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Why do people still defend Twilicorn?
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Why do people still defend Twilicorn?
Why are you still being a faggot?
Because it's funny to see the reaction.
Now, let me be clear. I am not defending Twicorn, but it's been how many years? It's not changing, and you need to accept that.
Twilight will lose her wings in Season 6.
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nice meme
Theres nothing to defend. It hapened. The shows the same whether she has them or not. It's done.
Twilicorn represents all the stupid forced bullshit for the sake of sales that we all despise. That's why.
It is not like Chris chans autism of "blue arms".
They didn't change the arms color just for the sake of selling more shit. Also that doesn't ruin the show either.
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>Bad things stop being bad because some amount of time has passed
But that's not how it works, anon
Off with her wings!
Ummm Op, You're being a faggot again. Just thought I'd let you know before you go out like this
Who the fuck cares?
Autism is hard, right OP?
The people who actually watch the show and want it to be, you know, not shit.
Because no matter how much you complain it will remain.
So get over it or move on.
It's either because they're newfags or they genuinely don't care about the show at all.
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You cry I laugh.gif
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>It happened almost 3 years ago
>There are faggots out there who are still reacting like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3kMGDHrqFg
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Or they're Twifags like me who were only too glad to finally have her definitely be superior to everypony else, as she should be.
I bet you also love to write fanfictions about unreacheable mary sues.
>got wings
>crowned princess
>got castle
>got special map just for her
>still fucks up
Honestly, Twilight is worse now than ever before. She's gone from best pony to undisputable worst pony in just two seasons.
I will admit i was a little shocked when she got her wings and didn't know what to think of it. Near the end of the show, i hardly noticed or gave a shit anymore.
I'm not bothered by the wings themselves anymore; just how the alicorn ascension was handled, and how boring a character she became. They've done nothing interesting with her since the S3 finale, in terms of characterization.
>There are faggots that think we cry about this shit "like for real nigga just close your eyes shut down the computer hahaha"
>I precieve it as bad thus it is
That's not it works anon
Except it was integrated with her character development. Oh wait, character development is 'mary sue' trait my mistake
>falseflagging this hard

...What character development?
That can go both ways, you cocksucking homo.
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Why do autistics hate Twilicorn?

Checkmate, inferior subhuman mentally handicapped autismtards.
Oh nothing, just her finding her place as a leader and teacher, not like that's been set up since the first fucking season, no sir
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Can you name one character trait she's gained since the S3 finale? If anything, she's lost some of the things that made her entertaining.
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Cry harder, inferiorponefags.
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She could find her place as a leader and teacher through proper character development.
Instead she reached that status by becoming a mary sue.
How can she be a Mary Sue if she still makes mistakes?
She's gained more empathy and patience for others, she has a sense of duty with her title place of power. she's gotten better making decisions and well 'leading", she does better now under stress.

How horrible it is growing as a character.
>people don't know that bringing up the mary sue argument gets their opinion instantly disregarded
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>She could find her place as a leader and teacher through proper character development
She has, the only reason your bitching is because of the fucking wings.
What the fuck has Twilight done or hasn't done to make her a 'Mary sue'
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>2016 - 1 day
>unironically using the term "Mary Sue"
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>If a character isn't a blatant and unsubtle fuckup they're a mary sue
The wings will be gone in Season 6.
It's canon.

Where? When? I've watched all of the post-S3 episodes, and all I see is an empty husk of a character. She'll occasionally show signs of life, but all of these traits are scattered across multiple episodes and aren't gelled to her primary characterization.

In other words, the writers have no clue what to do with her. She's just kinda there.
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>The shitposts blights on the forums tonight
>Not a good thread to be seen.
>It's become an aberration
>All because she now has wings

>The butthurt's growing with this huge shitstorm tonight
>Couldn't keep it in, heaven knows I tried!

>Don't let them know, don't let them see.
>Be the anon you always have to be.
>Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know
>Well now they know!

>Let it go, let it go.
>No one gives a fuck anymore
>Let it go, let it go
>The show's the same as before

>I don't care
>What they're going to say
>let the fags rage on
>The wings never bothered me anyway!

>It's funny how some change
>Makes everyone's skin crawl
>All the fears that once controlled me
>Can't get to me at all

>It's time to go the past is gone
>To accept the future and move on
>Don't rage, don't bitch, you're free to leave.
>We won't grieve

>Let it go, let it go.
>She is one with the wind and sky
>Let it go, let it go
>You'll never see me cry

>Here I post
>Till the last day
>Let the fags rage on!

>The faggots furied when they heard about her crown
>The show they abandoned is continuing unbound
>One doubt crystalizes but it has passed
>So stop looking back
>The past is in the past!

>Let it go, let it go
>It's been two years now let's move on
>Let it go, let it go
>That unwinged mare is gone!

>Here I post
>Until the last day
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Princess Twilight looks all the more regally sexy in stockings
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>I literally don't know how character development works unless it's shoved right in my face
This is now an Alicorn Twilight dump thread
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>you have to search for the character development
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>I'm delusional enough to believe there's actual development
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Such a pretty princess
In season one, Twilight cast four separate spells in tandem to peacefully defeat a mighty creature using amazing magical dexterity.

In season five, she spammed laser beams until she realized that it didn't work, and then talked.
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>Implying it's in any way hidden
>Not knowing what character development looks like
Man I do love them memes! :^)
But literally none of this happened, anon. You're using headcanon.
>She's gained more empathy and patience for others,
happened s1-s3
>she has a sense of duty with her title place of power
getting a new job isn't growing as a person
>she's gotten better making decisions and well 'leading"
happened in s3
>she does better now under stress.
happened in s3

you're retarded
>happened in s1-s3
And in s4-s5
>getting a new job isn't growing as a person
>Getting a job in political power that influences how your world works isn't growing
Holy shit are you an idiot
Miss Twi can keep me in for detention anytime
>there's actually a discussion
>about twilicorn
>accepting twilicorn
neo-/mlp/ is real
too damn hot
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I'd like to see green of Teacher Twi giving her faithful student some... extra credit.
making a decent prompt thread is your best chance
>We're not gonna take it
>No, we ain't gonna take it
>We're not gonna take it, anymore!
She's racist!
She's a princess no more in S6.
>shit opinion
>shit movie
>lazy, shit parody
Who's not surprised? I'm not surprised.
Twilicorn will end in S6.
They don't.
Why are people still so butt hurt about it? What has it been now? 3 years?
pls reed thred b4 post pl0x
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A turd on the sidewalk doesn't stop being a turd on the sidewalk after three years. Twilicorn is a turd nobody bothered to clean up.
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last season!

last season!

say it with me!

last sea- son! last sea-son! last sea-son!
Nyx will become canon in S6.
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get out you roman bastard
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Speaking of years, I've been wondering what the context of this gif is for about that long.
Awkward interview done to promote his album, The Marshall Mathers LP 2.

Last Season! Last Season! Last Season!
Twilight Sparkle will be Nyx's mother and Spike will be an uncle.
because now her appearance matches how much of a special snowflake she's been from the start.
He is higher than fucking Harlem.
>implying Rainbow Dash isn't the actual main character

>They didn't change the arms color just for the sake of selling more shit.

Is that not exactly why they redesigned the character? You people are weird.
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