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No goats
only sheep
>all at full H/W, please put in name so I can double check

Last time on HQ...


Following the release of Pryce and Shei from the Lilane jail for their disturbance of the peace, the party set out in the new ship, bringing with them Zjetya and Rus Tea. Their course was Zha Arlakane, where the Ecclesians requested they assist in convincing the refugees and natives to accept Ecclesian rule. Accepting the rule of Ecclesia would mean relocating some to other territories to end overcrowding, as well as Ecclesia sharing its food and water with ZA to abate the possibility of food shortages. The cost, however, would be the reduction of the king and his council to mere figureheads, but the rumors of the king's declining health may make that a non-issue.

After a long day's flight, however, the party found their airship submerged in a sea of rust-colored mist, where they expected Zha's rocky, grassy rolling badlands. Multitudes of tiny, iridescent butterflies, their bodies entirely metallic, swarmed the ship's scrying orbs. Through the windows they could see many metallic bipedal figures, most likely angels, darting about in the mist. Whether they were ignoring the ship was not clear.

>for those aboard the ship

From below, an intense creaking of old metal and the harsh whine of a drill shake the ship. Explosions and the sounds of sliding rock and sand follow As you watch the angels dart about in the mist, you see that their bodies are more like ponies than bipeds; they are structured like ponies, but their backs are uncomfortably arched, their back legs limbs forced by splints to be vertical. Their front legs are poised to strike, like that of a rampaging horse.

The whine of the drill continues to howl, muffled slightly by the mist. The blasts and shrieks of many cannons follow in retaliation, as well as some indistinct war-shouts.

Prior to all this, Shei left aboard his Gigginox to retrieve the rest of the angel from the submerged Circadia.


The journey took many hours even with the advantage of flight, but you finally made it back to the eternal night of Circadia. The absence of the moon suggests it is near dawn elsewhere.

As you fly over the great Sashayan Wall, the streets below are almost unrecognizable. The air is greatly humid and stuffy, and all traces of ice are gone from the landscape. A thick layer of water, with a putrid green skin laying on top, covers the streets, with most rooftops barely peeking out. You see a mass of some kind near the shore, but it is too far to make out.

You fly to the approximate location of the Hypnagogium, but the sheer amount of debris and infrastructure uprooted by the tidal wave makes it difficult to pinpoint exactly where it stood.

>Roll perception
Observer continues to try using the scrying orbs to assist her in taking in the land below.

Following her exchange with Shei, Flaming's ears perk up at the sounds of the distant drilling tearing into the ground below. "What is that..." she asks aloud, quickly running out of Shei's room to head towards the bridge with all haste.

Looking out at the thick red-mist, she asks aloud, "What happened? This doesn't look like Zha, did you get lost somehow!?" She asks the pilot of the airship as she watches the butterflies and angels darting around, curious as to their presence.

When she hears the cannons firing off below, her fur stands on end, and she shouts, "Someone's firing cannons!" She jumps up towards the controls of the ship
>Presuming Observer is still in command

"Can you take us down, I can't see anything!"
Pryce steps over to a window to see the scene as their ship is rocked and rust clouds around them.
"Those... can't be angels, can they? They're too normal looking, compared to how they normally look."
Pryce tries to look through the windows and rust to get a better view of the metallic ponies. Are they fully metal angels, or is there something more?
>Perception [1d10]

Amy had dozed off during the ship ride in the control room. Something about moving quickly without her will made her relaxed. However, the screeching, screaming, and fighting makes her jolt awake.

Her ears perk up like a radio and try to home in on the sound. She heads toward the sound of the drill. Or, the direction she thinks it is in.

[1d10] to find the source of the sound if it's necessary
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Testing rule image
"I must find a proper safe zone to land in. Prepare for landing once I have located one." She says, going into full focus from the drop of emotion in her voice at the moment.
Flow already has his claws at the ready as he crouches low to the ground, and he tries to listen for the source of the drilling noises.

Vice and Trapper are doing the same. Vice has the Bow and ice arrows, and Trapper has the twinblade. They both follow close behind Flow, moving slowly as they try to pinpoint the source of the noise.
>>"Well well, isn't this a nice change of pace."
>"I do admit, this is more...exciting than being cooped up all the time..."
"I can't wait to see if these angel whatevers will tear nicely."
''What are those things doing here...'' She mutters to herself, making her way to the lower levels of the ship, turning to the voidling in the way
''Observer, I will go along and see what is the ruckus down there. I trust you will have no trouble dealing with these angels, yes?''
She nods her head at the mare, tapping her hooves anxiously, "Alright then! If you can't find one just get as close as you can to the ground, I'm sure I can make the jump off if it's just a little high."

