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Plush Thread - Not a General Edition
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You are currently reading a thread in /mlp/ - My Little Pony

Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 170
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For all your cuddly pone needs!
Post pics of your new plush or progress you've made on your current plush project!

Watch for streams from our based plushmakers.

>Plush makers list (update me more plz)

>Mare Pattern

>Step by Step instructrions

>Lewd Instructions

>Mane & Tail Tutorial

>How to clean your plushie & remove mayo
The Great and Plushable Trixie is always first!
Now that we've got a new thread...


Since Livestream is such a butt, I'm going to try twitch. Gotta get it all set up, but here's the link for now: twitch dot tv backslash equinepalette

Let's say 3pm just to be sure I'm not late? Might have it up earlier, if I do, I'll post again.
yay, twitch is so much awesomer, to be honest family.
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If it worked with my laptop, I'd stream there too

Also, testing Harshwhinny manes/bumping the thread
why doesn't it work with your laptop? OBS is the software, right? should work the same...
I'd fuck that
I just bought one of the cheap Chinese RD plushes. What am I in for? I've heard very mixed reviews on here
Nice! Need more Harshwhinny!
Is that 4de AJ on sale or preorder or whatever?
Also Toywiz listed everything for January. What's going on?
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Fashion horse finally got a head!
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4de Pones.jpg
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Yes! Yes! Finally! Fuck Yes!
After 2+ years I finally have all of the M6 plushies from 4de.
They are perfect. Like literally perfect.
They all look the same size, the colors are great, and hair is done really well on each of them.
For $25 each, there’s absolutely nothing better out there.

A couple of notes:

Twi and Pinkie are 2 years old and I noticed that the new plushies are stuffed
much more firmly than they are. It makes them feel much more substantial and durable, which is nice.

Applejack’s hat appears to be held on with 3 small threads and I don’t see any glue.
Her hat is likely removable by cutting the threads but I haven’t tried.
ok so who's streaming next?
now I want the full set
Is it just me, or do the snouts on RD, Fluttershy and Rara look really weird?
it looks like shit
1 year late and it's shit
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Define weird. Here's a nose pic of all of them.
Pinkie and Twi are older, and I think the new ones are a little better/more consistent

I don't know what you are expecting, I think they look great.
Do you know of any $25 mlp plush that looks better than these?
Because you have shit Twi and Ponk
I have not broken version and it's definitely better than everything on your photo
OK, I'm sure they won't please everyone, but I'm pretty happy with them.
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I found a qt lil dress for my qt lil Sunset
Doesn't seem to want to run on an old Mac running snow leopard
I'd stop responding, they seem to be just an ass at this point
they clearly didn't read your previous posts
it's obvious they updated their pattern
fuck off
By "weird", I mean they look a little elongated. Cute as fuck, but a little too long.
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half done mane.jpg
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Particularly pretty pinkie pie plushie progression picture
She only needs the back of her mane now.
you're doing god's work anon
damn nice job there
Huh, personally I prefer the small snouts of Twilight and Pinkie, mainly Pinkie's.

Anyways, congratz anon.
There really isn't any point to hate on these plushies, especially seeing how you didn't make them. The Fluttershy one is the only one that looks kind of dopey, but whatever.
May comfy cuddles come to you, anon.

Pretty coolio.
She looks a bit like a monkey, but still cute.
>She looks a bit like a monkey
ponk anon here
say that to my face fucker, not online and see what happens

Can we please see a side view? She looks amazing!
Das a gud ponk
Cute af anon
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> $1 million
> Rainbow Dash

>She looks a bit like a monkey, but still cute.

I will when I have the rest of the mane finished, looks pretty weird without it.
then stram it
Looking good. I would like to see more LIVE!
Don't feel like it tonight. Maybe tomorrow? Dunno.
It's aight, you just keep doing you, pham
would you, a SPQR twi?

Ignore any negative faggots
This is awesome

Well done anon

Does anybody know if they ever did A Mistress Marevolous for Aj or her Rainbowfied version
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my pon
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Get crunk
Nice! You have one of those Pony Pillow Pal ponies by KLPlushies it looks like.

Ponk is always awesome
How are the cuddles?
oh god. please don't be Chris(tina)-chan
Very good. Top quality. The shape is much better then the ones that stand
haha close

Im hungoverpony. A some-what regular drawfag here. I remebered I had pics of some plushies so decided to participate in this thread.
I think all my fabric arrived finally. Still need to open the box and check. Work permitting.. I'l' buy the thread hopefully today and finish up the cello/Octavia beanie I started before moving on to my RD.
oh my god, I need to cuddle this pinkie pie

how big?
how much?
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Shes 2 ft.

