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Guys I'm in love with two horses and want them both as my
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Guys I'm in love with two horses and want them both as my waifu.

What do?

>Pic related
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You drop your shit waifus for a god-tier one
Flutterbutter has little redeeming qualities other than being adorable. Rarity is not best pone, but I certainly better, why are you conflicted anon?
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You can't have 2 waifus.

Pick one and commit for life, faggot.
This guy gets it, and checked
Ok. Where is she? Do you have a picture of her?

But I love them both
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Perhaps you could waifu their illegitimate bastard daughter
why you love both? give us the reasons and maybe you will find your answer there.
Fluttershy and I have a lot in common. We both love animals, we're both shy and introverted, and I think she is just the cutest.

For Rarity I think she is adorable and I admire her generosity. She's also really funny and gentle. She's also got a great work ethic that I think would keep me on track.
i think you identify yourself whit fluttershy but you love rarity.
And that's the problem. I see so much good in both that I want them. In the words of Twilight in season 1:


Relationships aren't just about seeing the "good." Could you handle Fluttershy's reclusiveness and anxiety, or Rarity's obsessiveness and histrionics? To which one can you offer more? Which one are you best equipped to partner with?
I could certainly handle Fluttershy's since I am also a recluse and anxious wreck at times.

Rarity might be a tad more difficult, but I know I would be able to figure a way around it. I might be able to calm her down actually.
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Pick Rara of course, she is pretty and has development in the show
unlike Fluttershy which is shit and is still the same one as s1
Rarara a whore and a shit. Her fans are also shits.
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Grow up, pleb.jpg
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Obviously you don't understand the concept of love. You're probably just lusting over them both and would not be able to keep a stable relationship with either of them.
Nah. I don't want to smex them. I love them
We still dont know if he had sex in the show
Keep your headcanons out
>her fans are shit
like all waifufaggots in this shit
Just cause it is a show for little girls. If she wasn't in that kind of show, she would have fucked several males already just for monetary or power favors.
But by all means maintain your delusions because they are hilarious to watch.
>sex is canon
>they do it like normal mammals

we know that Cadance and Ms Cake arent virgins
But Rarity? We dont know faggot, stop projecting as a whore the kind of girl who bullied you as a child
No girl bullied me as a child.
I am just a bisexual faggot that thinks that bitches get too much fucking consideration just for having tits and a vag.
Just because you're a degenerate, that doesn't make everypony in the universe a degenerate as well. Ponies don't even have jews, who would push for an overly sexual society, anyway? Not to mention ponies are comfortable enough with their bodies to be nude all the time, so it just wouldn't make sense for sexual confusion to be a problem like it is here.
It's only instinct. Take as many waifus as your heart desires..
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you must choose.jpg
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Never forget Tracy's wise words:
'Remember to only have one waifu
or else i will stab you with a knaifu'

>"Pick Rara of course"
What does Coloratura has to do with any of this?
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If that's true then I'll have thirty waifus so she stabs me 15 times in the chest and I finally can die.
Why would she only stab you 15 times instead of 29?
I don't know man, Fluttershy has been my waifu since Season 2 and it's been that way ever since.

She's cute, has a soothing voice, and has a lot of fun story potential that writefags have used a lot

Rarity on the other hand is a pretty alright waifu. She has her own interests, is self employed, and is probably the most mature of the main cast.
I like Fluttershy personally, but it's up to you anon
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I thought it was 1 time for every two.
But if she stabs me 29 times, then much better.
You're not a very logical mathematician. It's obviously one stab per additional waifu.
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>Mary Sue

Pick one and only one.
Rarity is the choice of true patricians.

which one has the better-smelling anus?
Rarity, obviously. There's no way she wouldn't keep herself super clean down there. Plus Fluttershy is always busy around her animals and is a hippy, so she might not even wipe.
You can have as many as you want OP, because they're all not real.
Become a Mormon.
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