She points at the butterflies, "I think I recognize angels when I see them but, what do you suppose those are?
Shei enjoys the peace and rushing wind as he flew to Circadia. Metallic hues melt over the sky as it fades back into eternal night.

Shei-sher surveys the area from above, aghast at the amount rubble and bile "My oh my. I suppose the angels aren't literal when they call for an ethnic cleansing."

Shei-sher takes Pupil from his coat and directs his sight toward the vague mass by the shore
[1d10+1] appraise

Shei-sher lands on a roof top nearby the hynagogium. Stepping off his gigginox he whistles for his phoenix to perch on his staff tip. He stands by the ledge and holds his staff up facing a wide portion of the water.

"Pheo, flash."
With a piercing caw Pheo flourishes her wings to release a flash onto the water. If the angel is down there the light will reflect off its metal showing its whereabouts.
[1d10+1] search
"Understood, if they begin assault on the ship I shall retaliate."

"I shall attempt at identifying them after we have landed."
The upright, bipedal figures disappear again into the mist as quickly as they appeared, but their general shape reminds you of Miracle, whom you encountered first in the Everfree and again in Fantasia. Though, these ones are cruder and not as brilliantly-colored as her.

Observer jostles the orbs' controls, shaking them and ridding them of the metallic butterflies. On the terminal feed, Amy can make out a very long, tube-like silhouette down below, near the ground level. The drilling sound comes directly from its approximate location, so it seems the be the most likely source.

More cannon fire and desperate voices echo in the air. Through both the windows and the scrying orbs, you see two of the angels momentarily fly down toward the source of the sounds. Moments later, however, they are both brought back up, covered head to hoof in coats of the metallic butterflies. They flail about in the air, struggling fruitlessly against the grip. You pick up the faint sound of scraping and scrabbling coming from the butterflies.

The great mass seems to be the debris of some hideously large sea creature, a pale translucent mass of bloated, desiccated flesh. However, Pupil has no data on what the creature might be or its origin.

Pheo's light reflects off some small, glowing shape deep beneath the water. The light reflects in a small quarter-circle, suggesting it's trapped under rubble.
''Good. Please don't let the ship blow up''
Novelus approaches the strange tube-drill, his eyes following it's lenght, trying to find the source of it
Observer attempts to look for a nearby mountainside, but can't help but feel the need to scan the butterflies.

>Appraise: Biological Scan

Amy looks down at the bizarre scene outside the ship. She slowly calms down, getting more confused and amused than upset.

"I think... the butterflies are winning?" Amy states and asks at the same time. "Why are butterflies attacking angels? Where are we?"
"What's going on out there? Can't be more demons the angels have to take care of like in Circadia."
Pryce thinks out loud as he watches the angels get swarmed.

Maybe its because of their pony shape, or maybe after shedding off his knighthood he doesn't care as much about the angels. Either way, his horn glows as he tries to push away the butterflies from the metal ponies with telekinesis.
>Telekinesis [1d10]
The shimmering object a catches Shei's attention. He takes out a book and begins flipping through it. After some reading he make a wry bemused face and begins making a high gargling noise with his throat
>A Vision of Thralls: Summon two Ludroth, withdrawing Gigganox
Once/if the Ludroth arrive Shei-sher deciminates instructions to them via an array of hoof gestures and takes his toward the ledge facing the beached sea creature.

Shei-sher sticks the bottom end of his staff into the water. He focuses to transform the portion into ice thick enough for him to stand on. If successful he continues on forming a bridge of ice from the rooftop to the shoreside.
Flaming stares at the odd creatures as they disappear back into the mist, her eyes studying what she can as they vanish from sight. "Those seemed uncomfortably familiar..."

As the ship continues to descend onto the ground, she watches the butterflies scatter and views the terminal feed with the tube digging deep into the earth. She is about to ask aloud what it is as the angels flail about back into view, causing Shorthorns to jump as the butterflies tear into the angels.

"They're.. fighting the butterflies? And the butterflies are WINNING?!" She asks incredulously, her jaw slightly agape. "That's weird..."

She shakes her head, "I don't know, but we should get out there and see!" She turns with a step in her hoove, running for the exit ramp. "Observer should lower the ramp any second!"
"I don't think that'd be wise when we don't know what they are, and while they're still swarming."

Amy follows Flaming. "Do you think the butterflies are friendly?"
She turns to yell back, "Well, they're just fighting the angels right? We haven't done anything to them yet..." she puffs out her chest, "Besides, I hardly fear a few butterflies."

She turns and shakes her head. "I have no idea. Maybe? They seem to only really hate those angels for some reason."
''Flaming don't try to jump so early! down there can be very rocky and tough. You're going to hurt yourself! Not to mention that we do not know if those butterflies won't try to harm us as well once they're done with the angels''
A plateau of a nearby hill peeks out above the blanket of orange-red smoke, looks like an easy enough parking job.
>EVERYBODY: Just assume you do for the purpose of next turn's actions
>If you choose to approach the sound from here, roll perception in the fog, which reaches the ground.