200$. But I believe the maker has raised his prices.
so was it KLPlushies that made her?

the maker
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>uncut jump threads on embroidery
At least it's the easiest thing possible to fix
Like, plushies? There have been a few good ones.
Anyone know where I can get a decent Octavia or Lyra plush toy? I don't want to pay something crazy but I'll be willing to pay a bit. I really like the ones that look like real hair, think it's called faxfur or something. However, those are expensive as shit!

Anon if you could direct me to any place you know (pretty much a newfag here)

I'd massively appreciate it
Check the plush maker list in the OP, you'll have to shop around a bit but you'll probably find something that fits what you're looking for
Oops, thought you were a different anon
have you brushed your teeth today?
>War Dash plushie\
>As of this writing, slightly less than a week has past since the airing of the series finale
Wow this fandom works fast!
Bed time bump

Stay Awake Bump
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Bumping too fast, anons
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This butt hasn't been pen tested yet
Who made that.
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he's still making the pinkie as we speak

stop that


I must know!

I mean the pic, I gota buy one from whoever that is.
300+ ship from ketikaket
What are you waiting for?
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Can't wait to hug this juicy pony.
that's a good position
EP I know is going to have an extra Lyra and Octavia beanie since in the next few weeks. She's supposed to be saving them for BronyCon, but you might be able to throw dosh at her and get one. Newer ones are even cuter.

Am I the only one who doesn't like the flat design of these plushies bodies? Other than that they are very well made
they're beanies
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New Hot Glue thread >>>/trash/432351
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for her to get done
What is an uncut jump thread? Sorry these terms don't make much sense to someone who doesn't sew or anything, apologies if that's a dumb question.

I honestly don't like Pinkie all that much but that looks rather nice and cuddly, and only 200 bucks for a two foot plush? Not a bad deal.
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I need a good Lyra plush, that picture just...hnnnngh.
Jump threads are little threads that "jump" two isolated areas with the same thread color in embroidery. It helps with speeding up the embroidery as the machine doesn't stop, but you have to cut them if they don't get covered by stitching. Some machines will cut them for you, but most lower priced or older one's don't.
Thank you for the explanation but I'm still not seeing it in that picture...maybe I'm just blind.
you're in the right thread, pham
The anons here can make dreams come true, if you can wait a couple months and you've got 750-1000$ to throw down
Yeah, hopefully landing a job monday, then I can start saving money to have my minty waifu to cuddle with.
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godspeed, man.
I wish every anon can snag their waifu, but in the meantime cold reality slaps us in the face
I hope you can slap reality in the face instead
Look at the eye on the right. There's a white thread linking the two white catch light circles.
ohhhhhhhhhh now I see it, thank you.

Huh if that hadn't been pointed out I don't think I ever would have seen that, thank you again for the explanation and pointing it out for a dumb dumb like me.
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Heh, it'll take me some time but soon I shall have a cuddly waifu plush to snuggle with, and the wait will just make it all the better.
>That pic
Now I really want a Lyra so I can rub her belly
I don't really like how they just lay on their stomachs like that. I want one that can stand on its own but thanks.
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This will be reality soon.....
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fiending for a live stream
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speaking of streams...
Hey QT, ponka freak here, I got irl friend stuff to do, so I can't make any stream before 1 AM tonight
Oh, sorry. You just said you didn't want to pay a ton for a good plush, so I assumed you knew your limitations. Standing up Lyra or Octavia that's actually good is gonna cost you a pretty penny. Like, probably no less than $200. More if you're wanting something over 12" or so.
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Oh that's expensive. I'm extremely cheep and I thought someone had something in the $25-50 price range. I only thought that because of the eBay ones they have along with the Anon that posted the new ones he got. I think he paied around $25 per you so I thought that was normal. I just couldn't find anyone with open commissions or other that make the ones I wanted. I think I need to do a bit more research?
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>irl friend stuff
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want so fucking bad
Send her a note in Deviantart and see if she will make one for you. Tell her how much you want him and what he means to you. Do not balk at her price or try to haggle. I don't know if her commissions are open or not, she made a couple of ponies recently and put them on etsy to sell. I say go for it, the feeling of getting a plushie you want and taking it out of the box is like no other. You only live once, so jump at this.
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any of you plushfags know if Hot Topic still sells pic related? I searched their website and can't find a purchase option. I want to give it to a grill I like for xmas with a gift card attached or some shit
>she's a whovian
>me a horsefucker
>autism attracts.jpeg
Usually, if it is not on the website that means it is either sold out or never was available. I had to get the Funko Luna off of ebay as the Hot Topic ones sold out so fucking fast. My brother is pissed because he waited too long and did not get her and now they are scalping her. Best bet is ebay, Amazon or actually driving to the Hot Topic stores and physically searching them. The elephant behind the counter may be able to help you once you arrive there.
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>either sold out or never was available
>Hot Topic stores and physically searching them
damn, that's what I was hoping to avoid. The cringe inside that hellhole is almost unbearable. Probably going to have to order one off Ebay then and cross my fingers it arrives before the holiday
Yeah Luna and Celestia sold FAST there, I was lucky I decided to pop in the day they released and snagged em both for 20 bucks with a coupon I'd saved.
>The cringe inside that hellhole is almost unbearable.
Yeah, but that is how I got the Funko CMC ponies. I just balled my fists and went in there wearing my blue collar uniform and dug through all the Funko's until I found some without blemishes. The employees were on me happily spouting aloud my love of ponies. I paid for my goods and got the fuck out.

