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>"Who shall I be tonight, Anon?"
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Thread replies: 27
Thread images: 11
>"Who shall I be tonight, Anon?"
I'm going to tell you what everyone has told me when I asked how to get friends.

Just be yourself.
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ayy lmao
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Chrysalis oficially confirmed for best character.
Hexes confirm you should JUS BEE URSELF
"You'll be my beautiful, smart, and just generally fantastic wife. But if you could make yourself look like Cadence, that'd be great "
That's adorable.
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/s4s/ here
Niiiiceeee hexes

Then let's roleplay Equestria has been conquered and she's now my unwilling sex slave.

God, a sex life with Chrysalis would be awesome.
She'd probably love that scenario, too.
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>Those digits
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I can imagine that too.
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>Just be yourself.

>"Be... myself?"
>"Anon, I do not understand."
>"I - I have to be something you love, so I can feed."
>"Who shall I be tonight?"
>changelings, being used to adopt new identities for a variety of purposes, can't cope with the idea of "just be yourself"
>Come on chrysalis we've been together for over a month now. You know I love you.

>you hug her but she doesn't react
>she feeds on love, she can sense its heat a mile away
>and right now, with your arms around her, she has never felt more cold.
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Bill Murray

fuckin just killed my boner senpai
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>tfw clinically diagnosed sociopath
I can literally never feel or understand love, empathy, or sympathy.
I'm intelligent enough to realize I am incomplete, despite my best efforts, I cannot feel it.
This could be a fantastic greentext. Any writefags wanna do us the honors?
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>she tops you while you roleplay as Shining Armor
>then she turns into Twilight
>Chrysalis roleplays Twilight while you roleplay Shining Armor
"Get-Away-From-My-Lover-Kick!" You scream as you do a flying kick towards fake anon.
>For a brief second fake anons eyes grow wide with fear before they squint, change purple, as she teleports behind you.
>"Damn it Anon! All I needed was a couple of minutes and she would of been too ashamed to ever get near you again!"
>"what the tartarus is going on here?"
"Chrissi touch my heart! I'm the real Anon and I will always love you! Twilight is working with Celestia to break us up!"
>As the purple bitch unzips and steps out of the full body-pillow-anon she shouts
"Anon why can't you understand! The power you are giving her with your love is too much! I can't risk equestrians saftey just for you! She's evil and I know you'll see it one day!"
>with a bright flash is is gone, but you know she will return, and as you look at your lover you know you'll be ready.
"So bae I think it's time you visited the eye doctor..."
The situation may not be as hopeless as all that. If you don't feel love, what brought you to this thread?
Thread replies: 27
Thread images: 11

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