The scan returns...
>Automata; 1 Hit each
>Individually bumbling and worthless, but are like a swarm of piranha in large numbers. The agents of the angel Miracle.

"THAT'S what angels look like? Mph. Of course they'd look like you wimpy ponyfolk," Rus Tea complains.
"Okay, quick question. Angels are...?" Zjetya asks, holding her hoof up like in school.

You blast the butterflies off the angels, freeing them. Their carapaces are coated in hundreds of minuscule bite and scratch marks. The angels meekly disappear back into the mist, fearfully clutching their injuries.

You conjure two ludroth, who get to work digging up the angel's body (Roll). As you make the bridge to the shore, you see many floating waterlogged bodies, both of ponies and demons, in the water. They become more prominent as you approach the shore, some clutching wood, household trinkets, etc. No survivors.

As you reach the shore, the pale mass becomes clearer. It is like a great section of flesh, cut off like a flap of monster hide. As you appraoch, you see that it has been folded over itself, with its edges brutally tapered, as though bludgeoned off. To confirm this, you see part of a great white metal wheel resting in a bruised basin of the flesh. It is translucent, and you see a network of nerves running along the surface, gray and lifeless.
Observer continues to pilot the ship to the nearby hill for a safe landing outside of the fog, but allowing everyone to traverse down into it themselves.

"I can remain here on the ship and continue work within the lab. That way in the case of an attack on the ship I can be here to defend it." She says as she focuses on conjuring bolts of magic.

>Homing magic
Pryce isn't sure how to react as the angels flee off uncharacteristically, compared to the others he's seen. As the ship lands, he's not sure either of what to do. Though, with curiosity, he heads to his bunker, putting on his cloak, and heading back to the ramp as they land. He doesn't leave the ship's vicinity, but he steps down to peer into the fog, horn glowing as he tries to see what is going on.
>Perception Light [1d10]
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Hey Flag if you're watching the thread meet me in the Cytube
Shorthorns nods her head, "Agreed, Rus Tea. But take heed: they're not nearly as squishy as ponies are." She giggles, looking up at Pryce, "No offense."

She looks out at them, turning her head with a raised eyebrow, "Um... the servants of the devas? Do you not know anything about the Devas?" she asks Zjetya

She turns to Lady Dania, giving a grin as Observer successfully lands the HissLab down upon the ground.

"See? He landed safely, now can we go?! I already said, I'm not afraid of butterflies!" She heads down the ramp at the first possible moment, charging in the direction of the noise and the tube as she heads into the mist. She attempts to avoid getting to close to either the angels or the butterflies attacking them, despite her bravado.

>[1d10+1] (do I get the +1 for Gaia here?)
I hope I don't regret trusting you on that

Shei-sher reaches a hoof to touch the wheel, but the pungent smell of flesh causes him to back away. He instead holds out his staff and slushes it around in there to drag the metal out.
[1d10+1] roll if needed

Meanwhile the two Ludroth get to work removing rubble from the buried angel.
whoops, ignore the minions plus 1, that was a mistake.
''Those are not the only angels, Rus Tea...Believe me, some can be very intimidating...''
''And an angel is...Well... I don't know if I can aswer that correctly Zjetya...Perhaps you could ask Pryce or Shei about that. They ought to know more about them than I do. Now if you excuse me...''

The sheep gracefully descends and tries to find the sound around the fog
Also inspire [1d10]
''Oh fine fine...But be careful to not bash your little head on something dangerous in this fog...''

"Big ol' judgmental meanies," Amy says with scorn in response to Zjetya's question.

[1d10] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SR3qZlQHgss
She turns back as she navigates the fog, blushing slightly, "My head is NOT little. And I've cracked STONE on this thing before, what could be in this fog that would hurt my head?"
You land the ship and produce 3 orbs.

You produce a bright light to permeate the fog. With it, you can see a bit of the scene around you. The enormous silhouette looms in the fog ahead, but separating you from it is a wide curtain of butterflies. Above, a few uninjured angels hesitantly float, darting about in the sky, facing the curtain. They appear as though they are looking for gaps in the curtain of butterflies.

Now, at the sound of 'Devas', Zjetya's eyes widen. Her expression turns to a low glower. "Oh. I don't exactly come from around here," she grunts with a snarl.
Rus Tea grunts and hustles off the ship with you. "All I needed to know."

Some nasty juice splashes onto your coat, sticking like a thick adhesive, once you dig around a bit for the wheel fragment. As you get the wheel close enough to pull out, the goo hardens like a fist and loses its scent.

