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Harsh-Warming Eve CYOA
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Thread replies: 149
Thread images: 33
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Once upon a time, on the best day of the year
On Hearthswarming Eve, a time for celebration and cheer
Ms. Harshwhinny walked through the streets with a frown
She hated the festivity she found in this town
All that she wanted was to get home and sleep
It had been quite a day, with work stacked in a heap

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On her way home, randomly she glanced
Down an alley that she had spied, just by chance
To see a filly huddled against a wall in the snow
Shivering and downcast, abandoned and alone
Harshwhinny knew that she had to keep going
But was it right to leave a filly behind?
After all, it was snowing...


Decisions will be based on the best or most-popular response.
Kick some snow into her face.
ask what the kid is doing there in the snow.
Investigate the little filly that carried the flag at the Equestria Games.

We really liked it, afterall.
Ask what she's doing out by herself in the snow.
This. It seems rather unprofessional.
Harshwinny is a hardass, not a monster. Of course we stop to see if the filly is okay.
Yell at the filly for loitering
Voting for this.
Drawing in progress.
I am going to bump this.
And now I have.
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With a sniffle, she explains that all of her bits,
which she was hoping to use to buy Hearthswarming gifts,
were stolen by a pony that she never met
the pony disappeared, leaving her to fret.
Now she's lost here, with no gifts at all
how can she go to the party without gifts, she bawls?
just being there will be enough. tell the filly to just explain what happened and everything will be fine.
heartswarming is about friends and family anyway.
That's not our issue. I say we go get some steamy stallions and show them a real hearthswarming celebration
No need to bring a gift, being there will be enough.
Hearthswarming's about friendship not getting tons of stuff.
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Going with these. Beginning drawing now.
You don't have to tell us. Just do it.
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bump for hearthswarming luck
emergency bump because the pages flew by for some reason
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You lay a hoof on the poor filly's head
And tell her that of course she has nothing to dread
Even if she has to show up without gifts
She shouldn't feel like there's something amiss
Her friends will happy just to be with her
And besides, nopony should be out in the cold in the winter
The orange filly nods, and the relief in her eyes is
Quite apparent, until she realizes
That she doesn't know the way, and her face falls again.
She tells you she doesn't know the way to her friends
They're at Rarity's boutique, by the town's west end
The question she'll ask next is plain as day
She wants to know if you'll show her the way
You want to tell her it'd take too much time
Besides, it's not far, she won't need a guide
There's so much town left between you and your home
But that face is hard to say no to, you've been shown...
Sure, help the poor filly out.
We is harshwinny, we don't HAVE sympothy.
Tsudere-tell the filly that we will show her the way, not that we want to or anything.
Internally berate the filly for waiting until the day of the party to buy presents.

We've had a busy day, and tomorrow's not looking much better. Truth be told, we'd rather be at home sleeping. But fine, we'll walk her.
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Don't worry filly, we feel for your plight.
It's awful hard to be out in this cold and this night.
We'll guide you there through the wind and the snow.
(Though you should have bought the damn presents three days ago.)
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"Hmph! I am an incredibly busy mare you know...
But your friend's house is near where I need to go.
So I won't be made if you follow me there
But you have to keep up the pace, is that clear?"
The filly jumps up, hopping with glee
And follows close as you walk down the street
The shops around you are decked out in cheer
With inviting aromas drawing you near
The filly stares around, eyes wide with joy
Staring at rows of cakes, decorations, and toys
Come to think of it, you have bits to spare
Though you've never been much of a generous mare
Your thoughts are interrupted by her little voice
Before you can come to a specific choice

"Hey, by the way, what's your name?"
"Oh! You seem kinda familiar. Weren't you with the Equestria games?"

At her recognition, you're taken slightly aback
It's rather flattering; this girl has tact
You're not quite what what you should do, or say
Ask about the party, offer to get her something, or simply lead the way?
*mad, not made

Sorry, but this is going to be the last post for tonight. Will resume early tomorrow morning.
Like you said, Harshwinny doesn't strike me as particularly charitable.

Express that we remember Ponyville's flag routine quite well, and inquire about this party of hers.
>>will resume early tomorrow morning
Either we have different definitions of early morning, or you are some sort of Australian.
Sorry about that. I spent the entirety of last week basically not sleeping at all and trying to cram for finals. It's thrown my rhythm off and shit pretty badly.

