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Rarity is worst pony and thats a fact
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Thread replies: 186
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Rarity has been proven many times in the show to be a complete stuck up bitch. Her whininess and stupidity is the reason why nopony should even like her in the first place. All those rarifags are delusional autistics who only like rarity for the lolz and should be kicked out of the fandom for their stupid choices. Before you rage at me please know that its a fact and im just stating the truth. Her face is the one thing that i would never want to see in the show again and you know why? Because shes been proven countless of times to be objectively worst pony. The only redeeming quality of her is that she's friend with pinkie pie. Otherwise, FUCK RARITY
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Now now darling, you don't need to get so upset about cute ponies doing cute things.
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Not even a rarifag, friend. But I seem to understand you need pics of Diamondbutt.
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How adorable, you have an opinion.
Subtle Rarity thread?
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Rarity thread
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That's probably what OP was looking for.
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Sounds like a Rarity thread to me.
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What Fluttershy said about Rarity when she was being assertive in "putting your hoof down" is super true
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we have to make sure: post more rara
the most snuggable rarara
But anon, Twist is already the worst
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Even the japs like her.
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This gives me some weird EqG vibes.
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>"So, anon...are you here to confess your sins? Or to commit new ones?"
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Oh fuck no ugly ass bitch don't deserve to be on my thread you rarifags should go kill urselves
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>you rarifags should go kill urselves
So, we NON-rarifags are allowed to go on? Good to know, OP. Thanks.
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>garter and stockings with no panties
Don't think I can avoid committing some highly sexual sins.
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>tfw she tries to say "ego te absolvo", in between moaning, panting and screaming
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I don't even waifu her but I still think she's a hot piece of pone ass.

Get your eyes checked, faggot.
>implying Rara isn't 2nd best pone
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>I don't even waifu her but I still think she's a hot piece of pone ass

Applefag here
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Nice metaphorical gateway to heaven right there.
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Sunfag here.
Besides being hot, I still think her episodes are some of the better ones for some reason.

I guess I kinda like her need for artistic perfection with whatever she does. And her random intense outbursts are pretty funny.
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I for one, love her trope. Yep, she's a living trope, but a good, funny one. Cause everyone could make a prototypical "diva" character, but it takes good writing to make it so that it's not shoehorned and boring.

Sunbutt is also hot, anyway
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Jesus. Not even a rarafag, but that is too cute bruh
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>she's a living trope, but a good, funny one
That's a good way to put it. She fits plenty of feminine stereotypes, but it's hard to seriously dislike her.

She's very far from being a dumb bimbo, and she's a real sweetheart when you get past the overly lady-like facade.

I have a soft spot for those applebucking hips too.
CIA has been proven many times in the in The Dark Knight Rises to be a complete small guy. His whininess and stupidity is the reason why nogun should even like him in the first place. All those CIAfags are delusional autistics who only like CIA 4u and should be kicked out of my aircraft for their stupid choices. Before you rage at me please know that its a fact and im just stating the truth. His cowboy stance is the one thing that i would never want to see in the show again and you know why? Because hes been proven countless of times to be objectively worst man. The only redeeming quality of him is that he gets em on board and calls Ittin. Otherwise, FUCK CIA
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This. Too over the top and adorably classy to hate.

Guess we're plot men, after all
>likes Trump
>hates hard working small business owner horse
Tea baggers everyone
>stop liking what I don't like

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Agreed. For being so insistently classy, she's adorable as fuck.
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Hello there
Why hello there, nightmare fuel.
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Rarity for best fighter
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>You will never cuddle with rarara after a long day of work at the boutique.
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Even her eating looks cute
>at the end of the day she drops her refined attitude, completely neglects her carefully-maintained hairdo, and goes without makeup
There's something very attractive about that.
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Even her eating is art.
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cutest depression
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The squishiest face
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Classiest tease
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Oh yes.
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I'd argue that she's more of a subversion of the typical "pretty girl of the group" trope. That's what initially already made her stand out to me. From there, it's only gotten better.
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Oh, sure, don't get me wrong. But at a first glance that's what strikes most: "Oh, they are playing the 'diva' card..."

Each of them is more than the trope they represent (Diva, Nerd, Party girl, Tomboy, Shy, Country girl), but you have to look a bit deeper to get it.
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In some ways, sure.

I'd say that she's so good because she's an obvious part of the stereotypes but she also avoids the downsides of them, like being stupid, petty, and self-centered for the most part.

She's a very girly girl, but she's not a bitch.
My god, it's so smooth...has this scene always been this smooth?
Season 1 is very smooth, but I think that clip has still had a little improving.
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>You've been hit by, you've been hit by a smooth webm!
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>noir Rarity
>smooth criminal
Goddammit, never made that comparison before.

Well done, anon.
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First thing that came in my mind after seeing the hat. It also helps the fact Rara's coat is white.
>It also helps the fact Rara's coat is white.
did it used to be black though?
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Sheev has been proven many times in Star Wars to be the senate. His Sheeviness and Sheevity is the reason why no one should even like him in the first place. All those Sheevfags are delusional autistics who only like Sheev and should be deemed treason for their stupid choices. Before you rage at me please know that its a fact and I'm just stating the truth. His spinning is the one thing that I would never want to see in the movies again and you know why? Because hes been proven countless of times to be objectively the worst man. The only redeeming quality of him is that he AURRRAGHHHH. Otherwise, FUCK SHEEV
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Sigh, predictable. Look at the video, my friend. You'll get what I meant.