The ludroth push and pull, but the rubble seems firmly stuck in there. Removing it improperly looks like it could collapse and crush the both of them. A small portion of the angel's upper half sticks out. It may be easier to retrieve just that, but risks collapsing the rubble heap.

As you charge into the fog, some of the butterflies fly down and begin to nip and tear Flaming, scrabbling and scraping at her flanks and neck.
>-1 Hit, -1 every turn until removed
>Rus avoidance roll [1d10+1]


As you get closer into the fog, you behold an enormous shape. It stands two and a half stories in height, and twenty meters in width. Its body is like that of a metallic mosquito, with a dull steel carapace, angular like that of an angel. It has a three-segmented body and six legs which are drilled deep into the earth. Two large sets of insect wings protrude from its back.

The whirring comes from its face, which is structured like a pony's. It has two enormous compound eyes. Each little cell of the compound eyes has its own camera port, swirling around in all directions in rapid form. Its pony mouth hangs open, revealing two sets of rusty teeth. From the mouth extends a long thin barrel, like a mosquito's proboscis. It is covered in a shimmering transparent barrier. As you approach, you see it is piercing the main gate of ZA. As you approach, you hear the shouts and battle-cries of the guards, who are desperately firing cannons arrows and javelins at the creature's carapace from their exposed rampart.

The drill is already several meters deep in the door. Around the drill's point of entry, the thick metal of the door spirals like a mushy liquid, steaming and melting.
''That thing, for example'' She replies to Flaming

''It is trying to drill a hole in the gates! stop it!'' The sheep shouts both to the party and to the guards
[1d10+1] glorify
Pryce holds at the ship, before he would have charged with the others at any sign of angels. But he feels no urge to go out fighting. The angels' here seem pitiful almost, and the butterflies are unknown, maybe he doesn't need to fight this time.

Seeing the insects swarm the other though, gets some response. His horn glows as he tries to push away the butterflies, or distract them so the others stay safe from them.
>Telekinesis [Fire] [1d10]
Shei-sher continues digging out the piece of metal. [1d10+1]

The Ludroth continue removing the rubble with total disregard for their own lives. Sh'harel wills it!
Shorthorn's eyes narrow as Zjetya's widens. "You don't say.... the 'Deva's seemed to ring a bell with you just now. You SURE you don't know anything about them?" She asks curiously.

As the butterflies descend and beginning nipping at her flanks and neck, Flaming eeps and cries out as they scrape hard into her, the buffalo thrashing about trying to swat them with her hooves and head.

"AGH! OW! Hey, gg-get off of me! I didn't do OW anything to you, I come in peace! Or at least I DID."

Swatting at the butterflies all throughout, she stands to look at the amazing creature before them, gasping in sight of the gigantic metallic insect. Her eyes shift down to its drill like mouth digging into the main gate of Zha, her gasp turning from one of shock to one of anxious anger.

"Is THAT where this mist is coming from? These monsters are attacking your home!" She turns to Novelus, growling as she scraps her hoof against the ground.

"Not on my watch. The guard returns!" She charges at the drill of the creature, aiming to break it with her head so it stops drilling into the door
>[1d10+6] Gaia, Charge, All or Nothing to shatter the drill's mid-section
Knowing that that observer will now need to work on a stronger cure, she begins searching for River. Upon finding her she would approach her and begin her question. "I need to begin work on a stronger cure for JOY. I need a sample of JOY along with some of the antidote, could you assist me with that?"

"They aren't friendly at all!" Amy says in a shocked and angry voice. "BAD butterflies!"

Upon the uttering of the word bad, her body shoots holy flames out to hurt her enemies.

>Wrath [1d10+3]
Your lack of drive seems to make your magic fizzle out.

Your command is lost to the cacophony of the drill.

You retrieve the hunk of metal entirely, but more goo splashes onto your coat. This particular splash then moves up your body like a snail, conglomerating where the goo splashed earlier. It hardens with the other mass, straining your chest as it starts to darken.

The ludroth continue to tear into the rubble. One removes a piece in the wrong place, and like a shitty Jenga tower, it comes crashing down on the two of them, squishing and battering them.

>Both ludroth 0/1

Thankfully, however, the fall exposes the angel's body to the surface of the water. Removing it now would be trivial.

>first convo takes place on the ship, forgot to mention she was staying behind
Zjetya sharply turns and heads toward the windows. She cuts you off at "anything about", shouting "I'll help keep watch and call shit out for you! Good luck!"

As you charge into the carapace, you make a light dent in its side, and it appears not to notice you. The butterflies continue to chew and tear at your hide. -1 Hit

Zjetya reaches into her bag. [1d10+2] [1d3]
Above, the soldiers continue to pelt the creature. [1d10+2]

Your blast leaves a light burn mark where Flaming dented. The blast also singes off Flaming's butterflies.