Anyway, back now, gonna get started. Thank you all for being patient.
Glad to see you're back, but double dubs have already confirmed that you are an Australian. You know, just FYI.
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Buying a gift really isn't your thing
So instead you tell her that you thought her team
(Which carried the flag in the Equestria games)
Was simply spectacular, and left you amazed
The filly beams proudly as you lead her through town
Though strangely you find no ponies around
All of them are indoors, it seems
With parties and dinners and presents that gleam
The filly breathlessly admires it all
With eyes practically the size of beach balls
Though is still one question left to you
What *is* this party you're taking her to?
Upon hearing your question, the filly's face falls
She stares at the ground, stammering, while she explains it all

"It was supposed to be a big family party, you know? Applebloom brought her brother and her sister and her granny, Sweetie Belle brought her sister and her parents. I wanted to go with Rainbow Dash, but her parents wanted her to visit Cloudsdale with them. So... I guess I'm going alone."

You glance away from the filly, your heart slightly heavier
And you spy the boutique, even through the fierce weather
Your time to say goodbye to this filly is near
Or... is it, perhaps? That's not quite clear...

It took me almost as long to write this as it did to draw the picture.
Also, that Derpy isn't just background. She's an interact-able character, if you want to go down that route.
I have no idea what we would even talk to her about.
We could ask what she's doing out here. We could also ask if she could take this filly off our hooves. And we can just invite her to the party. The more the merrier.
lastly we can tell her to be careful because there's some kind of mugger out here. What'd the mugger look like scootaloo.
I dunno, should we really invite a random mare to a party intended for family and friends? Seems rather unprofessional.
yes because who really cares? it's hearths warming.

this random pegasus mare off the street is also a suitable replacement for rainbow dash. but if you really don't want to invite her then fine. it was just an idea anyway.
It feels wrong to invite some random person to a party that:
A: We're not hosting
B: We weren't technically invited to.
So... do you guys have a consensus?
You seriously waited a whole hour doing nothing to ask this?

We have no reason to talk to Derpy, so just ask Scootaloo what the mugger looked like.
Sorry about that. Went to get some lunch then got a call from someone.
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She tells you it was a filly, a little older than her
Hidden with a hood, though she remembers green fur
It wasn't a lot of bits that she took
But still, she's left without presents because of said crook
The robbery took place not far from here
But the other filly is probably long gone now, she fears
That's not really enough to go on. I would suggest taking it up with the guard, but it's not likely they'd be able to help much.
we can ask which direction did they run off to. Though yeah they're probably long gone by now.
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The filly sped off, she says, toward Sugarcube Corner
But what could she possibly want there, she wonders?
The party will be starting soon, she remembers
And well, she still wishes she could go with a pretend family member...
So it's a choice between looking for that filly and pretending to be a family member?

I guess we should pretend to be a family member for a bit and then leave. We did say that we would take the filly to the party.
not like she has to stick with us the entire night.
Heading out for a bit. Will be back to drawing in 30-40 mins.
I don't think we should pretend to be her family member, again, we are harshwinny. I mean the thief doesn't seem like it bothered her that much, we could ask what she was going to buy and leave her at the party then buy that gift? But I feel like we also may want to go look for the thief sooner than later.
I agree. Harshwinny wouldn't pretend to be a family member of a filly she hardly knows. Nor do I really think she would go after a robber herself.

Yeah, I think we should just buy the gifts Scoots was going to buy anyway.
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You tell her that you can't pretend
It wouldn't be right to do that to her friends
However, if she wants, you have some bits
To help her buy her missing gifts


Sorry that this is just a rough sketch, some friends of mine decided now would be a perfect time to stop by. Will be returning in a couple hours.
We don't mind the quality of the art, anything is better than just text in my book, as long as you are happy with it then we are happy with it.
Also bump.
I say help out as much as you can.
Nice story btw, but I can't help but see it as a glib facsimile of the 1969 version of a christmas carol.
I thought that was the intent
We would have to be like.. "No kid, find your own way home" and then like we go home and we get haunted by.. pinkie, rarity and rainbowdash.
Harshwhinny's not a monster or a christmas hating prick, just a stickler for professionalism and perfection when on the job.

