff.
I miss those threads.
I would be the waifu, yes.
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not, only hot lesbian horse sex.
That's the most pathetic thing ever. I don't need some stupid green faggot to imagine myself in a position
This. Hot lesbian or straight horse sex is my fetish.
I also want this.
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I think it's cute.
It doesn't have to be "Anon", dude. A human penis going in your waifu is easier to self-insert with than Spike going in her. That's how it is with most people, anyway.
Because its the only ship that isn't utter shit.
hot monkey dick in sloppy horse pussy.
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Sorry dude.
You can't make your waifu cum
I have evidence that proves otherwise.
>being this retarded
no anon
their genitals are not half the size of their bodies
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How smalls your dick that you have to go on 4chan and tell retards browsing a cartoon horse board, they can't make their make believe waifus cum.
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>not posting the whole thing
>assuming mlp stallions have similar cock sizes to irl ponies despite being significantly smaller.
>implying you need a dick to make mare cum
I am trying to make horsefuckers sad as I am :<
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>their genitals
>making assumptions
My imaginary horse wife is a little filly.
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Yes pls
Thread replies: 47
Thread images: 17

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