A port opens a few meters above the impact point, and a splash of acid flies out at Amy. [1d10+2]

River paces in place momentarily. "I question how gladly Easy will comply with me asking for more, but... I'll coerce or fool those mongs somehow." she says. She turns and opens a Dark Corridor, shortly disappearing inside.
Well until River can deliver more to Observer's lab, she decides to head into said lab to work on another project. Better protection for the ship.

>Engineering: Research/Create Blueprints for laser turret defense systems.
''Yes, that's it you two! Keep going!''
[1d10+2] inspire
As Amy blasts away the butterflies with her flames, she growls, nipping away at a few more of them using her teeth. "Grrrr, no, they are even WORSE than bad, they're annoying! Go away!" She shouts at the scrapping creatures.

She bounces back from the drill she had head-bashed, shaking her head as she looks at the light dent in its side with a gasp for breath, "Huff... that's some strong metal that monstrosity is made of." She looks up at the guards, shouting at the top of her lungs

"DON'T LET UP! Aim for the drill, aim for the drill!" She commands, running back towards the creature. She leaps up, aiming her head directly towards the compound eye sections of the pony-like head, attempting to blind it.

[1d10+4] All or nothing
Pryce stares off at the rust cloud as his magic fizzles.
[I know magic can be linked to your head, but I can't be that unfocused, can I?]
He looks back to the ship, thinking of heading in and leaving it to the others, his soul-searching cutting into his focus. But, with the others going out, he can't leave them to fight alone. Even if he's not knight, you don't don't sit back when you can help.

Looking up at the other scattered angels, Pryce flies up towards them.
"Hey! What's going on here?"
"Eeeyuck. gross! vile, -ngh repugnant slime.." Shei-sher says to himself as he tries wiping the goo off with a hankerchief. He takes notice to it hardening and constricting around him. "Dear goats and griffons it's alive!" Shei quickly reaches for his salt pouch and douses it with hoof fulls of salt.

The Ludroth are tireless and loyal amphibians. They try to get up from helpless [1d10]

"Um..." Amy says awkwardly, not actually used to STARTING combat NOT in wolf form. "I... Okay..."

>Prayer of Enlightenment to learn Homing Magic
You scheme up a weapons system for the front of the ship. Having not made something like that before, it would take quite a bit of extra work, you reckon.
>Cost: 15 Magitech scrap, 1 Core

Your cheers are lost in the sound of battle.

An idea comes to you, named Homing Magic.

As you hit it again, rust begins to coat the site of impact. Rus throws a spear at the hull but it weakly bounces off. She reaches again. [1d10+2] [1d3]

"STOP! STOP! YOUR ACTIONS ARE SINS!" a disembodied voice commands, shaking the hull of the creature. A swarm of butterflies convenes near your legs. [1d10+3]

Some of the soldiers aim their cannons more at the narrow target of the drill. [1d10+2]

Both ludroth weakly recover. The hardened mass quivers angrily while clenched to your coat. As you try to salt it off, your limbs shiver as you feel the breath sucked out of your lungs. The mass liquefies, dropping off your coat, now fully dark. You feel weaker and dazed, your coat discolored where the mass clung.

>-1 Wound

Only one angel stops to acknowledge you as the others continue to fly about, the curtain of butterflies stopping them every step of the way. The angel recoils at the sight of you, as though it recognizes you. Its mouth hangs open, and a string of words unrecognizable to you come out. Its voice is a hybrid of male and female. It raises the flat of its hoof to you, and ends with "Abhaya."

You recognize that last word as a gesture of greeting between high ranking members of the church, considered improper for anyone but accomplished monks to use.
''You are not getting past those gates! Soldiers, Aim for the body of this thing! Knock it down!''
[1d10] glorify
Upon finishing the blueprints fora weapons system, Observer decides to check on her comrades. She makes her way over to the scrying orbs in order to use them to locate her allies.

>Survivor: Search for Dania, Shorthorns and Amy.
Pryce is silent a moment at the greeting, a bit surprised at hearing it, and also that with his revocation of his faith he is unsure of how to respond.
E quickly sputters as this is the only one to address him and he wants to figure out the situation.
"I only caught the last portion. You're a member of the Church? So you aren't just an angel, or ...are you one now..."
Pryce trails off hen shakes his head.
"Nevermind that. What's going on here? What's all this rust, and you all, and these metal bugs?"
She turns to look at Amy befuddled after bouncing back from the eye, "Huh?! Come on, Amy, we're fighting! Get excited, get angry!"

As the voice reverberates the hull of of the mosquito, she watches the rusted part take over as Rus Tea's spear bounces off. She giggles. "Hey. It's turning 'rusty'. Is that your doing?" She jokes at the minotaur as she answers the voice

"I care not for your sense of morality, monster! What you call a sin, I call destroying an enemy attacking my friends!" She watches the swarm of butterflies move in, waiting for them to bundle up conveniently before swinging her head down on the whole lot of them at once.