She's not on the job now, so it definitely makes sense for her softer side to come out.
this looks nice
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The filly's eyes widen with delight and shock
And she leads you on towards the shops
She tells you about the gifts as you walk through the snow
For one friend, she wanted candy, and for the other a new bow
She's so happy, it's impossible not to feel her excitement creep into you
Maybe you could stand to get her something too?

i have never seen scootaloo look more retarded.
New set of wheels for her scooter seems on par with those other gifts
bump emergency
She wants to delay going to the party? well okay then, well I think we should go with >>25860495

It's cute art, I like it.
This thread.
That effort.
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You remember her scooter from the flag-carrying routine
And some new wheels might make her happy, you think
Your new little companion beams with glee
When you get her the presents, and you can see
Ask you walk out the door that there's something on her mind
She wants to ask you something, but keeps lagging behind

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"Ms. Harshwhinny?" she asks, in a voice timid and small
"Yes?" you reply, now beginning to stall
"I know you said you didn't want to pretend
But maybe, just maybe, would you go to the party... as my friend?"

Well it would be rude to not attend.
If you're sure that the owners of the property would be alright with me attending.
Different drawfag here. Do me a favour and keep this thread alive for a few more hours. I'm working in a Hearthswarming gift for you Jeff, and everyone really.
Well............sure, why not.
Not sure, do we have anything we needed to do?
Really looking forward to it, man, even though I'm sure my art will look even shittier by comparison.
Yeah let's go. It could be fun.
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With a sigh, your forsake any hope of getting work done tonight
You tell her sure, you'll go with, alright.
The filly's so happy she lets out a squeak
And the two of you continue on towards the boutique.
The place is lit with by a warm, flickering glow
That even pierces through the driving snow
You hear voices inside, all thick with cheer
Increasing in volume as the two of you draw near

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Have a bump, OP and a very merry Christmas.
Thanks OP. I'm suffering a heart attack because of how adora.. HNNNNNGG
You too man, and thanks. I might not be able to draw much today, being busy with the holiday and all, but I'll try to get out as much as I can.
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You enter the party, laden with presents
To find more familiar fillies, with their sisters and parents
It's somewhat overwhelming to a mare like you
Who do you talk to? What do you do?
See if we can join in the conversation with AJ and Rarara
Maybe ask Scootaloo if she could introduce us to her friends.
I think you should talk to applejack and rarity and say that scootaloo invited you as a friend and you hope that's alright.
Seconding this
a happy harshwhinny christmas
Happy hearths-warming, everyone, may starswirl leave many presents.
And remember: If you're bad, the Windigoes will come and freeze you while you sleep.

"Rarity, Applejack, thank god your here. I need you to contact Princess Twilight and the others and hunt down the vile 'green menace' that mugged this helpless filly. Lets get some sweet Christmasy justice"!

Snow or no snow you've got places to be,
With mountains of paperwork and rules to decree.
You turn you nose to the sky and pass by,
When the filly speaks up and canters slowly behind.

"Please miss can you help? im lost and alone,
My money was stolen" she started to droan.
Your hind leg strikes the ground with purpose and grace,
Sending a jet of snow direct to her face.

You glance down at the fiilly your face looking snarky,
She was sobbing lightly from her snowy bukkake.
Satisfied with your work you saunter away,
"Happy HARSHwarming" you utter as you head home for the day.

oh nooo
Merry Christmas bump.

I need a conclusion to this story
Bedtime bump.

America, its up to you to keep the thread alive now.
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The girls' parents seem busy in the kitchen, making dinner
So you decide instead that you'll talk to their sisters
A little confused, they glance over at you
And you explain that you came here with little Scootaloo
Because she wanted a friend to bring to the party tonight
And this home seems lovely, so you hope that's alright

bump save
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>those faces
Sorry about only updating once today, was busy with family/friends, the usual. Will try my best to draw for most of tomorrow, and hopefully get this finished up. See you all soon.

