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Am i the only one who would love to see a FiM prequel? I wish
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Am i the only one who would love to see a FiM prequel? I wish to know more about the princesses pasts and maybe a bit of alicorn history, the comics kinda of taped the subject a bit but i want to see a real adventure featuring the sisters and Starswirl,

i also have this headcanon where Celestia and Luna weren't born alicorns but instead ascended and became later, just like Cadence and Twilight, but that's just an idea

What would you want to see? What do you think it could be about? How old would be the sisters?
You're not the only one, but MLP is a relatively old franchise. Whoever gets thrust in charge of the next gen is probably going to have a big shadow to step from under to make it their own thing like faust did.

Design-wise I do not think they could get any better, but we'll just have to wait and see.
Would love to see an adult version of Discord's reign over Equestria. We would see a realistic of what an all powerful God would do as dictator. It could even be a mini series that ends with Luna and Celestia defeating Discord. During the series we could see a bit of tension and/or rivalry between the sisters. One that would show that Luna's retaliation against Celestia was not sudden and there were always some negative feelings between the two that escalated over time.

This so much, if they arent gonna add starswirl or princesses past in the show, they must do it in another
Faust created an entire world with so many amazing things
The diary of the two sisters talks about some of the things you mentioned, so if you haven't read it yet I'd say give it a go. Unfortunately the existence of that book is reason enough to believe they will never expand their backstory in the show, which is a shame.
>My Little Pony
can we just ... take off our autism hats for a while? please?
>they can only make pretty little kiddie shows and not more mature shows.
> it is impossible to do a special show on something like Netflix or whatever
It's like you're really trying to be a faggot
This is /mlp/, the hat is stuck on our craniums anon
>'it's not for kids, it's actually DARK and EPIC and I watch it on a level the eight-year-old target audience doesn't even understand'
Hasbro is full of jews who only play safe, they would never make a lorefag wetdream series because this isn't part of their master plan, even FiM being so good wasn't their intention, they just wanted a toy commercial that wasn't Thommas and Barney levels of "please kill me now", now if Lauren was the one behind everything i can guarantee you she would enjoy going full avatar with ponies
Watch star trek TNG, Q is basicly Discord.
A show can change its target audience anon. But that is irrelevant as it would be produced by say Netflix.

Who said anything about it being edgy and dark. I mean it would be a bit bleak but it would be like a war. Ponykind v. Discord with Celestia and Luna as the leader of the ponies.
True, Discord does have a lot of parallels with Q
No you idiot. The hat IS our cranium.
Like the actor and the character...
>if Lauren was the one behind everything i can guarantee you she would enjoy going full avatar with ponies
that's quite the statement to just throw out there, anon

>it would be produced by say Netflix
i suppose writing down fanfiction about real-life companies was the next logical step, huh

what else happens in this universe. do they have 4chan too?
It wouldn't be produced solely by Hasbro though as I know they would never release anything like that on the same channel they premiere Mlp. It would probably be produced by Netflix or whatever. Which mean while Hasbro would get all the profit out of it, Netflix would have full reign of the series or mini series.
Well, she made the original fantasy world, and art of Equestria showed that he had quite the ideas for expanding it and making it feel more real, a show focused more on this rather than friendship lessons would be a bit cringy but still enjoyable
Yes but who would be the target audience? Bronies? Hasbro doesn't give a fuck about them, they sell toys and bronies don't buy their shitty pieces of plastic, this show would just be wasted money
File: filename.gif (1 MB, 331x248) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 331x248
>this thread
stop the world, i want to get off
>A super hero knows how to protect his secret identity, Krunk
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515 KB, 1065x795
new filename duly noted, bro
Thread replies: 21
Thread images: 3

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