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ITT post cute /m/echa
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File: file.png (110 KB, 600x600) Image search: [Google]
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ITT post cute /m/echa
File: Turn A.jpg (35 KB, 600x482) Image search: [Google]
Turn A.jpg
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File: UCHUU SPESS NAMBA WAN GENDUM.jpg (18 KB, 350x263) Image search: [Google]
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Hmm cowtits.
fuck no, those things are a catastrophe waiting to happen, they're unruly, irresponsible, difficult to control and their cutesy behavior only makes that fact more infuriating because it makes people like you overlook how dangerous they are.

Fuchikomas are where it's at.
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S2 of Moe Suit Gundam when?
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The cutest.
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Gampe's are cute. Even their name has a cute ring to it.
That's Kobayashi's Baund Doc. Gampe doesn't have the giant phallus hanging from the bottom.
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>That's Kobayashi's Baund Doc

No, I'm pretty sure it's a Gampe variant.

>Gampe doesn't have the giant phallus hanging from the bottom

Nor did Baund Doc from what I can see.
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That GK is based on this design. Gampe and Gampf don't have anything down there.
Their design is cute chill
it's a toilet with legs

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the logis where pretty rad
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I too find tachis inferior to originals but all komas are love. Even retarded logikoma.
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What, is that?

Logi's are babies, if anyone's the retard it's the Tachi's. At least you can ride a logi without looking like oscar the grouches nippon cousin
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she looks like a tech prriest
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