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I got it the first time, anon

So good to know you don't like jokes though
Not my fault our board is filled with skintone obsessed slavshit believing their DNA makes them a little less shit.
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You couldn't have put it better.
...funny part they don't even grasp the inherent irony of it: people don't shun them cause they are nazi, they shun them cause they are slavs.

Well Rarity is a subversion in that typically her tropes are played in a negative way, the girly girl who likes fashion is usually A. pretty dumb, B. immensely selfish C. a Trend Follower not a trend setter D. an antagonist.

But the thing is why? There's really no reason WHY the fashionista character should be some mean petty bitch and Faust and crew designed Rarity with that in mind, So Rarity is generous (most of the time) she's probably the smartest after Twilight, she's a passionate artist who's love of fashion is born out of passion for the art rather than a pure self-centered desire to look pretty (not that she doesn't but she also wants to help everyone ELSE look beautiful)

she's intentionally meant to defy most of the sterotypes tied to her tropes.

Unfortunately simply being tied to those tropes has made it hard for her to be as popular as she probably should be, given that in many ways she's the most well put together and well written member of the cast. A lot of people just see her surface and never try to understand her.

I mean that's not as bad as it used to be, I remember in S1-S2 the fandom would just pick apart Rarity's every freaking action while typically mostly ignoring Rainbow Dashes's flaws which was a ridiculous double standard but it's still present.

Also she has the most consistently strong episodes of anyone, so that's also a plus.
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>Before you rage at me please know that its a fact and im just stating the truth
>objectively worst pony
I needed that laugh, tryhard.


How is one pony so perfect?
Is this based off the EQG design?
It's surprisingly sexier
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It's just Pony Rarity with EQG Rarity's hair yes.
Where did this whole Sheev Palpitine come from anyway?
No, her hair is slightly different also.

It's his name, revealed in one of the recent books.
>not worshiping Rarity

Why do you do this to yourself?
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Top cute
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>people falling for this bait
How low we've sat

I think people just used it as an excuse to circlejerk Rarity a bit.
>How low we've sat
Sitting down usually involves lowering yourself.

What Fluttershy said in "putting your hoof down", proved that she's a passive-aggressive bitch who's always thinking poorly of her friends.
Too old

Unlike Fluttershy, Rarity has made something of her life and is a successful businessmare who has just opened her second shop and has contacts and friends within the upper crust of society like Fancy Pants and Sapphire Shores.

Meanwhile Fluttershy just hangs out with her animals all day, maybe takes care of others for a bit of money on occasion. Does she even have a permenant job? Even Rainbow who we know to basically be lazy about anything but her dream holds a job with the weather team and contributes to society.
Rarity seems the most like a realistic successful adult, while still seeming like a child playing dressup.
You rarifags are the reason rarity is worst pony now gtfo and stop posting retarded pictures of that bitch!!!!!
Also pinkie pie is best pony

Well that's part of why she's so fun.

And really she's self-aware of much of the drama, it's on romantics where she really has a childish view of things. Read way too many romance novels.
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How can anyone hate this pretty girl?
eww, eqg
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Realtalk for a moment, why do you think Rarafags are so hated? Is it just because of association with "worst pony worst fanbase?"
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Fine then, XD
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I'll be on your team. C:

Rarity may have haters, but she doesn't garner as much hatred as Rainbow Dash or Fluttershy does.
Or Twilight or Pinkie Pie?

Twilight only gets people who whine about her because of DA WINGZ.

Pinkie Pie complainers usually hate the "lolrandumb" parts of her, and scrutinize her for any wacky behavior

I don't care about the Wings, but Twilights been a lot more boring in the last 2 seasons.

Because she got written into a corner, and no one knows what to do with her anymore.

Even the show acknowledges this. (Made in Manehattan)
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I hate Hasdrones
Fluttershy is cute and adorable and I would love to never have to watch another one of her goddamn pointless episodes.

What's the matter? Don't you want to see her overcome her timidity?

You know, for the 4th time.
To be fair, don't post IDW to back up a point about a character being shit. IDW ruins everyone's character. Just look at what a complete bitch IDW Rarity is.

O yeah, Rarity literally says that if Twilight was there she'd just solve it all with her magic, but it would be totally meaningless and no one would learn anything basically.

Still Twilight gets stuff from time to time, and even in that very same episode the opener with her is really funny, she's in better shape than Fluttershy who's just practically disappeared.

I hate IDW Rarity.
What's up with Twilight's face?

Oh, looks like someone swapped the expressions in the 1st and 2nd panels.

But the point about Rarity still stands.

I really don't see what's wrong there, Rarity was caught in some fantasy of hers and wasn't really paying attention to stuff around her.

The stuff with her just lusting over every fucking stallion she meets around is the problem.

Iv never really heard people hate Rarity fans.