"And I DON'T like my friends being attacked! Take THIS!" She gives a loud moo in a roar cry before slamming it down on the swarm of butterflies

[1d10+4] All or Nothing

"Alright," Amy says like a child told to do something she doesn't want to do.

"Grr..." she growls half-heartedly.

>Homing Magic [1d10+1]
Shei-sher gasps for air as soon as the goo falls off, wheezing violently having activated his asthma. Shei grips his chest and tries to catch his breath. "Do you *wheeze* know how many *wheeze* ingredients there are *wheeze in oil black dye" He says very annoyed.

He wants to exterminate the slime but decides not to. waving his hoof at it in a dismissive manner. And begins walking back to the rooftop through his bridge. Shei-Sher wipes any gunk still on the shield as he ambles back.

The Ludroth begin taking the angel apart by the limbs. Pushing against its torso with their tail for leverage. Each piece taken off is taken up the rooftop.
Before she head-butts the swarm of butterflies, she turns and glares at Amy.

"...what... was that? That's not a growl! Come on, like THIS!"

She grits her teeth, and puts on a scary face as she can for show. "GRRRRRRRRR!!!"

[1d10+1] GET MAD!
Some of the soldiers glance down at you, pointing at you in recognition. They start to load their cannons faster, swelled with urgency.

Rus stops and gives you 'that' look, moments before pulling a trio of throwing swords out of her bag, launching each at the shell of the monster, piercing deep. The soldiers' attacks fizzle off the field shielding the drill.

As the butterflies nibble up and down your legs, scoring hundreds of cuts, you smack them away, then sink to the ground, your legs weak and unable to support your body.

>Flaming 0/5, Bleeding until Healed

The soldiers launch volley after volley at the creature's legs and drill. [1d10+2] [1d10+2]
Rus reaches... [1d10+2] [1d3]

You conjure one orb.

"SINS... SINS... SIGHTHZHZGZZZZ..." the disembodied voice repeats before fizzling out. A deafening creak is heard as the gate to ZA starts to fold in like a bent card at the site of the drill's entry. A wide radius of twisted, melted metal spins around the point of impact. The door begins to fold inward and the mosquito leans forward, its own metal body creaking and groaning in the strain.

Getting that you don't understand its language, the angel furiously gesticulates something piercing through a wall, then shakes its head. It turns its head toward the sound of the gate falling apart in horror. At that instant, however, a mass of butterflies flies toward both of you.


You rejoin your ludroth, where they have disassembled every part of the angel that is still usable. You now have 3 pieces of angel metal.

You join Onion and Zjetya in the control room. The terminal feed shows them fighting an enormous, mosquito-like metal entity, which is shielded all around by a curtain of butterflies. You see Pryce apparently conversing with one angel, before being attacked by butterflies.
Observer seats herself at the controls. "I hope this will be of assistance." Observer thinks to herself.

From outside the ship, the cannon begins to prepare itself, loading up a Thunderstorm shot and using the scrying system to try and lock onto the metal entity.

>Thunderstorm Shot
[Bleat of Command]
[1d10+2] inspire
Pryce nods his head along with the gestures.
"I think I follow. Something is trying to get where it shouldn't?"
He questions, until the creak and crash is heard. His heads snaps towards that direction.
"That sound can't be good. I should have just followed the others."

As the butterflies swarm towards them, Pryce's horn glows to push them aside as he flies towards the sound.
>Telekinesis [1d10]

Amy's coat begins to blacken a bit as the drill drills into the city. The word sin being thrown at her doesn't help either.

However, when she sees Flaming getting hurt, she suppresses it for now to help her. She runs over to Flaming and takes out a bottle. "Here," she says as she forces it down Flaming's throat. "This SHOULD help the bleeding."

>Natural Remedy [1d10+3]

Oh, also, as she stands over Flaming, she looks up at the drill angrily. The ball of light shoots at it.

>Instant Homing Missile shot [1d10+1]
She grins confidently at the giant mosquito like creature as Rus Tea throws her swords out of her bag at its carapace.

However, her grin is taken away as the massive swarm starts cutting deep into her legs, causing her to cry out in pain as her various cuts and bruises cause her legs to give way , sending her down to the ground as the butterflies continue to cause cuts along her fur.

"Grrr... ow, ow! Get... off!" She shouts, trying to stand up
[1d10+1] Standing up!
As Amy comes in with the bottle, her eyes spring open in worry as the bottle is given to her whether she likes it or not. "Make sure this one isn't pee this time!"

Amy blushes a bit through her darkening coat. "Do you have to say that so loud!?"