She's pretty much full, I tried to get a commission a week or so ago and she only replied saying that she would get to me in a bit because she was busy with other peoples Commission & stuff.
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>happily spouting aloud my love of ponies
God that sounds awful, you got some balls man. At least you were rewarded highly for efforts. FUCK it, I'm going to man up and make the journey in there tomorrow
Politely let her know you are still interested. I never thought I would get on another artists list, but I finally made it and am excited although I will be waiting till mid 2016.
It was totally worth it. I have my precious little blank flank Funko CMC fillies on my shelf.
just announced that they are open for commissions
if they start harassing you like that threaten them to speak to their manager about them harassing their customers and state you'll give a very bad review or something like that
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two boxes

anon thank you for a genuine response and your help
Words can't describe how nice it is. There's times I've worken up, went to raise my head, only to get booped by Fluttershy.
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Photo Aug 21, 8 37 02 PM.jpg
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I bought two twi's a while back and they were inconsistent.

I think they were always going for larger snout.

Anon is this still qtpony's or another maker's
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looks like my girls want to know what's inside
qtpony is making that Ponk

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Thank you anon
It is a wonderful feeling! I love waking up to my life size Dashie looking at me.
>that cosplayer as Sunset
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>cosplaying as EQG
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let's start with the smaller box
careful with the scissors
2hu a shit
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they're really excit...
Tewi! NO!!!
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Oh look, it a pony
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awww reisen and twilight are already playing
wait there's something else in the box...
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It's pinkie pie
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twilight says to hurry up and open the other box
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stop crowding the box girls
Head looks a bit too tall and a bit too thin to me.
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it's a pile of ponies

Damn, do you have all the M6 now?
it's probably because it isn't a round head, looks okay height wise

so you're the one who bought 200+ worth of pone?
is that an AJ next to Flutters?
where da AJ at?
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need one more pony and a few more touhou but I think this makes a cute pic
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still no AJ for me (a bit short of funds for the moment) but I will get her
adding Manchu (Excel Saga), Wile E Coyote and Foghorn Leghorn to the pic just because
I don't know why I find this gif so fucking funny.
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The one on the left is the definition of 'Twiggy Piggy.'
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Sleep tight ponka
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Agatrix just finished my LS "Hearts and Hooves Day" Cheerilee UNFFFFFFFFFF
They both look like shit
Had OT at work. Went and bought a bunch of thread, fabric is here. I'm so excited to start working. AND.. It's bed time. Well, shit. Should I take my sewing machine to work with me?
Yes, if you can concentrate and are not bothered during downtime-go for it. My boss is a fucking douche lick, he harasses people even when there is no work in the shop and we are paid 100% commission/by the job not on the clock. Worst boss I ever had. He fucking looks like Hoggle from Labyrinth-total asshole.
what do you expect for two sets of Chinese knockoffs?
We work nights and are basically an emergency stand by crew. If nothing goes wrong we don't do anything usually but sit and watch Netflix. I'm just concerned about the fuzz minky leaves behind. Sewing shouldn't be a problem except for some noise I think but I definitely wouldn't be cutting out any patterns. I hope you're actively look for a new job or are plotting murder. because he sounds like a massive dick. People in positions of power seem to often abuse it. Even if they're not particularly important. Or qualified.
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I am waiting this asshole out. It cannot get any worse than this. I have been at this dealership since 2005 and this is manager number 5 this place has gone through since I have been here. I live really close and would hate to uproot and have to commute, sucks though because this place is all screwed up and I am making alot less money. The worst manager EVER, and I have worked at Sears Auto over 10 years ago and I thought they were cunts......
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Rich pone1.jpg
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Why not apply for manager yourself? 10 years seems like it has potential to put you up for candidacy.
Me too anon. I love her laying pony plush so goddamn much and I want a cutie stallion to cuddle. Or at the least I want her to release the body pattern for sale and I can take care of the rest myself.
The customers they deal with are so bad they make one's ass bleed. Half of the techs get re-checks constantly or don't fix the initial customer concern so that is even more heat. I am far from the best but I rarely get re-checks. I wouldn't want any part of dealing with customers. Just going to keep my head down and hope for the best and keep one eye open. Sorry to derail the thread.
>plush makers giving out the thing that keeps people coming back to them

