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Yeah it's this thread, deal with it. There was a murder
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Yeah it's this thread, deal with it.

There was a murder in ponyville last night. Not that much happened since the Rarity/Vaccum Cleaner incident and there has been peace ever since, but then There was Last night.

Well let's get down to business.
Trips: Suspect
Quads: Killer
Quints: Literally God of thread.
Sexts: Nyx did it.
AnyThing higher: Op kills himself.
Dubs: dead.
Fuck The Police.
It wasn't me.
I'm just a normal person, living a normal life.
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>mfw I played the part of both vacuums in that thread
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What a shame.
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Well I'm ready.
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Gotta GO fast
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You know I'm getting real tired of whoever is doing this. It ticks me off.
A Anime Guy
Carlos (Big time Rush)

The air conditioner is a suspect.
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>implying these threads are a thing anymore
Oh anon.
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Khajiit killed no one
Khajiit is innocent of this crime
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Thread replies: 12
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