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Seriously Hasbro, you have GOT to learn what this word means
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File: GeldingWars.png (138 KB, 316x531) Image search: [Google]
138 KB, 316x531
Seriously Hasbro, you have GOT to learn what this word means and send a memo around.

Because this game is on a WHOLE DIFFERENT LEVEL than cattleship
It's Katie Cook fucking up like she always did.
File: 1328941995071.jpg (202 KB, 700x967) Image search: [Google]
202 KB, 700x967
Mareopoly might also be either really sexist or not suitable for children.
>not liking castration
>humanized spa new year pic
>Gelding Grotto is a real place where you will be sent at the first sign of defiance.
File: main 6 board games.png (132 KB, 1590x831) Image search: [Google]
main 6 board games.png
132 KB, 1590x831
I liked the way the Luna book did it.
Do you suppose it is a game taking place in Equestria's equivalent of China? After all, in ancient China, particularly during the Ming dynasty eunuchs held almost as much power as the Emperor.
>having a fetish that you can only perform on yourself once
Fucking plebian right here.
You can use your imagination as much as you want.
>acting out your fetishes in real life
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