She looks around to make sure no one is listening.
She blushes, "S-sorry, I was kind of worried... I didn't tell anyone about that, I swear."
You aim the cannon properly and launch the weather ball with a deafening boom. It arcs toward the mosquito... then stops midair. The camera feed shows a multitude of butterflies swarming around it before it's lowered slowly into the fog.

[sheep noises] inspire everyone.

You push right on through the butterflies as they attack the angel you were speaking to. You fly to where Amy, Novelus and Flaming are.

Amy forcefeeds Flaming a potion, sealing her cuts and restoring her to 8/6. The soldiers' continuous cannon fire shatters an opening in the barrier surrounding the drill, through which Amy fires a bolt. The thin drill nearly breaks in two from the impact, bending like a straw.


"YOU HAVE BEEN CHOSEN... YOU HAVE BEEN CHOSEN..." the disembodied voice echoes mindlessly as the great door finally collapses in on itself, leaving the gateway open. The rampart above the gateway begins to crumble, with many soldiers fleeing to escape the fall. As it starts to fall apart, two soldiers fall to the ground with a heavy crunch, along with some cannons. The mosquito's legs begin to unearth themselves, and one of them strikes Rus dead in the face, launching her backward onto the dirt.

From above, a swarm of butterflies descends with an enormous weather ball, one you recognize being on the ship. The butterfly devour the glass orb in seconds. The churning lightning within escapes, but only briefly as the butterflies spiral up around it, guiding it as it arcs up their own bodies. They spiral toward you with newfound speed, swarming around you in the blink of an eye. All of you are shocked and shaken as the lightning courses and jumps through you. Rus screams as she is cooked, helpless.

>Pryce, Amy, Flaming, Novelus take 5 Hits
Shei examines the pile and nods satisfied. Shei takes a biscuit from his pouch and breaks it in half. He gives it to the two ludroth and then pats each of them afterward for a job well done.

[1d10+1] summoning Gigganox, dismissing two Ludroth. This is just for mechanics sake. Fluff wise Giggles is still there on the roof.

Shei-sher assembles the usable and metal and begins refurbishing the pieces in wings he can install onto his saddle for easier transport.
>Tinker [1d10+1]
Gigs gets off the roof and stands by for flight.

As you start to work on the metal, a large amount of nasty water pours out of one of the hollow pieces, drenching and chilling you in its foul anathema.
Pryce looks over as the gate breaks and the voice shouts. It gives him flashbacks of the seraphs,how they ripped away at the land to 'save' ponies. He grits his teeth as he flies over to the machine.

The shock of the butterflies is mostly ignored, body already clenched and focus streamline on the angel.
His horn shines a brilliant red as a bolt of flame fires up into the sky above through the clouds.
>Orbital Strike [Fire] [Drill] [1d10+2]
>Duration [1d10+1]

A white glows surrounds him as well as he powers through the butterfly bites.
>Prayer for Deliverance [1d10+1]
Flaming guzzles down the potion greedily as Amy feeds it to her, taking the glass out of her hoof to chug it down as she feels her cuts and scrapes healing up instantly. She spits it out, shattering it on the ground as she wipes her chin. "Mmmm... that's more like it!"

She looks at the Mosquito Engine as its drills' barrier is blown open by the guards, making Shorthorns grin even as the gate is further destroyed.

"Yes! keep it up!" She shouts, listening to the Engine shout about them being chosen. "Chosen?! The only thing you've chosen us for is your destruction, DEMON." She shouts, looking at the gate and its ramparts fall as the creature unearths itself and the butterflies devour their ships orb.

She grits her teeth as the lightning courses through her, her hooves standing their ground and looking at the creature as she charges once more, intent on taking out the eyes.

>[1d10+4] All or Nothing, destroying those camera-compound-eyes
"Ba-a-a-ah! For heaven's sake. I do hope Observer had a washing machine installed onto the ship." Shei-sher continues dutifully with his work. If successful he installs it onto the saddle and rides his Gigganox out of there.
"An... interesting reaction..." Observer mumbles as she observes the orb and the new sudden reaction the butterflies get. Because of this she feels she needs to make a change of plans and fix what she has caused, rushing to get into her golem and head into the fight.

While traversing, she also attempts to use something she hasn't tried yet.

>A Vision of Thralls: Nail Beast
>Roll for Observer
>Roll for Nail Beast

Amy looks at the walls crumbling, her coat turning darker.

"You big BULLIES!" Amy yells at the angels. "You're the ones who are sinners!"

Her body shifts into that of a great black wolf.

>Mystic Animal Totem

"STOP! STOP! STOP!" she shouts as she changes. As she does, her "STOPS" turn into barks. Once the changing is complete, the bark blasts out holy fire which bathes the drill, the mosquito, and all the butterflies with great force.