best you could do is look at a bunch of pics and extrapolate the pattern from that
I guess her speed slows down when she has a commission, my bad
still pretty darn neat pony
love the Rara vs Rarara going on
Very nice! So many attractive ponies being made, I cannot by any more.
Lots of peeps sell their patterns. It brings in extra money and I doubt they lose many potential plush customers over it, because the people who wanted their plush are still going to want them. And if they have a high demand anyway there will always be someone who can't sew with lots of cash to throw at them. It's hard to replicate perfectly even if you have the basic pattern for the body. There's still all the work of embroidery, making extra accessories, manes and tails, stuffing, etc.
In addition, it brings in new revenue from people who would never have had the money for a $300+ plush anyway. For example if someone only has $25 they can buy the pattern instead and try making their own, but they would have never had the $300+ for an actual plush. So the seller isn't missing out on a huge sale, but rather adding several small ones. There is the issue of other plush artists using your pattern to sell their own versions though, but if you state that the pattern is only for personal use and you keep an eye on the market you can suppress that to an extent.

true, but those are usually older patterns
or in the case of MLW beanie kits and such, she stated in her files that it's to be used for personal only and not for financial gain

and they could always do what EP started doing and selling their embroidery skills for those who don't have the time or patience or machinery for themselves
Can plush makers really stop others from copying their designs? That seems wholly unenforceable.
I find it hilarious when plush-makers get butt-hurt over stolen patterns of some shit, totally ignoring the fact that they are stealing Hasbro's copyrighted characters in the first place.
Total double standard there.

I suppose technically, OC might be exempt from copyright though.
so where did the original plush pattern in the OP come from?
It's so perfect and out of seemingly nowhere, like a gift from god

Do miracles really only happen in the plush thread?
>Can plush makers really stop others from copying their designs? That seems wholly unenforceable.
It kind of is. I doubt they can do anything legit about it but they can raise a huge stink, alert their fanbase and social media, and get you blacklisted in order to ruin a lot of potential sales for you. Artists are fiercely protective of their sources and every shred of their work, even if they are creating things based off of copywritten characters owned by big companies. I don't really blame them, I mean, it's a shit ton of work. But it's easy to take patterns from people and modify them just enough to argue that you didn't copy them. There's a billion and one free and purchasable pony plush patterns out there anyway, they're going to look similar there are only so many ways you can put them together.
it was from a kit that Zombies8mywaffles sold a long time ago and they did THAT because they had a new pattern and wanted to get rid of old stock
it has been modified enough that it's not recognizable as their pattern

for MLW, she asks that if you post a pony made with her pattern, to at least provide her as the source
aka give credit where it's due
I think that is the part that rustles many artists
seeing someone who buys the pattern from you selling ponies at competitive prices and taking away your customers
but there is still the embroidery that can make or break a good pony plush

the pattern can be perfect like MLW or EP, but if the eyes and CM are poor applique, bad embroidery or pasted on from printed fabric, no thank you

there will be enough customers for years to come and even if you have everything right, you have to work to get your name out there and set the prices where you can still make a little profit

once people try to get into the business, they see just how difficult a plush can be to make

hell, I'm not even trying to get into the business, but I already know how difficult it is to make a plush
it's a fun hobby to do in my spare time, but I'd rather support makers whom I really like
Fluttershy looks like a pimp with those two doctor Hooves
Newcomer here. I have only 2 plushies, a Pinkie Pie and an RD from NICI. I'll try and make a big RD for cuddles after christmas with the help of the plushie info that there is here.

