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>"If you want to spray me with your Raid, Anon, we're
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File: waifu.png (116 KB, 548x600) Image search: [Google]
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>"If you want to spray me with your Raid, Anon, we're going to have to settle it over a rap battle, so rock on. If you win you can spray, if you lose you get spayed and your dick flayed."
c-can't we just cuddle instead?

Bitch you betta lie down and pray. Hope i dont kill with my spray.

Like night and day you are so fucking gay

I would light your ass up but it looks like the job is done.

Oops looks like they missed one *chick chick- BOOM*

You got owned by a cuck, whos wife would rather fuck a duck.

God you are so fucking annoying, stop bugging me or ill make sure you'll be tugging me.

Worshiping my cock as if it was spock.

And i dont want you live long and prosper. I want to see you get sliced by a helicopter.

Now here is the mic but dont choke on it, syke we all know you want it.
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Two same numbers.png
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Keep this thread alive

You're one off to make such a request.

This thread is going down.

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Can't help but think this is related.
File: le vanner ballsack stealer face.jpg (209 KB, 445x572) Image search: [Google]
le vanner ballsack stealer face.jpg
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This is my fetish.
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There's something inherently wrong with you.

I love it!
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Thread replies: 13
Thread images: 8

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