Bumping before bed.
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The older sisters tell you they're happy you're here
But the three of you are interrupted by a loud cheer
Emanating from the fillies as they open their gifts
At the sight of their joy, some thing inside you shifts
You're happy to be here, you realize with a shiver
As if to emphasize the point, the older sisters ask if you'll stay for dinner
Sure, we're happy enough here.
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Bump with a different picture I was working on, that also took way longer to finish than it should have.
It's awesome, nice job
Next year you need to start earlier haha. Looking really cute ao far.
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Glowing inside, you quickly agree
And find that the kitchen table is set for a feast
As ponies file in, each says their part
About the Hearthswarming joy they feel in their hearts
Stories, thank-you's, and words of kindness flow
As each contributes to the warm holiday glow
Once finished, one of the sisters turns your way
And asks if there's anything you'd like to say?

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In west Fillydelphia born and raised,
In the office is where I spent most of my days.
Fillin' out taxes, dispatchin' awards,
And all deliverinn' speaches, makin' students board.
When a couple of foals interrupted my flow,
Started mouthin' off and puttin' on a show.
I had one little meltdown my boss all chill
Just said "Im transferring you to our branch office in the town Ponyville" .
Mention Scoot's selflessness? She got robbed, but all she worried about was the presents for her friends.
I'm not sure, they kind of should be thanking us, but I don't want us to be like "yeah we are so awesome".
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Been doodling random shit while waiting for more responses.
Oh jesus christ haha, pinkie?
I dunno, maybe there was something at work today that was relevant to Heart's Warming?
>no fluttershy

heartswarming is your favorite time of the year. because all ponies are so nice and you get to not work.
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You tell them about Scootaloo who, even though she was robbed of her bits
Was still worried about nothing more than buying her friends gifts
Because she wanted nothing more than to come and celebrate.
And now, even though this used to be a day you hate
You find yourself enjoying it more and more
To the point where you feel like a different mare than before.
Surrounded by new friends, and all this holiday cheer
This could very well be your new favorite day of the year

Its happening
I sense a conclusion bump.
so cute
guess we'll never know what happened to that filly or learn why they took scoots presents.
Nope. Perhaps it's just best to give her the benefit of the doubt and hope that the green foal desperately needed bits for her family's hearth's warming.

Doesn't excuse her, but I'm sure there was some reason to steal on a holiday about selflessness and harmony.
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Dinner is delicious, but there's more to it than that
You've never found it so enjoyable to just sit around and chat
Everyone seems so happy to have you here
You've never been somewhere with so many smiles near
And after dinner, while the sisters and parents clean
You lead the fillies into the living room, feeling immensely serene
They gather in a circle as you tell them stories
Of past Equestria Games, and all of the glories
Won by ponies whom you yourself taught
To be proud and professional, and though it sometimes seemed for naught
To see them go far filled you with such pride
That, even though you had no friends in which to confide,
You were happy for that moment, watching their deeds
And you're equally happy, meeting these three
Fillies, full of potential, kindness, and futures so bright
And they've even taught you a lesson tonight
About friendship, and the joy that can come from being with friends
On this special night, and so, this story ends

Thank you all so much for following this. I know it wasn't a great CYOA, as I really have no experience running as story like this, but I hope this simple little tale has helped brighten your holiday season a little bit.
Dawwwwwww that was a cute little story. Good job Jeff. I'm glad I followed along.
It was fine for me Jeff, thank you for doing it!
I am quite merry
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Loved the story mate, and cute art style. I drew this Christmas present for you. Have a great holidays.
Its was a good story. You should keep practicing and perfecting your art style as well, its already pretty cute.
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This was heartwarming, and I think you made good time for a holiday-themed quest. Certainly a fun one.

I hope you run again sometime, dude. You did great.

great fanart
This is some amazing art, man. Thank you so much.
Awesome job, jeff, I thought it was great and well put together, though the rhyming felt a little forced, I thought you did a good job.
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based adorable as hell drawfriend
agreed with all
thanks for the thread
Yeah, the rhyming was really forced. It seemed like a good idea when I started it, but it started to become a huge pain to come up with rhymes for every single update.

You're very welcome, Anon, thank you for following.
oh look, another cyoa
It's over. Just ended
so soon?
Well, Merry Christmas to all, and that jazz. Have a good rest of 2015!
Thread replies: 149
Thread images: 33

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