Does anyone bought plushies from the chinese company that makes them? Due to cheap shipping costs (My Achilles heel) and designs I'm interested in buying a few of them and I was wondering if the quality and appearance is good.
Tee hee I see what you did there Anon. Seriously awful looking cosplayers and shitty plush's, what a combo.
They're cute. The quality is okay. It's certainly appropriate for the price since they're usually about $15-20. They can have uneven embroidery sometimes or be misshapen so I recommend finding one in person if you happen by a convention but if you want one go for it.

No pony conventions or something that has ponies here so I can't see the quality up close.
someone has been quite busy
This anon is correct >>25678794

I tried ripping the pattern for my own use to make myself a big waifu plush and I just figured I'd post it for any other anons who might be interested as to give them a good head start that I didn't have. I guess some people might see that as being low but I just wanted to help anon make their waifu.

Ain't the most perfect pattern around but all the other free patterns are terrible. I saw planetplush released a paid pattern that looks pretty good though.
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finished mane.jpg
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Anyone streaming today?

What a qt
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WOW! She looks so good! The poofy, wavy mane and tail! I love seeing these ponies take shape, especially when they turn out so good!!!
Thanks!! The mane is always the hardest part for me but I think I was able to do a somewhat decent job on it.
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son, I am impress
So what all needs to be done now?
and yo, check dA
there has not been a pen holding test for the plot yet
I've been waiting for this!
we might need a jumbo sharpie though
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Oh my! Looking forward to thissssss

What's the pen holding test...?
It's not derailing if you post plush pictures. The rest is just conversation. Anyways, best of luck.

>they see just how difficult a plush can be to make.
So very much this. Anyone can make a plush but making them look good requires a ton of skill, multiple attempts, and a bunch of practice. So much can go wrong making a pony from putting a cutie mark on backwards to thread snapping in the worst places, to embroidery files going haphazard.

The more beanies I see the more and more I think I'm going to fuck up sewing the hips together when I start.

Super poofy tail.
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Damn son
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Oooohhh I get it.
How do you manage to make that?
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Like this?
I'm totally not posting this patreon exclusive early preview here.

Ignore me.

I am just really thrilled with how this turned out. Anon better post pics once she's done!

Sounds like it friend. $25-$50 is manufactured price range. You're not going to find any decent quality custom for that much. Especially not a standing pattern. The plush list will give you a good idea about it, but if you have any questions I'd be happy to try to help. It sounds like you're kinda new and just don't quite understand what all goes into a custom plush and what drives the prices up like they are.

This. In the United States, the only thing protected under copyright as far as patterns is concerned is the direct pattern itself. Like, you can't copy and paste the pattern to sell it. Anything you make from it and try to sell, even if the owner says it's personal use only, is technically unenforcable under the law. However, the whole blacklisting and alerting their fanbase (which is likely larger than yours if you're taking their pattern to get started) is 100% what happens. Really, the rule is just don't be a douche. Respect artists. Take their pattern, learn from it, make your own.

>like EP
Oh, geez, you flatter me. Thank you for the compliment, it's a real confidence boost I've been needing lately.

And, all the things you speak are true.

I could stream in a bit if anyone is interested. Embroidery and such.

BEAUTIFUL. She looks so darn cuddly! My kinda pony plushie.

This is the best pen holding test I've ever seen. So not sorry for starting that trend.
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>not having an alice plush
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Fucking UNF!
>Respect artists, don't be a douche.
I suppose it's a case of honor among thieves isn't it? Respect the artists, but everyone is OK with shitting all over the big faceless corporations (Hasbro) by profiting off of their IP.
I don't care that they do this, and I certainly respect the raw effort and skill that artists put into their plush making, but It's kind of delusional for non-OC, non-liscensed plush makers to think that
they should have any kind of ownership over FIM designs.
>Chinese plushies
Aaaaah nice!
In this case it's not FiM designs. It's a pattern for a cartoon style equine/cervid quadruped. Most patterns don't nail showstyle to a T, so combined with those differences, change the eye shape and it could just as easily be not a MLP. People getting butthurt over copying a certain way they made RD's hair, that's excessive.
Yes EP, stream please!
The fanart/commission thing is a real grey area with the copyright laws, from my very, VERY limited understanding in it these plush's and designs fall under the fair use law due to various loopholes and what not.