>WRATH [1d10+4]
Seeing the gate break and the soldiers fall, the sheep quickly rushes towards it, only to stop in place, gritting her teeth and groaning as the pain almost make her fall. Almost...

''You two, hold on!'' She shouts with worry as she tries to push the cannons away from them while turning to the other soldiers ''You there! Get down and help me here!''
[1d10+1] bolster

Add another +1 for inspire.
You restore yourself to 10/5, and launch a charge into the sky.

You summon a nail beast.

As you charge through the smog, a bolt of lightning arcs toward you between two butterflies, frying you. You lose 5 Hits.

You refurbish the pieces as wings and slap em on your saddle.

As you head back, you manage to dry off. The trip back to ZA takes several hours, and you get very hungry by the end. When you make it back, you see the airship parked on a nearby mountain plateau. Observer, riding in her Golem, jumps out of the ship and heads into a rust-colored cloud that has completely submerged the nearby area.
>if travelling through, roll

The soldiers have many cracked ribs and broken bones, but your words spur them to drag themselves out of the way of the incoming mosquito.

All nearby butterflies evaporate and burns and rust scatter all over the mosquito's hull from the blast. Flaming jumps up and smashes a huge section of the creature's right compound eye. The creature collapses forward momentarily, and the drill snaps off in the door. Soldiers pour out from either side of the gateway, moving away the injured and grabbing the cannons.

The mosquito falls forward with a great creaking sound, not moving as its eyes dim.

Far behind, in the churning rusty mist, the butterflies disperse, flying into the air. The rusty mist still persists, however, and in the fog you see about five angels with glowing weapons, their sights trained on the mosquito. They appear hesitant to move forward despite the mosquito's immobility.
Refreshed, Pryce flies over to the gate, hovering just over the metal wall and staring down at the mosquito.
His horn glows red as he grasps the beast in his magic and attempts to toss it back from the gate.
>Telekinesis [Fire] [1d10]
Observer grits through the pain, knowing that this was her cause anyways that she should expect worse conditions getting to her allies. She continues on though, hoping to be able to salvage something from the mosquito.
Dania smiles as she sees the mosquito fall
''Great work you all...Now...'' She turns to the soldiers
''Can you explain to me what happened here before our arrival?''
She smiles at Amy as the mighty black wolf returns, the buffalo growing more and more use to its appearances as she shouts to Amy, "YES, like that!"

Her head smashes open the eye and as she bounces back, she grins confidently as it collapses, the drill snapping into the gate of Zha clean off. She looks on at the guards as the mosquito engine falls, trying to peer through the thick rusty mist at the angels who hold their grounds.

Bravely, she steps towards the ruins of the engine with confidence greater than her size, staring up at the agents of the Devas. "Why are you all so afraid?! I would expect the new gods' most powerful warriors to have a bit more backbone than this." She taps at the metal, "It's dead, see?! Now what was this thing?" She asks them loudly.
Shei-sher maneuvers his gigganox to circumvent any hostiles in the area and deliver the metal to the Ship's barracks.

Amy ignores Flaming, her bloodlust taken over. She sees the Angels, still here. It matters not to her whether they are attacking.

She forcefully barks at them.

>Wrath has no cooldown while in wolf mode thanks to artifact! [1d10+4]
Nothing molests you on the way back to the ship. You climb aboard and find Zjetya, Onion, and Renee standing by for duty, watching the camera feed intently.

"I-- I don't know. Everything was peaceful before that mist set in!" one soldier breathes.
"Who were the last groups we let in?" a sergeant-looking guard demands.
"Just a bunch of stragglers from the Bearnaise plateau-- Madame Medium Rare herself approved them. Though..."
"Were there anyone suspicious among them? Anyone odd, carrying weird things?"
"One of them did have a purple robe and some dirty cloth outfit, some ritzy sandals... a few people thought he was some kind of buffalo prince and swarmed him, but he didn't do anything weird... just gave them money and said some prayers with them. He was pretty bombastic though, told them some drivel about the moon or something."

The angels attempt to lower their weapons and show their empty front hooves to you, but are blown away by your attack.

As Pryce tries to push away the mosquito's body, two of its legs shoot up with lightning speed, embedding themselves into either side of the rampart, causing the loose rubble there to shake and come loose.


With a hideous creak, the creature's head raises, twitching and beeping. Its eyes are dull and black, and the lower jaw falls off entirely. From the creature's exposed throat begins to seep a long vine. From buds on the side of the vine seep a vile dark ink, which spreads along the ground at a breakneck pace. Ports explode on both sides of the mosquito, and acid shoots out in torrents, hitting many nearby guards, who run and scream in agony. The creature's broken left legs reach underneath it and wearily push itself upward. Butterflies begin to crawl out from its many injuries as rust spreads along its sides like a cancer.

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