I mean here a bit but only when Rara and Dash fans get into pissing contest, but that doesn't happen much anymore.
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Which is why rarity is overrated.
Pinkie pie deserves more love
But there's countless other instances of Rarity caught up in her own world, and selfishly too. She's rarely written well.

Nowadays most characters are rarely written well in the comics, Cook definitely sadly completely forgot how to write Rarity well after the Micro and the Rarity/Applejack oneshot but in the Rarity focused comics like the Micro, and her friends forever other than the Cakes one I think she usually bats pretty decently, it's really just Cook who writes her really badly outside of those 2 earlier mentioned one shots.
I din't know, I feel it's not just Cook. The Nightmarity Arc, while didn't make her look like a bitch, still was bad on her, made her look really pathetic. (The Gravity Falls insert didn't help one bit. It should have been an OC that looked like a Rarity-type, not some random cartoon reference.

Then she really sparks a lot of fights among the Mane 6. Like in the bookworm arc she started a big fight, and the whole town thing was her fault too.
I know, for some reason it's really lame to see "young Celestia" looking more like Luna and Cadance
I remember when Rarity actually was unpopular, and people ignored Rainbow Dashes flaws while picking Rarity's apart.

Thank god those days are long past.
Do they still have the same ones?
I think it's just the vocal minority that hates on Rarity. It seems she's a lot of people's favorites.
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dresshorse besthorse
The polls don't say that.
What? Last time there was a poll here, she placed right behind Twilight, who was obviously #1. I mean, of course Twifags run /mlp/ at this point, but still.
Go anywhere else, it's almost complete different. /mlp/ is all about sex-appeal, so logically, Rarity would rank high no matter what.
I know someone who hates Rarity so much he won't watch any of her episodes, while he also owns quite a few Rainbow Dash plushies.
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More you hate Rarara, more you want her to rape you ass with strapon. Its like feminism and mans.
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>All those rarifags are delusional autistics who only like rarity for the lolz and should be kicked out of the fandom
>out of the fandom
Bait identified. Rarity thread is a go. Have some shit I drew.
Aw, her little hoofies hanging off the step is adorable. Not in a hoof fetish way, just in a qt3.14 way.
No one really likes MLP anymore, never did

Iv been to the subreddit, she seems popular there, Derpibooru seems to have less bashers in the comments and forums there than Dash and Flutters. MLPforums just seems to flat out worship her and I see loads of EQD commenters with avatars of her.

There was a time when she was fairly unpopular but she's surged in the last 2 years or so.

While Rarity was indeed 5th in the census last year the gap between the top Mane 6 and the bottom was only like 8 or so percent, basically they all have large fanbases.


The big consistency in the fandom is no matter where you poll Twilight will be on top and Applejack at the bottom the rest are close enough that it can vary from site to site.

Ah well that's someone who WANTS to hate her. Probably still uncomfortable with her reminding him its a girls show.
Rainbow Dash is just as girly

Twifags run everything. And among content creators particularly fic writers they are also by far the most dedicated soley to their favorite. Weridly enough as obessive as Rarity fans can come off they are the least in that regard.
Twifags of all kind?

I suppose? What is your question exactly?
Twilicornfags vs. Unicornfags

O, yeah all kinds, seriously go on Fimfiction look at someone who professes Twilight as their favorite, frequently 80% of their stories will be Twilight focused. Then do the same for Rarity, other than a few authors most of them will have at most a third Rarity and the rest will be other stuff. This applies to people who have Rarity ships as their OTP as well. Rarity fans who write apparently get tired of writing mostly for one character more easily than most.

Legit "MUH ONLY TWILIGHT IS A UNICORN" fags are few and far between these days.
Not necessarily. She essentially creates the bridge of "Wow, look how cool I am!"
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It is very irresponsible to be so close to your waifu if you are that heavily irradiated, anon.
the fedora really seals that poor ponon Anpone? Poenun?
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>That feel when you do everything you can to not look like "the reality" but you're still not 100% you don't.

Nice Strawman

*100% certain

Rarity is best horse.
I have never really liked her, nor have I exacly hated her
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The irony is that I really DO look more like Trenderhoof, but would still probably behave more like the other guy. Without the fedora though. I look terrible in hats.
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It's too bad you feel that way, I'm sure you wont take it well when she's made into next princess.
Rarity is such a slut
She's actually not that bad. They all have pretty nasty flaws.
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But she's our slut.
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She'd probably be a better princess than Bookhorse.
She's a pony, so she doesn't count, along with 99.5% of the characters
No one should have been a princess, you Hasdrone
She is also a children's cartoon
At least Rarity wanted to be a princess before it was cool.
That was back when the term wasn't dumb-downed and treated as the only ideal thing for girls.
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You don't know shit from shinola.
That's my point. In summary, Twilight completely ruined Rarity's dream of being a princess. So in retailation, Rarity will become Equestria's greatest librarian.
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I like this idea
Posting alicorn images is messing with my mind
Is it because she looks too close to Celestia, save for the mane?
No, it's because princesses originally weren't implied to be inherently like Celestia
Thread replies: 186
Thread images: 98

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