It's something too complicated for me to keep up with and I'd more than likely get it wrong so take what I said with a grain of salt.
Okay. I'll plan on 9ish, then. Late night stream ftw.
I'll be there
turned out awesome EP!
I will post pics
stream would be cool

they are a decent starting plush for people
not everyone can drop hundreds of dollars on a commission
the only reason why I even was able to get a LS was from a ton of overtime
same reason why I've got a few plushies in the works or being shipped right now, overtime

Hasbro has the resources to make plushies that are on par with top tier makers easily and the resources to pump them out at thousands made a day, making them cheaper and more readily available to the general consumer
but they are in it for a quick buck, using cheap materials, cheap labor and machines doing 95% of the work

as >>25682573 it's the pattern that's the concern here, not Hasbro
not eve Hasbro's patterns really come close to the show

it's more that these makers take time out of their day to work on something just for YOU
making sure that it's just right for YOU
the better makers with a waiting list are the ones that go above and beyond, putting more love and care in each hand made plush just for YOU
which makes each plush unique and special for each person

everybody loves custom things because it makes themselves feel important or special

I'd rather interact with an artist that's willing to work with me in getting my vision of my waifu right and cares about that almost as much as me, than a faceless corporation who only wants my money
>not everyone can drop hundreds of dollars
Don't forget the shipping in Europe or someplace like that. I had shipping rates of over 60$ for a T-shirt in some stores. I don't want to know how much a plushie will cost.
>In the United States, the only thing protected under copyright as far as patterns is concerned is the direct pattern itself.
Incorrect. 17 U.S.C. 106(2) gives the owner of a copyright the exclusive right to prepare derivative works based on the copyrighted work. In other words, anything made using the pattern would be infringement without permission of the owner of the pattern copyright.

However, that assumes that the pattern is not substantially similar to patterns in the public domain, and since stuffed animal horses have a much longer history than even MLP in general, that could mean that horse patterns in general might not be protectable. That would require more research than I want though.
Shit, there go my sides.
I completely agree with everything you said with respect to the customs artists and skilled trade.
I like to play devil's advocate by discussing the ehtics of all of it, to keep a sense of perspective on the whole matter.

For example, here are two patterns that I found for sale, using a quick google search. I know nothing about these artists, I just found these with a quick search


In both of these listings, a plush pattern is for sale. The phrase and image of "Fluttershy" is used to describe the pattern and promote a sale.
The artists also clearly state that they don't want other people using this pattern to sell or to make and sells plushies.
The artists want us to "respect" them by honoring this policy.
I just feel like there is no respect to be had, since they themselves are copying a copyrighted design. Would it really be wrong to take their pattern and profit from that?
Certainly it couldn't be any worse than them profiting from the IP that Hasbro paid for.
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Not bad, but check this out.

I ran out of stuff...
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>The can
at that point, it's up to your moral compass to tell you if it's "right" or "wrong"
just be prepared for consequences if you were to get caught
for instance, Drawponies was a very popular artist for their show accurate style
getting tons of commissions and I think they had a Patreon too, but on one of their live streams they were seen literally copying poses from still images in the show
suffice to say this caused an uproar for many
it's one thing to use stills for references, but they were and always had been tracing off of the show and they fell from grace and became mockingly known as Traceponies.
basically a, "they will never work in this town again" situation

in the case of the plushies, yes, they used a pony from the show to show off the pattern, than either an OC or a blank one:
this is a better way to advertise a pattern, or like this
but it's easier for people to get an idea of what the pony will look like with the eyes, CM and mane/tail on it
the artistic license comes in the pattern itself
you can take any color and apply it to the pattern to make any pony, but the pattern design is the most important part
it took hours to days of trial and error to get it to look right
even then, most makers strive to improve their patterns and rather than waste the retired pattern, they sell it under the agreement that the pattern as is and will not be used for financial gain
and now we're back to the moral dilemma for the new owner of said pattern
it's fine to use it as practice and a reference for making your own
now open the can and use a crazy straw
Just proves Twilight has the best booty of em all.
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God damn that embroidery just looks so beautiful. I'm starting to wonder if I SHOULD commission embroidery for my Rainbow. Or maybe I should shop around and try to find my own machine. I finished Octavia's CM today using a satin stitch because it needed to be small and I kept screaming every time the thread snapped. It looks nowhere near as good as a specialized machine.

Pinkie, I...

Guuuuuuys. Don't make me do this, too.

So.. My beanie pattern at the legs didn't work at all how I was imagining it. Thankfully it doesn't mean I can't put it together, just means that it's not going to have the pronounced hips like I thought it would. Next time I think I'm going to try a horizontal pattern instead of vertical. Progress update since I need to get ready for work and this is all I finished.
Stream at 9:30. Played one too many games of League, need to fix dinner.
Is there anything you haven't yet shoved up my waifu? :P
How long then?
Dinner is pizza!
Believe it or not, according to the law, objects made from patterns are not derivative works.

We just had a huge discussion in a plush group I'm in about this, and someone posted a long in-depth article done by a lawyer who also does crafts.
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My dick?
T-10 minutes.
Do you have a link to the article? I really hope that you're right and that I'm wrong, and that there is precedent restricting the reach of what is considered a "derivative work" since that is interpreted broadly in most other fields.
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link for the stream?
twitch dot tv slash equinepalette
It's not like hasn't has ever issued a C&D to a plush maker before in this fandom.

Oh, wait.
Thanks, forgot to post the link.
I'd love to add alice to my family and I've found a few at a fairly decent price but I can't find reliable information on making sure it's not counterfeit
Just because there's a C&D does not mean that the underlying claim is valid. Plus that particular C&D dealt with the infringement of a character copyright/trademark.
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Plushie makers who sell at cons (or people who sell anything else at cons), have you had to stop anyone from picking up a plush with clearly cheeto-dust or otherwise dirty fingers?

Any other artist alley/vendor shennanigans stories?
What ever became of the Lyra plushie anyway?
I made an error in >>25683462 which makes you technically right. Patterns themselves cannot be copyrighted, but they can fulfill the requirement for copyright of a design to be fixed in a tangible medium of expression. It is the design of the plush that the pattern makes which is the copyrighted subject matter. Therefore, you are right that objects made from patterns aren't derivative works. However, those objects can still infringe on the design, subject to the validity of the copyright on the design.

I still wish to see the article in case my understanding is mistaken.
New to this thread yes if that's what you mean. I know very little about what it takes to make one. I have an Octavia plush toy a friend made for me for my birthday a few tears back. She told me a few things that she had to do to make it and material is what makes it so expensive. I remember something about a device that could make the eyes and cutie marks really easily. However, she didn't have one and they are expensive as well.
The doc has a lot of different people that all offer different things and I'm even more lost now. The lingo is foreign to me and I could use help there since I'm not even sure what I want now. Any recommendations? I'm always willing to learn something new and this stuff interest me considering I do have some of the equipment to make one myself. Might read the how-to later if I have time.
Unfortunately, I tried to find the article and couldn't. Feel free to keep researching, though--I wouldn't blame you for not taking some random person on the internet's word.

Honestly, material isn't what makes it expensive. It's labor. Sure, the material used on them is more expensive than most, but most materials for a standard plush won't run over $50 tops. Labor, however, will take anywhere from 12-40 hours depending on the pattern and pony. If a plushmaker doesn't undersell themselves and charges at least minimum wage, that's $87-$290 just in labor hours. Not counting if a plushmaker charges overhead or puts a price on their experience and skill level.

That hour count may sound crazy, but I can totally break it down further for you if you'd like.
I'll keep researching, and I'll let you know if I find anything. Last thing I want is to be like most people on this board and spread misinformation on copyright law.
>That hour count may sound crazy
if by crazy you mean crazy low.
for that one sunset glimmer fag
That is one very unappealing Starlight. The mane is wrong and the accessories are tacky. Starlight would never wear that garish getup. Looks like she is about to fall on her face.
she's had too much to drink and is a little "tipsy"
That plushie is made by the same woman who made Jin's Twilight.
I thought she was out of the plush business because of that

She is back.

"I'm in the process of making more, and more ponies so keep a eye out! Princess Celestia (a favorite pony of mine) and Trixie shall be making their grand appearance soon!"
>Only 299$ each.
I've had a couple people literally toss my plushes back into my shelves after picking them up, but no cheeto fingers.

Cons are just a mess of weird folks, so there's always stories you forget in your sleep addled haze
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